Report of a conference convened by I.C.I. at the Midland Hotel, Birmingham on 14th January, 1953 Phosphating - In Principle and Practice.

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Technik - 9.188 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Seitenaufrufe: 9


PHOSPHATING is an operation now widely employed in metal finishing. Having made a close study for many years of phosphating processes and problems, I.C.I. considered that the time was appropriate for some consolidation of knowledge and experience in this field. The purpose of this conference was to provide for an interchange of views, so as to assist in such a consolidation. - Luncheon Address By Mr. H. Silman, President, Institute of Metal Finishing - Plant Requirements, Address by Mr. A. W. Putnam, Carrier Engineering Co. Ltd. - Performance and Control, Address by Mr. R. J. Brown, Nuffield Central Research Laboratories - Discussion
69 Seiten mit 10 Bildern
ca. 14,5 x 22


guter Zustand, Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar - Einband etwas abgenutzt und leicht verschmutzt - untere Deckelecke angeknickt - Titel mit Stempeln und Notizen - Deckel innen mit angeklebtem Papierrest - Vorsatz mit weiterem Stempel - Papier etwas vergilbt, aber Seiten sauber und ordentlich - Seiten teils etwas eselsohrig

Details zum Artikel

Herausgeber: Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., London

Titel: Report of a conference convened by I.C.I. at the Midland Hotel, Birmingham on 14th January, 1953
Phosphating - In Principle and Practice

Jahr: 1953

Freie Beschreibung: PHOSPHATING is an operation now widely employed in metal finishing. Having made a close study for many years of phosphating processes and problems, I.C.I. considered that the time was appropriate for some consolidation of knowledge and experience in this field. The purpose of this conference was to provide for an interchange of views, so as to assist in such a consolidation. - Luncheon Address By Mr. H. Silman, President, Institute of Metal Finishing - Plant Requirements, Address by Mr. A. W. Putnam, Carrier Engineering Co. Ltd. - Performance and Control, Address by Mr. R. J. Brown, Nuffield Central Research Laboratories - Discussion
69 Seiten mit 10 Bildern
ca. 14,5 x 22

oldthing-Nummer: 39227116
| Lagernummer: 324555


96 % Positiv
217 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch

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