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21 Artikel gefunden


Beirnaert, A: Que pouvons-nous attendre des palmeraies améliorées au Congo Belge. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin agricole du Conge Belge.

Beirnaert, A: Que pouvons nous attendre des palmeraies améliorées au Congo Belge. Sonderdruck..

11,00 €
Statistical wool and mohair bulletin. Pamflet (Suid-Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 139 = Economic series 19.

Statistical wool and mohair bulletin. Pamflet (Suid Afrika. Departement van Landbou) 139 = Economic..

25,00 €
Bisschop, J. H. R: Feeding phosphates to cattle. Science Bulletin, Department of Agricultural Technical Services 365.

Bisschop, J. H. R: Feeding phosphates to cattle. Science Bulletin, Department of Agricultural..

19,00 €
Dubois, L. ; Conzemius, V: L'aviculture de rapport et la basse-cour familiale dans la Région de Léopoldville. Bulletin agricole du Congo belge 47,5.

Dubois, L. ; Conzemius, V: L'aviculture de rapport et la basse cour familiale dans la Région de..

16,00 €
Controlling the japanese beetle. Sonderdruck. Home and garden bulletin 159.

Controlling the japanese beetle. Sonderdruck. Home and garden bulletin 159.

14,00 €
Reid, W. J. ; Cuthbert, F. P: Aphids on leafy vegetables how to control them. Farmers' bulletin 2148.

Reid, W. J. ; Cuthbert, F. P: Aphids on leafy vegetables how to control them. Farmers' bulletin..

12,00 €
Fleming, Walter E: Attractants for the Japanese beetle. Agricultural Marketing Service technical Bulletin 1399.

Fleming, Walter E: Attractants for the Japanese beetle. Agricultural Marketing Service technical..

16,00 €
Johansen, Carl: Ecology of three species of bumble bees in southwestern Washington. Technical Bulletin - Washington Agricultural Experiment Station 57.

Johansen, Carl: Ecology of three species of bumble bees in southwestern Washington. Technical..

15,00 €
Southern pine beetle : program accomplishments report. Agriculture information bulletin 438.

Southern pine beetle : program accomplishments report. Agriculture information bulletin 438.

16,00 €
Fergus, Ernest Newton: An analysis of clover failure in Kentucky. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of Kentucky Agriculture Experiment Station 324, S. 443-476.

Fergus, Ernest Newton: An analysis of clover failure in Kentucky. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

14,00 €
Dickins, Dorothy: Occupations of sons and daughters of Mississippi cotton farmers. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Mississippi Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin. No. 318.

Dickins, Dorothy: Occupations of sons and daughters of Mississippi cotton farmers. Dissertation..

35,00 €
Werner, Harvey Oscar: The Effect of a controlled nitrogen supply with different temperatures and photoperiods upon the development of the potato plant. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Nebraska agricultural experiment station research bulletin 75.

Werner, Harvey Oscar: The Effect of a controlled nitrogen supply with different temperatures and..

16,00 €
Johnston, Earl S: Seasonal march of climatic conditions in a greenhouse, as related to plant growth. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin. University of Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station 245, S. 41-98.

Johnston, Earl S: Seasonal march of climatic conditions in a greenhouse, as related to plant..

15,00 €
Sarle, Charles F: Adequacy and reliability of crop-yield estimates. Dissertation. Technical bulletin 311.

Sarle, Charles F: Adequacy and reliability of crop yield estimates. Dissertation. Technical..

19,00 €
Cotton, R. T: Control of insects attacking grain in farm storage. Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) 1811.

Cotton, R. T: Control of insects attacking grain in farm storage. Farmers' bulletin (United States..

14,00 €
Bishopp, F. C: Flytraps and their operation. Farmers' bulletin 734.

Bishopp, F. C: Flytraps and their operation. Farmers' bulletin 734.

10,00 €
Plank, Harold K: Life history, habits, and control of the coconut rhinoceros beetle in Puerto Rico. Bulletin (Federal Experiment Station in Puerto Rico) 45.

Plank, Harold K: Life history, habits, and control of the coconut rhinoceros beetle in Puerto Rico..

14,00 €
Krausz, N. G. P: Intergovernmental arrangements for water use regulation in Illinois. Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 741.

Krausz, N. G. P: Intergovernmental arrangements for water use regulation in Illinois. Agricultural..

14,00 €
Fleming, Walter E: Preventing Japanese beetle dispersion by farm products and nursery stock. Agricultural Marketing Service, technical Bulletin 1441.

Fleming, Walter E: Preventing Japanese beetle dispersion by farm products and nursery stock..

24,00 €
Werner, Floyd G: Keys for the identification of parasitic insects in Arizona agricultural areas. University of Arizona. Agricultural Experiment Station, Technical bulletin  236.

Werner, Floyd G: Keys for the identification of parasitic insects in Arizona agricultural areas..

19,00 €
MacDonald, James et al. (Ed.): Exotic forest trees in Great Britain : paper prepared for the seventh British Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Australia and New Zealand 1957. Forestry Commission bulletin 30.

MacDonald, James et al. (Ed.): Exotic forest trees in Great Britain : paper prepared for the..

9,00 €
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