
2.950 Artikel gefunden


Phillips, Velma: Evidence of the need of education for efficient purchasing : an analytical study of consumers' difficulties in choosing and buying clothing and home furnishings, for the purpose of formulating practical suggestions for successful buying.

Phillips, Velma: Evidence of the need of education for efficient purchasing : an analytical study..

25,00 €
Odenweller, Arthur Leonard: Predicting the quality of teaching : the predictive value of certain traits for effectiveness in teaching. Dissertation.

Odenweller, Arthur Leonard: Predicting the quality of teaching : the predictive value of certain..

20,00 €
McCadden, Joseph James: Education in Pennsylvania 1801-1835 and its debt to Roberts Vaux. Dissertation.

McCadden, Joseph James: Education in Pennsylvania 1801 1835 and its debt to Roberts Vaux..

40,00 €
Linder, Roscoe George: An evaluation of the courses in education of a state teachers college by teachers in service. Dissertation.

Linder, Roscoe George: An evaluation of the courses in education of a state teachers college by..

30,00 €
Oertel, Ernest Edward: Toward a new philosophy in educational administration. Dissertation.

Oertel, Ernest Edward: Toward a new philosophy in educational administration. Dissertation.

45,00 €
Threlkeld, Hilda: The educational and vocational plans of college seniors in relation to the curricula and the guidance programs in forty-five Pennsylvania colleges. Dissertation.

Threlkeld, Hilda: The educational and vocational plans of college seniors in relation to the..

50,00 €
Neterer, Inez May: A critical study of certain measures of mental ability and school performance. Dissertation.

Neterer, Inez May: A critical study of certain measures of mental ability and school performance..

25,00 €
Chang, Fletcher Young: State organisation and administration of health and pysical education : an analytical study of the program of health and physical education with special reference to 15 state departements of education. Dissertation.

Chang, Fletcher Young: State organisation and administration of health and pysical education : an..

25,00 €
Clark, Laura Veach: A Study of the Relationship Between the Vocational Home Economics Teacher Training Curricula of a Group of Women's Colleges and the Expected Responsibilities of Beginning Teachers. Dissertation.

Clark, Laura Veach: A Study of the Relationship Between the Vocational Home Economics Teacher..

30,00 €
Coops, Helen Leslie: High School standards in girls athletics in the State of Ohio. Dissertation.

Coops, Helen Leslie: High School standards in girls athletics in the State of Ohio. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Lackey, Earl Emmet: A method of selecting and evaluating materials for a course in introductory geography for teachers' college students (ith emphasis on the home region) for a professional subject-matter treatment. Dissertation.

Lackey, Earl Emmet: A method of selecting and evaluating materials for a course in introductory..

25,00 €
Lee, Dorris May: The importance of reading for achieving in grades four, five, and six. Dissertation.

Lee, Dorris May: The importance of reading for achieving in grades four, five, and six..

25,00 €
Clemensen, Jessie Williams: Study outlines in physics : construction and experimental evaluation. Dissertation.

Clemensen, Jessie Williams: Study outlines in physics : construction and experimental evaluation..

25,00 €
Langdon, Grace: A study of similarities and differences in teaching in nursery school : kindergarten and first grade. Dissertation.

Langdon, Grace: A study of similarities and differences in teaching in nursery school :..

30,00 €
Young, Elizabeth Barber: A Study of the Curricula of Seven Selected Women's Colleges of the Southern States. Dissertation.

Young, Elizabeth Barber: A Study of the Curricula of Seven Selected Women's Colleges of the..

30,00 €
Kuhlmann, William Daniel: Teacher absence and leave regulations : some basic facts and principles related to temporary absence of teachers, for use in formulating valid absence regulations. Dissertation.

Kuhlmann, William Daniel: Teacher absence and leave regulations : some basic facts and principles..

25,00 €
Woodward, Luther Ellis: Relations of Religious Training and Life Patterns to the Adult Religious Life : A Study of the Relative Significance of Religious Training and Influence and of Certain Emotional and Behavior Patterns for the Adult Religious Life. D

Woodward, Luther Ellis: Relations of Religious Training and Life Patterns to the Adult Religious..

25,00 €
Kato, Katsuji: The psychology of oriental religious experience : a study of some typical experiences of Japanese converts to Christianity. Dissertation.

Kato, Katsuji: The psychology of oriental religious experience : a study of some typical..

45,00 €
Gray, William Scott: Studies of elementary-school reading through standardized tests. Dissertation.

Gray, William Scott: Studies of elementary-school reading through standardized tests. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Crutsinger, George Mahan: Survey study of teacher training in Texas, and a suggested program. Dissertation.

Crutsinger, George Mahan: Survey study of teacher training in Texas, and a suggested program..

20,00 €
Pangburn, Jessie M: The evolution of the American Teachers College. Dissertation.

Pangburn, Jessie M: The evolution of the American Teachers College. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Pope, Ruth Vesta: Factors affecting the elimination of women students from selected coeducational colleges of liberal arts. Dissertation.

Pope, Ruth Vesta: Factors affecting the elimination of women students from selected coeducational..

30,00 €
Jennings, Henrietta Cooper: The political theory of state-supported elementary education in England (1750-1833). Dissertation.

Jennings, Henrietta Cooper: The political theory of state supported elementary education in England..

25,00 €
Houte, Izaak Charles van: Leren doen, een psychologisch-paedagogische bewegingsstudie. Dissertation.

Houte, Izaak Charles van: Leren doen, een psychologisch paedagogische bewegingsstudie..

25,00 €
Waller, J. Flint: Outside demands and pressures on the public school. Dissertation.

Waller, J. Flint: Outside demands and pressures on the public school. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Van Houten, Lyman Henry: Length of service of Pennsylvania high school teachers : the relationship between length of teaching service and certain economic, social, and educational factors, with a consideration of future needs and the supply. Dissertation.

Van Houten, Lyman Henry: Length of service of Pennsylvania high school teachers : the relationship..

35,00 €
Heiss, Elwood D: An investigation of content and mastery of high school general science courses. Dissertation.

Heiss, Elwood D: An investigation of content and mastery of high school general science courses..

25,00 €
King, Luella M: Learning and applying spelling rules in grades three to eight. Dissertation.

King, Luella M: Learning and applying spelling rules in grades three to eight. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Hughes, William Leonard: The administration of health and physical education for men in colleges and universities. Dissertation.

Hughes, William Leonard: The administration of health and physical education for men in colleges..

20,00 €
Foreman, Clark: Environmental factors in Negro elementary education. Dissertation.

Foreman, Clark: Environmental factors in Negro elementary education. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Bertrand, Élie: L'enseignement technique en Allemagne et en France. Dissertation.

Bertrand, Élie: L'enseignement technique en Allemagne et en France. Dissertation.

50,00 €
Foster, Frank Clifton: Field work and its relation to the curriculum of theological seminaries. Dissertation.

Foster, Frank Clifton: Field work and its relation to the curriculum of theological seminaries..

30,00 €
Bertrand, Élie: L'oeuvre scolaire du Dr. Kerschensteiner à Munich. Dissertation.

Bertrand, Élie: L'oeuvre scolaire du Dr. Kerschensteiner à Munich. Dissertation.

55,00 €
Perrin, John William: The History of compulsory education in New England. Dissertation.

Perrin, John William: The History of compulsory education in New England. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Vincent, George Edgar: The social mind and education. Dissertation.

Vincent, George Edgar: The social mind and education. Dissertation.

45,00 €
Hyde, Melvin Watson: Standards for publicity programs in state-supported colleges and universities derived from the institutions responsibility for reporting to its constituents. Dissertation.

Hyde, Melvin Watson: Standards for publicity programs in state supported colleges and universities..

30,00 €
Menger, Clara: The significance of vocational choices of schoolchildren and college students. Dissertation.

Menger, Clara: The significance of vocational choices of schoolchildren and college students..

25,00 €
Krishnayya, Stephen Ganugapati: The rural community and the school : the message of Negro and other American schools for India. Dissertation.

Krishnayya, Stephen Ganugapati: The rural community and the school : the message of Negro and other..

25,00 €
Sears, Laurence: Responsibility : its development through punishment and reward. Dissertation.

Sears, Laurence: Responsibility : its development through punishment and reward. Dissertation.

10,00 €
Hayes, Harriet: Planning residence halls for undergraduate students in american colleges and universities : a handbook for the use of college officers and members of building committees. Dissertation.

Hayes, Harriet: Planning residence halls for undergraduate students in american colleges and..

25,00 €
Kini, Kulai Narayana: Proposals for a program of vocational education for Mysore (India) : based upon experiences in Mysore and the United States of America. Dissertation.

Kini, Kulai Narayana: Proposals for a program of vocational education for Mysore (India) : based..

20,00 €
Jacobsen, Einar William: Educational opportunities provided for postgraduate students in public high schools. Dissertation.

Jacobsen, Einar William: Educational opportunities provided for postgraduate students in public..

30,00 €
Sangren, Paul Vivian: The measurement of achievement in silent reading. Dissertation.

Sangren, Paul Vivian: The measurement of achievement in silent reading. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Fagerstrom, William Henry: Mathematical facts and processes prerequisite to the study of the calculus. Dissertation.

Fagerstrom, William Henry: Mathematical facts and processes prerequisite to the study of the..

20,00 €
Long, John Alexander: Motor abilities of deaf children. Dissertation.

Long, John Alexander: Motor abilities of deaf children. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Reed, Dorothy: Leisure time of girls in a "Little Italy" : a comparative study of the leisure interests of adolescent girls of foreign parentage, living in a metropolitan community, to determine the presence or absence of interest differences in relation

Reed, Dorothy: Leisure time of girls in a "Little Italy" : a comparative study of the leisure..

25,00 €
Schmidt, Arthur W: The development of a state's minimum educational program. Dissertation.

Schmidt, Arthur W: The development of a state's minimum educational program. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Lichtenstein, Arthur: Can attitudes be taught? Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Education 21.

Lichtenstein, Arthur: Can attitudes be taught? Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The Johns Hopkins..

16,00 €