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7606 Artikel gefunden

Harris, John M: Prodeinotherium from Gebel Zelten, Libya. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 23,5.

Harris, John M: Prodeinotherium from Gebel Zelten, Libya. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural..

14,00 €
Mothes, Kurt (Hrsg.): Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F. Bd. 28, 168-170.

Mothes, Kurt (Hrsg.): Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F. Bd. 28, 168-170.

30,00 €
Mothes, Kurt (Hrsg.): Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F. Bd. 25, 156-162.

Mothes, Kurt (Hrsg.): Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F. Bd. 25, 156-162.

30,00 €
Mothes, Kurt (Hrsg.): Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F. Bd. 24, 149-155.

Mothes, Kurt (Hrsg.): Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F. Bd. 24, 149-155.

30,00 €
Mothes, Kurt (Hrsg.): Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F. Bd. 21, 139-143.

Mothes, Kurt (Hrsg.): Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F. Bd. 21, 139-143.

30,00 €
Mothes, Kurt (Hrsg.): Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F. Bd. 18, 123-128.

Mothes, Kurt (Hrsg.): Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F. Bd. 18, 123-128.

30,00 €
Mothes, Kurt (Hrsg.): Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F. Bd. 17, 115-122.

Mothes, Kurt (Hrsg.): Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F. Bd. 17, 115-122.

30,00 €
Schlüter, Otto (Hrsg.): Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F. Bd. 16, 110-114.

Schlüter, Otto (Hrsg.): Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F. Bd. 16, 110-114.

30,00 €
Frey, Felix: Geologie der östlichen Claridenkette. Dissertation. Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich NGZH 110,1.

Frey, Felix: Geologie der östlichen Claridenkette. Dissertation. Vierteljahrsschrift der..

9,00 €
Zittel, Karl Alfred von: Grundzüge der Paläontologie (Paläozoologie), 2. Abt.: Vertebrata. 2. verb. u. verm. Aufl.

Zittel, Karl Alfred von: Grundzüge der Paläontologie (Paläozoologie), 2. Abt.: Vertebrata. 2..

19,00 €
Capot-Rey, Robert: La région industrielle sarroise : territoire de la Sarre et bassin houiller de la Moselle ; étude géographique.

Capot Rey, Robert: La région industrielle sarroise : territoire de la Sarre et bassin houiller de..

40,00 €
Cocks, L. R. et al: The Llandovery series of the type area. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 38,3.

Cocks, L. R. et al: The Llandovery series of the type area. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural..

16,00 €
Whybrow, P. J. (ed.): Miocene geology and palaeontology of Ad Dabtiyah, Saudi Arabia. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 41,4.

Whybrow, P. J. (ed.): Miocene geology and palaeontology of Ad Dabtiyah, Saudi Arabia. Bulletin of..

16,00 €
Zittel, Karl Alfred von: Grundzüge der Paläontologie (Paläozoologie), 1. Abt.: Invertebrata. 6. verb. u. verm. Aufl.

Zittel, Karl Alfred von: Grundzüge der Paläontologie (Paläozoologie), 1. Abt.: Invertebrata. 6..

20,00 €
Stelcl, Jindrich: Komplexní geologický výzkum oblasti Chobotu v severozápadní cásti Moravského krasu. Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Purkynianae Brunensis. Geologia 35.

Stelcl, Jindrich: Komplexní geologický výzkum oblasti Chobotu v severozápadní cásti..

35,00 €
Coudert, P.; Choubert, Boris: Géologie du bassin du Lawa + La tectonique et les deux granitisations successives du précambrien terminal guyanais. Mémoires pour servir à..

Coudert, P.; Choubert, Boris: Géologie du bassin du Lawa + La tectonique et les deux..

40,00 €
Augustithis, Stylianos Savvas: Atlas of the textural patterns of granites, gneisses and associated rock types.

Augustithis, Stylianos Savvas: Atlas of the textural patterns of granites, gneisses and associated..

30,00 €
Walcott, Charles Doolittle: Cambrian Brachiopoda, part II, plates. Monographs of the United States Geological Survey 51.

Walcott, Charles Doolittle: Cambrian Brachiopoda, part II, plates. Monographs of the United States..

50,00 €
Perch-Nielsen, Katharina: Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen an Coccolithen und verwandten Formen aus dem Eozän von Dänemark. Biologiske skrifter 18,3.

Perch Nielsen, Katharina: Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen an Coccolithen und verwandten..

34,00 €
Dove, Heinrich Wilhelm: Temperaturtafeln nebst Bemerkungen über die Verbreitung der Wärme auf der Oberfläche der Erde und ihre jährlichen periodischen Veränderungen.

Dove, Heinrich Wilhelm: Temperaturtafeln nebst Bemerkungen über die Verbreitung der Wärme auf der..

16,00 €
Cole, H. A. (ed.): Petroleum and the continental shelf of North-West Europe, Vol. 2: Environmental protection.

Cole, H. A. (ed.): Petroleum and the continental shelf of North West Europe, Vol. 2: Environmental..

20,00 €
Conway, William Martin: The Alps from end to end. 2. ed.

Conway, William Martin: The Alps from end to end. 2. ed.

45,00 €
Haug, Emile: Les nappes de charriage de la Basse-Provence. Monographies tectoniques, historique et bibliographie, I: La région Toulonnaise, II: Le massif d'Allauch et ses entours (2 vol. complete).

Haug, Emile: Les nappes de charriage de la Basse Provence. Monographies tectoniques, historique et..

100,00 €
Communications présentées à la Quatrième Conférence Géologique des Guyanes : Cayenne, septembre 1957. Mémoires pour servir à l'explication de de la Carte géologique détaillée de la France: Département de la Guyane Française.

Communications présentées à la Quatrième Conférence Géologique des Guyanes : Cayenne..

40,00 €
Collins, Joseph S. ; Mellen, Frederic F: Cirripedes from the Upper Cretaceous of Alabama and Mississippi, eastern gulf region, U.S.A. : 1. Palaeontology; 2. Geology. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 23,6.

Collins, Joseph S. ; Mellen, Frederic F: Cirripedes from the Upper Cretaceous of Alabama and..

11,00 €
Dean, William T: The Lower Palaeozoic stratigraphy and faunas of the Taurus Mountains near Beysehir, Turkey, part 2: The trilobites of the Seydisehir formation (Ordovician). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 20,1.

Dean, William T: The Lower Palaeozoic stratigraphy and faunas of the Taurus Mountains near..

11,00 €
Gentry, Alan William: The earliest goats and other antelopes from the Samos Hipparion fauna. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 20,6.

Gentry, Alan William: The earliest goats and other antelopes from the Samos Hipparion fauna..

14,00 €
Crompton, Alfred W: The dentitions and relationships of the southern African Triassic mammals, Erythrotherium parringtoni and Megazostrodon rudnerae. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 24,7.

Crompton, Alfred W: The dentitions and relationships of the southern African Triassic mammals..

16,00 €
Scrutton, Colin Thomas: Palaeozoic coral faunas from Venezuela, 1: Silurian and permocarboniferous corals from the Mérida Andes. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 20,5.

Scrutton, Colin Thomas: Palaeozoic coral faunas from Venezuela, 1: Silurian and permocarboniferous..

10,00 €
Cray, Peter E: Marsupialia, Insectivora, Primates, Creodonta and Carnivora from the Headon Beds (Upper Eocene) of southern England. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 23,1.

Cray, Peter E: Marsupialia, Insectivora, Primates, Creodonta and Carnivora from the Headon Beds..

16,00 €
100-year Celebrations of the Hungarian Geological Institute, Conference on bauxite-geology, Budapest, 4 - 8. IX., 1969. Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet évkönyve 54,3.

100 year Celebrations of the Hungarian Geological Institute, Conference on bauxite geology..

50,00 €
Owen, Ellis Frederic: A revision of the brachiopod subfamily Kingeninae Elliott. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 19,2.

Owen, Ellis Frederic: A revision of the brachiopod subfamily Kingeninae Elliott. Bulletin of the..

24,00 €
Boulter, Michael Charles: A palynological study of two of the Neogene plant beds in Derbyshire. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 19,7.

Boulter, Michael Charles: A palynological study of two of the Neogene plant beds in Derbyshire..

11,00 €
Patterson, Colin: Two upper cretaceous salmoniform fishes from the Lebanon. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 19,5.

Patterson, Colin: Two upper cretaceous salmoniform fishes from the Lebanon. Bulletin of the British..

24,00 €
Williams, Alwyn ; Curry, Gordon B: Lower Ordovician Brachiopoda from the Tourmakeady Limestone, Co. Mayo, Ireland. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 38,4.

Williams, Alwyn ; Curry, Gordon B: Lower Ordovician Brachiopoda from the Tourmakeady Limestone, Co..

16,00 €
Kecskeméti-Körmendy, Anna: A dorogi-medence eocén mollusca faunája = Die eozäne Molluskenfauna des Doroger Beckens. Annales Instituti Geologici Publici Hungarici 55,2.

Kecskeméti Körmendy, Anna: A dorogi medence eocén mollusca faunája = Die eozäne Molluskenfauna..

35,00 €
Colloque sur la stratigraphie de l'éocène : Célébration du centenaire de l'Institut géologique de Hongrie ; Budapest, Tihany, 6-8.9.1969. Kollokvium po stratigrafii éocena; part 1 + 2. A Magyar Allami Földtani Intézet évkönyve 54,4.

Colloque sur la stratigraphie de l'éocène : Célébration du centenaire de l'Institut géologique..

90,00 €
Jolly, Clifford J: The classification and natural history of theropithecus (simopithecus)(Andrews, 1916), baboons of the African plio-pleistocene. Dissertation. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 22,1.

Jolly, Clifford J: The classification and natural history of theropithecus (simopithecus)(Andrews..

34,00 €
Bulletin de la Societe belge de Geologie de Paleontologie et d'Hydrologie, Mémoires 27,1-3 (complete).

Bulletin de la Societe belge de Geologie de Paleontologie et d'Hydrologie, Mémoires 27,1 3..

50,00 €
Zaborski, P. M: Campanian and Maastrichtian sphenodiscid ammonites from southern Nigeria. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 36,4.

Zaborski, P. M: Campanian and Maastrichtian sphenodiscid ammonites from southern Nigeria. Bulletin..

19,00 €
Cocks, Leonard Robert Morrison: Silurian brachiopods of the superfamily Plectambonitacea. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 19,4.

Cocks, Leonard Robert Morrison: Silurian brachiopods of the superfamily Plectambonitacea. Bulletin..

11,00 €
Crompton, Alfred Walter: Postcanine occlusion in cynodonts and tritylodontids. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 21,2.

Crompton, Alfred Walter: Postcanine occlusion in cynodonts and tritylodontids. Bulletin of the..

11,00 €
Bulletin de la Societe belge de Geologie de Paleontologie et d'Hydrologie, Proces-verbal 27,1-10 (complete).

Bulletin de la Societe belge de Geologie de Paleontologie et d'Hydrologie, Proces verbal 27,1 10..

70,00 €
Gyarmati, Pál: A Tokaji-hegység intermedier vulkanizmusa = Intermediate Volcanism in the Tokaj Mountains. Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet évkönyve 58.

Gyarmati, Pál: A Tokaji hegység intermedier vulkanizmusa = Intermediate Volcanism in the Tokaj..

40,00 €
Nagy, Lászlóné: A Mecsek Hegység miocén rétegeinek palynológiai vizsgálata : Palynological Elaborations the Miocene layers of the Mecsek Mountains. A Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet évkönyve 52,2.

Nagy, Lászlóné: A Mecsek Hegység miocén rétegeinek palynológiai vizsgálata : Palynological..

35,00 €
Korecz-Laky, I: A keleti Mecsek miocén Foraminiferái = Miozäne Foraminiferen des östlichen Mecsek-Gebirges. Annales Instituti Geologici Publici Hungarici 52,1.

Korecz Laky, I: A keleti Mecsek miocén Foraminiferái = Miozäne Foraminiferen des östlichen..

30,00 €
Hughes, Christopher Paul: The Ordovician trilobite faunas of the Builth-Llandrindod Inlier, central Wales, part 1. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 18,3.

Hughes, Christopher Paul: The Ordovician trilobite faunas of the Builth Llandrindod Inlier, central..

30,00 €
Aldridge, Richard J: Llandovery conodonts from the Welsh borderland. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 22,2.

Aldridge, Richard J: Llandovery conodonts from the Welsh borderland. Bulletin of the British Museum..

14,00 €
Hydrogeology of great sedimentary basins = Hydrogéologie des grands bassins sédimentaires.  Internat. Hydrogeolog. Conference ; Budapest 1976, 31 May-5 June. A Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet évkönyve 59.

Hydrogeology of great sedimentary basins = Hydrogéologie des grands bassins sédimentaires..

70,00 €
Clemens, William Alvin; Mills, James R: Review of Peramus tenuirostris Owen (Eupantotheria, Mammalia). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 20,3.

Clemens, William Alvin; Mills, James R: Review of Peramus tenuirostris Owen (Eupantotheria..

14,00 €
Cooper, R. A. ; Fortey, R. A: The Ordovician graptolites of Spitsbergen. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 36,3.

Cooper, R. A. ; Fortey, R. A: The Ordovician graptolites of Spitsbergen. Bulletin of the British..

16,00 €
Fatmi, Ali Nasir: Stratigraphy of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous rocks and Jurassic ammonites from northern areas of West Pakistan. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 20,7.

Fatmi, Ali Nasir: Stratigraphy of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous rocks and Jurassic ammonites..

16,00 €
Whatley, Robin C: Scottish Callovian and Oxfordian Ostracoda. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 19,6.

Whatley, Robin C: Scottish Callovian and Oxfordian Ostracoda. Bulletin of the British Museum..

15,00 €
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 37,3: Miscellanea.

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 37,3: Miscellanea.

19,00 €
MacKinnon, David Ironside: The shell structure of Spiriferide Brachiopoda. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 25,3.

MacKinnon, David Ironside: The shell structure of Spiriferide Brachiopoda. Bulletin of the British..

25,00 €
Tavener-Smith, Ronald: Fenestrate bryozoa from the visean of County Fermanagh, Ireland. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 23,7.

Tavener Smith, Ronald: Fenestrate bryozoa from the visean of County Fermanagh, Ireland. Bulletin of..

16,00 €
Miles, Roger S: Articulated acanthodian fishes from the old red sandstone of England, with a review of the structure and evolution of the acanthodian shoulder-girdle. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 24,2.

Miles, Roger S: Articulated acanthodian fishes from the old red sandstone of England, with a review..

29,00 €
Hutchinson, Peter: A revision of the Redfieldiiform and Perleidiform fishes from the Triassic of Bekker's Kraal (South Africa) and Brookvale (New South Wales). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 22,3.

Hutchinson, Peter: A revision of the Redfieldiiform and Perleidiform fishes from the Triassic of..

24,00 €
Keij, Adriaan J: The bryozoan genus Skylonia Thomas (Cheilostomata). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 24,3.

Keij, Adriaan J: The bryozoan genus Skylonia Thomas (Cheilostomata). Bulletin of the British Museum..

11,00 €
Hamilton, William R: North African lower miocene rhinoceroses. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 24,6.

Hamilton, William R: North African lower miocene rhinoceroses. Bulletin of the British Museum..

19,00 €
Anderson, M. M.; Boucot, Arthur J.; Johnson, J. G: Eifelian brachiopods from Padaukpin, Northern Shan States, Burma. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 18,4.

Anderson, M. M.; Boucot, Arthur J.; Johnson, J. G: Eifelian brachiopods from Padaukpin, Northern..

11,00 €
Fortey, R. A.; R. M. Owens; Molyneux, S. G: The Arenig series in South Wales: stratigraphy and palaeontology. 1. The Arenig series in South Wales; 2. Appendix. Acritarchs and chitinozoa from the Arenig series of South-West Wales. Bulletin of the British M

Fortey, R. A.; R. M. Owens; Molyneux, S. G: The Arenig series in South Wales: stratigraphy and..

35,00 €
Keen, Michael Charles: Mid-tertiary Cytherettinae of North-West Europe. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 21,6.

Keen, Michael Charles: Mid tertiary Cytherettinae of North West Europe. Bulletin of the British..

11,00 €
Savage, Robert J. G: Megistotherium, gigantic Hyaenodont from Miocene of Gebel Zelten, Libya. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 22,7.

Savage, Robert J. G: Megistotherium, gigantic Hyaenodont from Miocene of Gebel Zelten, Libya..

14,00 €
Adams, Charles G: A reconsideration of the East Indian letter classification of the Tertiary. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 19,3.

Adams, Charles G: A reconsideration of the East Indian letter classification of the Tertiary..

11,00 €
Toghill, Peter: Highest Ordovician (Hartfell Shales) graptolite faunas from the Moffat area, South Scotland. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 19,1.

Toghill, Peter: Highest Ordovician (Hartfell Shales) graptolite faunas from the Moffat area, South..

21,00 €
Harrison, Colin James Oliver; Walker, Cyril A: The affinities of Halcyornis from the lower Eocene. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 21,4.

Harrison, Colin James Oliver; Walker, Cyril A: The affinities of Halcyornis from the lower Eocene..

14,00 €
White, Errol I. ; Toombs, Harry A: The buchanosteid arthrodires of Australia. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 22,5.

White, Errol I. ; Toombs, Harry A: The buchanosteid arthrodires of Australia. Bulletin of the..

15,00 €
Gitmez, Gulden Usman ; Sarjeant, William Antony S: Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Kimmeridgian (Upper Jurassic) of England, Scotland and France. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 21,5.

Gitmez, Gulden Usman ; Sarjeant, William Antony S: Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the..

26,00 €
Cocks, L. R.; Cocks, Leonard Robert M. (eds.): A global analysis of the Ordovician-Silurian boundary. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 43.

Cocks, L. R.; Cocks, Leonard Robert M. (eds.): A global analysis of the Ordovician Silurian..

70,00 €
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 38,5: Miscellanea.

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 38,5: Miscellanea.

19,00 €
Samanta, Bimal Kumar: Planktonic foraminifera from the Palaeocene-Eocene succession in the Rakhi Nala, Sulaiman Range, Pakistan. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 22,6.

Samanta, Bimal Kumar: Planktonic foraminifera from the Palaeocene Eocene succession in the Rakhi..

30,00 €
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 36,2: Miscellanea.

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 36,2: Miscellanea.

19,00 €
Lehman, Jean-Pierre (dir.): Annales de paléontologie: les invertébrés 56, fascicule 1.

Lehman, Jean-Pierre (dir.): Annales de paléontologie: les invertébrés 56, fascicule 1.

20,00 €
Taylor, P. D: Ailsacrinus gen. nov., an aberrant millericrinid from the Middle Jurassic of Britain. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 37,2.

Taylor, P. D: Ailsacrinus gen. nov., an aberrant millericrinid from the Middle Jurassic of Britain..

11,00 €
Young, V. T: Taxonomy of the arthrodire Phlyctaenius from the Lower or Middle Devonian of Campbellton, New Brunswick, Canada. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 37,1.

Young, V. T: Taxonomy of the arthrodire Phlyctaenius from the Lower or Middle Devonian of..

12,00 €
Hamilton, William Roger: The Lower Miocene ruminants of Gebel Zelten, Libya. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 21,3.

Hamilton, William Roger: The Lower Miocene ruminants of Gebel Zelten, Libya. Bulletin of the..

14,00 €
Davey, Roger Jack: Non-calcareous microplankton from the Cenomanian of England, northern France and North America, part 2. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 18,8.

Davey, Roger Jack: Non calcareous microplankton from the Cenomanian of England, northern France and..

15,00 €
Gitmez, Gulden U: Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the basal Kimmeridgian (Upper Jurassic) of England, Scotland and France. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 18,7.

Gitmez, Gulden U: Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the basal Kimmeridgian (Upper Jurassic)..

16,00 €
Varga, Gy.; Csillag-Teplánszky, E.; Félegyházi: A mátra hegység földtana (Geology of the Mátra mountains). Annales Instituti Geologici Publici Hungarici 57,1.

Varga, Gy.; Csillag Teplánszky, E.; Félegyházi: A mátra hegység földtana (Geology of the..

30,00 €
Drot, Jeannine: Rhynchonelloidea et spiriferoidea siluro-dévoniens du Maroc pré-saharien. Dissertation. Notes et Memoires du Service Geologique 178.

Drot, Jeannine: Rhynchonelloidea et spiriferoidea siluro dévoniens du Maroc pré saharien..

35,00 €
Pouyet, Simone: Révision systématique des Cellépores (Bryozoa, Cheilestomata) et des espèces fossiles européennes : analyse de quelques populations à Cellépores dans le néogène du bassin..

Pouyet, Simone: Révision systématique des Cellépores (Bryozoa, Cheilestomata) et des espèces..

40,00 €
Red Sea research 1970-1975. Mineral resources bulletin 22.

Red Sea research 1970-1975. Mineral resources bulletin 22.

90,00 €
Soil Science 143, 1-6.

Soil Science 143, 1-6.

50,00 €
Soil Science 139, 1-6.

Soil Science 139, 1-6.

50,00 €
Soil Science 110, 1-4,6.

Soil Science 110, 1-4,6.

40,00 €
Soil Science 141, 1-6.

Soil Science 141, 1-6.

50,00 €
Soil Science 140, 1-6.

Soil Science 140, 1-6.

50,00 €
Schwan, Werner: Über das Isker-Variszikum (Bulgarien). Sonderdruck aus: Geologie 7, 420-439.

Schwan, Werner: Über das Isker-Variszikum (Bulgarien). Sonderdruck aus: Geologie 7, 420-439.

9,00 €
Hámor, Géza: A kelet-mecseki miocén (Das Miozän des östlichen Mecsek-Gebirges). A Magyar Allami Földtani Intézet évkönyve 53,1.

Hámor, Géza: A kelet mecseki miocén (Das Miozän des östlichen Mecsek Gebirges). A Magyar..

50,00 €
Kleb, Béla: A mecseki pannon földtana (Geologie des Pannons im Mecsek). A Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet évkönyve 53. köt. 3.

Kleb, Béla: A mecseki pannon földtana (Geologie des Pannons im Mecsek). A Magyar Állami..

30,00 €
Sárközi Farkas, Erzsébet: A dorogi medence eocén képzödményeinek ásvány közettani vizsgálata (Etude minéralogique et pétrographique des formations éocènes du bassin de Dorog) + A dorogi..

Sárközi Farkas, Erzsébet: A dorogi medence eocén képzödményeinek ásvány közettani..

30,00 €
Vegh-Neubrandt, E. (ed.): 100-year celebration of the Hungarian Gelogical Institute: Colloque du Jurassique Méditerranéen Budapest, 3-8. IX., 1969. Annales Instituti geologici publici hungarici 54.2.

Vegh Neubrandt, E. (ed.): 100 year celebration of the Hungarian Gelogical Institute: Colloque du..

60,00 €
Nagy, Elemér (ed.): A Mecsek hegység alsóliász köszénösszlete, földtan. Unterlias-Kohlenserie des Mecsek-Gebirges. Magyar állami földtani intézet évkönyve 51:3.

Nagy, Elemér (ed.): A Mecsek hegység alsóliász köszénösszlete, földtan. Unterlias..

50,00 €
Bohnné Havas, Margit (Bohn-Havas): A keleti-Mecsek torton mollusca faunája (Tortonische Molluskfauna des Östlichen Mecsek-Gebirges). A Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet évkönyve 53. köt. 4.

Bohnné Havas, Margit (Bohn Havas): A keleti Mecsek torton mollusca faunája (Tortonische..

30,00 €
Ravasz-Baranyai, L: A kelet-mecseki miocén képzödmények ásvány-közettani vizsgálata (Minerological and petrographical investigations of the miocene in the eastern Mecsek mountains). Annales Instituti Geologici Publici Hungarici 53,2.

Ravasz Baranyai, L: A kelet mecseki miocén képzödmények ásvány közettani vizsgálata..

30,00 €