Oxford, Clarendon Press 1978/82, 3 Bde. Mit zahlr. Abbildungen auf 400 Tafeln. Insges. LIV, 1301 S. Kl.-4to. OLwd.
(= "Oxford monographs on Classical Archaeology", edited by B. Ashmole, M. Robertson and J. Boardman). - Vol. I: Early and Middle Apulian; Vol. II: Late Apulian. The third volume contains the following indexes: 1.: Collections, 2.: Concordance with CVA and other publications, 3.: Mythological Representations, 4.: General, 5.: Vase-Painters and Groups. Further a table of stylistic and chronological relations. - "The main purpose of this book is to provide classified lists of Apulian red-figured vases, accompanied by brief explanatory comments on style and dating by sected illustrations, which we hope will enable the reader to follow our attributions or groupings" (Vorwort). - Ecken eines Bandes minimal bestoßen, ansonsten guter Zustand.
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Details zum Artikel
Autor:Trendall, A. D. and Alexander Cambitoglou
Titel:The Red-figured Vases of Apulia. Vol. I-II und Indexband
Verlagsort:Oxford, Clarendon Press 1978/82
Seitenanzahl:3 Bde. Mit zahlr. Abbildungen auf 400 Tafeln. Insges. LIV, 1301 S. Kl.-4to. OLwd