98 % Positiv
Verkäufe: 416

Cooper, James Fenimore

Seitenaufrufe: 17


Berlin, Seven Seas publishers, 1965
Short Stories from his Novels
275 Seiten , 19 cm, kartoniert
Short Stories from his Novels; Geschichten; Erzählung; James Fenimore Cooper


die Seiten und der Einband sind altersbedingt gebräunt, fleckig, Eigentumsstempel, die Einbandkanten sind bestoßen, This book is truly o collector`s item - and exciting reading as weil! It is a book of short stories from the pen of a man who never wrote anyl They are tales excerpted from the many notels of James Fenimore Cooper. It took the fine literary scalpel of Sidney Finkelstein, the American critic, to extract them. As he states in his Introduction to the book, he accomplished this "by a delicate surgical process of cutting away connective tissue and other extraneous matter" from taies whidi lay embedded in a number of Cooper`s long-winded, tract-burdened and overly-written novels... The result will delight the reader - for here are eleven stories in the classical tradition.eadiof them fiUedwith color, plot. thrilling episode and fascinating characters and the romance of history. (vom Einbandrücken) 4r2a

Details zum Artikel

Händler-Kategorie: Geschichten & Erzählungen

oldthing-Nummer: 30069025
| Lagernummer: 43532


98 % Positiv
416 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01983 Großräschen
Sprache: deutsch
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