98 % Positiv
Verkäufe: 416

Gibbon, David and Ted Smart

Seitenaufrufe: 8


New York, Colour Library International Ltd, 1979
Washington State. A Picture Book to Remember her by Photography by Edmund Nägele F.R.P.S
64 Seiten , 27 cm, Hardcover/Pappeinband
Washington State; A Picture Book to Remember her by; Landeskunde; Geografie; USA; David Gibbon; Ted Smart


in englischer Sprache geschrieben, das Buch stammt aus einer Haushaltsauflösung, gebräunt, fleckig, Umschlagmit Bestoßungen, Widmungseintrag; ... Lofty inounrains amd saqebrush flats, wild rivers and alpine meadows. sweeping forests and a myriad of clear. bluy lakes predominate in the Evergreen State of Washington. Larger than tlie whole of New England, this northwest State remains largely unchanged since the golden era of the fur trade, when trappers became rieh from the sale of beaver. badger, fox and racoon skins. and the Hudson`s Bay Company was supreme. The forests they roamed remain, many of them virgin timber due to careful lumbering; benefiting both the economv and the large number of tourists who come to enjov their scenic splendour. ... (vom Umschlag) 4e5b ISBN-Nummer: 0517288664

Details zum Artikel

Händler-Kategorie: Geografie

oldthing-Nummer: 43371830
| Lagernummer: 49583


98 % Positiv
416 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01983 Großräschen
Sprache: deutsch
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