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226 Artikel gefunden


Greenaway, Kate.: A day in a child's life. Illustrated by Kate Greenaway. Music by Myles B. [Birket] Foster. Engraved and printed by Edmund Evans.

Greenaway, Kate.: A day in a child's life. Illustrated by Kate Greenaway. Music by Myles B..

200,00 €
Gorschenek, Margareta / Annamaria Rucktaeschel) (Hrsg.): Almanach zur Kinderliteratur der DDR. Bücher u. Bilder.

Gorschenek, Margareta / Annamaria Rucktaeschel) (Hrsg.): Almanach zur Kinderliteratur der DDR..

15,00 €
Gilmour, Margaret: The seven little Spillikins. Told in words by Margaret Gilmour. Told in pictures by Lilian A. [Amy] Govey.

Gilmour, Margaret: The seven little Spillikins. Told in words by Margaret Gilmour. Told in pictures..

45,00 €
Georgi, Erich (Hrsg.): Das goldene Knabenbuch. Mit Beiträgen von A. Auswald-Heller, Paul G. Ehrhardt, E. Fraas, Otfrid von Hanstein, Erich Laßwitz, Jos. Jul. Schätz, Richard Tschorn, C. von Wedelstaedt. Mit 8 Kunstbeilagen. 5. Aufl.

Georgi, Erich (Hrsg.): Das goldene Knabenbuch. Mit Beiträgen von A. Auswald Heller, Paul G..

15,00 €
Fronemann, Wilhelm: A B C [ABC]. Ein Bilderbuch zum Lesenlernen. Bilder von Lia Doering. Worte von Wilhelm Fronemann. (Neubearbeitung).

Fronemann, Wilhelm: A B C [ABC]. Ein Bilderbuch zum Lesenlernen. Bilder von Lia Doering. Worte von..

85,00 €
Fogowitz, Andrea Heinrich (Max Wirth): Kurze Geschichten für kleine Leute. Buntes Allerlei für Knaben und Mädchen im Alter von 8-10 Jahren. Mit 3 Buntdruckbildern.

Fogowitz, Andrea Heinrich (Max Wirth): Kurze Geschichten für kleine Leute. Buntes Allerlei für..

45,00 €
Flynn, Rose: Peggy plants a tree. With illustrations by Gertrude Howe.

Flynn, Rose: Peggy plants a tree. With illustrations by Gertrude Howe.

29,00 €
Elert, Thorild: Illustrerad tysk övningsbok.

Elert, Thorild: Illustrerad tysk övningsbok.

14,00 €
Doolittle, Eileen: The ark in the attic. An alphabet adventure. Photographs by Starr Ockenga. Text and painted backgrounds by Eileen Doolittle. (First edition).

Doolittle, Eileen: The ark in the attic. An alphabet adventure. Photographs by Starr Ockenga. Text..

30,00 €
Dickens, Charles: Kleine Menschen. Kindergeschichten aus Dicken's Werken. Bearbeitet von Alfred Brieger. Mit farbigen Bildern u. zahlreichen Illustrationen im Text von A. A. Dixon.

Dickens, Charles: Kleine Menschen. Kindergeschichten aus Dicken's Werken. Bearbeitet von Alfred..

29,00 €
Davidson, H. C. [Hugh Coleman]: King Diddle. Drawings by E. A. Lemann.

Davidson, H. C. [Hugh Coleman]: King Diddle. Drawings by E. A. Lemann.

135,00 €
D'Aulaire, Ingri / d'Aulaire, Edgar Parin: D'Aulaires' book of Norse myths. A Doubleday book for young readers.

D'Aulaire, Ingri / d'Aulaire, Edgar Parin: D'Aulaires' book of Norse myths. A Doubleday book for..

40,00 €
Cummins, Pauline: An tOllamh agus an Luchóg. Tomás O'Toole agus Pauline Cummins a mhaisigh. Treasa Ní Ailpín a rinne an leanaí 8-12 bhl.

Cummins, Pauline: An tOllamh agus an Luchóg. Tomás O'Toole agus Pauline Cummins a mhaisigh..

30,00 €
Crane, Walter: The baby's opera. A book of old rhymes with new dresses. The music by the earliest masters. Engraved & printed in colours by Edmund Evans.

Crane, Walter: The baby's opera. A book of old rhymes with new dresses. The music by the earliest..

110,00 €
Cramer-Schaap, D. A. [Dina Alida]: Das Teufelchen und die Prinzessin. Mit 4 Buntbildern und schwarzen Textillustrationen von Rie Cramer. Autoris. deutsche Ausg.

Cramer Schaap, D. A. [Dina Alida]: Das Teufelchen und die Prinzessin. Mit 4 Buntbildern und..

35,00 €
Cort, Howard R: The Donakin Circus. From Don's book of Donakins.

Cort, Howard R: The Donakin Circus. From Don's book of Donakins.

200,00 €
Carek, Jan: Kinderfreuden. [Illustriert von] A. Zábranský. Verse von J. Carek. (Aus dem Tschechischen übersetzt von H. Cibulka). (2. Aufl.).

Carek, Jan: Kinderfreuden. [Illustriert von] A. Zábranský. Verse von J. Carek. (Aus dem..

18,00 €
Bradham, C. (Ed.): Roundabouts and swings. Illustrated by W. Lindsay Cable.

Bradham, C. (Ed.): Roundabouts and swings. Illustrated by W. Lindsay Cable.

35,00 €
Bloomfield, Robert: The horkey. A (provincial) ballad. With illustrations by George Cruikshank. (Foreword by F. C. [Francis Cowley] Burnand).

Bloomfield, Robert: The horkey. A (provincial) ballad. With illustrations by George Cruikshank..

100,00 €
Auswald-Heller, A. [Alma]: Vater Knopp und seine 40 Jungen. Abenteuer und Streiche im Ferienheim. Mit farbigem Titelbild von Fritz Eichenberg u. fünfzig  Bildern im Text. 3. Aufl.

Auswald Heller, A. [Alma]: Vater Knopp und seine 40 Jungen. Abenteuer und Streiche im Ferienheim..

19,00 €
Artley, A. S. [Sterl] / Gray, Lillian / Gray, William S: What next?. Stories by Ruth Wagner. Illustrated by Eleanor Campbell. (PART 1 + 2) in 1 Bd.

Artley, A. S. [Sterl] / Gray, Lillian / Gray, William S: What next?. Stories by Ruth Wagner..

14,00 €
Aramilev, Ivan Alekseevic: On the trail. Stories of a hunter. (Translated from the Russian by George and Jeanette Kittell. Designed and illustrated by G. Nikolsky).

Aramilev, Ivan Alekseevic: On the trail. Stories of a hunter. (Translated from the Russian by..

24,00 €
[Clarke, William]: The boy's own book. A complete encyclopedia, of all the diversions, athletic, scientific, and recreative, of boyhood and youth.

[Clarke, William]: The boy's own book. A complete encyclopedia, of all the diversions, athletic..

85,00 €
[Caldecott, Randolph]: R. Caldecott's picture book, containing The diverting history of John Gilpin, The house that Jack built,The babes in the wood, and An elegy on the death of a mad dog. All exhibited in beautiful engravings, many of which are printed

[Caldecott, Randolph]: R. Caldecott's picture book, containing The diverting history of John..

55,00 €
(Stowell, Thora): The little sea horse. [Deckeltitel]. [Edited by Herbert Strang].

(Stowell, Thora): The little sea horse. [Deckeltitel]. [Edited by Herbert Strang].

20,00 €
(St. John, John) (Ed.): The young cricketer. Compiled with the assistance of the Cricket Enquiry and approved by the M.C.C. With a foreword by  H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh.

(St. John, John) (Ed.): The young cricketer. Compiled with the assistance of the Cricket Enquiry..

29,00 €
(B. O. A.): Cock Robin.

(B. O. A.): Cock Robin.

50,00 €
My nursery A-B-C.

My nursery A-B-C.

30,00 €
Zvezdocka. Al'manach dlja doskol'nikov. Rasskazy, stichi, pesenki, skazki, zagadki. No. 11. (Sostavitel' N. A. Chodza).

Zvezdocka. Al'manach dlja doskol'nikov. Rasskazy, stichi, pesenki, skazki, zagadki. No. 11..

10,00 €
Sweet home or, Good advice and good example. A series fo tales for young people. With six coloured engravings.

Sweet home or, Good advice and good example. A series fo tales for young people. With six coloured..

60,00 €
Les livres de l'enfance du XVe au  XIXe siècle. Préface de Paul Gavault. (NACHDRUCK der Ausgabe 1930).

Les livres de l'enfance du XVe au XIXe siècle. Préface de Paul Gavault. (NACHDRUCK der Ausgabe..

35,00 €
La ronde des loisirs. Collaborateurs: Hans Börlin, A. Bratschi, Fritz Brunner, R.-O. Frick, A. Gähwiler, Käthi Hirsch, E. Hofer, Rena Hubacher, Juliette Jeanloz, Heidi Krapf, Alice Marcet, Roger Morel, A.-M. Rollier, Nanon Viry, Fritz Wezel.

La ronde des loisirs. Collaborateurs: Hans Börlin, A. Bratschi, Fritz Brunner, R. O. Frick, A..

35,00 €
Number Six Joy Street. A medley of prose & verse for boys and girls. By Walter de la Mare, Compton Mackenzie, Eleanor Farjeon, Lord Dunsany, Roy Meldrum, Mabel Marlowe, Hugh Chesterman, Madeleine Nightingale, Laurence Housman, Valery Carrick, Marian Allen

Number Six Joy Street. A medley of prose & verse for boys and girls. By Walter de la Mare, Compton..

60,00 €
Grady, William E., Paul Klapper and Jane C. Gifford: Childhood Readers - Pets and Play Times. - a primer.

Grady, William E., Paul Klapper and Jane C. Gifford: Childhood Readers Pets and Play Times. a..

16,00 €
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