Naturwissenschaften: Zoologie

8.902 Artikel gefunden


Cory, Charles Barney: The Mammals of Illinois and Wisconsin. Field Museum of Natural History 153 = Field Museum of Natural History. Zoological series 11.

Cory, Charles Barney: The Mammals of Illinois and Wisconsin. Field Museum of Natural History 153 =..

24,00 €
Hellmich, Walter (Hrsg.): Khumbu Himal : Ergebnisse des Forschungsunternehmens Nepal Himalaya, Bd. 1, Lfg. 3.

Hellmich, Walter (Hrsg.): Khumbu Himal : Ergebnisse des Forschungsunternehmens Nepal Himalaya, Bd..

24,00 €
Bulletin trimestriel de l'Enseignement professionnel et technique des Peches Maritimes 15.

Bulletin trimestriel de l'Enseignement professionnel et technique des Peches Maritimes 15.

60,00 €
Hellmich, Walter (Hrsg.): Khumbu Himal : Ergebnisse des Forschungsunternehmens Nepal Himalaya, Bd. 3, Lfg. 1.

Hellmich, Walter (Hrsg.): Khumbu Himal : Ergebnisse des Forschungsunternehmens Nepal Himalaya, Bd..

16,00 €
David, L. ; Poll, M: Contribution a la faune ichthyologique du Congo Belge : collections du Dr. H. Schouteden (1924 - 1926) et d'autres récolteurs. Annales du Musée du Congo Belge. C, Zoologie. Série 1, Poissons, reptiles, amphibiens 3,5.

David, L. ; Poll, M: Contribution a la faune ichthyologique du Congo Belge : collections du Dr. H..

50,00 €
Olney, P. J. S. (ed.): 1976 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 16.

Olney, P. J. S. (ed.): 1976 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 16.

25,00 €
Olney, P. J. S. (ed.): 1977 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 17.

Olney, P. J. S. (ed.): 1977 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 17.

25,00 €
Hellmich, Walter (Hrsg.): Khumbu Himal : Ergebnisse des Forschungsunternehmens Nepal Himalaya, Bd. 3, Lfg. 2.

Hellmich, Walter (Hrsg.): Khumbu Himal : Ergebnisse des Forschungsunternehmens Nepal Himalaya, Bd..

16,00 €
Treubia - Recueil de Travaux Zoologiques, Hydrobiologiques et Oceanographiques 5,4.

Treubia - Recueil de Travaux Zoologiques, Hydrobiologiques et Oceanographiques 5,4.

30,00 €
Copeia 1981,1.

Copeia 1981,1.

29,00 €
Copeia 1981,2.

Copeia 1981,2.

29,00 €
Copeia 2000,1.

Copeia 2000,1.

29,00 €
Winterbottom, J. M: The zoogeography of the South African avifauna. Annals of the South African Museum 66,6.

Winterbottom, J. M: The zoogeography of the South African avifauna. Annals of the South African..

16,00 €
Cory, Charles Barney: The Birds of Illinois and Wisconsin. Field Columbian Museum 131 = Field Museum of Natural History, Zoological series 9.

Cory, Charles Barney: The Birds of Illinois and Wisconsin. Field Columbian Museum 131 = Field..

40,00 €
Rooth, Jan: The flamingos on Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles) habitat, diet and reprod. of Phoenicopterus Ruber Ruber. Uitgaven Natuurwetenschappelijke Studiekring voor Suriname en de Nederlandse Antillen 41 = Rivon transaction 1.

Rooth, Jan: The flamingos on Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles) habitat, diet and reprod. of..

20,00 €
Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 39,2.

Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 39,2.

19,00 €
Annals of the = Annale van die Transvaal Museum 13,1.

Annals of the = Annale van die Transvaal Museum 13,1.

24,00 €
Wallace, Ian: Birdwatching In The Seventies.

Wallace, Ian: Birdwatching In The Seventies.

11,00 €
Westerskov, Kaj: Birds of Campbell Island. Wildlife publication 61.

Westerskov, Kaj: Birds of Campbell Island. Wildlife publication 61.

15,00 €
Annals of the = Annale van die Transvaal Museum 20,2.

Annals of the = Annale van die Transvaal Museum 20,2.

24,00 €
Enderlin, Hans: Die Fauna der wendischen Burg "Poztupimi" (Potsdam). Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Zeitschrift f. Säugetierkunde. Bd. 5. 1930, S. 241-303 : Taf. XX-XXXIII.

Enderlin, Hans: Die Fauna der wendischen Burg "Poztupimi" (Potsdam). Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

19,00 €
Blair, William Frank: A contribution to the ecology and faunal relationships of the mammals of the Davis mountain region, southwestern Texas. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Miscellaneous publications 46.

Blair, William Frank: A contribution to the ecology and faunal relationships of the mammals of the..

26,00 €
The Entomologist, an Illustrated Monthly Journal of General Entomology 67, 1-12 (complete).

The Entomologist, an Illustrated Monthly Journal of General Entomology 67, 1-12 (complete).

20,00 €
Verseveldt, J: Octocorallia from north-western Madagascar (part 1). Zoologische verhandelingen 106.

Verseveldt, J: Octocorallia from north-western Madagascar (part 1). Zoologische verhandelingen 106.

19,00 €
Godfrey, William E: The birds of Canada.

Godfrey, William E: The birds of Canada.

20,00 €
Some better known New Zealand wild flowers and birds.

Some better known New Zealand wild flowers and birds.

19,00 €
Résultats des campagnes du 'Pr Lacaze Duthiers', 1: Algérie 1952, Supplément 3: Vie et milieu. Actualités scientifiques et industrielles 1206.

Résultats des campagnes du 'Pr Lacaze Duthiers', 1: Algérie 1952, Supplément 3: Vie et milieu..

19,00 €
Bulletin of the Raffles Museum 9, December 1934.

Bulletin of the Raffles Museum 9, December 1934.

50,00 €
Burt, William Henry: Faunal relationships and geographic distribution of mammals in Sonora, Mexico. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Miscellaneous publications 39.

Burt, William Henry: Faunal relationships and geographic distribution of mammals in Sonora, Mexico..

26,00 €
Ray, Clayton E: The taxanomic status of Heptaxodon and dental ontogeny in Elasmodontomys and Amblyrhiza (Rodentia: Caviomorpha). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 131,5.

Ray, Clayton E: The taxanomic status of Heptaxodon and dental ontogeny in Elasmodontomys and..

11,00 €
Proceedings of the Second International Congress on the History of Oceanography. Challenger Expedition Centenary September 12 to 20, 1972; Vol. 1-2. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section B, Biology 72 + 23 (2 Bände, komplett).

Proceedings of the Second International Congress on the History of Oceanography. Challenger..

50,00 €
Verseveldt, J: Octocorallia from north-western Madagascar (part 2). Zoologische verhandelingen 117.

Verseveldt, J: Octocorallia from north-western Madagascar (part 2). Zoologische verhandelingen 117.

19,00 €
Dean, Laura M. I: Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes orientales néerlandaises de LL. AA. RR. le Prince et la Princesse Leopold de Belgique 2/11: Alcyonaria. Memoires du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique : Hors série.

Dean, Laura M. I: Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes orientales néerlandaises de LL. AA..

19,00 €
Koepcke, Maria: Las aves del departamento de Lima.

Koepcke, Maria: Las aves del departamento de Lima.

36,00 €
Delacour, Jean; Harrison, J. C: The pheasants of the world. 3. impr.

Delacour, Jean; Harrison, J. C: The pheasants of the world. 3. impr.

35,00 €
Archivio Zoologico Italiano 8.

Archivio Zoologico Italiano 8.

50,00 €
Gibson-Hill, C. A: British sea birds.

Gibson-Hill, C. A: British sea birds.

14,00 €
Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 40,2.

Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 40,2.

16,00 €
Todd, Walter Edmond Clyde: Birds of the Labrador Peninsula and adjacent areas : a distributional list.

Todd, Walter Edmond Clyde: Birds of the Labrador Peninsula and adjacent areas : a distributional..

50,00 €
Lobón Cervía, J.; Elvira, B.; Granado Lorencio, C: Fishes and their environment : proceedings of the 8th Congress of Societas Europaea Ichthyologorum (SEI) ; Oviedo..

Lobón Cervía, J.; Elvira, B.; Granado Lorencio, C: Fishes and their environment : proceedings of..

200,00 €
Tufts, Robie W: The Birds of Nova Scotia.

Tufts, Robie W: The Birds of Nova Scotia.

30,00 €
Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 39,1.

Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 39,1.

16,00 €
Carausu, S. ; Dobreanu, Ecaterina ; Manolache, C: Fauna Republicii Populare Romîne 4,4. Crustacea : Amphipoda, Forme salmastre ?i de Apa dulce.

Carausu, S. ; Dobreanu, Ecaterina ; Manolache, C: Fauna Republicii Populare Romîne 4,4. Crustacea..

39,00 €
Vogt, Carl; Specht, Friedrich: Die Säugetiere in Wort und Bild.

Vogt, Carl; Specht, Friedrich: Die Säugetiere in Wort und Bild.

80,00 €
Gurney, John Henry: Early annals of ornithology. (Neudruck der Originalausgabe London (H. F. & G: Witherby), 1921).

Gurney, John Henry: Early annals of ornithology. (Neudruck der Originalausgabe London (H. F. & G:..

16,00 €
Kupffer, C ; Benecke, Berthold: Photogramme zur Ontogenie der Vögel : I. Serie. Nova acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum 41,1,3.

Kupffer, C ; Benecke, Berthold: Photogramme zur Ontogenie der Vögel : I. Serie. Nova acta..

29,00 €
Hubbs, Carl L.; Bailey, Reeve Maclaren: A revision of the black basses (Micropterus and Huro) with descriptions of four new forms. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Miscellaneous publications 48.

Hubbs, Carl L.; Bailey, Reeve Maclaren: A revision of the black basses (Micropterus and Huro) with..

35,00 €
Résultats scientifiques des croisières du navire-école belge Mercator vol. 4. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Mémoires 2. Série, fasc. 33.

Résultats scientifiques des croisières du navire école belge Mercator vol. 4. Institut Royal des..

50,00 €