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43 Artikel gefunden


Schmidt, Muhammad Wolfgang G. A: Einführung in die chinesische Schrift- und Zeichenkunde.

Schmidt, Muhammad Wolfgang G. A: Einführung in die chinesische Schrift- und Zeichenkunde.

12,00 €
Popovic, Ivan: Geschichte der serbokroatischen Sprache. Bibliotheca Slavica.

Popovic, Ivan: Geschichte der serbokroatischen Sprache. Bibliotheca Slavica.

35,00 €
A Bibliography on Writing and Written Language Volume 1-3 (3 books)

A Bibliography on Writing and Written Language Volume 1-3 (3 books)

95,00 €
The Semantics of Syntactic Change - Aspects of the Evolution of 'do' in English

The Semantics of Syntactic Change - Aspects of the Evolution of 'do' in English

85,00 €
Ballhorn, Friedrich: Alphabete orientalischer und occidentalischer Sprachen.

Ballhorn, Friedrich: Alphabete orientalischer und occidentalischer Sprachen.

25,00 €
Klemperer, Victor: Die moderne französische Lyrik von 1870 bis zur Gegenwart : Studie ; Erläuternde Texte.

Klemperer, Victor: Die moderne französische Lyrik von 1870 bis zur Gegenwart : Studie ;..

15,00 €
Hajdu, Peter und Peter Domokos: Die Uralischen Sprachen und Literaturen : Teil I. - Die Uralischen Sprachen / Teil II. - Die Uralischen Literaturen. Zwei Teile in einem Band.  Aus d. Ungarischen von Lea Haader.

Hajdu, Peter und Peter Domokos: Die Uralischen Sprachen und Literaturen : Teil I. Die Uralischen..

38,00 €
Englische Phraseologie und Idiomatik - Ein Arbeitsbuch mit umfassender Bibliographie

Englische Phraseologie und Idiomatik - Ein Arbeitsbuch mit umfassender Bibliographie

35,00 €
The Sounds of the World's Languages

The Sounds of the World's Languages

39,00 €
Numeral Types and Changes Worldwide

Numeral Types and Changes Worldwide

85,00 €
Extended Axiomatic Linguistics

Extended Axiomatic Linguistics

45,00 €
Pluricentric Languages in an Immigrant Context - Spanish, Arabic and Chinese

Pluricentric Languages in an Immigrant Context - Spanish, Arabic and Chinese

45,00 €
Functional and Systemic Linguistics - Approaches and Uses

Functional and Systemic Linguistics - Approaches and Uses

45,00 €
Language Contact and Change in the Austronesian World

Language Contact and Change in the Austronesian World

98,00 €
Two Languages at Work - Bilingual Life on the Production Floor

Two Languages at Work - Bilingual Life on the Production Floor

98,00 €
Language History and Linguistic Modelling - A Festschrift for Jacek Fisiak on his 60th Birthday - Volume 1+2 (2 books)

Language History and Linguistic Modelling A Festschrift for Jacek Fisiak on his 60th Birthday..

55,00 €
Language Change - Advances in Historical Sociolinguistics

Language Change - Advances in Historical Sociolinguistics

85,00 €
Autolexical Theory - Ideas and Methods

Autolexical Theory - Ideas and Methods

20,00 €
Reconstructing Prehistorical Dialects - Initial Vowels in Slavic and Baltic

Reconstructing Prehistorical Dialects - Initial Vowels in Slavic and Baltic

105,00 €
The Elements of Mathematical Semantics

The Elements of Mathematical Semantics

36,00 €
On Germanic Linguistics - Issues and Methods

On Germanic Linguistics - Issues and Methods

78,00 €
Research Guide on Language Change

Research Guide on Language Change

48,00 €
Language and the Cognitive Construal of the World

Language and the Cognitive Construal of the World

75,00 €
Language Change and Language Structure - Older Germanic Languages in a Comparative Perspective

Language Change and Language Structure - Older Germanic Languages in a Comparative Perspective

65,00 €
Advances in English Historical Linguistics

Advances in English Historical Linguistics

55,00 €
Language in Ethnicity - A View of Basic Ecological Relations

Language in Ethnicity - A View of Basic Ecological Relations

45,00 €
Culture and Styles of Academic Discourse

Culture and Styles of Academic Discourse

59,00 €
The Role of Theory in Language Description

The Role of Theory in Language Description

32,00 €
Linguistic Representation - Structural Analogy and Stratification

Linguistic Representation - Structural Analogy and Stratification

75,00 €
Morphophonemic Variability, Productivity, and Change - The Case of Rusyn

Morphophonemic Variability, Productivity, and Change - The Case of Rusyn

45,00 €
Issues in Germanic Syntax

Issues in Germanic Syntax

16,00 €
Syntactic Change - Toward a Theory of Historical Syntax

Syntactic Change - Toward a Theory of Historical Syntax

55,00 €
Directions in Corpus Linguistics - Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 82 Stockholm, 4-8 August 1991

Directions in Corpus Linguistics - Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 82 Stockholm, 4-8 August 1991

49,00 €
The Noun in Biblical Armenian - Origin and Word-Formation - with special emphasis on the Indo-European heritage

The Noun in Biblical Armenian Origin and Word Formation with special emphasis on the Indo..

180,00 €
Historical, Indo-European, and Lexicographical Studies - A Festschrift for Ladislav Zgusta on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday

Historical, Indo European, and Lexicographical Studies A Festschrift for Ladislav Zgusta on the..

55,00 €
Kognitive Beanspruchung beim Sprechen

Kognitive Beanspruchung beim Sprechen

18,00 €
On Languages and Language - The Presidential Adresses of the 1991 Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea

On Languages and Language The Presidential Adresses of the 1991 Meeting of the Societas..

25,00 €
Creole Languages and Language Acquisition

Creole Languages and Language Acquisition

49,00 €
Codeswitching Worldwide

Codeswitching Worldwide

15,00 €
Linguistic Reconstruction and Typology

Linguistic Reconstruction and Typology

75,00 €
Language Contact - Theoretical and Empirical Studies

Language Contact - Theoretical and Empirical Studies

38,00 €
Linguistic Change under Contact Conditions

Linguistic Change under Contact Conditions

25,00 €
Die ganze Zeit - Zum 60. Jahr - Die Bücher des Jubiläumsprogramms Suhrkamp

Die ganze Zeit - Zum 60. Jahr - Die Bücher des Jubiläumsprogramms Suhrkamp

15,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96