98 % Positiv
Verkäufe: 416


Seitenaufrufe: 9


London, her Majesty´s Stationery Office, 1962
The Tower of London - Ministry of Works Guide-book
55 Seiten , 20 cm, kartoniert
The Tower of London; Ministry of Works Guide-book; Landeskunde; Geografie; London; England


das Buch ist ein Dachbodenfund, gebräunt, fleckig, The Tower of London was first built by William the Conqueror, for the purpose of protecting and Controlling the city. As first planned, it lay within the Roman city walls, but its enlargement late in the twelfth century carried its boundaries eastwards beyond the walls. Part of the Tower, therefore, was in the City of London, and part outside, but it forms, with its surrounding fortifications, a Liberty in itself. ... (aus dem Buch) 1f3b

Details zum Artikel

Händler-Kategorie: Orts- und Landeskunde

oldthing-Nummer: 26812287
| Lagernummer: 40699


98 % Positiv
416 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01983 Großräschen
Sprache: deutsch
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