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280 Artikel gefunden


Swan, Joseph; Leighton, John M.; Wilson, John: Swan's Views of The Lakes of Scotland: A Series of Views.and remarks on the Scenery of the Highlands (vol. 1 + 2 in 1, complete).

Swan, Joseph; Leighton, John M.; Wilson, John: Swan's Views of The Lakes of Scotland: A Series of..

100,00 €
E. Plantamour
 M. Löw: Détermination Télégraphique de la Différence de Longitude
 entre Genève et Strasbourg, exécutèe en 1876.

E. Plantamour M. Löw: Détermination Télégraphique de la Différence de Longitude entre..

48,88 €
Hatch, F. H., A. K. Wells and M. K. Wells: The Petrology of the Igneous Rocks.

Hatch, F. H., A. K. Wells and M. K. Wells: The Petrology of the Igneous Rocks.

10,00 €
Landrin, M: Dictionaire de Minéralogie, de géologie, et de Métallurgie.

Landrin, M: Dictionaire de Minéralogie, de géologie, et de Métallurgie.

80,00 €
M. Walter: Inhalt, Herstellung, Anleitung und Grundlagen der Topographischen Karte.

M. Walter: Inhalt, Herstellung, Anleitung und Grundlagen der Topographischen Karte.

39,99 €
Behr, Fritz M: Über die Dolomitisierung und Verquarzung in Kalken des Mitteldevons und Karbons am Nordrande des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges. (Dissertation).

Behr, Fritz M: Über die Dolomitisierung und Verquarzung in Kalken des Mitteldevons und Karbons am..

17,50 €
Haller von Königsfelden, F.F: Beschreibung der Stadt Como und des Comer-Sees mit dessen Umgebungen. Ein Handbuch für deutsche Reisende.

Haller von Königsfelden, F.F: Beschreibung der Stadt Como und des Comer Sees mit dessen..

650,00 €
Delkeskamp, Frederic Guillaume: Nouveau Panorama du Rhin depuis Mayence jusqu'à Cologne = Neues Panorama des Rheins von Mainz bis Coeln. + Notes à consulter pour le nouveau Panorama du Rhin depuis Mayence jusqu'à Cologne.

Delkeskamp, Frederic Guillaume: Nouveau Panorama du Rhin depuis Mayence jusqu'à Cologne = Neues..

350,00 €
Moustapha, Galal Aly; Auslender, G. M: Ayun Musa Coalfield Sector No I. Sinai Peninsula. Geological Report and Calculation of the Coal Reserves
 Cairo, Ministry of Industry Geological Survey & Mineral Research Department - Coal Project, 1961.

Moustapha, Galal Aly; Auslender, G. M: Ayun Musa Coalfield Sector No I. Sinai Peninsula. Geological..

24,00 €
A. K. Rusanov
 V. M. Alekseyeva
 V. G. Khitrov: Kolichestvennoye Spektral'noye Opredeleniye Redkikh i Rasseyannykh Elementov v Rudakh i Mineralakh.

A. K. Rusanov V. M. Alekseyeva V. G. Khitrov: Kolichestvennoye Spektral'noye Opredeleniye Redkikh..

125,00 €
M. N. Petrusevich: Aerometody pri Geologicheskikh Issledovaniyakh
 Dopushcheno Ministerstvom vysshego i srednego spetsialnogo obrazovaniya SSSR v kachestve uchebnogo posobiya dlya geologicheskikh fakultetov i vuzov SSSR.

M. N. Petrusevich: Aerometody pri Geologicheskikh Issledovaniyakh Dopushcheno Ministerstvom..

33,00 €
Guarascio, M.; David, M.; Huijbregts, C. (eds.): Advanced geostatistics in the mining industry. NATO advanced study institutes series. Series C, Mathematical and physical sciences 24.

Guarascio, M.; David, M.; Huijbregts, C. (eds.): Advanced geostatistics in the mining industry..

40,00 €
Flanagan, Kathryn M.; Lillegraven, Jason A. (Hr: Vertebrates, phylogeny, and philosophy. Contributions to geology. Special paper 3.

Flanagan, Kathryn M.; Lillegraven, Jason A. (Hr: Vertebrates, phylogeny, and philosophy..

30,00 €
Kukkamäki, T. J. (ed.): Fennia 89, 1-4 in 1.

Kukkamäki, T. J. (ed.): Fennia 89, 1-4 in 1.

90,00 €
King, Gillian M: Life and death in the Permo-Triassic : the fortunes of the dicynodont mammal-like reptiles. Sidney Haughton memorial lecture 3.

King, Gillian M: Life and death in the Permo Triassic : the fortunes of the dicynodont mammal like..

19,00 €
El Chair, M.; Hammann, W.; Thiedig, F: Neue Trilobiten- und Graptolithenfunde aus den Tanezzuft-Schiefern (Lllandovery, Silur) des Fezzan, Südwest-Libyen. Sonderdruck aus: Mitteil. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg 59, 83-98.

El Chair, M.; Hammann, W.; Thiedig, F: Neue Trilobiten und Graptolithenfunde aus den Tanezzuft..

9,00 €
Jeannet, Alphonse: La faune norienne de Tinkar-Lipu (Népal occidental, 5 200 m) : Céphalopodes. Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France ; nouvelle série, tome 37, fasc. 1 = no 82.

Jeannet, Alphonse: La faune norienne de Tinkar Lipu (Népal occidental, 5 200 m) : Céphalopodes..

29,00 €
Perez-Ibarguengoitia, J. M. et al: Estratigrafía y paleontología del Jurásico Superior de la parte centromeridional del Estado de Puebla. Paleontología mexicana 21.

Perez Ibarguengoitia, J. M. et al: Estratigrafía y paleontología del Jurásico Superior de la..

24,00 €
Moore, Raymond C., Jeffords, R M.; Miller, T H: Morphological Features of Crinoid Columns + Classification and Nomenclature of Fossil Crinoids Based on Studies of Dissociated Parts of Their Columns + Ontogenetic Development in Late Pennsylvanian Crinoid C

Moore, Raymond C., Jeffords, R M.; Miller, T H: Morphological Features of Crinoid Columns +..

14,00 €
Cocke, J. M: Dissepimental rugose corals of Upper Pennsylvanian (Missourian) rocks of Kansas. University of Kansas paleontological contributions. Articles 54 (Coelenterata 4).

Cocke, J. M: Dissepimental rugose corals of Upper Pennsylvanian (Missourian) rocks of Kansas..

14,00 €
Maheshwari, Hari K.; Bose, M. N.; Kar, R. K: Palaeozoic Sporae Dispersae from Congo. VIII: The Kibamba River (Lukuga Coalfield Area), IX: Ombela and Lokandu Regions (Lualaba River), X: Microfossils from a Cliff Section at the Confluence of Lufupa and Mush

Maheshwari, Hari K.; Bose, M. N.; Kar, R. K: Palaeozoic Sporae Dispersae from Congo. VIII: The..

50,00 €
Stainforth, R. M. et al: Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal zonation and characteristics of index forms. University of Kansas paleontological contributions. Articles 62.

Stainforth, R. M. et al: Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal zonation and characteristics of index..

19,00 €
Davies, L M: The Fossil Fauna of the Samana Range and some Neighbouring Areas. 6, The palaeocene Foraminifera. Palaeontologia Indica 15,6.

Davies, L M: The Fossil Fauna of the Samana Range and some Neighbouring Areas. 6, The palaeocene..

29,00 €
Davies, L M: The Fossil Fauna of the Samana Range and some Neighbouring Areas. 1, An introductory note. Palaeontologia Indica 15,1.

Davies, L M: The Fossil Fauna of the Samana Range and some Neighbouring Areas. 1, An introductory..

29,00 €
Bose, M. N.; Lakhanpal, R. N: Some mesozoic plants from Western Congo + Some middle tertiary plant remains from South Kivu, Congo. Annalen Koninklijk Museum..

Bose, M. N.; Lakhanpal, R. N: Some mesozoic plants from Western Congo + Some middle tertiary plant..

19,00 €
Mamgain, V. D.; Sastry, M. V. A: The Upper Cretaceous microfauna of the Spiti and Niti areas of the Himalaya. Palaeontologia Indica N.S. 43.

Mamgain, V. D.; Sastry, M. V. A: The Upper Cretaceous microfauna of the Spiti and Niti areas of the..

19,00 €
Rutten, L M R: Our palaeontological knowledge of the Netherlands West-Indies in 1930. Sonderdruck aus. Leidse Geologische Mededelingen 5 (Feestbundel K. Martin),  651-672.

Rutten, L M R: Our palaeontological knowledge of the Netherlands West Indies in 1930. Sonderdruck..

9,00 €
Vries, H. M. de (ed.): The importance of Java seen from the air : a book devoted to the interests of the island of Java.

Vries, H. M. de (ed.): The importance of Java seen from the air : a book devoted to the interests..

35,00 €
Bless, Martin J. M. ; Jordan, Hanspeter: Ostracodes of the family hollinellidae. Mededelingen van de Rijks Geologische Dienst. Serie C. V, Palaeontologie : Microfauna 3, Carboniferous 1.

Bless, Martin J. M. ; Jordan, Hanspeter: Ostracodes of the family hollinellidae. Mededelingen van..

24,00 €
Avery, Diana M: Micromammals as palaeoenvironmental indicators and an interpretation of the late quaternary in the Southern Cape Province, South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 85,2.

Avery, Diana M: Micromammals as palaeoenvironmental indicators and an interpretation of the late..

24,00 €
Sastry, M. V. A.; Sinha, N. K: Bibliography of Indian geology, Part IV: Palaeontological index, Part 3: Echinodermata (Revised and enlarged). Geological Survey of India, Miscellaneous publication 18,3.

Sastry, M. V. A.; Sinha, N. K: Bibliography of Indian geology, Part IV: Palaeontological index..

19,00 €
Schürmann, H. M. E: Massengesteine aus Ägypten. Achter Teil. Das Grundgebirge des nördlichen Teiles der östlichen Arabischen Wüste Ägyptens. Sonderdruck aus: Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie etc. Abhandlungen. Abt. A. Beil.-Bd. 78, 1-88.

Schürmann, H. M. E: Massengesteine aus Ägypten. Achter Teil. Das Grundgebirge des nördlichen..

16,00 €
Whitney, Josiah Dwight; Wordsworth, M. E: The azoic system and its proposed subdivisions. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 7,11.

Whitney, Josiah Dwight; Wordsworth, M. E: The azoic system and its proposed subdivisions. Bulletin..

24,00 €
Brown, Philip M.; Miller, James A.; Swain, F. M: Structural and stratigraphic framework, and spatial distribution of permeability of the Atlantic coastal plain, North Carolina to New York. US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, Professional

Brown, Philip M.; Miller, James A.; Swain, F. M: Structural and stratigraphic framework, and..

65,00 €
Schäfer, Wilhelm: Form und Funktion der Brachyuren-Schere. Habilitationsschrift. Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 489.

Schäfer, Wilhelm: Form und Funktion der Brachyuren Schere. Habilitationsschrift. Abhandlungen der..

14,00 €
Van Diesen, G.; J. Bosscha; J. M. Van Bemmelen: Verslag van de Commissie tot onderzoek naar de mate, waarin water onder verschillende drukhoogte door zandmassa's van verschellende samenstelling en breedte stroomt. Verhandelingen der koninklijke Akademie v

Van Diesen, G.; J. Bosscha; J. M. Van Bemmelen: Verslag van de Commissie tot onderzoek naar de..

30,00 €
Harris, John M: Pliocene Giraffoidea (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the Cape Province. Annals of the South African Museum 69.12, S. 325-353.

Harris, John M: Pliocene Giraffoidea (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the Cape Province. Annals of the..

16,00 €
Zaborski, P. M. P: Lower Turonian (Cretaceous) ammonites from south-east Nigeria. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 41,2, S. 32-66.

Zaborski, P. M. P: Lower Turonian (Cretaceous) ammonites from south east Nigeria. Bulletin of the..

11,00 €
Zaborski, P. M: Upper Cretaceous ammonites from the Calabar region, South-East Nigeria. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 39,1, S. 1-72.

Zaborski, P. M: Upper Cretaceous ammonites from the Calabar region, South East Nigeria. Bulletin of..

12,00 €
Heijnen, Wilhelmus M: Crystal growth and morphology of calcium oxalates and carbonates. Dissertation. Geologica ultraiectina 42.

Heijnen, Wilhelmus M: Crystal growth and morphology of calcium oxalates and carbonates..

24,00 €
Herrick, S. M: Some Small Foraminifera from Shell Bluff, Georgia. Bulletins of American paleontology 41, no. 187.

Herrick, S. M: Some Small Foraminifera from Shell Bluff, Georgia. Bulletins of American..

20,00 €
Kindle, E. M: The Fauna and Stratigraphy of the Jefferson Limestone in the Northern Rocky Mountain Region. Bulletins of American paleontology 4 no. 20.

Kindle, E. M: The Fauna and Stratigraphy of the Jefferson Limestone in the Northern Rocky Mountain..

19,00 €
Bolli, Hans M: Planktonic Foraminifera from the Cretaceous of Trinidad, B. W. I. Bulletins of American paleontology 39, no. 179.

Bolli, Hans M: Planktonic Foraminifera from the Cretaceous of Trinidad, B. W. I. Bulletins of..

20,00 €
Bukowski, C Z ; M W Bukowska: Bibliografia geologiczna Polski. 1955. Nr. 28.

Bukowski, C Z ; M W Bukowska: Bibliografia geologiczna Polski. 1955. Nr. 28.

25,00 €
Bukowski, C Z ; M W Bukowska: Bibliografia geologiczna Polski. 1954, Nr. 27.

Bukowski, C Z ; M W Bukowska: Bibliografia geologiczna Polski. 1954, Nr. 27.

25,00 €
Straaten, L. M. J. U. van ; Jong, J. D. de (eds.): The Excavation at Velsen: a detailed study of Upper-Pleistocene and Holocene stratigraphy. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Nederlands Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap/Geologische Serie 17, BLZ. 87-

Straaten, L. M. J. U. van ; Jong, J. D. de (eds.): The Excavation at Velsen: a detailed study of..

16,00 €
Harris, John M: Prodeinotherium from Gebel Zelten, Libya. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 23,5.

Harris, John M: Prodeinotherium from Gebel Zelten, Libya. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural..

14,00 €
Zaborski, P. M: Campanian and Maastrichtian sphenodiscid ammonites from southern Nigeria. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology series 36,4.

Zaborski, P. M: Campanian and Maastrichtian sphenodiscid ammonites from southern Nigeria. Bulletin..

19,00 €
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