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118 Artikel gefunden


Flag Manual. - Superintendent of Documents (Ed.): Flag Manual U.S. Marine Corps. MCO P10520.3A.

Flag Manual. - Superintendent of Documents (Ed.): Flag Manual U.S. Marine Corps. MCO P10520.3A.

27,00 €
Amtliches Fernsprechbuch Kreis Dippoldiswalde
 mit Dippoldiswalde, Altenberg, Glashütte, Hartmannsdorf, Hausdorf, Hermsdorf a. Wilisch, Hermsdorf (Erzgeb.), Höckendorf, Kipsdorf, Lauenstein, Pretzschendorf und Reichenau
 Stand Januar 1960.

Amtliches Fernsprechbuch Kreis Dippoldiswalde mit Dippoldiswalde, Altenberg, Glashütte..

69,99 €
Gay - Calbo, Enrique: Las Banderas - El Escudo y el Himno de Cuba. Breve Historia.

Gay - Calbo, Enrique: Las Banderas - El Escudo y el Himno de Cuba. Breve Historia.

40,00 €
Casallas, Luis A. Bohorquez: Simbolos Patrios Colombianos. ( Colleccion Presidencia de la Rebublica - Administracion Turbay Ayala, Volumen VI ).

Casallas, Luis A. Bohorquez: Simbolos Patrios Colombianos. ( Colleccion Presidencia de la..

47,00 €
Christie Murray, David (Author) / Dan Escott (Plates): School Arms complete with Volume 1, 2 and 3! Volume 1 contains the coats of arms of:..

Christie Murray, David (Author) / Dan Escott (Plates): School Arms complete with Volume 1, 2 and 3!..

127,00 €
Lee, G. Ambrose (= An Officer of Arms): The Episcopal Arms of England and Wales.

Lee, G. Ambrose (= An Officer of Arms): The Episcopal Arms of England and Wales.

207,00 €
Verzeichniß der Schüler und Schülerinnen, welche im Jahre 1821/22 sowohl in der höhern Bürgerschule, als in den Werktags-, Sonntags- und Industrieschulen der Stadt Augsburg Unterricht erhielten
 Den Eltern und Schulfreunden gewidmet.

Verzeichniß der Schüler und Schülerinnen, welche im Jahre 1821/22 sowohl in der höhern..

75,00 €
Rudolf Rich: Mittelalterliche Hausgeschichte der edlen Familie Thun
 Heft VII: Viktor I. und seine Familie.

Rudolf Rich: Mittelalterliche Hausgeschichte der edlen Familie Thun Heft VII: Viktor I. und seine..

75,00 €
Fritz Lometsch: Chronik der Familie Lometsch 1568-1984
 soweit sich die Stammfolge aus alten Urkunden und den Aufzeichnungen der Kirchenbücher feststellen ließ.

Fritz Lometsch: Chronik der Familie Lometsch 1568 1984 soweit sich die Stammfolge aus alten..

185,00 €
Robert Cramer: Die Ratsfamilie Cramer vom Hauszeichenwappen von Zürich - La famille Cramer du Conseil de Zurich (aux armes a la marque de maison) - La famiglia Cramer del Consiglio di Zurigo (con lo stemme alla marca die casa)

Robert Cramer: Die Ratsfamilie Cramer vom Hauszeichenwappen von Zürich La famille Cramer du..

168,00 €
Republica Oriental del Uruguay (Ed.): Simbolos Nacionales. Su uso, determinacion de los modelos oficiales y orden de preeminencia. Decreto del Poder Ejecutivo de fecha 18 de Febrero de 1952. Anotado con todas las leyes, decretos y disposiciones conexas co

Republica Oriental del Uruguay (Ed.): Simbolos Nacionales. Su uso, determinacion de los modelos..

27,00 €
Behörden- und Firmenverzeichnis Kreis Borna.

Behörden- und Firmenverzeichnis Kreis Borna.

115,00 €
Lloyd. - Drory, Charles Esquire: Lloyd's Register of Yachts. Containing particulars and Distinguishing Flags of yachts and motor boats; an alphabetical list of owners, with their addresses, also the flags of the principal yacht and sailing clubs, with the

Lloyd. Drory, Charles Esquire: Lloyd's Register of Yachts. Containing particulars and..

257,00 €
Hope, William Henry St. John (Editor): Illustrated Catalogue Of The Heraldic Exhibition, Burlington House, 1894.

Hope, William Henry St. John (Editor): Illustrated Catalogue Of The Heraldic Exhibition, Burlington..

107,00 €
Sumner, Jan: Military flags. Bibliography.

Sumner, Jan: Military flags. Bibliography.

57,00 €
Consell Insular de Menorca: La Bandera de l ' Illa de Menorca.

Consell Insular de Menorca: La Bandera de l ' Illa de Menorca.

27,00 €
Turek, Eva: Böhmiska fanor i Statens trofesamling. - Bohemian Colours in the Swedish State Trophy Collection.

Turek, Eva: Böhmiska fanor i Statens trofesamling. Bohemian Colours in the Swedish State Trophy..

23,00 €
Zapadoslovensky Krajsky Narodny Vybor Bratislava / Stefan Nemec (Autor): Statne a Mestske Symboly ich Pouzivanie a Ochrana. Metodicka prirucka pre narodné vybory.

Zapadoslovensky Krajsky Narodny Vybor Bratislava / Stefan Nemec (Autor): Statne a Mestske Symboly..

27,00 €
Exner, Petr / Pavel Fojtik / Zbysek Svoboda: Vlajky, Prapory a Jejich Pouzivani.  Zakladni Pravidla pro Vyvesovani Vlajek na Uzemi Ceske Republiky.

Exner, Petr / Pavel Fojtik / Zbysek Svoboda: Vlajky, Prapory a Jejich Pouzivani. Zakladni Pravidla..

21,00 €
Molina Pont, Francisco: La Senyera Dels  Valencians.  ' Aproximacion a la Historia de la Senyera. '.

Molina Pont, Francisco: La Senyera Dels Valencians. ' Aproximacion a la Historia de la Senyera..

26,00 €
Molina Pont, Francisco: La Senyera y el Centenar de la Ploma.

Molina Pont, Francisco: La Senyera y el Centenar de la Ploma.

23,00 €
Arco, Ricardo del: Mas sobre el  escudo de Huesca. En Defensa de la Real Academia de la Historia y para restablecer la Verdad. Réplica a unos Comentarios al informe de la Academia.

Arco, Ricardo del: Mas sobre el escudo de Huesca. En Defensa de la Real Academia de la Historia y..

26,00 €
Stredoceske Krajske Kulturni Stredisko (Ed.): Vyzdoba a Uprava Volebnich Prostor. Metodicka pomucka.

Stredoceske Krajske Kulturni Stredisko (Ed.): Vyzdoba a Uprava Volebnich Prostor. Metodicka..

47,00 €
Voriskova, M. / A. Svobodova: Co ma ' me vedet o statnich symbolech.

Voriskova, M. / A. Svobodova: Co ma ' me vedet o statnich symbolech.

41,00 €
Frajdl, Jiri / Josef Zalabsky: Vexilologie 1989. (Ucebni Texty Vysokych Skol).

Frajdl, Jiri / Josef Zalabsky: Vexilologie 1989. (Ucebni Texty Vysokych Skol).

47,00 €
Flag Research Center / Whitney Smith (Ed.): Report of the  12 th International Congress of Vexillology. (The Flag Bulletin, No. 130  January-August 1989, Volume XXVII, Nos. 1-4).

Flag Research Center / Whitney Smith (Ed.): Report of the 12 th International Congress of..

52,00 €
Pripavilo Stredisko Vexilologickych Informaci  (Ed.) / Petr Exner (Red.): Sbornik Prednasek Z 1,  Z 2, Z 3, Z 5.  Ceskeho Narodniho Vexilologeckeho Kongresu Hradek Kralove 1996 / Usti Nad Labem 2000 / Plzen 2004 / Liberec 2012.

Pripavilo Stredisko Vexilologickych Informaci (Ed.) / Petr Exner (Red.): Sbornik Prednasek Z 1, Z..

47,00 €
Perez, Luis Miguel Arias: Reglamento de Banderas actualizado  - a 18 de marzo 2001.

Perez, Luis Miguel Arias: Reglamento de Banderas actualizado - a 18 de marzo 2001.

51,00 €
Gay - Calbo, Enrique: El Centenario de la Bandiera Cubana (1849 - 1949). Discurso leido por el Académico de Numéro en la sesión solemne celebrada el dia 7 de junio de 1949.

Gay Calbo, Enrique: El Centenario de la Bandiera Cubana (1849 1949). Discurso leido por el..

42,00 €
Horváth, Zoltán: A Világ zászlói - a zászlók vilaga. Zászlók, Cimerek, Leirasok, Adatok, Térképek Amit a Zászlokrol Tudni Érdemes….

Horváth, Zoltán: A Világ zászlói a zászlók vilaga. Zászlók, Cimerek, Leirasok, Adatok..

27,00 €
North American Vexillological Association   Association nord américaine de Vexillologie (Ed./Réd.) / Kenneth J. Hartvigsen / Steven A. Knowlton (Ed. /Réd.): The Flags of..

North American Vexillological Association Association nord américaine de Vexillologie..

27,00 €
Informace / Vexi Info. - Flag Data Centre. - Petr Exner: Informace No. 1 - 27 / Vexi Info No. 28 - 51. April 1994 - September / October 2000. Zpravodaj strediska vexilologikych informaci ( The Bulletin of the Flag Data Centre ).

Informace / Vexi Info. Flag Data Centre. Petr Exner: Informace No. 1 27 / Vexi Info No. 28..

82,00 €
Cederström, Rudolf: Svenska Kungliga Hufvudbanér samt Fälttecken vid I Sverige, Finland och öfriga Svenska provinser stäende Trupper. Förvarade I. Kungl. Lifrustkammaren och Kungl. Artillerimuseum M.Fl..

Cederström, Rudolf: Svenska Kungliga Hufvudbanér samt Fälttecken vid I Sverige, Finland och..

47,00 €
Zevenbergen, P. / H.J.M. van Rijckevorsel (Pref.): de nieuwe start van een schuttersgilde - Borgvliet Sint Sebastiaan Bergen op Zoom.

Zevenbergen, P. / H.J.M. van Rijckevorsel (Pref.): de nieuwe start van een schuttersgilde..

26,00 €
Circulo Militar (Ed.): French y la Divisa de Mayo.

Circulo Militar (Ed.): French y la Divisa de Mayo.

37,00 €
Tomisa, Ilona: "…együtt a processiot…járják". Körmeneti zászlók Magyarországon.

Tomisa, Ilona: "…együtt a processiot…járják". Körmeneti zászlók Magyarországon.

23,00 €
Geens, Frans - Roger Harmignies, Erik Meersman, Eugeen van Autenboer u.a: Het Vliegende Vendel.

Geens, Frans - Roger Harmignies, Erik Meersman, Eugeen van Autenboer u.a: Het Vliegende Vendel.

57,00 €
Lipton Tea (Ed.): Flags of the world. Series 1 (60 cards in a set).

Lipton Tea (Ed.): Flags of the world. Series 1 (60 cards in a set).

23,00 €
Gyözö, Somogyi - Cs. Kottra Györgyi, Ságvári Györgyi: Magyar Hadizászlók.

Gyözö, Somogyi - Cs. Kottra Györgyi, Ságvári Györgyi: Magyar Hadizászlók.

23,00 €
Arge, Niel Juel: Merkid - Flaggsögan (Flaggsogan).

Arge, Niel Juel: Merkid - Flaggsögan (Flaggsogan).

37,00 €
Ferro, Carlos A: La Bandera Argentina - Inspiradora de los Pabellones Centroamericanos.

Ferro, Carlos A: La Bandera Argentina - Inspiradora de los Pabellones Centroamericanos.

23,00 €
Zeballos, Estanislao S: El Escudo y los Colores Nacionales. (Extracto de la Revista de Derecho, Historia y Letras).

Zeballos, Estanislao S: El Escudo y los Colores Nacionales. (Extracto de la Revista de Derecho..

23,00 €
Gschwind, Juan Jorge - Academia Nacional de la Historia: Rosario y el Monumento a la Bandera. Las Primeras Iniciativas para Honrar el Emblema Nacional. (= Publicaciones de la Filial Rosario, No. 6).

Gschwind, Juan Jorge Academia Nacional de la Historia: Rosario y el Monumento a la Bandera. Las..

27,00 €
Academia Nacional de la Historia (Hrsg. / Ed.): Monumento Conmemorativo a la Bandera Nacional Argentina. (= Publicaciones de la Filial Rosario, No. 10).

Academia Nacional de la Historia (Hrsg. / Ed.): Monumento Conmemorativo a la Bandera Nacional..

25,00 €
Chaparro, Felix A: La Bandera de Artigas o de la Federacion y las Banderas Provenciales del Litoral. Corrientes - Entre Rios - Santa Fe - Córdoba - Misiones.

Chaparro, Felix A: La Bandera de Artigas o de la Federacion y las Banderas Provenciales del..

28,00 €
Mucha, Ludvik - Sdtanislav Valásek: Vlajky a znaky zemí sveta.

Mucha, Ludvik - Sdtanislav Valásek: Vlajky a znaky zemí sveta.

23,00 €
Gessler, E. A.   Geleitwort: General Henry Guisan: Die Banner der Heimat. Ein Prachtwerk über die ruhmreiche Geschichte der Standesbanner bis zur eidgenössischen Fahne..

Gessler, E. A. Geleitwort: General Henry Guisan: Die Banner der Heimat. Ein Prachtwerk über die..

39,00 €
Hitchcock, Barbara: The Badford Flag - a national treasure. Illustrations by Jan van Steenwijk.

Hitchcock, Barbara: The Badford Flag - a national treasure. Illustrations by Jan van Steenwijk.

21,00 €
National Flag Foundation (Ed.): Flags of America.

National Flag Foundation (Ed.): Flags of America.

23,00 €
Wates, Wylma A: A Flag worthy of your State and People. The History of the  South Carolina State Flag.

Wates, Wylma A: A Flag worthy of your State and People. The History of the South Carolina State..

21,00 €
National Flag Foundation (Ed.): The New Constellation. Yorktown to Outer Space. The Story of America as told through its flags - which are the symbols of its   civil, economic, and religious freedom.

National Flag Foundation (Ed.): The New Constellation. Yorktown to Outer Space. The Story of..

21,00 €
United Confederate Veterans (Ed.): The Flags of the Confederate States of America.

United Confederate Veterans (Ed.): The Flags of the Confederate States of America.

21,00 €
Carpenter, Frances: Our State Flags.

Carpenter, Frances: Our State Flags.

23,00 €
Greenly, A. H: More  Light on the Original Bear Flag of California. (Reprint from  the Yale University Library Gazette, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, 1953).

Greenly, A. H: More Light on the Original Bear Flag of California. (Reprint from the Yale..

20,00 €
National Flag Foundation (Ed.): Stars, Stripes & Statutes. A state by state review of provisions covering the use and display of your  flag and related subjects of concern to educators, parents, citizens. (A supplement to Vol. XXIV. No.2).

National Flag Foundation (Ed.): Stars, Stripes & Statutes. A state by state review of provisions..

20,00 €
Boy Scouts of America (Ed.): Flags of America.

Boy Scouts of America (Ed.): Flags of America.

21,00 €
Fregeiro, C. L: Banderas Imperiales del Brasil existentes en el Museo Historico Nacional (= Estudios Historicos de HUMANIDADES, tomo II, pagina 95 a 168).

Fregeiro, C. L: Banderas Imperiales del Brasil existentes en el Museo Historico Nacional (=..

67,00 €
Knill, Harry: A coloring book of the 13 colonies. Drawings by N. Conkle et al.

Knill, Harry: A coloring book of the 13 colonies. Drawings by N. Conkle et al.

16,00 €
Mittlebeeler, Emmet V: What Flag flew at Bunker Hill? (Reprint from The Flag Bulletin, Vol. XVII, No. 2).

Mittlebeeler, Emmet V: What Flag flew at Bunker Hill? (Reprint from The Flag Bulletin, Vol. XVII..

20,00 €
Rogner, E. A: The Pentagon. Flags displayed in the building.  History - Location - Myths and Facts.

Rogner, E. A: The Pentagon. Flags displayed in the building. History - Location - Myths and Facts.

20,00 €
Pond, Chester / O ' Hara, A. C: Flags over New York.  History and Display of the Flag of the United States of America and the Flag of the State of New York.

Pond, Chester / O ' Hara, A. C: Flags over New York. History and Display of the Flag of the United..

15,00 €
McCloskey, Marsha / Linda Moore: Make your own Outdoor Flags & Banners.  A Handbook for Do - it - Yourself Flag Design and Construction.

McCloskey, Marsha / Linda Moore: Make your own Outdoor Flags & Banners. A Handbook for Do it..

20,00 €
Sokolov, V. A: State Flags and Coats - of - Arms of Ukraine (Collegium Heraldicum Fennicum - Apeliotes Collection concerning East European Heraldry).

Sokolov, V. A: State Flags and Coats of Arms of Ukraine (Collegium Heraldicum Fennicum..

20,00 €
Russell, Lindsay. - John Barrett / Frederic Brown: The Pan American Union of Washington and the Pan American Society of the United States of New York, have great pleasure in extending to you the season's greetings and in presenting to you as a Pan America

Russell, Lindsay. John Barrett / Frederic Brown: The Pan American Union of Washington and the Pan..

157,00 €
Canada. - Baronian, Luc / Christopher Bedwell / Doreen Braverman / James Croft  and others: Canadian City Flags Part 2. Canada (= Raven - A Journal of Vexillology, Vol. 18,  2011).

Canada. Baronian, Luc / Christopher Bedwell / Doreen Braverman / James Croft and others:..

37,00 €
Popovich, Miroslav (Foreword): The Historical Heraldry of Ukrainian Cities.

Popovich, Miroslav (Foreword): The Historical Heraldry of Ukrainian Cities.

27,00 €
Fox, Len: The strange story of the Eureka Flag.

Fox, Len: The strange story of the Eureka Flag.

15,00 €
Caka, Jan (Bilder) / Schenk, Jiri (Text).   heraldické kresby Jana Cáky s pruvodním slovem dr. inž. Jirího Schenka. Vyd. komitét symposia Hornická Príbram..

Caka, Jan (Bilder) / Schenk, Jiri (Text). heraldické kresby Jana Cáky s pruvodním slovem dr..

307,00 €
Montfalcon, A. de (Text) / Paul-E. Martin (Avant-propos) / Fred de Siebenthal (Dessins): Armorial des Communes Genevoises publie sous les auspices des Archives d'Etat.

Montfalcon, A. de (Text) / Paul E. Martin (Avant propos) / Fred de Siebenthal (Dessins): Armorial..

101,00 €
Myslivecek, Milan: Panoptikum. Symbolu, znacek a znameni. (= Panoptikum. Symbole, Wappen und Zeichen).

Myslivecek, Milan: Panoptikum. Symbolu, znacek a znameni. (= Panoptikum. Symbole, Wappen und..

19,00 €
Escobar, Ismael Bucich: Banderas Argentinas de la Independencia.

Escobar, Ismael Bucich: Banderas Argentinas de la Independencia.

47,00 €
Bizemont, Alfred de - Victor Bouton (Illustr.): Le Héraut d’Armes. Revue illustrée de la Noblesse. Tome Ier, Novembre 1861 a Janvier 1863.

Bizemont, Alfred de Victor Bouton (Illustr.): Le Héraut d’Armes. Revue illustrée de la..

87,00 €
Walker, James and M. A. Richardson: The Armorial Bearings of the Several Incorporated Companies of Newcastle Upon Tyne with a brief historical Account of each Company; together with Notices of the Corpus Christi or Miracle Plays anciently performed by the

Walker, James and M. A. Richardson: The Armorial Bearings of the Several Incorporated Companies of..

187,00 €
Hirst, Joseph H: The Armorial Bearings of Kingston-Upon-Hull.

Hirst, Joseph H: The Armorial Bearings of Kingston-Upon-Hull.

77,00 €
Sheppard, Thomas M. Sc: The Correct Arms of Kingston-Upon-Hull.

Sheppard, Thomas M. Sc: The Correct Arms of Kingston-Upon-Hull.

207,00 €
United States Navy Department Bureau of Navigation: Flags of Maritime Nations. From the most authentic Sources prepared by direction of the secretary of the navy by the Bureau of Navigation.

United States Navy Department Bureau of Navigation: Flags of Maritime Nations. From the most..

707,00 €
Grandjean, Poul Bredo: Danske Herreders Segl indtil 1660 M. M. herunder lands- og birkesegl med supplement til Danske Købstaeders Segl. Avec un resume en francais.

Grandjean, Poul Bredo: Danske Herreders Segl indtil 1660 M. M. herunder lands og birkesegl med..

207,00 €
MacGeorge, A: Flags: Some Account of their History and Uses.

MacGeorge, A: Flags: Some Account of their History and Uses.

97,00 €
Rothery, Guy Cadogan: Armorial Insignia of the Princes of Wales with a Discussion on the Symbolic Meaning of Feathers and of Birds and Dragons.

Rothery, Guy Cadogan: Armorial Insignia of the Princes of Wales with a Discussion on the Symbolic..

307,00 €
Prestwich, John: Prestwich's Respublica; or, a display of the honors, ceremonies & ensigns of the Common-Wealth, under the Protectorship of Oliver Cromwell; together with the names, armorial bearings, flags & pennons of the different commanders of the Eng

Prestwich, John: Prestwich's Respublica; or, a display of the honors, ceremonies & ensigns of the..

357,00 €
Flags of the United Nations: Flags of the United Nations.

Flags of the United Nations: Flags of the United Nations.

16,00 €
Dawnay, Nicolas Payan. - Fryer Julia (Drawings): The standards, guidons and colours of the household division 1660 - 1973. With a foreword by The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, H.R.H. Dedicated to H.M.G.M. Elizabeth II.

Dawnay, Nicolas Payan. Fryer Julia (Drawings): The standards, guidons and colours of the..

67,00 €
John, Marquess of Bute, K. T. / J. H. Stevenson and H. W. Lonsdale: The Arms Of The Baronial And Police Burghs Of Scotland.

John, Marquess of Bute, K. T. / J. H. Stevenson and H. W. Lonsdale: The Arms Of The Baronial And..

207,00 €
John, Marquess of Bute, K. T. / J. R. N. Macphail and H. W. Lonsdale: The Arms of the Royal and Parliamentary Burghs of Scotland.

John, Marquess of Bute, K. T. / J. R. N. Macphail and H. W. Lonsdale: The Arms of the Royal and..

207,00 €
Lloyds of London: Lloyd's Book of House Flags & Funnels.

Lloyds of London: Lloyd's Book of House Flags & Funnels.

207,00 €
Milne, Samuel: Standards and Colours of The Army From the Restoration 1661 to the tntroduction of the Territorial System 1881.

Milne, Samuel: Standards and Colours of The Army From the Restoration 1661 to the tntroduction of..

307,00 €
Wescher, H: Flags.

Wescher, H: Flags.

15,00 €
National Flag Foundation (Ed.): The New Constellation. The Story of America as told through its flags -which are the symbols of ist  civil, economic, and religious freedoms.

National Flag Foundation (Ed.): The New Constellation. The Story of America as told through its..

13,00 €
Stewart. John A: Notes on the Arms of Nova Scotia.

Stewart. John A: Notes on the Arms of Nova Scotia.

72,00 €
Nunnerley, Priscilla: An Army with Banners- A book on banners for the church of Christ.

Nunnerley, Priscilla: An Army with Banners- A book on banners for the church of Christ.

18,00 €
Thoumas [Charles Antoine] / Lucien Sergent (illustrations): Autour du drapeau tricolore 1789 - 1889. Campagnes de l ' armee francaise depuis cent ans.

Thoumas [Charles Antoine] / Lucien Sergent (illustrations): Autour du drapeau tricolore 1789..

22,00 €
Bovio, Oreste - Stato Maggiore dell Esercito - Ufficio Sorico: Le Bandiere dell Esercito.

Bovio, Oreste - Stato Maggiore dell Esercito - Ufficio Sorico: Le Bandiere dell Esercito.

17,00 €
Cruikshank, John: The Armorial Ensigns of the Royal Burgh of Aberdeen with some observations on the legend relating to the capture and demolition of the castle.

Cruikshank, John: The Armorial Ensigns of the Royal Burgh of Aberdeen with some observations on the..

157,00 €
Porrua, Miguel Angel (Ed.).- Andres Henestrosa, Maria del Refugio Gonzales u.a: La Bandera de Mexico.

Porrua, Miguel Angel (Ed.). Andres Henestrosa, Maria del Refugio Gonzales u.a: La Bandera de..

47,00 €
Serwatowski, Wladyslaw - Andrzej Suchonski, Rick Richardson u.a.: Earth Flag Designs - Global Solidarity - (The Polish Pavillon at Expo 1992, Seville, Spain).

Serwatowski, Wladyslaw Andrzej Suchonski, Rick Richardson u.a.: Earth Flag Designs Global..

32,00 €
Bellocchi, Ugo (Testo) / Henghel Gualdi (musica): La storia d'Italia narrata dal tricolore 1796-1986. Volume I 1796-1847. e Vol. II 1848-1986.

Bellocchi, Ugo (Testo) / Henghel Gualdi (musica): La storia d'Italia narrata dal tricolore 1796..

117,00 €
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