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8503 Artikel gefunden

Doerr, Anthony: The Shell Collector. Stories
 New York - London - Toronto - Sydney, Scribner, (2002).

Doerr, Anthony: The Shell Collector. Stories New York London Toronto Sydney, Scribner..

10,00 €
Kuenzi, André; Ferrari, Annette: Louise Soutter. Catalogue. 2 février au 2 avril 1990
 Martigny, Fondation Pierre Gianadda, 1990.

Kuenzi, André; Ferrari, Annette: Louise Soutter. Catalogue. 2 février au 2 avril 1990 Martigny..

13,00 €
Steward, Sam: Understanding he Male Hustler
 New York - London - Sydney, Harrington Park Press, (1991).

Steward, Sam: Understanding he Male Hustler New York London Sydney, Harrington Park Press..

27,00 €
Foucault, Michel: Death and the Labyrinth. The World of Raymond Roussel. Translated from the French by Charles Ruas. With an introduction by James Faubion and a Postscript by John Ashbery
 London - New York, continuum, (2004).

Foucault, Michel: Death and the Labyrinth. The World of Raymond Roussel. Translated from the French..

24,00 €
Gellner, Ernest: Language and Solitude. Wittgenstein, Malinowski and the Habsburg Dilemma
 Cambridge, University Press, 1998.

Gellner, Ernest: Language and Solitude. Wittgenstein, Malinowski and the Habsburg Dilemma..

17,00 €
Hyman, John; Steward, Helen (Hg.): Agency and Action. [= Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement: 55]
 Cambridge, University Press, [2004].

Hyman, John; Steward, Helen (Hg.): Agency and Action. [= Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement:..

27,00 €
Lawrence, Aaron: The Male Escort's Handbook. Your Guide to Getting Rich the Hard Way
 Warren, Late Night Press, (2000).

Lawrence, Aaron: The Male Escort's Handbook. Your Guide to Getting Rich the Hard Way Warren, Late..

74,00 €
Schmidt, Bettina E.; Schröder, Ingo W: Anthropology of Violence and Conflict
 London - New York, Routledge, (2001).

Schmidt, Bettina E.; Schröder, Ingo W: Anthropology of Violence and Conflict London New York..

17,00 €
Augé, Marc: An Anthropology for Contemporaneous Worlds. Translated by Amy Jacobs. [= Mestizo Spaces - Espaces Métissés]
 Stanford, Stanford University Press, (1999).

Augé, Marc: An Anthropology for Contemporaneous Worlds. Translated by Amy Jacobs. [= Mestizo..

10,00 €
Jackson, Graham: The Living Room Mysteries. Patterns of Male Intimacy Book 2. [= Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysts ; 60]
 Toronto, Inner City Books, 1993.

Jackson, Graham: The Living Room Mysteries. Patterns of Male Intimacy Book 2. [= Studies in Jungian..

10,00 €
Baudrillard, Jean: The Illusion of the End. Translated by Chris Turner
 Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1994.

Baudrillard, Jean: The Illusion of the End. Translated by Chris Turner Stanford, Stanford..

10,00 €
Metzger, Deena: Writing for Your Life. A Guide and Companion to the Inner Worlds. [9th printing]
 San Francisco, Harper, 1995.

Metzger, Deena: Writing for Your Life. A Guide and Companion to the Inner Worlds. [9th printing]..

10,00 €
Zizek, Slavoj: Organs without Bodies. Deleuze and Consequences
 New York - London, Routledge, 2003 / 2004.

Zizek, Slavoj: Organs without Bodies. Deleuze and Consequences New York London, Routledge, 2003..

10,00 €
Efimova, Alla; Manovich, Lev: Tekstura - Russian Essays on Visual Culture. With a Foreword by Stephen Bann
 Chicago - London, The University of Chicago Press, 1993.

Efimova, Alla; Manovich, Lev: Tekstura Russian Essays on Visual Culture. With a Foreword by..

10,00 €
Mahoney, Michael J: Constructive Psychotherapy. Theory and Practice. Forword by C. R. Snyder. [2nd printing]
 New York - London, The Guilford Press, 2006.

Mahoney, Michael J: Constructive Psychotherapy. Theory and Practice. Forword by C. R. Snyder. [2nd..

28,00 €
Lucie-Smith, Edward (Hg.): The Male Nude, a modern view. An exhibition organized by Francois de Louville
 London, Sarema Press (Publishers), (1985).

Lucie Smith, Edward (Hg.): The Male Nude, a modern view. An exhibition organized by Francois de..

16,00 €
Bachardy, Don: Drawings of the Male Nud
 Pasadena, Twelvetrees Press, 1985.

Bachardy, Don: Drawings of the Male Nud Pasadena, Twelvetrees Press, 1985.

74,00 €
Samaras, Lucas: Samaras. The Photographs of Lucas Samaras. Essay by Ben Lifson
 New York, An Aperture Book, (1987).

Samaras, Lucas: Samaras. The Photographs of Lucas Samaras. Essay by Ben Lifson New York, An..

20,00 €
Williams, Elsa S: Creative Canvas Work
 New York - Cincinnati - Toronto - London - Melbourne, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, [1972].

Williams, Elsa S: Creative Canvas Work New York Cincinnati Toronto London Melbourne, Van..

18,00 €
Usabiaga, Pedro: Besame Mucho
 Berlin, Bruno Gmünder Verlag, (1991).

Usabiaga, Pedro: Besame Mucho Berlin, Bruno Gmünder Verlag, (1991).

18,00 €
Hardy, Karen: Not just another pretty face. An intimate look at America's top male models. Profiles written by Josh Reid. Design by Robert J. Luzzi
 New York - Scarborough, A Plume Book - New American Libary, 1983.

Hardy, Karen: Not just another pretty face. An intimate look at America's top male models. Profiles..

34,00 €
Andersen, Hans Christian: Lo spettro. Il compagno di viaggio. A cura di Bruno Berni. Con le illustrazioni di Vilhelm Pedersen. [= serie arancio fiabe e tradizioni popolari ; 12]
 Biblioteca del Vascello.

Andersen, Hans Christian: Lo spettro. Il compagno di viaggio. A cura di Bruno Berni. Con le..

10,00 €
Andersen, Hans Christian: H. C. Andersens Märchen für Kinder. Rei nach der Reclam'schen Ausgabe bearbeitet von Paul Arndt. [Reprografischer] Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1880 nach..

Andersen, Hans Christian: H. C. Andersens Märchen für Kinder. Rei nach der Reclam'schen Ausgabe..

12,00 €
Andersen, Hans Christian: Hans Christian Andersens Märchen. Dritte Auflage (8. bis 10. Tausend). [1] Erster Band. [2] Zweiter Band
 Leipzig, Insel-Verlag, 1921.

Andersen, Hans Christian: Hans Christian Andersens Märchen. Dritte Auflage (8. bis 10. Tausend)..

18,00 €
Andersen, Hans Christian: Der Reisekamerad und andere Märchen. Ausgewählt von E. Guder. Bilder von A. W. Baum
 Berlin, Verlag des Lehrerverbandes, 1924.

Andersen, Hans Christian: Der Reisekamerad und andere Märchen. Ausgewählt von E. Guder. Bilder..

14,00 €
Andersen, Hans Christian: Der Reisekamerad und andere Märchen. Ausgewählt von E. Guder. Bilder von A. W. Baum
 Berlin, Verlag des Lehrerverbandes, 1924.

Andersen, Hans Christian: Der Reisekamerad und andere Märchen. Ausgewählt von E. Guder. Bilder..

18,00 €
Andersen, Hans Christian: Märchen von H. C. Andersen. Mit buchschmuck von Georg A. Stroedel. [= Meister des Märchens]
 Leipzig, Verlag von Abel & Müller, 1911.

Andersen, Hans Christian: Märchen von H. C. Andersen. Mit buchschmuck von Georg A. Stroedel. [=..

20,00 €
Andersen, Hans Christian: Bilderbuch ohne Bilder. Aus dem Dänischen von M. Langfeldt. Den Buchschmuck zeichnete Ernst Kreidolf in München. Fünftes bis siebentes Tausend
 Jena, Eugen Diederichs, 1923.

Andersen, Hans Christian: Bilderbuch ohne Bilder. Aus dem Dänischen von M. Langfeldt. Den..

10,00 €
Hrabal, Bohumil; Kotalík, Jirí; Masín, Jirí; Köhrmann, Gerd; Pregl, Tatjana: Jirí Anderle
 Köln, Edition Baukunst, 1983.

Hrabal, Bohumil; Kotalík, Jirí; Masín, Jirí; Köhrmann, Gerd; Pregl, Tatjana: Jirí Anderle..

94,00 €
The Sydney Dream. A special issue of Black+White
 Sydney, Studio Magazines, September 2000.

The Sydney Dream. A special issue of Black+White Sydney, Studio Magazines, September 2000.

74,00 €
Decottignies, Jean: Klossowski, Notre Prochain. Suivi d'un texte inédit de Pierre Klossowski
 Paris, Éditions Henr Veyrier, (1985).

Decottignies, Jean: Klossowski, Notre Prochain. Suivi d'un texte inédit de Pierre Klossowski..

13,00 €
Hogarth, Burne: Dynamic Light and Shade. [12th printing]
 New York, Watson-Guptill Publications, 2000.

Hogarth, Burne: Dynamic Light and Shade. [12th printing] New York, Watson Guptill Publications..

10,00 €
Andreas Müller-Pohle - Transformance
 Göttingen, Europiean Photography, (1983).

Andreas Müller-Pohle - Transformance Göttingen, Europiean Photography, (1983).

27,00 €
The Big Book of Drawing and Painting the Figure. [1st printing]
 New York, Watson-Guptill Publications, 1995.

The Big Book of Drawing and Painting the Figure. [1st printing] New York, Watson Guptill..

12,00 €
Richardson, Terry: too much. Photographs. "fuck you Sisley". [Ausstellungskatalog]
 Italien, ohne Verlag, 2002.

Richardson, Terry: too much. Photographs. "fuck you Sisley". [Ausstellungskatalog] Italien, ohne..

94,00 €
Das Neue Bauen im Spiel der Photographie. Werke aus einer bedeutenden Sammlung. // The International Style through the Eyes of Photography. Works from an Important Collection
 Köln, Lempertz, 3. Juni 2016.

Das Neue Bauen im Spiel der Photographie. Werke aus einer bedeutenden Sammlung. // The..

24,00 €
Harter, J. B: Encounters with the Nude Male. Paintings & Drawings. First published
 Swaffham, Éditions Aubrey Walter, 1997.

Harter, J. B: Encounters with the Nude Male. Paintings & Drawings. First published Swaffham..

34,00 €
Ray, Darrel; Bronstein, Howard: Teaming Up. Making the Transition to a Self-Directed Team-Based Organization. [3rd printing]
 New York u. a., McGraw-Hill, 1996.

Ray, Darrel; Bronstein, Howard: Teaming Up. Making the Transition to a Self Directed Team Based..

10,00 €
Michiels, Toon: Zeldzame Mensen. Foto's. - Rare People. Photographs
 Amsterdam, Fragment, (1986).

Michiels, Toon: Zeldzame Mensen. Foto's. - Rare People. Photographs Amsterdam, Fragment, (1986).

20,00 €
Moore, John; Sunshine, Spencer (Hg.): I Am Not A Man, I Am Dynamite! Friedrich Nietzsche and the Anarchis Tradition
 New York, Autonomedia, (2004).

Moore, John; Sunshine, Spencer (Hg.): I Am Not A Man, I Am Dynamite! Friedrich Nietzsche and the..

14,00 €
Dean, Tim: Beyond Sexuality
 Chicago - London, The Chicago University Press, 2000.

Dean, Tim: Beyond Sexuality Chicago - London, The Chicago University Press, 2000.

22,00 €
Berger, Athur Asa: Cultural Criticism. A Primer of Key Concepts. [= Foundations of Popular Culture Vol. 4]
 Thousand Oaks - London - New Dehlhi, Sage Publications, 1995.

Berger, Athur Asa: Cultural Criticism. A Primer of Key Concepts. [= Foundations of Popular Culture..

10,00 €
Feher, Michel; Naddaff, Ramona; Tazi, Nadia (Hg.): Fragments for a History of the Human Body. Part Two
 New York, ZONE - Urzone, (1989).

Feher, Michel; Naddaff, Ramona; Tazi, Nadia (Hg.): Fragments for a History of the Human Body. Part..

12,00 €
Horwitz, Allan V: Creating Mental Illness. [2nd printing]
 Chicago - London, The University of Chicago Press, 2003.

Horwitz, Allan V: Creating Mental Illness. [2nd printing] Chicago London, The University of..

14,00 €
Roudinesco, Elisabeth: Why Psychoanalysis? Translated by Rachel Bowlby
 New York, Columbia University Press, (2001).

Roudinesco, Elisabeth: Why Psychoanalysis? Translated by Rachel Bowlby New York, Columbia..

17,00 €
Dressler, Peter: Bleibende Werte // Lasting Values // Valeurs Sûres
 Salzburg, Fotohof, 2002.

Dressler, Peter: Bleibende Werte // Lasting Values // Valeurs Sûres Salzburg, Fotohof, 2002.

14,00 €
Beutel, Manfred: Bewältigungsprozesse bei chronischen Erkrankungen. [= Psychologie in der Medizin]
 Weinheim - Basel, edition medizin - VCH, 1988.

Beutel, Manfred: Bewältigungsprozesse bei chronischen Erkrankungen. [= Psychologie in der..

18,00 €
Feher, Michel; Naddaff, Ramona; Tazi, Nadia (Hg.): Fragments for a History of the Human Body. Part Three
 New York, ZONE - Urzone, (1989).

Feher, Michel; Naddaff, Ramona; Tazi, Nadia (Hg.): Fragments for a History of the Human Body. Part..

10,00 €