96 % Positiv
Verkäufe: 219

Light Metals 1985 Proceedings of the technical sessions sponsored by the TMS Light Metals Committee at the 114th Annual Meeting, New York ... 1985.

Seitenaufrufe: 25



guter Zustand, Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar - Bindung leicht gelockert - Titel mit Stempeln und Notizen - Vorsatz mit weiterem Stempel - Seiten aber sauber und ordentlich, 9 Seiten Inhaltsverzeichnis, davon 2 hier: - ALUMINA & BAUXITE III - Bayer Process Fundamentals - The Kinetics of Bauxite Digestion in the Bayer Process W.E. Wahnsiedler - The Influence of Mineralogy on the Dissolution Kinetics of Gibbsite G.I.D. Roach - The Heat of Dissolution of Gibbsite at Bayer Digestion Temperatures J.M. Langa - The Effect of Impurities on Calcium in Bayer Liquor P.J. The and T.J. Sivakumar - Properties of Scale in Bayer Process   K. Yamada, M. Yoshihara and S. Tasaka - ALUMINA & BAUXITE IV - Instrumentation and control - Analysis of Bauxites by X-Ray Flourescence Using the Fused Sample Technique F. East - Analytical Instruments for Available Alumina and Soluble Soda C.K. Matocha - Use of conductivity Techniques to Follow Al - 2 - O - 3 - Extraction at Short Digestion Times   G.D. Fulford - Automatic Measurement of Mud-Liquor Interface Levels V.N. Parikh and C.E. Phillips - Modern Control Instrumentation and Process Management in Bayer Plants   P. McIntosh and E.L. Barker - ALUMINA & BAUXITE V - Alumina and Smelting Joint Session - Interactions of Alumina with Cryolite-Based Melts   J. Gerlach and G. Winkhaus - Electrical charge on Metallurgical Alumina   T.J. Johnston and R.D. White - An Investigation on How the Equipment Flow Sheet for the Calcination Processes Influences the Physicochemical Properties of Alumina Used for Electrolysis   N.S. Shmorgunenko, G.V. Telyatnikov and T.A. Arlyuk - An Effect of the Alumina Quality on the Aluminium Electrolysis Process   G.N. Gopienko and N.S. Siraev - ALUMINA AND BAUXITE VI - Formation and Properties of Alumina - Technology of controlling Soda Pick-Up in Alumina Trihydrate Precipitation J. Ohkawa, T. Tsuneizumi and T. Hirao - Precipitation Technology J.L. Anjier and M.L. Roberson - The Generation of Fines Due to Heating of Alumina Trihydrate   J.D. Zwicker - Morphological Analysis of Alumina and its Trihydrate   H.P. Hsieh - Alumina Morphology and Particle Strength W. Stahlin, J. Bachmann and S. Molnar - Eurallumina Approach for a Better Accuracy in Sieve Testing of Aluminium Tri-Hydrate and Alumina S. Perra - ALUMINUM REDUCTION TECHNOLOGY I - Developments - New Production Machines in Soderberg Lines   A. Jauvin - Adaptive control of Alumina Reduction cells With Point Feeders   T. Moen, J. Aalbu and P. Borg - Potline conversion to Lithium Bath   D.R. Shirley - Advanced computer control System for Potline T. Inoue, T. Mino and 0. Fujishima - ALUMINUM REDUCTION TECHNOLOGY II - Alternative Processes - Physicochemical Properties of Cryolite and cryolite Alumina Melts with KF Additions. 1. Temperature of Primary crystallization  R. Fernandez, K. Grjotheim and T. Ostvold - Chemical Thermodynamic considerations on Aluminum Blast Furnace   H. Yokokawa, M. Fujishige, S. Ujiie, T. Kameyama and M. Dokiya - u. m. o, Leinen, ca. 15,5 x 23,5, 1527 Seiten mit zahlreichen Bildern

Details zum Artikel

Herausgeber: H. O. Bohner, Swiss Aluminium Ltd., Zürich

Titel: Light Metals 1985
Proceedings of the technical sessions sponsored by the TMS Light Metals Committee at the 114th Annual Meeting, New York ... 1985

Verlagsname: American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc., New York

Jahr: 1985

Sprache: Englisch

oldthing-Nummer: 39054533
| Lagernummer: 322215


96 % Positiv
219 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-01279 Dresden
Sprache: deutsch