96 % Positiv
Verkäufe: 219

Curt von Faber du Faur: German Baroque Literature A Catalogue of the collection in the Yale University Library.

Seitenaufrufe: 6



sehr guter Zustand, geringe Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: Seitenschnitt teils schwach fleckig - Seiten sauber und ordentlich - Schutzumschlag gering defekt, The second volume of this catalogue adds some 550 titles acquired since the publication of Volume I in 1958 for the Yale University Library's outstanding collection of German literature of the Baroque period. Together, the volumes describe a total of approximately 2,400 original editions in the University's library, with full information on size, pagination, and illustration. The preeminence of the collection, as well as its value to the literary history of the period, was established by Volume i, in which Mr. von Faber du Faur provided an introduction to the problems, the special circumstances, and the cultural surroundings in which the man of letters created his books in the seventeenth century. Curt von Faber du Faur, research professor in German literature and Curator of the German Collection in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University, had completed the draft of the manuscript before his death in 1966, Leinen, ca. 19 x 25,5, 185 Seiten mit zahlreichen Bildern

Details zum Artikel

Autor: Curt von Faber du Faur

Titel: German Baroque Literature
A Catalogue of the collection in the Yale University Library

Verlagsname: Yale University Press, New Haven-London

Jahr: 1969

Sprache: Englisch

oldthing-Nummer: 40816423
| Lagernummer: 326545


96 % Positiv
219 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch