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554 Artikel gefunden


Du Pontet, R. L. A: Alaricus : carmen Latinum.

Du Pontet, R. L. A: Alaricus : carmen Latinum.

30,00 €
Wood, Michael Henry Mansel: Prometheus sive De hominum natura et origine : a Platonic dialogue. Gaisford prize. Greek prose 1886.

Wood, Michael Henry Mansel: Prometheus sive De hominum natura et origine : a Platonic dialogue..

30,00 €
Asklöf, Isaac: An essay on The romance of William and the Werwolf : a specimen of the Midland dialect in the middle of the 14:th century, 1. Dissertation.

Asklöf, Isaac: An essay on The romance of William and the Werwolf : a specimen of the Midland..

30,00 €
Rietmann, Adolphe: The Earl of Essex and Mary Stuart : two of John Banks' Tragedies, with a Side Reference to Two German Plays on the Same Subjects by Hermann Müller. Dissertation.

Rietmann, Adolphe: The Earl of Essex and Mary Stuart : two of John Banks' Tragedies, with a Side..

25,00 €
Frauchiger, Fritz: Dresden M 13: a fifteenth-century collection of religious Meisterlieder. Dissertation.

Frauchiger, Fritz: Dresden M 13: a fifteenth century collection of religious Meisterlieder..

30,00 €
Ludwig, Hans: The life and works of Aaron Hill : a complementary study to the era of Pope. Dissertation.

Ludwig, Hans: The life and works of Aaron Hill : a complementary study to the era of Pope..

30,00 €
Gerber, Friedrich: The sources of William Cartwright's comedy "The Ordinary" : a complementary study to the earlier Stuart-Drama. Dissertation.

Gerber, Friedrich: The sources of William Cartwright's comedy "The Ordinary" : a complementary..

30,00 €
Precup, Emil: Creangá János élete és munkái : tanulmány a román irodalomtörténet köréböl. Dissertation.

Precup, Emil: Creangá János élete és munkái : tanulmány a román irodalomtörténet..

20,00 €
Gulick, Sidney L: A Chesterfield bibliography to 1800. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 29.

Gulick, Sidney L: A Chesterfield bibliography to 1800. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The papers of..

20,00 €
Coulter, Cornelia Catlin: Retractatio in the Ambrosian and Palatine recensions of Plautus : a study of the Persa, Poenulus, Pseudolus, Stichus and Trinummus. Dissertation.

Coulter, Cornelia Catlin: Retractatio in the Ambrosian and Palatine recensions of Plautus : a study..

40,00 €
Foster, Frances A: A study of the Middle English poem known as The Northern passion and its relation to the cycle plays. Dissertation.

Foster, Frances A: A study of the Middle English poem known as The Northern passion and its..

30,00 €
Taylor, Marion Lee: A Study of the technique in Konrad Ferdinand Meyer's Novellen. Dissertation.

Taylor, Marion Lee: A Study of the technique in Konrad Ferdinand Meyer's Novellen. Dissertation.

24,00 €
Kueffner, Louise Mallinckrodt: The development of the historic drama, its theory and practice : a study based chiefly on the dramas of Elizabethan England and of Germany. Dissertation.

Kueffner, Louise Mallinckrodt: The development of the historic drama, its theory and practice : a..

25,00 €
Fleming, Herbert E: Magazines of a market-metropolis being a history of the literary periodicals and literary interests of Chicago. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: "The Literary Interests of Chicago" from The American Journal of Sociology 11 u. 12.

Fleming, Herbert E: Magazines of a market metropolis being a history of the literary periodicals..

25,00 €
Haussmann, William A: German-American hymnology, 1683 - 1800. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Americana Germanica 2 (Reprint No. 20).

Haussmann, William A: German American hymnology, 1683 1800. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

35,00 €
Tolman, Judson Allen: A study of the sepulchral inscriptions in Buecheler's "Carmina Epigraphica Latina". Dissertation.

Tolman, Judson Allen: A study of the sepulchral inscriptions in Buecheler's "Carmina Epigraphica..

25,00 €
Robinson, David Moore tity: Ancient Sinope, an Historical account : with a prosopographia Sinopensis and an appendix of inscriptions. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: American journal pf philology 27, S. 125 - 153, 245 - 279, 294 - 333.

Robinson, David Moore tity: Ancient Sinope, an Historical account : with a prosopographia..

50,00 €
Macarthur, John Robertson: The first Part of Sir John Oldcastle : A historical drama by Michael Drayton, Anthony Munday, Richhard Hathway and Robert Wilson : Ed. with an introd., critical text, and notes. Dissertation.

Macarthur, John Robertson: The first Part of Sir John Oldcastle : A historical drama by Michael..

30,00 €
Paschal, George Washington: A study of Quintus of Smyrna. Dissertation.

Paschal, George Washington: A study of Quintus of Smyrna. Dissertation.

45,00 €
Claassen, Peter A: The fate-question in the dramas and dramatical concepts of Schiller in contrast to the real so-called fate-dramas. Dissertation.

Claassen, Peter A: The fate question in the dramas and dramatical concepts of Schiller in contrast..

25,00 €
Gingerich, Solomon F: Wordsworth, Tennyson and Browning : a study in human freedom. Dissertation.

Gingerich, Solomon F: Wordsworth, Tennyson and Browning : a study in human freedom. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Royster, James Finch: A middle English treatise on the ten commandments : text, notes and introduction. Dissertation.

Royster, James Finch: A middle English treatise on the ten commandments : text, notes and..

30,00 €
Wharey, James B: A study of the sources of Bunyan's allegories with special reference to Deguileville's Pilgrimage of man. Dissertation.

Wharey, James B: A study of the sources of Bunyan's allegories with special reference to..

25,00 €
Segal, Louis: Bernard Shaw : a study. Dissertation.

Segal, Louis: Bernard Shaw : a study. Dissertation.

16,00 €
Griffith, Reginald Harvey: Sir Perceval of Galles : a study of the sources of the legend. Dissertation.

Griffith, Reginald Harvey: Sir Perceval of Galles : a study of the sources of the legend..

40,00 €
Schwarz, Ferdinand H: Nicholas Rowe's Fair Penitent : a contribution to literary analysis with a sidereference to Richard Beer-Hofmann's Graf von Charolais. Dissertation.

Schwarz, Ferdinand H: Nicholas Rowe's Fair Penitent : a contribution to literary analysis with a..

24,00 €
Kinard, James Pinckney: A study of Wulfstan's Homilies : their style and sources. Dissertation.

Kinard, James Pinckney: A study of Wulfstan's Homilies : their style and sources. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Shipley, Joseph T: The quest for literature : a survey of literary criticism and the theories of the literary forms. Dissertation.

Shipley, Joseph T: The quest for literature : a survey of literary criticism and the theories of..

20,00 €
Yarnall, Emma A: Abraham Cowley. Dissertation.

Yarnall, Emma A: Abraham Cowley. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Luckenbill, Daniel David: A Study of the temple documents from the Cassite period. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: American journal of Semitic languages and literatures 23.

Luckenbill, Daniel David: A Study of the temple documents from the Cassite period. Dissertation..

16,00 €
Becker, Henrietta K: Kleist and Hebbel : a comparative study; the novels. Dissertation.

Becker, Henrietta K: Kleist and Hebbel : a comparative study; the novels. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Wellhausen, Käthe: Ambrose Philips as a dramatist : a contribution to the history of English literature in the 18th century. Dissertation.

Wellhausen, Käthe: Ambrose Philips as a dramatist : a contribution to the history of English..

24,00 €
Saylor, Charles Henry: A comparative scheme of the moods and tenses in Cicero's translations from the Greek. Dissertation.

Saylor, Charles Henry: A comparative scheme of the moods and tenses in Cicero's translations from..

19,00 €
Parsons, Ernest William: A historical examination of some non-Markan elements in Luke. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Historical and linguistic studies 2. Ser., 2.

Parsons, Ernest William: A historical examination of some non Markan elements in Luke..

20,00 €
Knott, Thomas A: An essay toward the critical text of the A-version of "Piers the Plowman". Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Modern Philology 12, S. 129-161.

Knott, Thomas A: An essay toward the critical text of the A version of "Piers the Plowman"..

15,00 €
Liedholm, Astri: A phonological study of the Middle English romance 'Arthour and Merlin' (Ms Auchinleck). Dissertation.

Liedholm, Astri: A phonological study of the Middle English romance 'Arthour and Merlin' (Ms..

25,00 €
Winslow, Ola Elizabeth: Low Comedy as a structural element in English drama : From the beginnings to 1642. Dissertation.

Winslow, Ola Elizabeth: Low Comedy as a structural element in English drama : From the beginnings..

35,00 €
Fisher, Alfred Young: An introduction to a study of Shakespearean comedy. Part one. Dissertation.

Fisher, Alfred Young: An introduction to a study of Shakespearean comedy. Part one. Dissertation.

50,00 €
Makkink, Henri Jacob: Philip Massinger and John Fletcher : a comparison. Dissertation.

Makkink, Henri Jacob: Philip Massinger and John Fletcher : a comparison. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Erdman Schmidt, Anna Johanna: Syr Tryamowre : a metrical romance ; with introduction, glossary and notes. Dissertation.

Erdman Schmidt, Anna Johanna: Syr Tryamowre : a metrical romance ; with introduction, glossary and..

25,00 €
Gallacher, Stuart Albert: "Der uns das Liedlein sang" : a characteristic ending in fifteenth-and sixteenth-century poetry. Dissertation.

Gallacher, Stuart Albert: "Der uns das Liedlein sang" : a characteristic ending in fifteenth and..

30,00 €
Fuchs, Edward A. H: Studies in the Dresdener Heldenbuch : an edition of Wolfdietrich K. Dissertation.

Fuchs, Edward A. H: Studies in the Dresdener Heldenbuch : an edition of Wolfdietrich K..

19,00 €
Loth, Helen Edna: A study of the lexicography of the Casus Sancti Galli of Ekkehardus IV. Dissertation.

Loth, Helen Edna: A study of the lexicography of the Casus Sancti Galli of Ekkehardus IV..

35,00 €
Ruud, Martin Brown: An essay toward a history of Shakespeare in Norway. Dissertation.

Ruud, Martin Brown: An essay toward a history of Shakespeare in Norway. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Habbema, Diederikus Marius Elbertus: An appreciation of Colley Cibber, actor and dramatist together with a reprint of his play "The Careless Husband". Dissertation.

Habbema, Diederikus Marius Elbertus: An appreciation of Colley Cibber, actor and dramatist together..

15,00 €
Meader, Clarence Linton: A Study of the latin pronouns is and hic. Dissertation.

Meader, Clarence Linton: A Study of the latin pronouns is and hic. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Beede, Grace Lucile: Vergil and Aratus : a study in the art of translation. Dissertation.

Beede, Grace Lucile: Vergil and Aratus : a study in the art of translation. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Leverton, Garrett Hasty: The production of later nineteenth century American drama : a basis for teaching. Dissertation.

Leverton, Garrett Hasty: The production of later nineteenth century American drama : a basis for..

30,00 €
Braaksma, Michiel Henderikus: Travel and literature : an attempt at a literary appreciation of English travel-books about Persia, from the middle ages to the present day. Dissertation.

Braaksma, Michiel Henderikus: Travel and literature : an attempt at a literary appreciation of..

40,00 €
Verkoren, Lucas: A Study of Shelley's 'Defence of poetry' : its origin, textual history, sources and significance. Dissertation.

Verkoren, Lucas: A Study of Shelley's 'Defence of poetry' : its origin, textual history, sources..

20,00 €
Flickinger, Roy Caston: Plutarch as a source of information on the Greek theater. Dissertation.

Flickinger, Roy Caston: Plutarch as a source of information on the Greek theater. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Johnson, Allan Chester: A comparative Study in selected chapters in the syntax of Isaeus, Isocrates and the Attic Psephismata preceding 300 B. C. Dissertation.

Johnson, Allan Chester: A comparative Study in selected chapters in the syntax of Isaeus, Isocrates..

30,00 €
Goepp, Philip H: The old English Apollonius of Tyre. Dissertation (Teildruck). Sonderdruck aus: ELH : a journal of English literary history 5, S. 150 - 172.

Goepp, Philip H: The old English Apollonius of Tyre. Dissertation (Teildruck). Sonderdruck aus: ELH..

15,00 €
Lemmi, Charles William: The classic Deities in Bacon : a study in mythological symbolism. Dissertation.

Lemmi, Charles William: The classic Deities in Bacon : a study in mythological symbolism..

35,00 €
Ramsay, Robert L. [Hrsg.]: Magnyfycence : a moral play by John Skelton. Dissertation. Early English Text Society 98.

Ramsay, Robert L. [Hrsg.]: Magnyfycence : a moral play by John Skelton. Dissertation. Early English..

40,00 €
Walterhouse, Roger R: Bret Harte, Joaquin Miller, and the Western local color story : a study in the origins of popular fiction. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Walterhouse, Roger R: Bret Harte, Joaquin Miller, and the Western local color story : a study in..

25,00 €
Neill, Kerby: The Faerie Queene and the Mary Stuart controversy : a portion of Spenser and the literature of the Elizabethan succession; a study in historical allegory. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: ELH, a journal of english literary history 2.2, S. 192-

Neill, Kerby: The Faerie Queene and the Mary Stuart controversy : a portion of Spenser and the..

20,00 €
Friedrich, Walter George: The Stella of Astrophel : a portion of the Astrophel elegies ; a collection of poems on the death of Sir Philip Sidney (1595) ; a critical edition. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: ELH, a journal of English lit. history 3,2, S. 114

Friedrich, Walter George: The Stella of Astrophel : a portion of the Astrophel elegies ; a..

15,00 €
Lovett, David: Shakespeare's characters in eighteenth-century criticism. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: ELH, a journal of english literary history 2,3, S. 267-289.

Lovett, David: Shakespeare's characters in eighteenth century criticism. Dissertation. Sonderdruck..

20,00 €
Miller, Frances Schouler: The historic sense in 18th century English literature. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: ELH, a journal of English literary history 5,1, S. 71-92.

Miller, Frances Schouler: The historic sense in 18th century English literature. Dissertation..

12,00 €
Sanderlin, George William: The influence of Milton and Wordsworth on the early Victorian sonnet : a portion of the sonnet in English literature, 1800-1850. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: ELH, a journal of English literary history 5,3, S. 225-251.

Sanderlin, George William: The influence of Milton and Wordsworth on the early Victorian sonnet : a..

15,00 €
Hope, Edward William: The language of parody : a study in the diction of Aristophanes. Dissertation.

Hope, Edward William: The language of parody : a study in the diction of Aristophanes..

25,00 €
Zeeveld, William Gordon: The influence of Hall on Shakepeare's English historical plays : a portion of Edward Hall ; a study of sixteenth century historiography in England. Dissertation (Teildruck). Sonderdruck aus: Journal of English Literary History 3,

Zeeveld, William Gordon: The influence of Hall on Shakepeare's English historical plays : a portion..

15,00 €
Parmenter, Mary: Spenser's "Twelve Aeglogves proportionable to the twelve monethes" ; a portion of Colin Clout and Hobbinoll: a reconsideration of the relationship of Edmund Spenser and Gabreil Harvey. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: ELH, a journal of Engl

Parmenter, Mary: Spenser's "Twelve Aeglogves proportionable to the twelve monethes" ; a portion of..

15,00 €
Perkinson, Richard Henry: Topographical comedy in the seventeenth century and a restoration "Improvement" of Doctor Faustus. Dissertation (Teildruck).  Sonderdruck aus: ELH, a journal of Engl. lit. History 3, S. 271-324.

Perkinson, Richard Henry: Topographical comedy in the seventeenth century and a restoration..

15,00 €
Lang, Varley Howe: Crabbe and the eighteenth century : A portion of some aspects of George Crabbe's realism. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: ELH, journal of english literary history 5, S. 305-335.

Lang, Varley Howe: Crabbe and the eighteenth century : A portion of some aspects of George Crabbe's..

15,00 €
Clark, Eleanor Grace: The Pembroke plays : A study in the Marlowe canon. Dissertation.

Clark, Eleanor Grace: The Pembroke plays : A study in the Marlowe canon. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Tuve, Rosemond: Seasons and months : studies in a tradition of middle English poetry. Dissertation.

Tuve, Rosemond: Seasons and months : studies in a tradition of middle English poetry. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Gray, Charles Henry: Lodowick Carliell : his life, a discussion of his plays, and "The deserving favourite". Dissertation.

Gray, Charles Henry: Lodowick Carliell : his life, a discussion of his plays, and "The deserving..

35,00 €
Scherpbier, Herman: Milton in Holland : a study in the literary relations of England and Holland before 1730. Dissertation.

Scherpbier, Herman: Milton in Holland : a study in the literary relations of England and Holland..

14,00 €
Bryne, Eva A. W: The Maid of Honour by Philip Massinger. Ed. with introduction. Dissertation.

Bryne, Eva A. W: The Maid of Honour by Philip Massinger. Ed. with introduction. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Nakarai, Toyozo W: A study of the impact of Buddhism upon Japanese life as revealed in the odes of the Kokin-shu. Dissertation.

Nakarai, Toyozo W: A study of the impact of Buddhism upon Japanese life as revealed in the odes of..

30,00 €
Searles, Helen MacGaffey: A lexicographical study of the Greek inscriptions. Dissertation.

Searles, Helen MacGaffey: A lexicographical study of the Greek inscriptions. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Walker, Arthur Tappan: The sequence of tenses in latin. A study based on Caesar's Gallic war. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Kansas University Quartely VII.

Walker, Arthur Tappan: The sequence of tenses in latin. A study based on Caesar's Gallic war..

25,00 €
Linscott, Henry Farrar: The Latin third declension : a study in metaplasm and syncretism. Dissertation.

Linscott, Henry Farrar: The Latin third declension : a study in metaplasm and syncretism..

25,00 €
Walker, Dean A: The semitic negative : with special reference to the negative in Hebrew. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The American journal of Semitic languages and literatures 12.

Walker, Dean A: The semitic negative : with special reference to the negative in Hebrew..

25,00 €
Johnston, George Wesley: The Querolus : a syntactical and stylistic study. Dissertation.

Johnston, George Wesley: The Querolus : a syntactical and stylistic study. Dissertation.

30,00 €
McManaway, James Gilmer: The plays of Philip Massinger : stage history and adaptations, 1660-1722. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: ELH, a journal of English literary history , S. 276-304.

McManaway, James Gilmer: The plays of Philip Massinger : stage history and adaptations, 1660 1722..

20,00 €
Bourne, Ella: A Study of Tibur, historical, literary and epigraphical, from the earliest times to the close of the Roman Empire. Dissertation.

Bourne, Ella: A Study of Tibur, historical, literary and epigraphical, from the earliest times to..

25,00 €
Ritchie, Mary H: A study of conditional and temporal causes in Pliny the Younger. Dissertation.

Ritchie, Mary H: A study of conditional and temporal causes in Pliny the Younger. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Haggett, Arthur Sewall: A comparison of Apollonius Rhodius with Homer in prepositional usage. Dissertation.

Haggett, Arthur Sewall: A comparison of Apollonius Rhodius with Homer in prepositional usage..

25,00 €
Montgomery, Walter Alexander: Dio Chrysostom as a homeric critic. Dissertation.

Montgomery, Walter Alexander: Dio Chrysostom as a homeric critic. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Archibald, Herbert Thompson: The fable as a stylistic test in classical Greek literature. Dissertation.

Archibald, Herbert Thompson: The fable as a stylistic test in classical Greek literature..

25,00 €
Harry, Philip Warner: A comparative study of the aesopic fable in Nicole Bozon. Dissertation. University Studies, publ. by the Univ. of Cincinnati. Ser. II. Vol. 1,2.1905.

Harry, Philip Warner: A comparative study of the aesopic fable in Nicole Bozon. Dissertation..

15,00 €
Saffold, William Berney: The construction with iubeo : a portion of a dissertation treating of the construction with verbs of commanding. Dissertation.

Saffold, William Berney: The construction with iubeo : a portion of a dissertation treating of the..

20,00 €
MacBryde, John MacLaren: A study of Cowleys Davideis. Dissertation.

MacBryde, John MacLaren: A study of Cowleys Davideis. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Wheeler, Paul Mowbray: America through British eyes : a study of the attitude of 'The Edinburgh Review' toward the United States of America from 1802 until 1861 . Dissertation.

Wheeler, Paul Mowbray: America through British eyes : a study of the attitude of 'The Edinburgh..

30,00 €
Steiger, August: Thomas Shadwell's "Libertine" : a complementary study to the Don Juan-literature. Dissertation.

Steiger, August: Thomas Shadwell's "Libertine" : a complementary study to the Don Juan literature..

35,00 €
Schenck, Ernst, von: Zur Soziologie des E. T. A. Hoffmann'schen Weltbildes. Dissertation.

Schenck, Ernst, von: Zur Soziologie des E. T. A. Hoffmann'schen Weltbildes. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Bangerter, Lowell A: The bourgeois proletarian : a study of Anna Seghers. Modern German studies No. 8.

Bangerter, Lowell A: The bourgeois proletarian : a study of Anna Seghers. Modern German studies No..

9,00 €
Heyne, Christian Gottlob: Pindari carmina et fragmenta cum lectionis varietate et adnotationibus (Bd. 1 + 2: Carmina, Bd. 3: Notata a grammaticis de vita Pindari, Commentatio de metris Pindari).

Heyne, Christian Gottlob: Pindari carmina et fragmenta cum lectionis varietate et adnotationibus..

280,00 €
Beardsley, Christa-Maria: E. T. A. Hoffmann : die Gestalt des Meisters in seinen Märchen. Abhandlungen zur Kunst-, Musik- und Literaturwissenschaft Nr. 182.

Beardsley, Christa Maria: E. T. A. Hoffmann : die Gestalt des Meisters in seinen Märchen..

14,00 €
Curtius, Ernst Robert: Letteratura della letteratura. Saggi critici a cura di Lea Ritter Santini.

Curtius, Ernst Robert: Letteratura della letteratura. Saggi critici a cura di Lea Ritter Santini.

25,00 €
Zlotkowski, Edward A: Heinrich Heines Reisebilder : the tendency of the text and the identity of the age. Abhandlungen zur Kunst-, Musik- und Literaturwissenschaft Bd. 307.

Zlotkowski, Edward A: Heinrich Heines Reisebilder : the tendency of the text and the identity of..

17,00 €
Habermann, Abraham Meir: Toldot ha-piyut ve-ha-shirah (A history of hebrew liturgical and secular poetry).

Habermann, Abraham Meir: Toldot ha piyut ve ha shirah (A history of hebrew liturgical and secular..

100,00 €
Casati, Alessandro ; Prezzolini, Giuseppe: Carteggio I : 1907-1910 e Carteggio II : 1911-1944. (2 Bände). A cura di Dolores Continati. Prefazione di Vittorio Enzo Alfieri. Dissertation.

Casati, Alessandro ; Prezzolini, Giuseppe: Carteggio I : 1907 1910 e Carteggio II : 1911 1944. (2..

45,00 €
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