98 % Positiv
Verkäufe: 418

Freeman, H. C

Seitenaufrufe: 18


Marrickville, Verlag Science Press, 1969
Proceedings of the XII. International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Sydney, August 20-27,1969
229 Seiten , 24 cm, kartoniert
Proceedings of the XII. International Conference on Coordination Chemistry; Sydney, August 20-27,1969; H. C. Freeman; Verfahren des XII. Internationale Konferenz für Koordinationschemie, Sydney, 20.-27. August 1969; Chemie


das Buch stammt aus einer Haushaltsauflösung, gebräunt, fleckig, Einbandkanten mit Bestoßungen, aus dem Inhalt: The Nature ofthe Metal-LigandBondin Coordination Complexes - Mechanisms of Substitution and tiectron-Transfer Reaction - The Nature ofthe l\Aetal-LigandBondin Coordination Complexes - Mechanisms of Substitution and Electron-Transfer Reactions - Reactivity of Coordinated Ligands and Catalysis by Koordination Compounds - Structure and Reactivity of Organo-Metai/ic Compounds - The Nature ofthe Metal-LigandBondin Coordination Complexes - Mechanisms of Substitution and Electron-Transfer Reactions - Komplex Equilibria in Solution - fhe Nature ofthe Metal-Ligand Bond in Coordination Complexes - Biological Aspects of Coordination Chemistry - I\/Iechanisms of Substitution and Electron- Transfer Reactions - The Investigation of Molecular Dissymmetry - Structure and Reactivity of Organo-Metallic Compounds - The Nature ofthe Metal-Ligand Bond in Coordination Complexes - Biological Aspects of Coordination Chemistry - Komplex Equilibria in Solution - The Nature of the Metal-Ligand Bondin Coordination Complexes - Reactivity of Coordinated Ligands and Catalysis by Coordination Compounds 1m2b

Details zum Artikel

Händler-Kategorie: Chemie

oldthing-Nummer: 39974767
| Lagernummer: 48076


98 % Positiv
418 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01983 Großräschen
Sprache: deutsch
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