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1.245 Artikel gefunden


Miller, Lee D. ; Pierre Viette: A review of Eugene Le Moult's names of Helicopis (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae). Bulletin of the Allyn Museum 77.

Miller, Lee D. ; Pierre Viette: A review of Eugene Le Moult's names of Helicopis (Lepidoptera:..

14,00 €
Heuser, Rudolf; Jöst, Hans; Rösler, Rudolf: Die Lepidopteren-Fauna der Pfalz, A. Systematisch-chorologischer Teil, V. Die Zünsler. Sonderdruck aus: Mitteilungen der Pollichia ; 3.Reihe, 18, 11-85.

Heuser, Rudolf; Jöst, Hans; Rösler, Rudolf: Die Lepidopteren Fauna der Pfalz, A. Systematisch..

11,00 €
Qadri, M. A. H: Phylogenetic study of Auchenorrhyncha. University studies 4,3.

Qadri, M. A. H: Phylogenetic study of Auchenorrhyncha. University studies 4,3.

16,00 €
Schille, Friedrich: Materialien zu einer Thysanopteren-[Blasenfüsse] und Collembolen-Fauna Galiziens.

Schille, Friedrich: Materialien zu einer Thysanopteren [Blasenfüsse] und Collembolen Fauna..

11,00 €
Gardner, A. E: A key to the larvae of the British Odonata, Part 1. Zygoptera; Part 2. Anisoptera; Part 3. A study of the genitalia of the two species Sympetrum nigrescens Lucas and S. nigrifemur (Selys) with notes on their distribution (Odonata: Libelluli

Gardner, A. E: A key to the larvae of the British Odonata, Part 1. Zygoptera; Part 2. Anisoptera;..

19,00 €
Papilio international 1.1.

Papilio international 1.1.

14,00 €
Parrott, R. E: A new subspecies of Troides amphrysus Cramer 1782 from Bali Island. Papilio international 6.1.

Parrott, R. E: A new subspecies of Troides amphrysus Cramer 1782 from Bali Island. Papilio..

14,00 €
Quentin, René-Michel; Villiers, A: Révision des Macrotomini de la région Malgache (Col. Cerambycidae Prioninae). Sonderdruck aus: Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S:) 9, 3-68.

Quentin, René Michel; Villiers, A: Révision des Macrotomini de la région Malgache (Col..

14,00 €
Sorensen, John.T: A revision of the aphid genus Essigella (Homoptera: Aphididae: Lachninae): its ecological associations with, and evolution on, Pinaceae hosts. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 70,1.

Sorensen, John.T: A revision of the aphid genus Essigella (Homoptera: Aphididae: Lachninae): its..

24,00 €
Darby, A. W: On the status of Ornithoptera meridionalis tarunggarensis Joicey & Talbot. Papilio international 2.3-4.

Darby, A. W: On the status of Ornithoptera meridionalis tarunggarensis Joicey & Talbot. Papilio..

14,00 €
Gonzalez-Sponga, M. A: Broteas mingueti (Scorpionida: Chactidae). Nueva especie en el Territorio Bundes Amazonas. Venezuela. Instituto Pedagogico Caracas 6.

Gonzalez Sponga, M. A: Broteas mingueti (Scorpionida: Chactidae). Nueva especie en el Territorio..

19,00 €
Beutler, A.; Gruber, U: Intraspezifische Untersuchungen an Cyrtodactylus kotschyi (Steindacher, 1870); Reptilia: Gekkonidae. Beitrag zu einer mathematischen Definition des Begriffs Unterart. Sonderdruck aus: Spixiana 1, 165-202.

Beutler, A.; Gruber, U: Intraspezifische Untersuchungen an Cyrtodactylus kotschyi (Steindacher..

9,00 €
Johansson, Roland: Notes on Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera). I. A revision of the Nepticula ruficapitella group. Sonderdruck aus: Ent. Scan 2, 241.262.

Johansson, Roland: Notes on Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera). I. A revision of the Nepticula..

9,00 €
Gonzalez-Sponga, M. A: Broteochactas sanmartini (Scorpionida: Chactidae) : nueva especie del Rio Caura, en la Guayana de Venezuela. Instituto Pedagogico Caracas 7.

Gonzalez Sponga, M. A: Broteochactas sanmartini (Scorpionida: Chactidae) : nueva especie del Rio..

19,00 €
Ionescu, Mihail A: Cynipinae. Fauna Republicii Socialiste România Vol. 9, Fasc. 2.

Ionescu, Mihail A: Cynipinae. Fauna Republicii Socialiste România Vol. 9, Fasc. 2.

24,00 €
Goode, G. Brown; Bean, Tarleton Hoffmann: Oceanic ichthyology, a treatise on the deep-sea and pelagic fishes of the world, based chiefly upon the collections made by the steamers Blake, Albatross, and Fish Hawk in the Northwestern Atlantic. Smithsonian In

Goode, G. Brown; Bean, Tarleton Hoffmann: Oceanic ichthyology, a treatise on the deep sea and..

45,00 €
Harper, K.T.; Reveal, J.L. (eds.): Intermountain Biogeography : A Symposium. The Great Basin naturalist. Great Basin naturalist memoirs 2.

Harper, K.T.; Reveal, J.L. (eds.): Intermountain Biogeography : A Symposium. The Great Basin..

29,00 €
Munscheid, Lili: Die Metamorphose des Labiums der Odonaten. Sonderdruck aus: Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie A,143.

Munscheid, Lili: Die Metamorphose des Labiums der Odonaten. Sonderdruck aus: Zeitschrift für..

14,00 €
Palm, Eivind: Nordeuropas Snudebiller : De kortsnudede arter (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) - med særligt henblik p°a den danske fauna. Danmarks dyreliv 7.

Palm, Eivind: Nordeuropas Snudebiller : De kortsnudede arter (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) med..

64,00 €
Quentin, René-Michel; Villiers, A: Révision des Hopliderina africains et malgaches (Col. Cerambycidae Prioninae). Sonderdruck aus: Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S:) 8, 257-289.

Quentin, René Michel; Villiers, A: Révision des Hopliderina africains et malgaches (Col..

14,00 €
Jago, N.D: A review of the genus Auloserpusia Rehn, 1914 (Orthoptera: Acrididae, Catantopinae) and its evolution in eastern Congo and western Uganda. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 122, 145-183.

Jago, N.D: A review of the genus Auloserpusia Rehn, 1914 (Orthoptera: Acrididae, Catantopinae) and..

14,00 €
Jago, N.D: A key to the grasshopper species (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) recorded from Ghana. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 119, 235-266.

Jago, N.D: A key to the grasshopper species (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) recorded from Ghana..

11,00 €
Zhang, Yalin: A taxonomic study of chinese Cicadellidae (Homoptera).

Zhang, Yalin: A taxonomic study of chinese Cicadellidae (Homoptera).

60,00 €
Eitschberger, Ulf: Systematische Untersuchungen am Pieris napi-bryoniae-Komplex (s.l.) (Lepidoptera, Pieridae). Herbipoliana Bd. 1, Teil 2.

Eitschberger, Ulf: Systematische Untersuchungen am Pieris napi bryoniae Komplex (s.l.)..

60,00 €
Dirsh, Vitaly M: A preliminary revision of the families and subfamilies of Acridoidea (Orthoptera, Insecta). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology 10,9.

Dirsh, Vitaly M: A preliminary revision of the families and subfamilies of Acridoidea (Orthoptera..

16,00 €
Arnett, Ross H.; Samuelson, G. A: Directory of coleoptera collections of North America (Canada through Panama).

Arnett, Ross H.; Samuelson, G. A: Directory of coleoptera collections of North America (Canada..

21,00 €
Duckworth, Walter Donald; Eichlin, Thomas D: A classification of the Sesiidae of America north of Mexico (Lepidoptera: Sesioidea). Occasional papers in entomology 26.

Duckworth, Walter Donald; Eichlin, Thomas D: A classification of the Sesiidae of America north of..

19,00 €
Wenzel, Rupert L.; Vernon J. Tipton; A. Kiewlicz: The streblid batflies of Panama (Diptera Calypterae: Streblidae). Sonderdruck aus: Ectoparasites of Panama.

Wenzel, Rupert L.; Vernon J. Tipton; A. Kiewlicz: The streblid batflies of Panama (Diptera..

35,00 €
Holland, William Jacob: Lepidoptera of the Congo, being a systematic list of the butterflies and moths collected by the American Museum of Natural History Congo expedition, together with descriptions of some hitherto undescribed species. Bulletin of the A

Holland, William Jacob: Lepidoptera of the Congo, being a systematic list of the butterflies and..

26,00 €
Olivier, Alain: The butterflies of the Greek island of Ródos : taxonomy, faunistics, ecology and phenology; with a tentative synthesis on the biogeography of the..

Olivier, Alain: The butterflies of the Greek island of Ródos : taxonomy, faunistics, ecology and..

24,00 €
Breeden, Stanley; Kay Breeden: Australia's North. A natural history of Australia 3.

Breeden, Stanley; Kay Breeden: Australia's North. A natural history of Australia 3.

45,00 €
Breeden, Stanley; Kay Breeden: Australia's south east. A natural history of Australia 2.

Breeden, Stanley; Kay Breeden: Australia's south east. A natural history of Australia 2.

45,00 €
Breeden, Stanley; Kay Breeden: Tropical Queensland. A natural history of Australia 1.

Breeden, Stanley; Kay Breeden: Tropical Queensland. A natural history of Australia 1.

40,00 €
Mutterliebe bei Tieren.

Mutterliebe bei Tieren.

4,00 €
Sex versus Asex in a Hermaphrodite Flatworm. Evolution and Coexistende of Reproductive Types in the Freshwater Planarian Schmidtea polychroa (Dissertationsschrift).

Sex versus Asex in a Hermaphrodite Flatworm. Evolution and Coexistende of Reproductive Types in the..

28,00 €
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft. 79. Jahresversammlung 1986 in München.

Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft. 79. Jahresversammlung 1986 in München.

11,00 €
Annale Volume 50 Serie A NO. 1 (1975): Studies on the Biology, Ecology and Control of the Pine Tree Emperor Moth, Nudaurelia Cytherea (Fabr.) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) by H. Geertsema, M.Sc., Dip. For.

Annale Volume 50 Serie A NO. 1 (1975): Studies on the Biology, Ecology and Control of the Pine Tree..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 49 Serie A NO. 3 (1974): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital System of Limax Valentianus (Ferussac) (Pulmonata: Limacidae) by. Michele Stears, M.Sc.

Annale Volume 49 Serie A NO. 3 (1974): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 49 Serie A NO. 2 (1974): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital System of the Pulmonate Milax Gagates (Draparnaud) by Antoinette Els, M.Sc.

Annale Volume 49 Serie A NO. 2 (1974): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 49 Serie A NO. 1 (1974): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital System of the Squid Loligo Reynaudii (d'Orbigny) by J.H. Badenhorst, M.Sc.

Annale Volume 49 Serie A NO. 1 (1974): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 48 Serie A NO. 2 (1973): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital System of the Pulmonate Agriolimax Caruanae Pollonera by W.F. Sirgel, M.Sc.

Annale Volume 48 Serie A NO. 2 (1973): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 48 Serie A NO. 1 (1973): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital System of the Pulmonate Cochlicella Ventricosa (Draparnaud) by W.J. Els, M.Sc.

Annale Volume 48 Serie A NO. 1 (1973): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 47 Serie A NO. 2 (1972): Ontogeny of the Chondrocranium of the Chamaeleon, Microsaura Pumila Pumila (Daudin) by J.G.J. Visser.

Annale Volume 47 Serie A NO. 2 (1972): Ontogeny of the Chondrocranium of the Chamaeleon, Microsaura..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 46 Serie A NO. 1 (1971): Descriptions of the Stages of two Subspecies of the Pine Tree Emperor Moth, Nudaurelia Cytherea (Fabr.) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) by H. Geertsema.

Annale Volume 46 Serie A NO. 1 (1971): Descriptions of the Stages of two Subspecies of the Pine..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 45 Serie A NO. 2 (1970): The Anatomy of the Heart of the Plethodontid Salamander Ensatina Eschscholtzii Gray by N.E. Nel.

Annale Volume 45 Serie A NO. 2 (1970): The Anatomy of the Heart of the Plethodontid Salamander..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 45 Serie A NO. 1 (1970): The Ontogenesis of the Chondrocranium and of the Nasal Sac of the Microhylid Frog Breviceps Adspersus Pentheri Werner by J.H. Swanepoel.

Annale Volume 45 Serie A NO. 1 (1970): The Ontogenesis of the Chondrocranium and of the Nasal Sac..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 44 Serie A NO. 3-5 (1969): Parallel Development and Specialisation during the Evolution of the Bird Skull. The Evolution of the Cranium of Mammals. Specialisations of Skull in Mammals. By D. Starck.

Annale Volume 44 Serie A NO. 3 5 (1969): Parallel Development and Specialisation during the..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 44 Serie A NO. 2 (1969): A Site Evaluation Study in Black Wattle by A.P.G. Schönaund.

Annale Volume 44 Serie A NO. 2 (1969): A Site Evaluation Study in Black Wattle by A.P.G..

15,00 €
Heft Nr. 81 / Juli 1990 (The Gorilla. Inhalt u.a.: Social Integration of two adult Gorilla gorilla graueri into a Group within a new Facility A Preliminary Study on the social Behaviour of captive Bonobos (Pan Paniscus) Social Structure of a Group of capt

Heft Nr. 81 / Juli 1990 (The Gorilla. Inhalt u.a.: Social Integration of two adult Gorilla gorilla..

10,00 €
Heft Nr. 80 / December 1988 (The Okapi (Okapi johnstoni). Inhalt u.a.: A note of the social structure of free -ranging Okapi, Neonatal illness characterised by Dermatitis.

Heft Nr. 80 / December 1988 (The Okapi (Okapi johnstoni). Inhalt u.a.: A note of the social..

10,00 €
Heft Nr. 76 / November 1981 (Inhalt u.a.: Gastric Amebiasis in a Proboscic Monkey, Osmoregulation in Reptiles).

Heft Nr. 76 / November 1981 (Inhalt u.a.: Gastric Amebiasis in a Proboscic Monkey, Osmoregulation..

12,00 €
Owls - Their Life And Behavior. A photographic study of the North American Species. Mit Signatur des Fotografen.

Owls Their Life And Behavior. A photographic study of the North American Species. Mit Signatur..

30,00 €
Land Mammals of Southern Africa. A field guide.

Land Mammals of Southern Africa. A field guide.

24,00 €
Alaska's Mammals: A Guide to Selected Species (Alaska Pocket Guide).

Alaska's Mammals: A Guide to Selected Species (Alaska Pocket Guide).

4,00 €
The North American Buffalo. A Critical Study of the Sepcies in ist Wild State (2. Auflage).

The North American Buffalo. A Critical Study of the Sepcies in ist Wild State (2. Auflage).

23,90 €
A Natural History of Zebras.

A Natural History of Zebras.

45,00 €
The spotted Hyaena. A study of Predation and Social Behavior.

The spotted Hyaena. A study of Predation and Social Behavior.

43,00 €
Deer Farming in North America. The Conquest of a  New Frontier.

Deer Farming in North America. The Conquest of a New Frontier.

30,00 €
Locomotor Mechanisms of Birds: Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections Volume 143, Number 1.

Locomotor Mechanisms of Birds: Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections Volume 143, Number 1.

50,00 €
Sterndale's Mammalia of India. A New and Abridged Edition, thoroughly revised and with an Appendix on the Reptilia.

Sterndale's Mammalia of India. A New and Abridged Edition, thoroughly revised and with an Appendix..

34,00 €
A Field Guide to the Mammals. Field Marks of All North American Species Found North of Mexico.

A Field Guide to the Mammals. Field Marks of All North American Species Found North of Mexico.

9,00 €
A Field Guide to the Mammals: Giving Field Marks of all Species Found North of the Mexican Boundary.

A Field Guide to the Mammals: Giving Field Marks of all Species Found North of the Mexican..

13,00 €
Internationale Regeln für die zoologische Nomenklatur, 1970.

Internationale Regeln für die zoologische Nomenklatur, 1970.

10,00 €
Anpassung und Verhalten. Die erstaunliche Welt der Tiere.

Anpassung und Verhalten. Die erstaunliche Welt der Tiere.

4,00 €
Tierkunde. Ausgabe A: Für Gymnasialanstalten, 3. Band: Teil V. Für Obertertia.

Tierkunde. Ausgabe A: Für Gymnasialanstalten, 3. Band: Teil V. Für Obertertia.

9,00 €
Naturgeschichtliches Cabinet des Thierreiches IV: Wiederkäuende Thiere. Erster Teil: Kameele, Hirsche, Rehe, Antilopen.

Naturgeschichtliches Cabinet des Thierreiches IV: Wiederkäuende Thiere. Erster Teil: Kameele..

120,00 €
Holles Tier-Enzyklopädie. A-Enz, Eph-Ho, Hu-Mak, Mal-Qu, Ra-Ste, Ste-Zy. 6 Bände Verantwortlicher Herausgeber der deutschen Ausgabe: Gerard Du Ry van Beest Holle. Salus Tier-Enzyklopädie.

Holles Tier Enzyklopädie. A Enz, Eph Ho, Hu Mak, Mal Qu, Ra Ste, Ste Zy. 6 Bände Verantwortlicher..

10,00 €
Wir tauchten in Ostsee und Schwarzem Meer.

Wir tauchten in Ostsee und Schwarzem Meer.

4,00 €
Crossland, Cyril: Reports on the marine biology of the Sudanese Red Sea, 17-19.The journal of the Linnean Society 31, no. 208.

Crossland, Cyril: Reports on the marine biology of the Sudanese Red Sea, 17 19.The journal of the..

19,00 €
The journal of the Linnean Society 36, no. 242.

The journal of the Linnean Society 36, no. 242.

19,00 €
The journal of the Linnean Society 36, no. 248.

The journal of the Linnean Society 36, no. 248.

19,00 €
Psyche - A Journal of Entomology 49, H. 1/2-3/4 (complete).

Psyche - A Journal of Entomology 49, H. 1/2-3/4 (complete).

15,00 €
Sage, Bryan L: A history of the birds of Hertfordshire.

Sage, Bryan L: A history of the birds of Hertfordshire.

9,00 €
Olney, P. J. S.; Fisken, F. A. (eds.): 1989 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 29.

Olney, P. J. S.; Fisken, F. A. (eds.): 1989 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 29.

25,00 €
Hauenschild, C., Fischer, A., Hofmann, D. K: Untersuchungen am pazifischen Palolowurm Eunice viridis (Polychaeta) in Samoa. Sonderdruck aus: Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 18, 254-295.

Hauenschild, C., Fischer, A., Hofmann, D. K: Untersuchungen am pazifischen Palolowurm Eunice..

11,00 €
Tyler, James C: A monograph on plectognath fishes of the superfamily Triacanthoidea. The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, monograohs 16.

Tyler, James C: A monograph on plectognath fishes of the superfamily Triacanthoidea. The Academy of..

44,00 €
Bentheim Jutting, W. S.S. van: On a collection of non-marine mollusca from the Talaud Islands and from Morotai (Moluccas). Sonderdruck aus: Treubia 18,1.

Bentheim Jutting, W. S.S. van: On a collection of non marine mollusca from the Talaud Islands and..

14,00 €
Someren, Vernon D. Van: A bird watcher in Kenya.

Someren, Vernon D. Van: A bird watcher in Kenya.

10,00 €
Kerstitch, Alex: Sea of Cortez Marine Invertebrates : a guide for the Pacific Coast, Mexico to Ecuador.

Kerstitch, Alex: Sea of Cortez Marine Invertebrates : a guide for the Pacific Coast, Mexico to..

24,00 €
Taylor, John D.; Kennedy, William J.; Hall, A: The shell structure and mineralogy of the Bivalvia (1): Introduction ; Nuculacea-Trigonacea. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Zoology. Supplement 3.

Taylor, John D.; Kennedy, William J.; Hall, A: The shell structure and mineralogy of the Bivalvia..

20,00 €
Yarrell, William ; Alfred Newton: A history of British birds, vol. 2. 4. ed.

Yarrell, William ; Alfred Newton: A history of British birds, vol. 2. 4. ed.

30,00 €
Records of the Australian Museum 39,5/6.

Records of the Australian Museum 39,5/6.

19,00 €
The Nautilus : a quarterly devoted to malacology and the interests of conchologists 38,1.

The Nautilus : a quarterly devoted to malacology and the interests of conchologists 38,1.

14,00 €
The Nautilus : a quarterly devoted to malacology and the interests of conchologists 38,3.

The Nautilus : a quarterly devoted to malacology and the interests of conchologists 38,3.

14,00 €
Zimmerman, D. A.;Turner, D. A.; Pearson, D. J: Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania.

Zimmerman, D. A.;Turner, D. A.; Pearson, D. J: Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania.

20,00 €
Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian toimituksia. Sarja A = Series A. 4, Biologica 17-24 in 1.

Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian toimituksia. Sarja A = Series A. 4, Biologica 17-24 in 1.

50,00 €
Lacourt, A. W. ; Huwae, P. H. M: De inktvissen (Caphalopoda) van de Nederlandse Kust (Dieren - Schelpen -Eieren). Wetenschappelijke mededelingen van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging 145.

Lacourt, A. W. ; Huwae, P. H. M: De inktvissen (Caphalopoda) van de Nederlandse Kust (Dieren..

11,00 €
Hansen, Vagn Kristian ; Wingstrand, Karl Georg: Further studies on the non nucleated erythrocytes of Maurolicus Mülleri, and comparisons with the blood cells of related..

Hansen, Vagn Kristian ; Wingstrand, Karl Georg: Further studies on the non nucleated erythrocytes..

19,00 €
Nierstrasz, Hugo F. ; Brender à Brandis, Gérard A: Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL. AA. RR. le Prince et la..

Nierstrasz, Hugo F. ; Brender à Brandis, Gérard A: Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes..

14,00 €
Alexander, Elizabeth C: A contribution to the life history, biology, and geographical distribution of the bonefish, Albula vulpes (Linnaeus). The Carlsberg Foundation's Oceanographic Expedition Round the World 1928-30, and previous "Dana"-expeditions, Dan

Alexander, Elizabeth C: A contribution to the life history, biology, and geographical distribution..

26,00 €
Fowler, Henry W: Os Peixes de Água Doce do Brasil (4.a entrega). Arqivos de Zoologia do Estado de São Paulo 9.

Fowler, Henry W: Os Peixes de Água Doce do Brasil (4.a entrega). Arqivos de Zoologia do Estado de..

70,00 €
Lützen, Jørgen: Records of parasitic gastropods from crinoids, with description of a new genus, Goodingia (Gastropoda, Prosobranahia). Steenstrupia 2,16.

Lützen, Jørgen: Records of parasitic gastropods from crinoids, with description of a new genus..

9,00 €
Ege, Vilhelm: Chauliodus Schn., bathypelagic genus of fishes : A systematic, phylogenetic and geographical study. The Carlsberg Foundation's Oceanographic Expedition Round the World 1928-30, and previous "Dana"-expeditions, Dana-report 31.

Ege, Vilhelm: Chauliodus Schn., bathypelagic genus of fishes : A systematic, phylogenetic and..

45,00 €
Knowlton, Frank Hall: Birds of the world - A popular account. American Nature Series ; Group 1, natural history.

Knowlton, Frank Hall: Birds of the world A popular account. American Nature Series ; Group 1..

50,00 €
Tomich, Prosper Quentin: Mammals in Hawaii : a synopsis and notational bibliography. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Special publication 76. 2. ed.

Tomich, Prosper Quentin: Mammals in Hawaii : a synopsis and notational bibliography. Bernice P..

34,00 €
Bruun, Anton Frederik: A Study of a collection of the fish Schindleria from south Pacific waters. The Danish "Dana" Expeditions 1920-22 in the North Atlantic and the Gulf of Panama, Oceanographical reports 21.

Bruun, Anton Frederik: A Study of a collection of the fish Schindleria from south Pacific waters..

16,00 €
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