Wash-129: Sanitary Engineering Conference held at South District Filtration Plant, City of Chicago.

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Naturwissenschaften - 8.867 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie

Seitenaufrufe: 8



guter Zustand, Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar im Interimseinband mit Rückenetikett, Etikett mit Folie überklebt bis weit in beide Buchdeckel hinein - Titel mit Stempeln und Notizen - Deckel innen mit angeklebtem Papierrest - Seiten aber sauber und ordentlich, The purposes of this Sanitary Engineering Conference, sponsored by the AEC Division of Engineering and at which the following papers were presented were fourfold. First; to present and review the results of sanitary engineering operating and research activities at various AEC and contractor installations. Second; to promote the exchange and dissemination of sanitary engineering operating and research information between organizations, and the application of research results to design and operating problems. Third; to assess present sanitary engineering results and experience and to indicate direction of future activities. Fourth; to assemble, for the first time, AEC and contractor personnel engaged in sanitary engineering operations and research. The primary objectives of the sanitary engineering operations and research in AEC can also be listed as follows: - To develop better and cheaper ways for the handling of gaseous, liquid and solid atomic energy industrial wastes; particularly those of large volume and low activity level that result from the operations of reactors and associated chemical processing facilities. At the same time there must be assurance that the disposal, or return to nature of these wastes is done in a safe and efficient manner. - To evaluate the dilution and/or concentration factors in nature in order to determine the degree of waste treatment actually required prior to the release of effluents to the ground, atmosphere or surface water courses, thus taking an economic advantage of these factors where possible. - To obtain information on environmental factors, including hydrology, geology and meteorology, at and in the vicinity of existing and proposed AEC production and research areas. Such information is required in order properly to locate, design and build facilities and structures and to assure their safe and efficient operation. - To develop improved systems for water supply and waste handling installations associated with present and future reactor operations, halbleinen, ca. 19,5 x 25, 189 Seiten mit wenigen Bildern

Details zum Artikel

Herausgeber: United States Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Reactor Development, AEC, Washington, D. C

Titel: Wash-129: Sanitary Engineering Conference held at South District Filtration Plant, City of Chicago

Verlagsname: Technical Information Service, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Jahr: 1955

Sprache: Englisch

oldthing-Nummer: 39055950
| Lagernummer: 321421


96 % Positiv
221 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch

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