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951 Artikel gefunden

Ericson, Eston Everett: The use of swa in Old English. Dissertation.

Ericson, Eston Everett: The use of swa in Old English. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Stanley, Oma: The speech of East Texas. Dissertation. American speech 2.

Stanley, Oma: The speech of East Texas. Dissertation. American speech 2.

40,00 €
South, Helen Pennock: The dating and localization of "The Proverbs of Alfred". Dissertation.

South, Helen Pennock: The dating and localization of "The Proverbs of Alfred". Dissertation.

25,00 €
Noreen, Erik: Artemarksmålets ljudlära I. Dissertation.

Noreen, Erik: Artemarksmålets ljudlära I. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Humphreys, Harold L: A Study of dates and causes of case reduction in the Old-French pronoun. Dissertation.

Humphreys, Harold L: A Study of dates and causes of case reduction in the Old French pronoun..

20,00 €
Ljunggren, Ragnar: Om den opersonliga konstruktionen. Dissertation.

Ljunggren, Ragnar: Om den opersonliga konstruktionen. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Gould, Chester Nathan: The Syntax of At and Ana in Gothic, Old Saxon, and Old High German. Dissertation.

Gould, Chester Nathan: The Syntax of At and Ana in Gothic, Old Saxon, and Old High German..

30,00 €
Bucht, Torsten: Äldre u ock o i kort stavelse i mellersta Norrland. Dissertation.

Bucht, Torsten: Äldre u ock o i kort stavelse i mellersta Norrland. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Tydén, Folke: Vok. u ock o i gammal kort stavelse i upp- ock mellansvenska folkmål. Dissertation.

Tydén, Folke: Vok. u ock o i gammal kort stavelse i upp- ock mellansvenska folkmål. Dissertation.

10,00 €
Crocker, Lionel George: The rhetorical theory of Henry Ward Beecher. Dissertation.

Crocker, Lionel George: The rhetorical theory of Henry Ward Beecher. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Götlind, Johan Alfred: Studier i västsvensk ordbildning : De produktiva avledningssuffixen och deras funktioner hos substantiven i Göteve-målet. Dissertation.

Götlind, Johan Alfred: Studier i västsvensk ordbildning : De produktiva avledningssuffixen och..

15,00 €
Gjerdman, Olof Henrik: Studier över de sörmländska stadsmålens kvalitativa ljudlära : 1. Dissertation.

Gjerdman, Olof Henrik: Studier över de sörmländska stadsmålens kvalitativa ljudlära : 1..

20,00 €
Boëthius, Johannes: Orsamålet, 1 : Ljudlära. Dissertation.

Boëthius, Johannes: Orsamålet, 1 : Ljudlära. Dissertation.

24,00 €
Hilbelink, Aaltje Johanna Geertruida: Cotton MS Vitellius C III of the Herbarium Apuleii. Dissertation.

Hilbelink, Aaltje Johanna Geertruida: Cotton MS Vitellius C III of the Herbarium Apuleii..

20,00 €
Dongen, Gerrit Albertus, van: Amelioratives in English 1. Dissertation.

Dongen, Gerrit Albertus, van: Amelioratives in English 1. Dissertation.

29,00 €
Kern, Paul Oskar: Das starke Verb bei Grimmelshausen: ein Beitrag zur Grammatik des Frühneuhochdeutschen. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of Germanic philology 2.

Kern, Paul Oskar: Das starke Verb bei Grimmelshausen: ein Beitrag zur Grammatik des..

10,00 €
Veldhuis, Louise: De eerste nederlandsche tekstfamilie der navolging van Christus (alpha-groep). Dissertation.

Veldhuis, Louise: De eerste nederlandsche tekstfamilie der navolging van Christus (alpha groep)..

15,00 €
Brown, Beatrice Daw: A study of the middle english poem known as the southern passion. Dissertation.

Brown, Beatrice Daw: A study of the middle english poem known as the southern passion..

25,00 €
Hicks, Fred Cole: Strengthening modifiers of adjectives and adverbs in middle high German. Dissertation.

Hicks, Fred Cole: Strengthening modifiers of adjectives and adverbs in middle high German..

35,00 €
Wood, Francis, Asbury: I. Verner's law in gothic ; II. The reduplicating verbs in germanic. Dissertation.

Wood, Francis, Asbury: I. Verner's law in gothic ; II. The reduplicating verbs in germanic..

20,00 €
Jencke, Grace Elizabeth: A study of précis writing as a composition technique. Dissertation.

Jencke, Grace Elizabeth: A study of précis writing as a composition technique. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Rivlin, Harry N: Functional grammar. Dissertation.

Rivlin, Harry N: Functional grammar. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Christiansen, Hallfrid: Gimsøy-Målet : fonologi og orddannelse. Dissertation. Skrifter Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo, Historisk-Filosofisk Klasse 1932,3.

Christiansen, Hallfrid: Gimsøy Målet : fonologi og orddannelse. Dissertation. Skrifter Norske..

25,00 €
Bond, Guy L: The auditory and speech characteristics of poor readers. Dissertation.

Bond, Guy L: The auditory and speech characteristics of poor readers. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Aginsky, Ethel Gertrude: A grammar of the Mende language. Dissertation. Language dissertations - Linguistic Society of America 20.

Aginsky, Ethel Gertrude: A grammar of the Mende language. Dissertation. Language dissertations..

19,00 €
Wheat, Leonard Benjamin: Free associations to common words : a study of word associations to twenty-five words picked at random from the five hundred most commonly used words in the English language. Dissertation.

Wheat, Leonard Benjamin: Free associations to common words : a study of word associations to twenty..

14,00 €
Thalheimer, Alvin: The meaning of the terms "existence" and "reality". Dissertation.

Thalheimer, Alvin: The meaning of the terms "existence" and "reality". Dissertation.

20,00 €
Stowell, William Averill: Old-French Titles of respect in direce address. Dissertation.

Stowell, William Averill: Old-French Titles of respect in direce address. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Watson, Alice E: Experimental studies in the psychology and pedagogy of spelling. Dissertation.

Watson, Alice E: Experimental studies in the psychology and pedagogy of spelling. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Child, Clarence Griffin: Palatal diphthongization of stem vowels in the old English dialects. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Publications of the University of Pennsylvania, Series in philology and literature 9.

Child, Clarence Griffin: Palatal diphthongization of stem vowels in the old English dialects..

20,00 €
Vestlund, Olof Alfred: Medelpads folkmål 1. Dissertation.

Vestlund, Olof Alfred: Medelpads folkmål 1. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Fowler, Frank Hamilton: The negatives of the Indo-European languages. Dissertation.

Fowler, Frank Hamilton: The negatives of the Indo-European languages. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Kärde, Sven: Quelques Manières d'exprimer l'idée d'un sujet indéterminé ou général en espagnol. Dissertation.

Kärde, Sven: Quelques Manières d'exprimer l'idée d'un sujet indéterminé ou général en..

19,00 €
Leijström, Gunnar: Om obestämda artikeln : Ett bidrag till nordisk språkhistoria. Dissertation. Nordiska texter och undersökningar 3.

Leijström, Gunnar: Om obestämda artikeln : Ett bidrag till nordisk språkhistoria. Dissertation..

25,00 €
Franzén, Gösta: Vikbolandets by- och gårdnamn I. Dissertation.

Franzén, Gösta: Vikbolandets by- och gårdnamn I. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Collinder, Björn: Über den finnisch-lappischen Quantitätswechsel : ein Beitrag zur finnisch-ugrischen Stufenwechsellehre, 1: Einleitung. Ostseefinnisch. Ostlappisch. Dissertation.

Collinder, Björn: Über den finnisch lappischen Quantitätswechsel : ein Beitrag zur finnisch..

20,00 €
Neuman, Erik: Utbredningen av vokal-balansen a:å i medelsvenskan. Dissertation.

Neuman, Erik: Utbredningen av vokal-balansen a:å i medelsvenskan. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Smedberg, Einar: Peder Månssons landsmansskap : en dialektgeografisk undersökning. Dissertation.

Smedberg, Einar: Peder Månssons landsmansskap : en dialektgeografisk undersökning. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Bergman, Gösta: Utvecklingen av samnordiskt E i svenska språket : En dialektgeografisk undersökning. Dissertation.

Bergman, Gösta: Utvecklingen av samnordiskt E i svenska språket : En dialektgeografisk..

30,00 €
Kökeritz, Helge: The phonology of the Suffolk dialect : descriptive and historical. Dissertation.

Kökeritz, Helge: The phonology of the Suffolk dialect : descriptive and historical. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Alge, Arnold: Die Lautverhältnisse einer Patoisgruppe des Berner Jura. Dissertation.

Alge, Arnold: Die Lautverhältnisse einer Patoisgruppe des Berner Jura. Dissertation.

24,00 €
Pessels, Constance: The present and past periphrastic tenses in Anglo-Saxon. Dissertation.

Pessels, Constance: The present and past periphrastic tenses in Anglo-Saxon. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Koch, Max: Die Flurnamen der Gemarkung Thayngen im Kanton Schaffhausen : ein Beitrag zur Flurnamenkunde und zur Dialektgeographie. Dissertation.

Koch, Max: Die Flurnamen der Gemarkung Thayngen im Kanton Schaffhausen : ein Beitrag zur..

45,00 €
MacCobb, Arthur Lewis: The double preterit forms gie - gienc, lie - liez, vie - vienc in Middle High German. Dissertation (Teildruck).

MacCobb, Arthur Lewis: The double preterit forms gie gienc, lie liez, vie vienc in Middle..

14,00 €
Weber, Omar: The Language of the English metrical homilies (ed. by J. Small M. A.). Dissertation.

Weber, Omar: The Language of the English metrical homilies (ed. by J. Small M. A.). Dissertation.

19,00 €
Mathews, Charles Eugley: Cist and cil: a syntactical study. Dissertation.

Mathews, Charles Eugley: Cist and cil: a syntactical study. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Knopff, Paul: Darstellung der Ablautverhältnisse in der schottischen Schriftsprache mit Vergleichungen in bezug auf Abweichungen der anderen mittelenglischen Dialekte. Dissertation.

Knopff, Paul: Darstellung der Ablautverhältnisse in der schottischen Schriftsprache mit..

19,00 €
Goodloe, Jane Faulkner: Nomina agentis auf -el im Neuhochdeutschen. Dissertation.

Goodloe, Jane Faulkner: Nomina agentis auf -el im Neuhochdeutschen. Dissertation.

19,00 €
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