96 % Positiv
Verkäufe: 219

A Cor no vinho do Porto sua evolução.

Seitenaufrufe: 25



guter Zustand, geringe Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: alter Besitzereintrag im Vorsatz - Bindung leicht gelockert - Umschlag etwas abgenutzt, leicht verschmutzt und teils vergilbt - Seiten sauber und ordentlich - untere Ecken teils etwas eselsohrig, Die Farbe des Portweines in ihrer Entwicklung in Portugiesisch + Englisch + Französisch "PORT WINE, a work of art conceived by Nature and moulded by man, is born upon the steep banks of the Douro, and travels down the river aspiring to reach the far ends of the earth. Aware of its own value and its noble origin, nurtured at Gaia where it is enriched, Port Wine offers itself without reserve; and generous from the cradle, asks in all sincerity to be received together with the gifts it brings of pleasure and enchantment and sweet memories. Strange to say, however, there are certain countries where its opportunities for wider distribution remain limited. Is it because it is not appreciated that it is not sought? We may inquire. By no means. The chief, the everlasting obstacle can hardly be believed. Port Wine is not known!It is confused with other wines.The name is certainly familiar everywhere. The real Port Wine is not. Such ignorance detracts from the general conception of the wine, reducing it to the mere commonplace. There are countries where the name Port has been known for years which yet have no correct idea of the essence of its being. The people there believe (some of them quite sincerely, others because it suits their interests so to do) that the term Port describes a type. To them the word Port conveys a generic, or semi-generic meaning, and so has passed into the current language. They use it to define a type of drink, and to nickname the produce of their own land; they vulgarize the word, applying it to wines of various origin so long as these appear in some degree similar to their established standard ...", kartoniert, ca. 23 x 33, 17 Seiten Text und 15 Bildtafeln (Guaches) + 15 Zwischentitel

Details zum Artikel

Herausgeber: Instituto do Vinho do Porto (Institut für Portwein)

Titel: A Cor no vinho do Porto sua evolução

Verlagsname: Selbstverlag

Jahr: 1950

oldthing-Nummer: 39056025
| Lagernummer: 304093


96 % Positiv
219 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch