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278 Artikel gefunden

x05757; London, Greetings from.

x05757; London, Greetings from.

0,50 €
x05570; London. Big Ben from Westminster Pier by Night.

x05570; London. Big Ben from Westminster Pier by Night.

0,50 €
x05539; London. St. James Palace detachment of The Queens Guard followed by the Irish Guards marching to Buckingham Palace.

x05539; London. St. James Palace detachment of The Queens Guard followed by the Irish Guards..

0,50 €
x04773; JERSEY. Chäteau de Mont Orgueil.

x04773; JERSEY. Chäteau de Mont Orgueil.

3,50 €
x03306; loch Clair.

x03306; loch Clair.

0,50 €
x01622; Stonehenge from the North East.

x01622; Stonehenge from the North East.

3,50 €
x01617; London.Big Ben at the Haus of Parliament.

x01617; London.Big Ben at the Haus of Parliament.

1,50 €
x01533; London.

x01533; London.

1,50 €
x01105; Stonehenge, Wiltschire. Trilithons.

x01105; Stonehenge, Wiltschire. Trilithons.

2,50 €
x00328; London. Skyline Greetings B.O.A.C. V.C. 10 Jetliner.

x00328; London. Skyline Greetings B.O.A.C. V.C. 10 Jetliner.

1,50 €
Kew Gardens Museum

Kew Gardens Museum

6,00 €
London. Interior royal Festival Hall

London. Interior royal Festival Hall

3,00 €
Cardiff. Pleasure steamer leaving pier head.

Cardiff. Pleasure steamer leaving pier head.

3,00 €
Manchester. Piccadylly Garden

Manchester. Piccadylly Garden

2,50 €
Southamton. Western Esplanade

Southamton. Western Esplanade

2,00 €
Cardiff castele

Cardiff castele

1,50 €
Torqway from Waldon Hill

Torqway from Waldon Hill

1,50 €
Gloucester Cathedrale

Gloucester Cathedrale

1,50 €
London. The haus of Parliament

London. The haus of Parliament

1,50 €
St. Michaels Mount

St. Michaels Mount

1,50 €
Windsor. Castel

Windsor. Castel

1,50 €
London. Towerbridge

London. Towerbridge

1,50 €
Ilflacombe from Hillesborough

Ilflacombe from Hillesborough

0,50 €
Liverpool. Chuch Street

Liverpool. Chuch Street

11,00 €
England. Oxford.

England. Oxford.

5,50 €
England. Cambridge. Quenn's college and Bridge.

England. Cambridge. Quenn's college and Bridge.

6,50 €
England. Baugor. The University Hall.

England. Baugor. The University Hall.

8,50 €
England. London. The White Tower.

England. London. The White Tower.

5,50 €
England. Old London.

England. Old London.

5,50 €
England. London. The Hauses of Parliament. River front.

England. London. The Hauses of Parliament. River front.

3,50 €
England. London. Bank of England.

England. London. Bank of England.

9,50 €
England. Hampton. Court Palace.

England. Hampton. Court Palace.

8,50 €
04161; England. Liverpool. Queen Victoria Memorial.

04161; England. Liverpool. Queen Victoria Memorial.

1,50 €
England. Windsor Castle. North Front.

England. Windsor Castle. North Front.

4,50 €
England. York. Botham Bar.

England. York. Botham Bar.

11,00 €
England. London Life: The Busy docks in the Port of London.

England. London Life: The Busy docks in the Port of London.

3,50 €
England. Torquay.

England. Torquay.

2,50 €
England. York Minster. The chor looking east.

England. York Minster. The chor looking east.

2,50 €
England. Sponney Bay.

England. Sponney Bay.

4,50 €
England. Ballater. Church Square.

England. Ballater. Church Square.

5,50 €
England. Edinburgh Castel.

England. Edinburgh Castel.

4,50 €
England. London. Tower Bridge.

England. London. Tower Bridge.

4,50 €
England. Chesterfield. Knifesmith Gate.

England. Chesterfield. Knifesmith Gate.

5,50 €
Glasgow. 1901. Central Station Hotel..

Glasgow. 1901. Central Station Hotel..

32,00 €
Liverpool. Bold Street

Liverpool. Bold Street

11,00 €
London. Thames Embankment 9x13,5 cm

London. Thames Embankment 9x13,5 cm

15,00 €
London. Columbia Market 9x11,5 cm

London. Columbia Market 9x11,5 cm

13,00 €
London. Tower Bridge 9x11,5 cm

London. Tower Bridge 9x11,5 cm

13,00 €
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