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17938 Artikel gefunden

Economics And Biological Diversity: Developing And Using Economic Incentives To Conserve Biological Resources.

Economics And Biological Diversity: Developing And Using Economic Incentives To Conserve Biological..

19,00 €
Searching for a cure : Conservation of Medicinal Wildlife Resources in East and Southern Africa.

Searching for a cure : Conservation of Medicinal Wildlife Resources in East and Southern Africa.

40,00 €
Animal World : Issue 1-48.

Animal World : Issue 1-48.

50,00 €
Zoo Man, inside the zoo revolution.

Zoo Man, inside the zoo revolution.

18,00 €
Southern African Marine Linefish Status Reports.

Southern African Marine Linefish Status Reports.

21,40 €
The Loving Care of Pet Parrots.

The Loving Care of Pet Parrots.

15,40 €
Seahorses : An identification guide to the world's species and their conservation.

Seahorses : An identification guide to the world's species and their conservation.

56,40 €
Introduced Mammals of the World : Their History, Distribution and Influence.

Introduced Mammals of the World : Their History, Distribution and Influence.

49,40 €
Zoo Biology ; Volume 8, Number 2, 1989.

Zoo Biology ; Volume 8, Number 2, 1989.

25,00 €
Zoo Biology ; Supplement 1, 1989.

Zoo Biology ; Supplement 1, 1989.

25,00 €
The Live Bird Trade in Tanzania.

The Live Bird Trade in Tanzania.

20,00 €
Europe's Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Their use, trade and conservation.

Europe's Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Their use, trade and conservation.

13,00 €
Vortex Users Manual : A Stochastic Simulation of the Extinction Process.

Vortex Users Manual : A Stochastic Simulation of the Extinction Process.

12,00 €
Ecology : The Experimental Analysis of Distribution and Abundance.

Ecology : The Experimental Analysis of Distribution and Abundance.

4,00 €
Treasures of Belarusian Nature: Areas of International Significance for Conservation of Biological Diversity.

Treasures of Belarusian Nature: Areas of International Significance for Conservation of Biological..

32,40 €
In The Land Of The Lion.

In The Land Of The Lion.

7,50 €
Is the Sacred for Sale? : Tourism and Indigenous Peoples.

Is the Sacred for Sale? : Tourism and Indigenous Peoples.

4,00 €
Conservation and Development Interventions at the Wildlife/Livestock Interface : Implications or Wildlife, Livestock and Human Health.

Conservation and Development Interventions at the Wildlife/Livestock Interface : Implications or..

10,00 €
Foxes, Wolves, Jackals and Dogs : An Action Plan for the Conservation of Canids.

Foxes, Wolves, Jackals and Dogs : An Action Plan for the Conservation of Canids.

41,40 €
Otters : An Action Plan for their Conservation.

Otters : An Action Plan for their Conservation.

25,50 €
Old World Fruit Bats : An Action Plan for their Conservation.

Old World Fruit Bats : An Action Plan for their Conservation.

31,00 €
Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles : An Action Plan for their Conservation.

Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles : An Action Plan for their Conservation.

24,50 €
Action Plan for Asian Primate Conservation : 1987-91.

Action Plan for Asian Primate Conservation : 1987-91.

48,40 €
Action Plan for African Primate Conservation : 1986-90.

Action Plan for African Primate Conservation : 1986-90.

48,40 €
SSC Invertebrate Scoping Workshop.

SSC Invertebrate Scoping Workshop.

16,40 €
Mammalian Taxonomic Directory.

Mammalian Taxonomic Directory.

12,00 €
Reptile Taxonomic Directory.

Reptile Taxonomic Directory.

10,00 €
A Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds (Descubrir la Naturaleza).

A Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds (Descubrir la Naturaleza).

58,50 €
Migration and International Conservation of Waders: Research and conservation on north Asian, African, and European flyways.

Migration and International Conservation of Waders: Research and conservation on north Asian..

18,40 €
Comparative Corporate Governance of Non-Profit Organizations.

Comparative Corporate Governance of Non-Profit Organizations.

150,00 €
The Green Web : A Union for World Conservation.

The Green Web : A Union for World Conservation.

16,50 €
Globally threatened birds in Europe : Action Plans.

Globally threatened birds in Europe : Action Plans.

21,40 €
Neotropical Treeboas : Natural History of the Corallus hortulanus Complex.

Neotropical Treeboas : Natural History of the Corallus hortulanus Complex.

20,40 €
The Third Revolution : Environment, Population and a Sustainable World.

The Third Revolution : Environment, Population and a Sustainable World.

4,00 €
The Bald Eagle of Alaska, BC and Washington.

The Bald Eagle of Alaska, BC and Washington.

12,30 €
Animal Gardens or Zoos Around the World.

Animal Gardens or Zoos Around the World.

19,00 €
Theileriosis of wild bovidae in Kenya with special reference to the eland.

Theileriosis of wild bovidae in Kenya with special reference to the eland.

12,00 €
Global Biodiversity : Earth's living resources in the 21st century.

Global Biodiversity : Earth's living resources in the 21st century.

23,40 €
Desert Lizards : Captive Husbandry and Propagation.

Desert Lizards : Captive Husbandry and Propagation.

18,40 €
Umbulala : Through the eyes of a Leopard.

Umbulala : Through the eyes of a Leopard.

4,00 €
The Worlds Wildlife Paradises.

The Worlds Wildlife Paradises.

13,00 €
An Overview of the World's Ramsar Sites.

An Overview of the World's Ramsar Sites.

15,00 €
Understanding the Bird of Prey.

Understanding the Bird of Prey.

57,40 €


28,50 €
Snakes of Arabia : A Field Guide to the Snakes of the Arabian Peninsula and ist Shores.

Snakes of Arabia : A Field Guide to the Snakes of the Arabian Peninsula and ist Shores.

52,50 €
Introduced Birds and Mammals and their Ecological Effects.

Introduced Birds and Mammals and their Ecological Effects.

6,50 €
Antelopes; Global Survey and regional actions plans.

Antelopes; Global Survey and regional actions plans.

26,50 €
Zebras, Asses, and Horses - An Action Plan for the Conservation of Wild Equids.

Zebras, Asses, and Horses - An Action Plan for the Conservation of Wild Equids.

51,40 €
Wonders of Migration.

Wonders of Migration.

12,10 €
Innovative financing opportunities for European biodiversity.

Innovative financing opportunities for European biodiversity.

10,00 €
Nature out of Place : Biological Invasions in the Global Age.

Nature out of Place : Biological Invasions in the Global Age.

22,40 €
Wildlife of Southern Forests : Habitat & Management.

Wildlife of Southern Forests : Habitat & Management.

66,40 €
Secretary of State's Standards of Modern Zoo Practice.

Secretary of State's Standards of Modern Zoo Practice.

20,00 €
Biogeography of the Reptiles of South Asia.

Biogeography of the Reptiles of South Asia.

18,50 €
Soil Invertebrates Of Southern India.

Soil Invertebrates Of Southern India.

16,40 €
Reproductive Success : Studies of Individual Variation in Contrasting Breeding Systems.

Reproductive Success : Studies of Individual Variation in Contrasting Breeding Systems.

9,80 €
Finches & Sparrows. Helm Identification Guides.

Finches & Sparrows. Helm Identification Guides.

17,00 €
Raptors at Risk.

Raptors at Risk.

30,00 €
Zoos in India. Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Strategy. Third revision 2007.

Zoos in India. Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Strategy. Third revision 2007.

20,00 €
Sanctuary : Vol. 1 Issue 1.

Sanctuary : Vol. 1 Issue 1.

8,00 €
Tropical Forest Community Ecology.

Tropical Forest Community Ecology.

76,40 €
Needs and Specifications for Biodiversity Information Network.

Needs and Specifications for Biodiversity Information Network.

10,00 €
Facing the wild : Ecotourism, Conservation & Animal Encounters.

Facing the wild : Ecotourism, Conservation & Animal Encounters.

36,40 €
Science and actions for species protection: Noah's Arks for the 21st Century.

Science and actions for species protection: Noah's Arks for the 21st Century.

20,00 €
World Natural History.

World Natural History.

17,40 €
How to Draw and Paint Birds.

How to Draw and Paint Birds.

11,50 €
Cytotaxonomy of the Platyrrhini (Primates).

Cytotaxonomy of the Platyrrhini (Primates).

36,50 €
Rumors of Existence : Newly Discovered, Supposedly Extinct, and Unconfirmed Inhabitants of the Animal Kingdom.

Rumors of Existence : Newly Discovered, Supposedly Extinct, and Unconfirmed Inhabitants of the..

18,00 €
Birds of Kangra.

Birds of Kangra.

6,40 €
The Netherlands and the World Ecology.

The Netherlands and the World Ecology.

40,00 €
African Crane and Wetland Training Workshop : Proceedings 1993.

African Crane and Wetland Training Workshop : Proceedings 1993.

145,50 €
Interpretation for the 21st Century: Fifteen Guiding Principles for Interpreting Nature and Culture, Second Edition.

Interpretation for the 21st Century: Fifteen Guiding Principles for Interpreting Nature and..

36,40 €
African Elephant Database 1998.

African Elephant Database 1998.

16,40 €
Rhetoric or Reality? : A review of community conservation policy and practice in East Africa.

Rhetoric or Reality? : A review of community conservation policy and practice in East Africa.

21,50 €
Dr. Axelrod's Atlas of Freshwater Aquarium Fishes (9th edition revised & expanded).

Dr. Axelrod's Atlas of Freshwater Aquarium Fishes (9th edition revised & expanded).

68,00 €
Annual Report on the Implementation of CITES in Switzerland 1999.

Annual Report on the Implementation of CITES in Switzerland 1999.

12,00 €
Annual Report on the Implementation of CITES in Switzerland 1998.

Annual Report on the Implementation of CITES in Switzerland 1998.

12,00 €
Cranes and Farmers.

Cranes and Farmers.

16,40 €
Promoting Partnerships: Managing wildlife resources in Central and West Africa.

Promoting Partnerships: Managing wildlife resources in Central and West Africa.

21,50 €
International Journal of Heritage Studies : Vol. 13, Nr. 6.

International Journal of Heritage Studies : Vol. 13, Nr. 6.

10,00 €
The Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy.

The Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy.

10,00 €
Erkrankungen der Zootiere, Verhandlungsbericht des 30. Int.  Symposiums, Sofia 1988.

Erkrankungen der Zootiere, Verhandlungsbericht des 30. Int. Symposiums, Sofia 1988.

17,00 €
Erkrankungen der Zootiere, Verhandlungsbericht des 27. Int.  Symposiums, St. Vincent/Torino 1985.

Erkrankungen der Zootiere, Verhandlungsbericht des 27. Int. Symposiums, St. Vincent/Torino 1985.

17,00 €
Erkrankungen der Zootiere, Verhandlungsbericht des 25. Int.  Symposiums, Wien 1983.

Erkrankungen der Zootiere, Verhandlungsbericht des 25. Int. Symposiums, Wien 1983.

17,00 €
Erkrankungen der Zootiere, Verhandlungsbericht des 24. Int.  Symposiums, Veszprém 1982.

Erkrankungen der Zootiere, Verhandlungsbericht des 24. Int. Symposiums, Veszprém 1982.

17,00 €
Erkrankungen der Zootiere, Verhandlungsbericht des 23. Int.  Symposiums, Halle/Saale 1981.

Erkrankungen der Zootiere, Verhandlungsbericht des 23. Int. Symposiums, Halle/Saale 1981.

17,00 €
Erkrankungen der Zootiere, Verhandlungsbericht des 6. Int.Symposiums, Wien, 1964.

Erkrankungen der Zootiere, Verhandlungsbericht des 6. Int.Symposiums, Wien, 1964.

17,00 €
Bundesgesetz über den Natur- und Heimatschutz.

Bundesgesetz über den Natur- und Heimatschutz.

8,00 €
Das Kaninchen von der Insel besucht den Allwetterzoo.

Das Kaninchen von der Insel besucht den Allwetterzoo.

4,00 €
Ornithologische Berichte August 1947.

Ornithologische Berichte August 1947.

5,00 €
Weasels, Civets, Mongooses, and their Relatives: an Action Plan for the Conservation of Mustelids and Viverrids.

Weasels, Civets, Mongooses, and their Relatives: an Action Plan for the Conservation of Mustelids..

18,00 €
Kanzi, der sprechende Schimpanse.

Kanzi, der sprechende Schimpanse.

6,00 €
Einfach tierisch... 50 Jahre Zoo Dortmund.

Einfach tierisch... 50 Jahre Zoo Dortmund.

25,00 €


7,50 €
Das Lächeln des Tigers : Von den letzten Menschenfressenden Raubtieren der Welt.

Das Lächeln des Tigers : Von den letzten Menschenfressenden Raubtieren der Welt.

13,00 €
Abenteuer Zoo. 550 Tierparks, Aquarien und Reptilienhäuser - Der Zooführer für Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz. 1. Auflage.

Abenteuer Zoo. 550 Tierparks, Aquarien und Reptilienhäuser Der Zooführer für Deutschland..

14,00 €