Thomas, D. B: The First Negatives. An account of the discovery and early use of the negative-positive photographic process. (Science Museum Monographs).
Ein Angebot in Bücher & ZeitschriftenKunst: Fotographie - 3.321 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie
London, Her Majesty`s Stationery Office, 1976, Third [3.] impression. 39 pp., 1 leave. With 34 b&w illustrations. Large-8°, original boards.
A Science Museum Monograph. - "This monograph gives an opportunity for publishing a small selection of the photographs illustrating an account of the discovery and use of the calotype process, the first photographic process to utilize the chemical development of the latent image produced by briefly exposing silver salts to light" (Klappentext). - Cover minimally dusted, else fine copy.