
2.388 Artikel gefunden


Wooster, Margaret: Certain Factors in the development of a new spatial co-ordination. Dissertation. Psychological monographs 146 = 32,4.

Wooster, Margaret: Certain Factors in the development of a new spatial co ordination. Dissertation..

25,00 €
Yarbrough, Joseph Ussery: The influence of the time interval upon the rate of learning in the white rat. Dissertation. Psychological monographs 30,2.

Yarbrough, Joseph Ussery: The influence of the time interval upon the rate of learning in the white..

19,00 €
Robinson, Edward Stevens: Some Factors determining the degree of retroactive inhibition. Dissertation. Psychological monographs 28,6.

Robinson, Edward Stevens: Some Factors determining the degree of retroactive inhibition..

19,00 €
Shepard, John Frederick: Organic Changes and feeling. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: American Journal of Psychology 17, S. 523 - 584.

Shepard, John Frederick: Organic Changes and feeling. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: American..

15,00 €
Hayes, Joseph Wanton: A horizontal-vertical illusion of brightness in foveal vision apparent in astronomical observations of the relative luminosity of twin stars. Dissertation. (Psychological monographs 85).

Hayes, Joseph Wanton: A horizontal vertical illusion of brightness in foveal vision apparent in..

35,00 €
Wang, Tsu-lien: The influence of tuition in the acquisition of skill. Dissertation.

Wang, Tsu-lien: The influence of tuition in the acquisition of skill. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Peterson, George M: An empirical study of the ability to generalize. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The journal of general psychology 6, S. 90 - 114.

Peterson, George M: An empirical study of the ability to generalize. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

15,00 €
Morrison, Paul G: The place of the Ecstatic Trance in the ideal of the good life. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Morrison, Paul G: The place of the Ecstatic Trance in the ideal of the good life. Dissertation..

15,00 €
Hinckley, Elmer Dumond: The influence of individual opinion on construction of an attitude scale. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Hinckley, Elmer Dumond: The influence of individual opinion on construction of an attitude scale..

15,00 €
Anderson, Leo D: A preliminary study of the effect of training in junior high school shop courses. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of psychology 109.

Anderson, Leo D: A preliminary study of the effect of training in junior high school shop courses..

15,00 €
Nissen, Henry W: The effects of gonadectomy, vasotomy, and injections of placental and orchic extracts on the sex behavior of the white rat. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Genetic Psychology Monographs V, S. 450 - 550.

Nissen, Henry W: The effects of gonadectomy, vasotomy, and injections of placental and orchic..

15,00 €
Cushing, Hazel M: A perseverative tendency in pre-school children : a study in personality differences. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of psychology 108.

Cushing, Hazel M: A perseverative tendency in pre school children : a study in personality..

15,00 €
Shimberg, Myra E: An investigation into the validity of norms with special reference to urban and rural groups. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of psychology 104.

Shimberg, Myra E: An investigation into the validity of norms with special reference to urban and..

20,00 €
Schneck, Matthew M. R: The measurement of verbal and numerical abilities. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of psychology 107.

Schneck, Matthew M. R: The measurement of verbal and numerical abilities. Dissertation. Sonderdruck..

20,00 €
Israeli, Nathan: Illusions in the perception of short time intervals. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of psychology 113.

Israeli, Nathan: Illusions in the perception of short time intervals. Dissertation. Sonderdruck..

15,00 €
Kambouropoulou, Polyxenie: Individual Differences in the sense of humor and their relation to temperamental differences. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of psychology 121.

Kambouropoulou, Polyxenie: Individual Differences in the sense of humor and their relation to..

15,00 €
Horst, Aaron Paul: A method for determining the absolute affective value of a series of stimulus situations. Dissertation (Teildruck). Sonderdruck aus: Journal of educational psychology 23, S. 418 - 440.

Horst, Aaron Paul: A method for determining the absolute affective value of a series of stimulus..

15,00 €
Hawthorne, Joseph Wyman: A group test for the measurement of cruelty-compassion : a proposed means of recognizing potential criminality. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of Social Psychology 3, S. 189-211.

Hawthorne, Joseph Wyman: A group test for the measurement of cruelty compassion : a proposed means..

15,00 €
Murchison, Carl Allanmore: American white criminal intelligence. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of criminal law and criminology 15, S. 239-316 u. 435-494.

Murchison, Carl Allanmore: American white criminal intelligence. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

30,00 €
Heinlein, Christian Paul: The affective characters of the major and minor modes in music. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of comparative psychology 8, S. 101-142.

Heinlein, Christian Paul: The affective characters of the major and minor modes in music..

15,00 €
Bates, Robert Lee: The effects of cigar and cigarette smoking on certain psychological and physiological functions. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The journal of comparative psychology 2.

Bates, Robert Lee: The effects of cigar and cigarette smoking on certain psychological and..

20,00 €
Heinlein, Julia Heil: Preferential manipulation in children. Dissertation.

Heinlein, Julia Heil: Preferential manipulation in children. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Day, Mildred Elizabeth: The Influence of mental activities on vascular processes. Dissertation.

Day, Mildred Elizabeth: The Influence of mental activities on vascular processes. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Washburne, John Noble: The use of questions in social science reading material. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of educational pscyhology 20.5, S. 321 - 360.

Washburne, John Noble: The use of questions in social science reading material. Dissertation..

15,00 €
Duffy, Elizabeth: Tensions and emotional factors in reaction. Dissertation.

Duffy, Elizabeth: Tensions and emotional factors in reaction. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Uhrbrock, Richard Stephen: An analysis of the Downey will-temperament tests. Dissertation.

Uhrbrock, Richard Stephen: An analysis of the Downey will-temperament tests. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Franzblau, Abraham Norman: Religious belief and character among Jewish adolescents. Dissertation.

Franzblau, Abraham Norman: Religious belief and character among Jewish adolescents. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Wilkins, Minna C: The effect of changed material on ability to do formal syllogistic reasoning. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 102.

Wilkins, Minna C: The effect of changed material on ability to do formal syllogistic reasoning..

25,00 €
Goldstein, Hyman: A biochemical study of the metabolism of mental work. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 164.

Goldstein, Hyman: A biochemical study of the metabolism of mental work. Dissertation. Archives of..

35,00 €
Steinberg, Janet: The relation between basal metabolism and mental speed. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 172.

Steinberg, Janet: The relation between basal metabolism and mental speed. Dissertation. Archives of..

25,00 €
Kneeland, Natalie: Self-estimates of improvement in repeated tasks. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 163.

Kneeland, Natalie: Self estimates of improvement in repeated tasks. Dissertation. Archives of..

30,00 €
Weeks, Angelina Louisa: A vocabulary information test. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 97.

Weeks, Angelina Louisa: A vocabulary information test. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 97.

20,00 €
Rounds, George H: Is the latent time in the Achilles tendon reflex a criterion of speed in mental reactions? Dissertation. Archives of psychology 95.

Rounds, George H: Is the latent time in the Achilles tendon reflex a criterion of speed in mental..

25,00 €
Seward, Georgene H: Recognition time as a measure of confidence, an experimental study of redintegration. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 99.

Seward, Georgene H: Recognition time as a measure of confidence, an experimental study of..

25,00 €
Smith, Max: The relationship between item validity and test validity. Dissertation.

Smith, Max: The relationship between item validity and test validity. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Schiller, Belle: Verbal, numerical and spatial abilities of young children. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 161.

Schiller, Belle: Verbal, numerical and spatial abilities of young children. Dissertation. Archives..

25,00 €
Williams, J. Harold: The intelligence of the delinquent boy.  Dissertation. Journal of Delinquency, Monograph 1.

Williams, J. Harold: The intelligence of the delinquent boy. Dissertation. Journal of Delinquency..

25,00 €
Moser, Lea: Zur Psychologie der studierenden Frau : eine Untersuchung der Motive des Frauenstudiums. Dissertation.

Moser, Lea: Zur Psychologie der studierenden Frau : eine Untersuchung der Motive des..

20,00 €
Probst, Ernst: Herder als Psychologe. Dissertation.

Probst, Ernst: Herder als Psychologe. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Allen, Jessie Blount: The associative processes of the guinea pig : a study of the psychical development of an animal with a nervous system well medullated at birth. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology 14, 294 -

Allen, Jessie Blount: The associative processes of the guinea pig : a study of the psychical..

14,00 €
Gordon, Kate: The Psychology of meaning. Dissertation.

Gordon, Kate: The Psychology of meaning. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Thompson, Helen Bradford: Psychological norms in men and women. Dissertation.

Thompson, Helen Bradford: Psychological norms in men and women. Dissertation.

40,00 €
Gentry, Evelyn: Methods of discrimination training in white rats. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of comparative psychology 18, S. 227-258.

Gentry, Evelyn: Methods of discrimination training in white rats. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

14,00 €
Brown, Muriel W: Continuous reaction as a measure of attention. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Child Development 1, S. 255-291.

Brown, Muriel W: Continuous reaction as a measure of attention. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

15,00 €
Beebe, Elinor Lee: Motor learning of children in hand and eye coordination with introduction of prismatic deflection Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Child development 4, S. 6-25.

Beebe, Elinor Lee: Motor learning of children in hand and eye coordination with introduction of..

10,00 €
Atkins, Earnest William: The efficiency of the eye under different intensities of illumination. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of Comparative Psychology 7.

Atkins, Earnest William: The efficiency of the eye under different intensities of illumination..

14,00 €
Cook, Willie Mae: Ability of children in color discrimination Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Child Development 2, S. 303 - 320.

Cook, Willie Mae: Ability of children in color discrimination Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Child..

14,00 €
Anastasi, Anne: A group factor in immediate memory. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of psychology 120.

Anastasi, Anne: A group factor in immediate memory. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of..

35,00 €