
1.124 Artikel im Shop Wissenschaftsantiquariat gefunden


Schulze, Bert-Wolfgang: Pseudo-differential operators on manifolds with singularities. Studies in mathematics and its applications 24.

Schulze, Bert Wolfgang: Pseudo differential operators on manifolds with singularities. Studies in..

300,00 €
Euwe, Max: Differentiaalinvarianten van twee covariante-vectorvelden met vier veranderlijken. Dissertation.

Euwe, Max: Differentiaalinvarianten van twee covariante vectorvelden met vier veranderlijken..

200,00 €
Prym, Friedrich; Rost, Georg: Theorie der Prym'schen Funktionen erster Ordnung im Anschluss an die Schöpfungen Riemann's. 2 Teile in einem Band: Erster Teil: Die Grundlage der Theorie; Zweiter Teil: Das System der Funktionen.

Prym, Friedrich; Rost, Georg: Theorie der Prym'schen Funktionen erster Ordnung im Anschluss an die..

190,00 €
Antoncev, S.N.; Kazhichov, A.V.; Monachov, V.N: Boundary value problems in mechanics of nonhomogeneous fluids. Studies in mathematics and its applications 22.

Antoncev, S.N.; Kazhichov, A.V.; Monachov, V.N: Boundary value problems in mechanics of..

190,00 €
Fitting, Melvin: Fundamentals of generalized recursion theory. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 105.

Fitting, Melvin: Fundamentals of generalized recursion theory. Studies in logic and the foundations..

190,00 €
Nishida, Takaaki; Mimura, M.; Fujii, H. (eds.): Patterns and waves : qualitative analysis of nonlinear differential equations. Studies in mathematics and its applications 18.

Nishida, Takaaki; Mimura, M.; Fujii, H. (eds.): Patterns and waves : qualitative analysis of..

175,00 €
Bensoussan, Alain: Stochastic control by functional analysis methods. Studies in mathematics and its applications 11.

Bensoussan, Alain: Stochastic control by functional analysis methods. Studies in mathematics and..

175,00 €
Fortin, Michel; Glowinski, Roland: Augmented Lagrangian methods : applications to the numerical solution of boundary-value problems. Studies in mathematics and its applications 15.

Fortin, Michel; Glowinski, Roland: Augmented Lagrangian methods : applications to the numerical..

170,00 €
Babin, Anatolij V. ; Visik, Marko I: Attractors of evolution equations. Studies in mathematics and its applications 25.

Babin, Anatolij V. ; Visik, Marko I: Attractors of evolution equations. Studies in mathematics and..

160,00 €
Ebbinghaus, Heinz-Dieter et al. (eds.): Logic Colloquium '87. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 129.

Ebbinghaus, Heinz Dieter et al. (eds.): Logic Colloquium '87. Studies in logic and the foundations..

150,00 €
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 79 + 80 + 81 in 1.

Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 79 + 80 + 81 in 1.

150,00 €
Hille, Einar: Lectures on Ordinary Differential Equations.

Hille, Einar: Lectures on Ordinary Differential Equations.

150,00 €
Emsmann, Gustav: Funfzehn geometrische Aufgaben nebst ihren ausführlich erörterten Lösungen. Mathematische Studien für die Zwecke der Schule 4.

Emsmann, Gustav: Funfzehn geometrische Aufgaben nebst ihren ausführlich erörterten Lösungen..

140,00 €
Bode, Hendrik W: Network analysis and feedback amplifier design. 14. print.

Bode, Hendrik W: Network analysis and feedback amplifier design. 14. print.

140,00 €
Hartman, Philip: Ordinary Differential Equations.

Hartman, Philip: Ordinary Differential Equations.

140,00 €
Ferro, Ruggero et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the colloquium / Logic Colloquium '88 : held in Padova, Italy, August 22 - 31, 1988. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 127.

Ferro, Ruggero et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the colloquium / Logic Colloquium '88 : held in..

130,00 €
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 67 + 68 in 1.

Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 67 + 68 in 1.

120,00 €
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 69 + 70 in 1.

Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 69 + 70 in 1.

120,00 €
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 73 + 74 in 1.

Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 73 + 74 in 1.

120,00 €
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 75 + 76 in 1.

Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 75 + 76 in 1.

120,00 €
Erdös, Paul (et al.): Combinatorial set theory : partition relations for cardinals. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 106.

Erdös, Paul (et al.): Combinatorial set theory : partition relations for cardinals. Studies in..

100,00 €
V. Lakshmikantham, S. Leela: Differential and Integral Inequalities. Theory and Applications. Volume I: Ordinary Differential Equations; Volume II: Functional, partial, Abstrqact, and Comlex Differential Equations.

V. Lakshmikantham, S. Leela: Differential and Integral Inequalities. Theory and Applications..

100,00 €
Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 27. Commentationes geometricae 2.

Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 27. Commentationes..

95,00 €
Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 22. Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam aequationum differentalium pertinentes 1.

Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 22. Commentationes..

95,00 €
Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 23. Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam aequationum differentalium pertinentes 2.

Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 23. Commentationes..

95,00 €
Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri opera omnia, srerise 1, opera Mathematica, vol. 17: Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam integralium pertinentes 1.

Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri opera omnia, srerise 1, opera Mathematica, vol. 17:..

95,00 €
Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 13. Institutiones calculi integralis 3.

Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 13. Institutiones..

95,00 €
Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 3. Commentationes arithmeticae 2.

Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 3. Commentationes..

95,00 €
Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 8: Introductio in analysin infinitorum 1.

Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 8: Introductio in..

95,00 €
Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 29. Commentationes geometricae 4.

Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 29. Commentationes..

95,00 €
Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 10. Institutiones calculi differentialis.

Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 10. Institutiones..

95,00 €
Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 4. Commentationes arithmeticae 3.

Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 4. Commentationes..

95,00 €
Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 24. Methodus inveniendi lineas curvas.

Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 24. Methodus..

95,00 €
Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 20. Commentationes analyticae ad theoriam integralium ellipticorum pertinentes 1.

Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 20. Commentationes..

95,00 €
Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 26. Commentationes geometricae 1.

Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 26. Commentationes..

95,00 €
Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 25. Commentationes analyticae ad calculum variationum pertinentes.

Euler, Leonhard: Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, Series 1. Opera mathematica, vol. 25. Commentationes..

95,00 €
Petkov, Vesselin: Scattering theory for hyperbolic operators. Studies in mathematics and its applications 21.

Petkov, Vesselin: Scattering theory for hyperbolic operators. Studies in mathematics and its..

90,00 €
Kernevez, Jean-Pierre: Enzyme mathematics. Studies in mathematics and its applications 10.

Kernevez, Jean-Pierre: Enzyme mathematics. Studies in mathematics and its applications 10.

90,00 €
Arthur A. Sagle, R. Walde: Introduction to Lie Groups and Lie Algebra. Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol. 51.

Arthur A. Sagle, R. Walde: Introduction to Lie Groups and Lie Algebra. Pure and Applied Mathematics..

90,00 €
Legrand, Gilles: Etude d'une généralisation des strucutres presque complexes sur les variétés différentiables. Dissertation.

Legrand, Gilles: Etude d'une généralisation des strucutres presque complexes sur les variétés..

90,00 €
Dalen, Dirk van; Lascar, D.; Smiley, T. J. (eds,): Logic Colloquium '80. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 108.

Dalen, Dirk van; Lascar, D.; Smiley, T. J. (eds,): Logic Colloquium '80. Studies in logic and the..

85,00 €
Oleinik, O.A.; Shamaev; A.S.; Yosifian, G. A: Mathematical problems in elasticity and homogenization. Studies in mathematics and its applications 26.

Oleinik, O.A.; Shamaev; A.S.; Yosifian, G. A: Mathematical problems in elasticity and..

80,00 €
Marchuk, G. I: Mathematical models in environmental problems. Studies in mathematics and its applications 16.

Marchuk, G. I: Mathematical models in environmental problems. Studies in mathematics and its..

80,00 €
Jacobson, Nathan: Lie algebras. Tracts in Mathematics Nr. 10.

Jacobson, Nathan: Lie algebras. Tracts in Mathematics Nr. 10.

80,00 €
Ladas, Gerasimos E. & Lakshmikantham, V: Diffential Equations in Abstract Spaces. Mathamatics in Science and Engineering Vol. 85.

Ladas, Gerasimos E. & Lakshmikantham, V: Diffential Equations in Abstract Spaces. Mathamatics in..

80,00 €
Siegel, C.L: Lectures on the Singularities of the Three-Body Problem.

Siegel, C.L: Lectures on the Singularities of the Three-Body Problem.

80,00 €
Rost, Georg: Theorie der RIEMANN'schen Thetafunction. Dissertation.

Rost, Georg: Theorie der RIEMANN'schen Thetafunction. Dissertation.

80,00 €
The Paris Logic Group (ed.): Logic Colloquium '85. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 122.

The Paris Logic Group (ed.): Logic Colloquium '85. Studies in logic and the foundations of..

75,00 €
Calogero, Francesco; Degasperis, Antonio: Spectral transform and solitons 1: tools to solve and investigate nonlinear evolution equations. Studies in mathematics and its applications 13.

Calogero, Francesco; Degasperis, Antonio: Spectral transform and solitons 1: tools to solve and..

75,00 €
Lolli, Gabriele; Longo, G.; Marcja, A. (eds.): Logic Colloquium '82. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 112.

Lolli, Gabriele; Longo, G.; Marcja, A. (eds.): Logic Colloquium '82. Studies in logic and the..

75,00 €
Troelstra, Anne S.; Dalen, Dirk van (eds.): The L. E. J. Brouwer Centenary Symposium. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 110.

Troelstra, Anne S.; Dalen, Dirk van (eds.): The L. E. J. Brouwer Centenary Symposium. Studies in..

75,00 €
Mansion, P.; J. Neuberg (eds.): Mathesis - Recueil mathématique à l'usage des écoles spéciales 5 + 6 in 1.

Mansion, P.; J. Neuberg (eds.): Mathesis Recueil mathématique à l'usage des écoles spéciales..

75,00 €
Clarke, Frances Marguerite: Thomas Simpson and his times. Dissertation.

Clarke, Frances Marguerite: Thomas Simpson and his times. Dissertation.

75,00 €
Walker, Evelyn: A Study of the Traité des indivisibles of Gilles Persone de Roberval : with a view to answering, insofar as is possible, the..

Walker, Evelyn: A Study of the Traité des indivisibles of Gilles Persone de Roberval : with a view..

75,00 €
Dumas, Wilhelm August: aus Rastenburg: De motu penduli sphaerici rotatione terrae perturbato. Dissertation.

Dumas, Wilhelm August: aus Rastenburg: De motu penduli sphaerici rotatione terrae perturbato..

70,00 €
Zemanek, Heinz: Al-Khorezmi : His background, his personality, his work and his influence.

Zemanek, Heinz: Al-Khorezmi : His background, his personality, his work and his influence.

70,00 €
Amayo, Ralph K. / Stewart, Ianq: Infite-dimensional Lie algebras.

Amayo, Ralph K. / Stewart, Ianq: Infite-dimensional Lie algebras.

70,00 €
Sonderdr. Jahresber. Dt. Mathematiker-Vereinigung.

Sonderdr. Jahresber. Dt. Mathematiker-Vereinigung.

70,00 €
Vorsselman de Heer, Pieter Otto Coenraad: De Fractionibus Continuis : Quod Favente Summo Numine. Dissertation.

Vorsselman de Heer, Pieter Otto Coenraad: De Fractionibus Continuis : Quod Favente Summo Numine..

65,00 €
Nova acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum = Verhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher 71.

Nova acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum = Verhandlungen..

65,00 €
Fraïssé, Roland: Theory of relations. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 118.

Fraïssé, Roland: Theory of relations. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 118.

65,00 €
Lacroix, Sylvestre François de: Anfangsgründe der Algebra, Theil 1.

Lacroix, Sylvestre François de: Anfangsgründe der Algebra, Theil 1.

60,00 €
Marcus, R.B.; Dorn, G.J.W.; Weingartner, P. (eds.): Logic, methodology and philosophy of science VII. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 114.

Marcus, R.B.; Dorn, G.J.W.; Weingartner, P. (eds.): Logic, methodology and philosophy of science..

60,00 €
Bensoussan, A.; Lions, J.-L.; Papanicolaou, G: Asymptotic analysis for periodic structures. Studies in mathematics and its applications 5.

Bensoussan, A.; Lions, J. L.; Papanicolaou, G: Asymptotic analysis for periodic structures. Studies..

60,00 €
Sonderdr. Jahresber. Dt. Mathematiker-Vereinigung.

Sonderdr. Jahresber. Dt. Mathematiker-Vereinigung.

60,00 €
Blanchard, André: Sur les Variétés analytiques complexes. Dissertation.

Blanchard, André: Sur les Variétés analytiques complexes. Dissertation.

60,00 €
Sonderdr. Jahresber. Dt. Mathematiker-Vereinigung.

Sonderdr. Jahresber. Dt. Mathematiker-Vereinigung.

60,00 €
Goldblatt, Robert: Topoi : the categorial analysis of logic. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 98.

Goldblatt, Robert: Topoi : the categorial analysis of logic. Studies in logic and the foundations..

59,00 €
Sonderdr. Journal reine u. angewandte Mathematik.

Sonderdr. Journal reine u. angewandte Mathematik.

55,00 €
Lagrange, Eugène: De theoria arearum et plani invariabilis. Dissertation.

Lagrange, Eugène: De theoria arearum et plani invariabilis. Dissertation.

50,00 €
Drobisch, Moritz Wilhelm: Zusätze zum Florentiner Problem. Sonderdruck aus: Abhandlungen der Königlich Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Mathematisch-physikalische Classe 1, S. 431-482.

Drobisch, Moritz Wilhelm: Zusätze zum Florentiner Problem. Sonderdruck aus: Abhandlungen der..

50,00 €
(Mollweide, Karl Brandan): Multiplex et continuata serierum transformatio exemplo quodam luculento illustratur. Erinnerungsschrift an Carl Friedrich Kregel von Sternbach.

(Mollweide, Karl Brandan): Multiplex et continuata serierum transformatio exemplo quodam luculento..

50,00 €
Westphal, Alfred H. C: Ueber die Beweise für das Parallelogramm der Kräfte. Dissertation.

Westphal, Alfred H. C: Ueber die Beweise für das Parallelogramm der Kräfte. Dissertation.

50,00 €
August, Friedrich Wilhelm Oskar: Disquisitiones de superficiebus tertii Ordinis.

August, Friedrich Wilhelm Oskar: Disquisitiones de superficiebus tertii Ordinis.

50,00 €
Baehr, Georg Frederik Wilhelm: De Tautochronismo. Dissertation.

Baehr, Georg Frederik Wilhelm: De Tautochronismo. Dissertation.

50,00 €
Nobbe, Karl Friedrich August: Specimen Arithmeticae Nicomacheae e duobus codicibus Mss. Schulprogramm Nikolaischule in Leipzig.

Nobbe, Karl Friedrich August: Specimen Arithmeticae Nicomacheae e duobus codicibus Mss..

50,00 €
Botto, Costantino: Un´autentica gloria cuneese e italiana. Il matematico Giuseppe Peano. Cuneo 1858 - Torino 1932. Estratto dall´Annuario del R. Istituto Tecnico di Cuneo 1933-34.

Botto, Costantino: Un´autentica gloria cuneese e italiana. Il matematico Giuseppe Peano. Cuneo..

50,00 €
Nova acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum = Verhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher 86.

Nova acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum = Verhandlungen..

50,00 €
Guillemin, Victor; Pollack, Alan: Differential Topology.

Guillemin, Victor; Pollack, Alan: Differential Topology.

50,00 €
Shapiro, Stewart (ed.): Intensional mathematics. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 113.

Shapiro, Stewart (ed.): Intensional mathematics. Studies in logic and the foundations of..

50,00 €
Moschovakis, Yiannis Nicholas: Descriptive set theory. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 100.

Moschovakis, Yiannis Nicholas: Descriptive set theory. Studies in logic and the foundations of..

50,00 €
Godunov, Sergej K.; Ryabenkii, V. S: Difference schemes : an introduction to the underlying theory. Studies in mathematics and its applications 19.

Godunov, Sergej K.; Ryabenkii, V. S: Difference schemes : an introduction to the underlying theory..

50,00 €
Schulte, Mary Leontius: Additions in arithmetic, 1843 - 1700, to the sources of Cajori's : "history of mathematical notations" and Tropfke's "Geschichte der Elementar-Mathematik". Dissertation.

Schulte, Mary Leontius: Additions in arithmetic, 1843 1700, to the sources of Cajori's : "history..

50,00 €
Temler, Carl Heinrich Anton: De cycloide. Habilitationsschrift Jena.

Temler, Carl Heinrich Anton: De cycloide. Habilitationsschrift Jena.

50,00 €
Hu, Sze-Tsen: Differentiable Manifolds.

Hu, Sze-Tsen: Differentiable Manifolds.

50,00 €
Wells, Raymond O. Jr: Differential Analysis on Complex Manifolds.Comprehensive, single-volume discussion of the modern theoretical concepts eccential to understanding and analyzing compact complex manifolds.

Wells, Raymond O. Jr: Differential Analysis on Complex Manifolds.Comprehensive, single volume..

50,00 €
Halanay, A: Differential Equations: Stability, Oscillations, Time Lags (Mathematics in Science and Engineering, Volume 23).

Halanay, A: Differential Equations: Stability, Oscillations, Time Lags (Mathematics in Science and..

50,00 €
Sonderdr. Mathematische Annalen.

Sonderdr. Mathematische Annalen.

50,00 €
Sonderdr. Mathematische Annalen.

Sonderdr. Mathematische Annalen.

50,00 €
Sonderdr. Jahresber. Dt. Mathematiker-Vereinigung.

Sonderdr. Jahresber. Dt. Mathematiker-Vereinigung.

50,00 €
Temam, Roger: Navier-Stokes equations : theory and numerical analysis. Studies in mathematics and its applications 2. Rev. ed.

Temam, Roger: Navier Stokes equations : theory and numerical analysis. Studies in mathematics and..

49,00 €
Boffa, M.; Dalen, Dirk van; McAloon, K. (eds.): Logic Colloquium '78. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 97.

Boffa, M.; Dalen, Dirk van; McAloon, K. (eds.): Logic Colloquium '78. Studies in logic and the..

49,00 €
Stroyan, K. D. ; Bayod, José Manuel: Foundations of infinitesimal stochastic analysis. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 119.

Stroyan, K. D. ; Bayod, José Manuel: Foundations of infinitesimal stochastic analysis. Studies in..

46,00 €
Mehmke, Rudolf: Anwendung der Grassmann'schen Ausdehnungslehre auf die Geometrie der Kreise in der Ebene. Dissertation.

Mehmke, Rudolf: Anwendung der Grassmann'schen Ausdehnungslehre auf die Geometrie der Kreise in der..

45,00 €
Drake, Frank R.; Truss, J. K. (eds.): Logic Colloquium '86. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics 124.

Drake, Frank R.; Truss, J. K. (eds.): Logic Colloquium '86. Studies in logic and the foundations of..

45,00 €
Elgot, Calvin C: Selected papers.

Elgot, Calvin C: Selected papers.

45,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96