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20 Artikel gefunden


Rumpf, Karl: Alte bäuerliche Weisstickereien. [= Beiträge zur hessischen Volks- und Landeskunde, H. 1].

Rumpf, Karl: Alte bäuerliche Weisstickereien. [= Beiträge zur hessischen Volks und Landeskunde..

25,00 €
Ellis, Richard N. (Hrsg.): The Western American Indian. Case Studies in Tribal History.

Ellis, Richard N. (Hrsg.): The Western American Indian. Case Studies in Tribal History.

10,00 €
Riegel, Klaus Georg: Der Sozialismus als Modernisierungsideologie : Bemerkungen zu S. N. Eisenstadts Theorie des Sozialismus als "universalistische Tradition der Modernität". Sonderdruck aus: Kölner Zeitschrift..

Riegel, Klaus Georg: Der Sozialismus als Modernisierungsideologie : Bemerkungen zu S. N..

9,00 €
Roucek, Joseph S. ; Warren, Roland L: Sociology : an introduction.

Roucek, Joseph S. ; Warren, Roland L: Sociology : an introduction.

14,00 €
Middlebrook, Patricia N: Social Psychology and modern life.

Middlebrook, Patricia N: Social Psychology and modern life.

25,00 €
Stearns, Peter N: European society in upheaval : social history since 1750. 2nd ed.

Stearns, Peter N: European society in upheaval : social history since 1750. 2nd ed.

9,00 €
Eisenstadt, S. N: Modernization: protest and change.

Eisenstadt, S. N: Modernization: protest and change.

11,00 €
Meltzer, B. N.; Petras, J. W.; Reynolds, L. T: Symbolic interactionism : genesis, varieties and criticism. Monographs in social theory.

Meltzer, B. N.; Petras, J. W.; Reynolds, L. T: Symbolic interactionism : genesis, varieties and..

14,00 €
Eisenstadt, S. N: Von Generation zu Generation : Altersgruppen und Sozialstruktur.

Eisenstadt, S. N: Von Generation zu Generation : Altersgruppen und Sozialstruktur.

20,00 €
Inkeles, Alex (ed.): Readings in modern sociology.

Inkeles, Alex (ed.): Readings in modern sociology.

14,00 €
Demerath, N. J. III.; Marwell, Gerald: Sociology : Perspectives and applications.

Demerath, N. J. III.; Marwell, Gerald: Sociology : Perspectives and applications.

80,00 €
Strasser, Hermann; Randall, Susan C: Einführung in die Theorien des sozialen Wandels. Soziologische Texte N. F.113.

Strasser, Hermann; Randall, Susan C: Einführung in die Theorien des sozialen Wandels..

14,00 €
Namboodiri, N. K.; Carter, L. F. ; Blalock, H. M: Applied multivariate analysis and experimental designs.

Namboodiri, N. K.; Carter, L. F. ; Blalock, H. M: Applied multivariate analysis and experimental..

20,00 €
Rudner, Richard Samuel: Philosophy of social science.

Rudner, Richard Samuel: Philosophy of social science.

9,00 €
Eisenstadt, S. N: Social differentiation & stratification. Introduction to modern society series.

Eisenstadt, S. N: Social differentiation & stratification. Introduction to modern society series.

25,00 €
Eisenstadt, S. N.; S. R. Graubard (eds): Intellectuals and tradition. The Van Leer Jerusalem Foundation series.

Eisenstadt, S. N.; S. R. Graubard (eds): Intellectuals and tradition. The Van Leer Jerusalem..

30,00 €
Cronjé, Geoffrey: Egskeiding en huweliks - en gezinsontbinding. 'n sociologiese studie. Dissertation.

Cronjé, Geoffrey: Egskeiding en huweliks en gezinsontbinding. 'n sociologiese studie..

19,00 €
Anderson, Roy N: The disabled man and his vocational adjustment : a study of the types of jobs held by 4,404 orthopedic cases in relation to the specific disability. Dissertation.

Anderson, Roy N: The disabled man and his vocational adjustment : a study of the types of jobs held..

20,00 €
LaPalombara, Joseph: Italian labor movement: Problems and prospects.

LaPalombara, Joseph: Italian labor movement: Problems and prospects.

16,00 €
Ioanid, Nicolas-N: De la solidarité imparfaite. Dissertation.

Ioanid, Nicolas-N: De la solidarité imparfaite. Dissertation.

35,00 €
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