100 % Positiv
Verkäufe: 235

Hind, Arthur M: Giovanni Battista Piranesi : a critical study ; with a list of his published works and detailed catalogues of the prisons and the views of Rome.

Hind, Arthur M: Giovanni Battista Piranesi : a critical study ; with a list of his published works and detailed catalogues of the prisons and the views of Rome.



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Details zum Artikel

Autor: Hind, Arthur M

Titel: Giovanni Battista Piranesi : a critical study ; with a list of his published works and detailed catalogues of the prisons and the views of Rome

Verlagsort: Mansfield : Martino Publ. 2005

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN: 1-57898-174-3

Händler-Kategorie: Kunstgeschichte

oldthing-Nummer: 52417196
| Lagernummer: B212-010


100 % Positiv
235 Verkäufe
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Artikelstandort: DE-50939 Köln
Sprache: deutsch
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