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426 Artikel gefunden


Teichler, Ulrich: Admission to higher education in the United States. A German critique. (Access to higher education).

Teichler, Ulrich: Admission to higher education in the United States. A German critique. (Access to..

12,00 €
Burn, Barbara B. / Karmel, Peter Henry: Federal / State responsibilities for postsecondary education: Australia and the United States.

Burn, Barbara B. / Karmel, Peter Henry: Federal / State responsibilities for postsecondary..

9,00 €
Peisert, Hansgert / Framheim, Gerhild: Systems of higher education: Federal Republic of Germany.

Peisert, Hansgert / Framheim, Gerhild: Systems of higher education: Federal Republic of Germany.

8,00 €
Teichler, Ulrich: Probleme der Hochschulzulassung in den Vereinigten Staaten : Zulassungstests u. offener Hochschulzugang in e. differenzierten Bildungssystem.

Teichler, Ulrich: Probleme der Hochschulzulassung in den Vereinigten Staaten : Zulassungstests u..

6,50 €
Dieckmann, Bernhard; Wulf, Christoph; Wimmer, Michael (Hg.): Violence. Nationalism, Racism, Xenophobia. [= European Studies in Education. Volume 5]
 Münster - New York, Waxmann, 1997.

Dieckmann, Bernhard; Wulf, Christoph; Wimmer, Michael (Hg.): Violence. Nationalism, Racism..

12,00 €
Hopf, Christel, Knut Nevermann und Ingrid Schmidt: Wie kamen die Nationalsozialisten an die Macht : Eine empirische Analyse von Deutungen im Unterricht ; [e. Veröff. aus d. Max-Planck-Inst. für Bildungsforschung].

Hopf, Christel, Knut Nevermann und Ingrid Schmidt: Wie kamen die Nationalsozialisten an die Macht :..

6,00 €
Rosenthal, Robert ; Jacobson, Lenore: Pygmalion in the classroom : teacher expectation and pupils' intellectual development.

Rosenthal, Robert ; Jacobson, Lenore: Pygmalion in the classroom : teacher expectation and pupils'..

9,00 €
Johnson, Robert A: The Fisher King and the Handless Maiden: Understanding the Wounded Feeling Function in Masculine and Feminine Psychology.

Johnson, Robert A: The Fisher King and the Handless Maiden: Understanding the Wounded Feeling..

32,00 €
Tidwell, Clyde J: State control of textbooks : with special reference to Florida. Dissertation.

Tidwell, Clyde J: State control of textbooks : with special reference to Florida. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Thieme, Karl: Wiederaufbau des deutschen Bildungswesens, Gedanken über Nach- und Aufbauschulung für Abiturienten und Begabte. Wiederaufbau und Erziehung 4.

Thieme, Karl: Wiederaufbau des deutschen Bildungswesens, Gedanken über Nach und Aufbauschulung..

16,00 €
Heim, Helmut: Systematische Pädagogik : eine historisch-kritische Untersuchung. Dissertation. Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 11, Pädagogik 272.

Heim, Helmut: Systematische Pädagogik : eine historisch kritische Untersuchung. Dissertation..

15,00 €
Heinze, Aiso; Grüßing, Meike (Hrsg.): Mathematiklernen vom Kindergarten bis zum Studium : Kontinuität und Kohärenz als Herausforderung für den Mathematikunterricht.

Heinze, Aiso; Grüßing, Meike (Hrsg.): Mathematiklernen vom Kindergarten bis zum Studium :..

24,00 €
Hobson, Elsie Garland: Educational legislation and administration in the state of New York 1777 - 1850. Dissertation.

Hobson, Elsie Garland: Educational legislation and administration in the state of New York 1777..

35,00 €
Hall, Arthur Jackson: Religious education in the public schools of the State and City of New York : a historical study. Dissertation.

Hall, Arthur Jackson: Religious education in the public schools of the State and City of New York :..

35,00 €
Wagenen, Beulah Clark, van: Extra-curricular activities in the colleges of the United Lutheran church in America : a survey and program. Dissertation.

Wagenen, Beulah Clark, van: Extra curricular activities in the colleges of the United Lutheran..

15,00 €
Chandler, Paul: Some methods of teaching in six representative state teachers colleges of the United States. Dissertation.

Chandler, Paul: Some methods of teaching in six representative state teachers colleges of the..

30,00 €
Upshall, Charles C: Day schools vs. institutions for the deaf : a detailed analysis of certain variations in the abilities, environment, and habits of deaf pupils, with an evaluation of their effect on educational achievement. Dissertation.

Upshall, Charles C: Day schools vs. institutions for the deaf : a detailed analysis of certain..

30,00 €
Stratemeyer, Florence B: The effective use of curriculum materials : a study of units relating to "the curriculum" to be included in the professional preparation of elementary teachers. Dissertation.

Stratemeyer, Florence B: The effective use of curriculum materials : a study of units relating to..

25,00 €
Bennett, Luther J: Secretarial assistance in teachers colleges and normal schools. Dissertation.

Bennett, Luther J: Secretarial assistance in teachers colleges and normal schools. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Madden, Richard: The school status of the hard of hearing child : an analysis of the intelligence, the achievement, and certain personality traits of the hard of hearing school child. Dissertation.

Madden, Richard: The school status of the hard of hearing child : an analysis of the intelligence..

25,00 €
Bryan, Roy Culter: Pupil rating of secondary school teachers. Dissertation.

Bryan, Roy Culter: Pupil rating of secondary school teachers. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Sayers, Ephraim V: Educational issues and unity of experience. Dissertation.

Sayers, Ephraim V: Educational issues and unity of experience. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Marine, Edith Lucile: The effect of familiarity with the examiner upon Stanford-Binet test performance. Dissertation.

Marine, Edith Lucile: The effect of familiarity with the examiner upon Stanford Binet test..

25,00 €
Schwegler, Raymond Alfred: A study of introvert-extravert responses to certain test situations. Dissertation.

Schwegler, Raymond Alfred: A study of introvert extravert responses to certain test situations..

30,00 €
Shachtman, Joseph: Elements of English related to the judgment of poetry in grade eleven. Dissertation.

Shachtman, Joseph: Elements of English related to the judgment of poetry in grade eleven..

15,00 €
Moffett, Mary Ledger: The social background and activities of teachers college students. Dissertation.

Moffett, Mary Ledger: The social background and activities of teachers college students..

9,00 €
Scott, Harry Alexander: Personnel study of directors of physical education for men in colleges and universities. Dissertation.

Scott, Harry Alexander: Personnel study of directors of physical education for men in colleges and..

20,00 €
Shang, Chung I: A method of selecting foreign stories for the american elementary schools : applied to the evaluation of stories translated by the author from the Chinese folk literature. Dissertation.

Shang, Chung I: A method of selecting foreign stories for the american elementary schools : applied..

25,00 €
Schott, Carl Peter: Physical education in the colleges of the United Lutheran church in America : a survey and program. Dissertation.

Schott, Carl Peter: Physical education in the colleges of the United Lutheran church in America : a..

30,00 €
Hilleboe, Guy L: Finding and teaching atypical children. Dissertation.

Hilleboe, Guy L: Finding and teaching atypical children. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Alexander, Uhlman S: Special legislation affecting public schools. Dissertation.

Alexander, Uhlman S: Special legislation affecting public schools. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Hwang, Pu: Errors and improvement in rating english compositions by means of a composition scale. Dissertation.

Hwang, Pu: Errors and improvement in rating english compositions by means of a composition scale..

30,00 €
MacLean, Angus Hector: The Idea of God in Protestant Religious Education. Dissertation.

MacLean, Angus Hector: The Idea of God in Protestant Religious Education. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Baird, Don Otto: A study of biology notebook work in New York State. Dissertation.

Baird, Don Otto: A study of biology notebook work in New York State. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Jameson, Emily Dean: Physical education for the preparation of general elementary school teachers, a study of content and requirements of courses of physical education offered in twenty-two state teachers colleges and normal schools in 1926-27. Dissertati

Jameson, Emily Dean: Physical education for the preparation of general elementary school teachers..

15,00 €
Howe, Susanne: Wilhelm Meister and his English kinsmen : apprentices to life. Dissertation.

Howe, Susanne: Wilhelm Meister and his English kinsmen : apprentices to life. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Jenkins, Lulu M: A comparative study of motor achievements of children of five, six and seven years of age. Dissertation.

Jenkins, Lulu M: A comparative study of motor achievements of children of five, six and seven years..

30,00 €
Keliher, Alice V: A critical study of homogeneous grouping : with a critique of measurement as the basis for classification. Dissertation.

Keliher, Alice V: A critical study of homogeneous grouping : with a critique of measurement as the..

25,00 €
Knode, Jay C: Orienting the student in college, with special reference to Freshman week Dissertation.

Knode, Jay C: Orienting the student in college, with special reference to Freshman week..

12,00 €
Krieger, Laura Bertha Maria: Prediction of success in professional courses for teachers. Dissertation.

Krieger, Laura Bertha Maria: Prediction of success in professional courses for teachers..

30,00 €
Baldwin, James Willis: The social studies laboratory : a study of equipment and teaching aids for the social studies. Dissertation.

Baldwin, James Willis: The social studies laboratory : a study of equipment and teaching aids for..

15,00 €
Morris, Elizabeth Hunt: Personal traits and success in teaching. Dissertation.

Morris, Elizabeth Hunt: Personal traits and success in teaching. Dissertation.

9,00 €
Deputy, Erby Chester: Predicting first-grade reading achievement : a study in reading readiness. Dissertation.

Deputy, Erby Chester: Predicting first grade reading achievement : a study in reading readiness..

25,00 €
Morris, John T: Considerations in establishing a junior college. Dissertation.

Morris, John T: Considerations in establishing a junior college. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Weekes, Blanche Ethel: The influence of meaning on children's choices of poetry. Dissertation.

Weekes, Blanche Ethel: The influence of meaning on children's choices of poetry. Dissertation.

15,00 €
MacDonald, Marion Ethel: The significance of various kinds of preparation for the city elementary-school principalship in Pennsylvania : with implications for a program for preparing for the elementary-school principalship. Dissertation.

MacDonald, Marion Ethel: The significance of various kinds of preparation for the city elementary..

15,00 €
McNeil, Mellicent: A comparative study of entrance to teacher-training institutions. Dissertation.

McNeil, Mellicent: A comparative study of entrance to teacher-training institutions. Dissertation.

20,00 €
McGowan, Ellen Beers: A comparative study of detergents : with special reference to the teaching of the subject. Dissertation.

McGowan, Ellen Beers: A comparative study of detergents : with special reference to the teaching of..

30,00 €
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