Yoshizaka, Takamasa: Le Corbusier: L`Unité d`habitation, Marseille, France. 1947-1952. L`Unité d`habitation, Berlin, West Germany. 1956-1958. Edited and photographed by Yuko Futagawa. Text by Takamasa Yoshizaka. [GA Global Architecture 18].
Ein Angebot in Bücher & ZeitschriftenArchitektur & Bauwesen - 3.318 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie
Titel:Le Corbusier: L`Unité d`habitation, Marseille, France. 1947-1952. L`Unité d`habitation, Berlin, West Germany. 1956-1958. Edited and photographed by Yuko Futagawa. Text by Takamasa Yoshizaka. [GA Global Architecture 18]
Verlagsort:Tokyo, A.D.A. Edita Tokyo, 1972
Seitenanzahl:48 pp. with numerous photographs, partly coloured. Gr.-Folio, 2°, original wrappers