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1.252 Artikel gefunden


Lützen, Jørgen: Records of parasitic gastropods from crinoids, with description of a new genus, Goodingia (Gastropoda, Prosobranahia). Steenstrupia 2,16.

Lützen, Jørgen: Records of parasitic gastropods from crinoids, with description of a new genus..

9,00 €
Ege, Vilhelm: Chauliodus Schn., bathypelagic genus of fishes : A systematic, phylogenetic and geographical study. The Carlsberg Foundation's Oceanographic Expedition Round the World 1928-30, and previous "Dana"-expeditions, Dana-report 31.

Ege, Vilhelm: Chauliodus Schn., bathypelagic genus of fishes : A systematic, phylogenetic and..

45,00 €
Knowlton, Frank Hall: Birds of the world - A popular account. American Nature Series ; Group 1, natural history.

Knowlton, Frank Hall: Birds of the world A popular account. American Nature Series ; Group 1..

50,00 €
Tomich, Prosper Quentin: Mammals in Hawaii : a synopsis and notational bibliography. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Special publication 76. 2. ed.

Tomich, Prosper Quentin: Mammals in Hawaii : a synopsis and notational bibliography. Bernice P..

34,00 €
Bruun, Anton Frederik: A Study of a collection of the fish Schindleria from south Pacific waters. The Danish "Dana" Expeditions 1920-22 in the North Atlantic and the Gulf of Panama, Oceanographical reports 21.

Bruun, Anton Frederik: A Study of a collection of the fish Schindleria from south Pacific waters..

16,00 €
Hulley, P Alexander: A taxonomic review of the lanternfish genus Triphoturus, Fraser-Brunner, 1949 (Myctophidae, Osteichthyes). Annals of the South African Museum 97,4, S. 71-95.

Hulley, P Alexander: A taxonomic review of the lanternfish genus Triphoturus, Fraser Brunner, 1949..

11,00 €
The generic names of British insects vol 1, part 1-9 (complete).

The generic names of British insects vol 1, part 1-9 (complete).

39,00 €
Eastman, William R. ; Hunt, Alexander C: The parrots of Australia. A guide of field identification and habits.

Eastman, William R. ; Hunt, Alexander C: The parrots of Australia. A guide of field identification..

9,00 €
Schwartz, Charles Walsh; Schwartz, Elizabeth R: A reconnaissance of the game birds in Hawaii.

Schwartz, Charles Walsh; Schwartz, Elizabeth R: A reconnaissance of the game birds in Hawaii.

40,00 €
The Nautilus : a monthly devoted to the interests of conchologists 18,1-7.

The Nautilus : a monthly devoted to the interests of conchologists 18,1-7.

24,00 €
Beaman, Mark: Palearctic birds : a checklist of the birds of Europe, North Africa and Asia, north of the foothills of the Himalayas.

Beaman, Mark: Palearctic birds : a checklist of the birds of Europe, North Africa and Asia, north..

14,00 €
Brosset, A: Écologie des oiseaux du Maroc oriental. Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique Chérifien, Série zoologie 22.

Brosset, A: Écologie des oiseaux du Maroc oriental. Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique Chérifien..

20,00 €
Davies, K.C.; Hull, J: The zoological collections of the University of Oxford - a hitsorical review and general account, with comprehensive Donor Index to the year 1975.

Davies, K.C.; Hull, J: The zoological collections of the University of Oxford a hitsorical review..

34,00 €
Vockeroth, J. R: A revision of the Genera of the Syrphini (Diptera: Syrphidae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 62.

Vockeroth, J. R: A revision of the Genera of the Syrphini (Diptera: Syrphidae). Memoirs of the..

40,00 €
Crosskey, R. W: On Simulium xanthinum, a curious yellow-bodied blackfly of the southwestern Palaearctic region (Diptera: Simuliidae). Sonderdruck aus: Journal of Natural History 25, 691-702.

Crosskey, R. W: On Simulium xanthinum, a curious yellow bodied blackfly of the southwestern..

9,00 €
Grindley, John R: A new species of Tortanus (Crustacea, Copepoda) from South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 74,9.

Grindley, John R: A new species of Tortanus (Crustacea, Copepoda) from South Africa. Annals of the..

9,00 €
Hancock, Joseph Lane: Nature Sketches in Temperate America - A Series of Sketches and a Popular Account of Insects, Birds, and Plants, Treated from Some Aspects of Their Evolution and Ecological Relations.

Hancock, Joseph Lane: Nature Sketches in Temperate America A Series of Sketches and a Popular..

45,00 €
Millard, N A H: The Geographical distribution of Southern African hydroids. Annals of the South African Museum 74,6.

Millard, N A H: The Geographical distribution of Southern African hydroids. Annals of the South..

10,00 €
Millard, N A H: The South African Museum's Meiring Naude Cruises, part 3: Hydroida. Annals of the South African Museum 73,5.

Millard, N A H: The South African Museum's Meiring Naude Cruises, part 3: Hydroida. Annals of the..

9,00 €
Moore, Sherman: A revised annotated list of the butterflies of Michigan. Occasional papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 617.

Moore, Sherman: A revised annotated list of the butterflies of Michigan. Occasional papers of the..

19,00 €
Schlitter, Duane A. (ed.): Ecology and taxonomy of African small mammals. Bulletin of Carnegie Museum of Natural History 6.

Schlitter, Duane A. (ed.): Ecology and taxonomy of African small mammals. Bulletin of Carnegie..

24,00 €
Lewis, D J; R H L Disney; R W Crosskey: A new phoretic species of Simulium (Dipt., Simuliidae) from West Cameroon, with taxonomic notes on allied forms. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of Entomological Research 59, 229-239.

Lewis, D J; R H L Disney; R W Crosskey: A new phoretic species of Simulium (Dipt., Simuliidae) from..

9,00 €
Nachtrieb, Henry F.; Herrick, C.L.; Turner, Ch.H: Second Report of the State Zoologist including a Synopsis of the Entomostraca of Minnesota, Zoological Series II.

Nachtrieb, Henry F.; Herrick, C.L.; Turner, Ch.H: Second Report of the State Zoologist including a..

40,00 €
Zeidler, Wolfgang: A redescription of Afrochiltonia capensis (K.H. Barnard, 1916) with a review of the genera of the family Ceinidae (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Annals of the South African Museum 98.5.

Zeidler, Wolfgang: A redescription of Afrochiltonia capensis (K.H. Barnard, 1916) with a review of..

11,00 €
Myers, A. A. ; Lyons, J: A re-evaluation of the South African species of Lemboides Stebbing and Lembos Bate (amphipoda, aoridae) described by K. H. Barnard (1916). Annals of the South African Museum 97,9.

Myers, A. A. ; Lyons, J: A re evaluation of the South African species of Lemboides Stebbing and..

14,00 €
Stewart, B A ; C L Griffiths: Four new species of the Paramelita (Amphipoa, Crangonyctoidea) from South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 101.6.

Stewart, B A ; C L Griffiths: Four new species of the Paramelita (Amphipoa, Crangonyctoidea) from..

14,00 €
Rayner, Nancy A: Revision of the freshwater diaptomid genus Lovenula (Crustacea, Copepoda) in Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 101.9.

Rayner, Nancy A: Revision of the freshwater diaptomid genus Lovenula (Crustacea, Copepoda) in..

16,00 €
Dingle, R. V. ; Honigstein, A: Ostracoda from Quaternary coastal sequences in the south-western Cape. Annals of the South African Museum 104.5.

Dingle, R. V. ; Honigstein, A: Ostracoda from Quaternary coastal sequences in the south western..

16,00 €
Yarrell, William ; Alfred Newton: A history of British birds, vol. 1. 4. ed.

Yarrell, William ; Alfred Newton: A history of British birds, vol. 1. 4. ed.

30,00 €
Entomologische Zeitschrift mit Fauna exotica 40, 1-22.

Entomologische Zeitschrift mit Fauna exotica 40, 1-22.

25,00 €
Bradford, Janet M: A new species of Bradyidius (Copepoda, Calanoida) from the Mgazana Estuary, Pondoland, South Africa, and a review of the closely related genus Pseudotharybis. Annals of the South African Museum 72,1.

Bradford, Janet M: A new species of Bradyidius (Copepoda, Calanoida) from the Mgazana Estuary..

9,00 €
Stewart, Barbara A. ; Griffiths, Charles L: Revision of the family Paramelitidae (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from South African fresh waters. Annals of the South African Museum 104.8.

Stewart, Barbara A. ; Griffiths, Charles L: Revision of the family Paramelitidae (Crustacea..

16,00 €
Hamer, Michelle ; Brendonck, Luc: A new species of Streptocephalus (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostraca) from Namibia. Annals of the South African Museum 103.3.

Hamer, Michelle ; Brendonck, Luc: A new species of Streptocephalus (Crustacea, Branchiopoda..

9,00 €
Hubbs, Carl L.; Miller, Robert Rush: Studies of Cyprinodont fishes. XXII. Variation in Lucania parva, its establishment in Western United States, and description of a new species from an interior basin in Coahuila, Mexico. Museum of Zoology, University of

Hubbs, Carl L.; Miller, Robert Rush: Studies of Cyprinodont fishes. XXII. Variation in Lucania..

24,00 €
Goode, G. Brown (ed.): Descriptive catalogues of the collections sent from the United States to the International Fisheries Exhibition, London, 1883 : constituting a report upon the American section. Department of the Interior, Smithsonian Institution 33

Goode, G. Brown (ed.): Descriptive catalogues of the collections sent from the United States to the..

150,00 €
Powell, Jerry A: Biological studies on moths of the genus Ethmia in California (Gelechioidea). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 25 : Supplement 3.

Powell, Jerry A: Biological studies on moths of the genus Ethmia in California (Gelechioidea)..

19,00 €
Gorelick, Glenn Alan: A biosystematic study of two species of Callophrys (Callophrys) in California (Lycaenidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society.25 : Supplement 2.

Gorelick, Glenn Alan: A biosystematic study of two species of Callophrys (Callophrys) in California..

19,00 €
Nicolay, S S: A new genus of hairstreak from Central and South America (Lycaenidae, Theclinae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society.25 : Supplement 1.

Nicolay, S S: A new genus of hairstreak from Central and South America (Lycaenidae, Theclinae)..

19,00 €
Jubb, Rex A.; Gardiner, B. G: A preliminary catalogue of identifiable fossil fish material from southern Africa..Annals of the South African Museum 67,11.

Jubb, Rex A.; Gardiner, B. G: A preliminary catalogue of identifiable fossil fish material from..

16,00 €
Winterbottom, Richard: A new genus and three new species of the family Congrogadidae (pisces, perciformes) from Natal, South Africa..Annals of the South African Museum 83,1.

Winterbottom, Richard: A new genus and three new species of the family Congrogadidae (pisces..

11,00 €
Heemstra, P. C.; Kannemeyer, S. X: The families Trachipteridae and Radiicephalidae (Pisces, Lampriformes) and a new species of Zu from South Africa..Annals of the South African Museum 94,2.

Heemstra, P. C.; Kannemeyer, S. X: The families Trachipteridae and Radiicephalidae (Pisces..

11,00 €
Hulley, P. A. ; Krefft, Gerhard: A zoogeographic analysis of the fishes of the family Myctophidae (Osteichthyes, Myctophiformes) from the 1979 - Sargasso Sea Expedition of RV Anton Dohrn..Annals of the South African Museum 96,2.

Hulley, P. A. ; Krefft, Gerhard: A zoogeographic analysis of the fishes of the family Myctophidae..

14,00 €
Batham, E. J.; Tomlinson, Jack T: On Cryptophialus melampygos Berndt, a Small Boring Barnacle of the Order Acrothoracica Abundant in Some New Zealand Molluscs. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. zoology 7,9.

Batham, E. J.; Tomlinson, Jack T: On Cryptophialus melampygos Berndt, a Small Boring Barnacle of..

9,00 €
Watters, P. A: Distribution of Amphibola crenata (Pulmonata) in the Dunedin area, with notes on the probable origin of the species. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. zoology 4,4.

Watters, P. A: Distribution of Amphibola crenata (Pulmonata) in the Dunedin area, with notes on the..

9,00 €
Smit, F. G. A. M: Siphonaptera of New Zealand. Transaction of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Zoology 7,1.

Smit, F. G. A. M: Siphonaptera of New Zealand. Transaction of the Royal Society of New Zealand..

14,00 €
Griffin, D. J. G. ; Yaldwyn, J. C: A record of the majid brachyuran genus Achaeus from New Zealand with notes on the Australian species. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. zoology 6,4.

Griffin, D. J. G. ; Yaldwyn, J. C: A record of the majid brachyuran genus Achaeus from New Zealand..

9,00 €
Hulley, P. Alexander: A report on the mesopelagic fishes collected during the deep-sea cruises of R. S. Africana II , 1961-1966. Annals of the South African Museum 60,6.

Hulley, P. Alexander: A report on the mesopelagic fishes collected during the deep sea cruises of..

11,00 €
Craig, D. A: The eggs and embryology of some New Zealand Blepharoceridae (Diptera, Nematocera) with reference to the embryology of other Nematocera. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Zoology 8,18.

Craig, D. A: The eggs and embryology of some New Zealand Blepharoceridae (Diptera, Nematocera) with..

9,00 €
McDowall, R M: A redescription of the fresh-water red-finned bully Gabiomorphus huttoni (Ogilby). Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Zoology 3,2.

McDowall, R M: A redescription of the fresh water red finned bully Gabiomorphus huttoni (Ogilby)..

9,00 €
Burton, D. W: A revision of the New Zealand and Subantarctic Athoracophoridae. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Zoology 3,6.

Burton, D. W: A revision of the New Zealand and Subantarctic Athoracophoridae. Transactions of the..

11,00 €
Decker, A. H. B. de: Near-surface copepod distribution in the South-Western Indian and South-Eastern Atlantic Ocean. Annals of the South African Museum 93,5.

Decker, A. H. B. de: Near surface copepod distribution in the South Western Indian and South..

16,00 €
Breuning, S: A contribution to the knowledge of the Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Zoology 2,13.

Breuning, S: A contribution to the knowledge of the Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of New..

11,00 €
Parrott, Arthur W: Some common Species of Apanteles occuring in New Zealand with a catalogue of Australian and New Zealand species of the genus Apanteles Foerster. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Zoology 4,13.

Parrott, Arthur W: Some common Species of Apanteles occuring in New Zealand with a catalogue of..

9,00 €
McDowall, R. M: A Bibliography of the Indigenous Freshwater Fishes of New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Zoology 5,1.

McDowall, R. M: A Bibliography of the Indigenous Freshwater Fishes of New Zealand. Transactions of..

11,00 €
Fell, H. Barraclough: A revision of the major genera of amphiurid Ophiuridea. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Zoology 2,1.

Fell, H. Barraclough: A revision of the major genera of amphiurid Ophiuridea. Transactions of the..

11,00 €
Ripley, S. Dillon (ed.): A bundle of feathers : proffered to Sálim Ali for his 75th birthday in 1971.

Ripley, S. Dillon (ed.): A bundle of feathers : proffered to Sálim Ali for his 75th birthday in..

45,00 €
Dingle, R. V: Marine santonian and campanian ostracods from a Borehole at Richards Bay, Zululand. Annals of the South African Museum 82,1.

Dingle, R. V: Marine santonian and campanian ostracods from a Borehole at Richards Bay, Zululand..

16,00 €
Mullens, W.H.; Swann, H.K.; Jourdain, Francis C: A geographical Bibliography of British ornithology from the earliest times to the end of 1918 - Arranged under counties.

Mullens, W.H.; Swann, H.K.; Jourdain, Francis C: A geographical Bibliography of British ornithology..

60,00 €
Hewitt, G. C: A redescription of Gloiopotes huttoni (Thomson, 1889) : with a key to the species of the genus. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Zoology 5,8.

Hewitt, G. C: A redescription of Gloiopotes huttoni (Thomson, 1889) : with a key to the species of..

9,00 €
Tomich, Prosper Quentin: Mammals in Hawaii : a synopsis and notational bibliography. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Special publication 57.

Tomich, Prosper Quentin: Mammals in Hawaii : a synopsis and notational bibliography. Bernice P..

24,00 €
Kensley, Brian: The genus Callianassa (Crustacea, Decapoda, Thalassinidea) from the West coast of South Africa with a key to South African species. Annals of the South African Museum 62,8.

Kensley, Brian: The genus Callianassa (Crustacea, Decapoda, Thalassinidea) from the West coast of..

9,00 €
Millard, N A H: Hydroids from the Kerguelen and Crozet shelves, collected by the cruise MD. 03 of the Marion-Dufresne. Annals of the South African Museum 73,1.

Millard, N A H: Hydroids from the Kerguelen and Crozet shelves, collected by the cruise MD. 03 of..

12,00 €
Millard, N. A. H: Type specimens of Hydroida (Coelenterata) in the south african museum. Annals of the South African Museum 77.8.

Millard, N. A. H: Type specimens of Hydroida (Coelenterata) in the south african museum. Annals of..

11,00 €
Kensley, Brian: A small collection of Decapod Crustacea from Mocambique. Annals of the South African Museum 57,5.

Kensley, Brian: A small collection of Decapod Crustacea from Mocambique. Annals of the South..

14,00 €
Prins, A J: Morphological and biological notes on some South African arthropods associated with decaying organic matter, part 2 : the predatory families Carabidae, Hydrophilidae, Histeridae, Staphylinidae arid Silphidae (Coleoptera). Annals of the South A

Prins, A J: Morphological and biological notes on some South African arthropods associated with..

16,00 €
Freitas, Antonio J De: A new genus and species of the Penaeoid family : Solenoceridae (Crustacea, Decapoda) from South-East African waters. Annals of the South African Museum 77.7.

Freitas, Antonio J De: A new genus and species of the Penaeoid family : Solenoceridae (Crustacea..

14,00 €
Prins, A J: Morphological and biological notes on some South African arthropods associated with decaying organic matter, part 3 : the families Dermestidae, Cantharidae. Melyridae, Tenebrionidae, and Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera). Annals of the South African M

Prins, A J: Morphological and biological notes on some South African arthropods associated with..

16,00 €
Dick, R. I: Hyperiidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda) keys to South African genera and species, and a distribution list. Annals of the South African Museum 57,3.

Dick, R. I: Hyperiidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda) keys to South African genera and species, and a..

16,00 €
Taylor, William Ralph: A revision of the catfish genus Noturus rafinesque : with an analysis of higher groups in the Ictaluridae. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 282.

Taylor, William Ralph: A revision of the catfish genus Noturus rafinesque : with an analysis of..

12,00 €
Macpherson, H. B: The Home-life of a Golden Eagle. 3. edition.

Macpherson, H. B: The Home-life of a Golden Eagle. 3. edition.

20,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: A study of the fishes of the southern Piedmont and coastal plain. The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Monographs 7.

Fowler, Henry Weed: A study of the fishes of the southern Piedmont and coastal plain. The Academy..

35,00 €
Hoogerwerf, A: Een bijdrage tot de oölogie van het eiland Java.

Hoogerwerf, A: Een bijdrage tot de oölogie van het eiland Java.

34,00 €
Strong, Reuben Myron: A bibliography of birds, Author catalogue part 1 (A to J) + 2 (K to Z). (2 Bände).

Strong, Reuben Myron: A bibliography of birds, Author catalogue part 1 (A to J) + 2 (K to Z). (2..

45,00 €
Howard, C W: A list of the ticks of South Africa, with descriptions and keys to all the forms known. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 1,2.

Howard, C W: A list of the ticks of South Africa, with descriptions and keys to all the forms..

19,00 €
Pannekoek, A J: Brachiopoda. Sonderdruck aus. Leidse Geologische Mededelingen 5 (Feestbundel K. Martin),  396-435.

Pannekoek, A J: Brachiopoda. Sonderdruck aus. Leidse Geologische Mededelingen 5 (Feestbundel K..

14,00 €
Wingstrand, Karl Georg: Comparative spermatology of a pentastomid, raillietiella hemidactyli, and a branchiuran crustacean, argulus foliaceus, with a discussion of pentastomid relationships. Biologiske skrifter 19,4.

Wingstrand, Karl Georg: Comparative spermatology of a pentastomid, raillietiella hemidactyli, and a..

19,00 €
Sinclair, Anthony R: The African buffalo : a study of resource limitation of populations.

Sinclair, Anthony R: The African buffalo : a study of resource limitation of populations.

24,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: A synopsis of the fishes of China vol. 2.

Fowler, Henry Weed: A synopsis of the fishes of China vol. 2.

30,00 €
Holthuis, L. B: The Decapoda Macrura of the Snellius Expedition: I. The Stenopodidae, Nephropsidae, Scyllaridae and Palinuridae. Dissertation. Aus: Temminckia, a Journal of Systematic Zoology 7.

Holthuis, L. B: The Decapoda Macrura of the Snellius Expedition: I. The Stenopodidae, Nephropsidae..

19,00 €
Earlé, R.A: A description of the social, aggressive and maintenance behaviour of the South African Cliff Swallow Hirundo spilodera (Aves: Hirundinidae). Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 5,3.

Earlé, R.A: A description of the social, aggressive and maintenance behaviour of the South African..

14,00 €
Swardt, D H De: A behaviour study of the black korhaan, Eupodotis afraoides. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 8,6.

Swardt, D H De: A behaviour study of the black korhaan, Eupodotis afraoides. Navorsinge van die..

16,00 €
Dingle R V; Lord A R; Boomer I D: Deep-water Quaternary Ostracoda from the continental margin off south-western Africa (SE Atlantic Ocean). Annals of the South African Museum 99.9.

Dingle R V; Lord A R; Boomer I D: Deep water Quaternary Ostracoda from the continental margin off..

24,00 €
Prins, A J: Morphological and biological notes on some South African arthropods associated with decaying organic matter, part 1 : Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Arachnida, Crustacea and Insecta. Annals of the South African Museum 92.2.

Prins, A J: Morphological and biological notes on some South African arthropods associated with..

16,00 €
Decker, A. H. B. de; Coetzee, D. J: Indicator copepods and oil yield fluctuations in Pelagic fish in the Benguela current system. Annals of the South African Museum 78.7.

Decker, A. H. B. de; Coetzee, D. J: Indicator copepods and oil yield fluctuations in Pelagic fish..

9,00 €
Journal of Conchology 32,4.

Journal of Conchology 32,4.

11,00 €
Journal of Conchology 34,4.

Journal of Conchology 34,4.

11,00 €
Journal of Conchology 32,3.

Journal of Conchology 32,3.

11,00 €
Journal of Conchology 31,5.

Journal of Conchology 31,5.

11,00 €
Journal of Conchology 28,6.

Journal of Conchology 28,6.

11,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: A synopsis of the fishes of China vol. 1.

Fowler, Henry Weed: A synopsis of the fishes of China vol. 1.

50,00 €
Journal of Conchology 28,5.

Journal of Conchology 28,5.

11,00 €
Wheeler, Alwyne: The Gronovius fish collection : a catalogue and historical account. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Historical series 1,5.

Wheeler, Alwyne: The Gronovius fish collection : a catalogue and historical account. Bulletin of..

19,00 €
Decker, A. H. de ; Kaczmaruk, B. Z. ; Marska, G: A new species of Calanus (Copepoda, Calanoida) from South African waters. Annals of the South African Museum 101,3.

Decker, A. H. de ; Kaczmaruk, B. Z. ; Marska, G: A new species of Calanus (Copepoda, Calanoida)..

14,00 €
Wooldridge, T. H: A new species of Mysidopsis (Mysidacea) from coastal waters of southern Africa and a key to the known species from the subcontinent. Annals of the South African Museum 98,4.

Wooldridge, T. H: A new species of Mysidopsis (Mysidacea) from coastal waters of southern Africa..

11,00 €
Barnard, Jerry Laurens: Redescription of Plioplateia K. H. Barnard, a genus of Amphipod (Crustacea) from South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 77.3.

Barnard, Jerry Laurens: Redescription of Plioplateia K. H. Barnard, a genus of Amphipod (Crustacea)..

11,00 €
Thurston, Michael H: A new species of Paramelita (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 62,5.

Thurston, Michael H: A new species of Paramelita (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from South Africa. Annals..

11,00 €
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