Smith, Jack. Wait for me at the Bottom of the Pool 1/300 CONCEPT ART POP-KULTUR

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Varia - 182.948 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie


Smith, Jack. Wait for me at the Bottom of the Pool. Artwork, ephemera and photography. (Editors: Jonas Mekas and Johan Kugelberg . Catalogue to the exhibition staged at Boo-Hooray from Valentine’s Day until March 10th, 2013). New York, The Circadian Press for Boo-Hooray (2013). Folio (37 x 28 cm.). [60] Bl. mit zahlr. teils farb. Abb. Orig.-Kartonumschlag mit farb. Deckelbild und auf beiden Seiten illustr. Orig.-Schutzumschlag (″Do not open til Happy Hour“).

Eines von 300 Exemplaren. – Seltener Ausstellungskatalog zum Werk des amerik. Konzeptkünstlers, Schriftstellers, Fotografen und Filmregisseurs. Jack Smith (1932–1989) war einer der Pioniere des amerikanischen Underground-Films und der Peformancekunst. Bekannt wurde er vor allem durch seinen skandalösen und bahnbrechenden Film Flaming Creatures (1962/63), der mit seinen sexuell aufgeladenen Bildern von Drag und ästhetisierten Gender-Performances eine cause célèbre der internationalen Avantgarde der 1960er- und 70er-Jahre darstellt. – „The whole of western culture exudes the distinctive aroma of slowing frying mermaid filleted“ (Jack Smith). – „Jack Smith, 1932-1989, was a master of the exotic idiom, working in theatre, underground film, photography, graphic design, drawing, and slideshows. He was one of the path-finding pioneers of American post-war underground aesthetics. Boo-Hooray exhibited handbills, posters, photographs, letters, artwork and collages by Jack Smith, spanning his career. – He could spend hours readjusting some peripheral aspect of a pile of debris, puncturing long silences only with occasional cryptic non sequiturs about penguins or a startling piece of extremely bad nutritional advice. (Gary Indiana). – Unlike Warhol, who had a genius for attracting and holding on to collaborators and powerful supporters, Smith, who was fully as charismatic, was a Blakean agonist in his personal relations, thriving on enmity, with the power to mythologize his antagonisms, his obsessions, and his fantasies (P. Adams Sitney). – Boo-Hooray and Anthology Film Archives also hosted an evening of Jack Smith films. The program featured Smith’s first film, Scotch Tape (1962, 3 minutes, 16 mm, color) and his masterpiece Flaming Creatures (1963, 45 minutes, 16 mm, black and white). Judith Malina presented the films and gave a talk that night as well. Jack Smith was to Republic Pictures what an idiot savant is to square roots (Rene Ricard). – At once primitive and sophisticated, hilarious and poignant, spontaneous and studied, frenzied and languid, crude and delicate, avant and nostalgic, gritty and fanciful, fresh and faded, innocent and jaded, high and low, raw and cooked, underground and camp, black and white and white-on-white, composed and decomposed, richly perverse and gloriously impoverished, Flaming Creatures was something new under the sun. Had Jack Smith produced nothing other than this amazing artifact, he would still rank among the great visionaries of American film (J. Hoberman).“ (Boo-Hooray). – Sehr gutes Exemplar mit dem oft fehlenden Schutzumschlag.


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oldthing-Nummer: 52383403
| Lagernummer: 286185143516

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37 Verkäufe
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Artikelstandort: DE-76133 Karlsruhe
Sprache: deutsch
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