100 % Positiv
Verkäufe: 37

Hosoe, Eikoh. Barakei Shinshuban - 1971 JAPAN POP-ART


Hosoe, Eikoh. Barakei Shinshuba. (Ordeal by roses, reedited). (Preface: Yukio Mishima). Tokyo, Shuei-sha (1971). Quer-Imperial-Folio (38 x 54 cm.). [52] Bl. mit Frontispiz auf mont. Aluminiumplatte, 3 farb. Illustrationen u. 40 (3 farb.) ganzs. Abb. nach Fotografien. Schwarzer Orig.-Samteinband mit farb. Deckelbild in Orig.-Leinen-Flügelmappe mit Deckeltitel u. 5 farb. Illustrationen auf dem Innendeckel und den Flügeln mit Orig.-Versandkarton mit Deckelschild. – Black original velvet cover with color cover image in original linen wing folder with cover title and 5 color illustrations on the inner cover and the wings with original shipping box with cover label.

Auer 534. Heiting/Kaneko 408 f., 322. Parr/Badger I, 282 f. (mit mehreren Abb.). – Zweite, von Tadanori Yokoo oppulent ausgestattete Ausgabe des Hauptwerks. Die erste Ausgabe erschien bereits 1963. Texte in Japanisch und Englisch. – An „astonishing book … Yokoo created one of the most complex photographic books ever. Bound in black velvet, it nestles in a portfolio case , whose lining is covered with more of Ykoo’s highly coulored illustrations, a blend of Pop art with ukiyo-e … Hosoe’s photographs are printed in the most luscious photogravure imaginable, with blacks as deep as the ocean … Evan without the bizarre circumstances of its genesis, it is by any standards an extraordinary book“ (Parr/Badger). – „(A) rare glimpse into the life of the great modern Japanese writer, Yukio Mishima, who ended his life in 1970 by ritual suicide. Many in Japan regarded the suicide as a sensational act. However, the publication of Mishima’s final cycle of novels, which had been conceived eight years prior to his death, revealed that his death was carefully considered a gesture of historical import in perfect accord with the morbid and esoteric aesthetic that pervades his writing. In 1961 Mishima asked Eikoh Hosoe to photograph him, giving him full artistic direction in making these surreal and alluring photographs. The props that surround the writer and the baroque interior of his home are antithetical to the pure Japanese sensibility of understatement and reveal Mishima’s dark, theatrical imagination“ (Verlagswerbung zur Neuausgabe, New York 1985). – Die Flügelmappe mit minimalen Altersspuren, außergewöhnlich schönes und sauberes Exemplar im Orig.-Versandkarton und mit beil. Verlags-Prospekt. – The wing folder with minimal signs of age, exceptionally beautiful and clean copy in the original shipping box and with enclosed publisher’s brochure.


Siehe Beschreibung
oldthing-Nummer: 49557904
| Lagernummer: 285858910218


100 % Positiv
37 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-76133 Karlsruhe
Sprache: deutsch
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