98 % Positiv
Verkäufe: 416

Gifford, Donald S

Seitenaufrufe: 7


London, Glasgow, Collins Books, 1965
Spanish Collins Phrase Books
160 Seiten , 16 cm, Hardcover/Pappeinband
Spanish; Sprachführer; spanische Sprache; Donald S. Gifford


die Seiten sind gebräunt, die Einband- und Rückenkanten sind teils bestoßen, This little book is more than a collection of useful phrases. It also answers many of the questions which a traveller in the Spanishspeaking countries will wish to ask about food, travel, customs and so on. Of course, it is not possible to give precise details about all these things, because timetables, rates of exchange, passport and customs regulations change. Up-to-date Information may be obtained from travel agencies. Labour exchanges also supply Information about passports, and banks about currency rates and regulations. A table is provided on page 140 in which the current rate of exchange should be entered. (aus dem Buch) 3l4b

Details zum Artikel

Händler-Kategorie: Sprachführer

oldthing-Nummer: 14467838
| Lagernummer: 30174


98 % Positiv
416 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01983 Großräschen
Sprache: deutsch
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