Wolff, Paul. My experiences in color photography. With 54 color plates by Dr. Paul Wolff, Alfred Tritschler and Rudolf Hermann. Text by Dr. Paul Wolff, translated into English from the German! by Warner S. Victor, with an appreciation and supplement by Jacob Deschin. Frankfurt am Main, Umschau Verlag (1952). 4°. 43, (1) S. und 54 Farbtafeln. OHln. mit farbig illustr. OU.
Heiting/Lemke 309 u. 314 u. S. 210 ff. – Erste englische Ausgabe, erschien gleichzeitig auch bei Grayson Publishing Corp. in New York und Fountain Press in London. Außerdem erschienen noch eine finnische und bereits 1945 eine schwedische Ausgabe. Die erste Ausgabe erschien 1952 bei Breidenstein in Frankfurt am Main. – „Among the photographic cognoscente, Meine Erfahrungen farbig (My experiences in colour photography), 1942 caused a real stir. In a total of 54 images, Wolff presented the world of color using the Leica camera. The book was printed by the Carl Werner company, with Hans Breidenstein handling the concept and distribution. In terms of structure, it is almost identical to the preceding guides and featured full-page images. Each image stands on its own, but aesthetically they complement one another. What is new are the themes that Wolff included to „freshen things up“ Alongside the increased number of advertising and industrial images, there are countless travel portraits from various countries, such as Morocco, Italy, Madeira and Yugoslavia. Moreover, he wanted to integrate pictures of soldiers taken on the Front – as can be gleaned from the relevant correspondence with Willi Klar: „My new color book is in process, but some images […] are still needed. Something from a soldier’s life should also be included. Night-time exercises with searchlights, etc.” Wolff requested, and also wrote in a later letter that he needed a greater range to choose from: „The handsome head of a soldier as a portrait, or something from a march or exercise. You’ll find out what’s good I’m sure.” Wolff was under immense time pressure with the publication: „We hope to be able to bring out an initial edition for Christmas. I do hope it will be a really great hit! ″ There were pragmatic reasons for including contemporary theme as this met the government guidelines“ (M. Heiting and Kristina Lemke). – Schutzumschlag mit Randläsuren und 1 kl. Ausriß an der unteren Kante, sonst gut erhalten.