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128 Artikel gefunden


Illustrated Books and Original Art

Illustrated Books and Original Art

26,00 €
Henrichs, Album cosmopolite, ou choix des collections 1837 CARICATURES KARIKATUR

Henrichs, Album cosmopolite, ou choix des collections 1837 CARICATURES KARIKATUR

850,00 €
Buch: Die Geschichten der Schweizer, Müller, Johannes. 1780, Das erste Buch

Buch: Die Geschichten der Schweizer, Müller, Johannes. 1780, Das erste Buch

153,86 €
Ogawa Kazumasa – Brinkley, Japan, described and illustrated 1897-1898 - 1/500

Ogawa Kazumasa – Brinkley, Japan, described and illustrated 1897-1898 - 1/500

3.800,00 €
Rauschenberg, Photos in + out city limits - Erste Ausgabe - POP-ART

Rauschenberg, Photos in + out city limits - Erste Ausgabe - POP-ART

100,00 €
Beusichem, M. L. van (ed.): Plant Nutrition - Physiology and Applications : Proceedings of the Eleventh International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, 30 July - 4 August 1989, Wageningen, The Netherlands. (=Developmentes in Plant and Soil Sciences ; Volume 41)

Beusichem, M. L. van (ed.): Plant Nutrition Physiology and Applications : Proceedings of the..

35,00 €
Grimm, Neuestes Spielbuch. Wigand, 1840 - SPIELE

Grimm, Neuestes Spielbuch. Wigand, 1840 - SPIELE

120,00 €
Warhol – Andy Warhol. (Publication on the occasion...3. ed... POP-ART

Warhol – Andy Warhol. (Publication on the occasion...3. ed... POP-ART

350,00 €
Trager, Dancers - 1992 DANCERS MONDERN TANZ

Trager, Dancers - 1992 DANCERS MONDERN TANZ

54,00 €
Clausewitz. Strategie denken. Dasd Strategieinstitut der Boston Consulting Group.

Clausewitz. Strategie denken. Dasd Strategieinstitut der Boston Consulting Group.

14,30 €
Kling-Klang Gloria. Boston  um 1910 KÜNSTLERBILDERBUCH JUGENDSTIL

Kling-Klang Gloria. Boston um 1910 KÜNSTLERBILDERBUCH JUGENDSTIL

240,00 €
WIDMUNG - Meyerowitz - George Balanchine’s the Nutcracker - Erstausgabe 1993

WIDMUNG - Meyerowitz - George Balanchine’s the Nutcracker - Erstausgabe 1993

160,00 €
Onkel Tom`s Hütte; oder Negerleben in den Sklavenstaaten von Nord-Amerika. BEECH

Onkel Tom`s Hütte; oder Negerleben in den Sklavenstaaten von Nord-Amerika. BEECH

310,79 €
Low-Tech, Light-Tech, High-Tech. Bauen in der Informationsgesellschaft. DANIELS,

Low-Tech, Light-Tech, High-Tech. Bauen in der Informationsgesellschaft. DANIELS,

34,79 €


70,00 €
Barrow, N. J. (ed.): Plant Nutrition - from Genetic Engineering to Field Practice. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, 21-26 September 1993, Perth, Western Australia. (=Developments in Plant and Soil Sciences ; Volume 45).

Barrow, N. J. (ed.): Plant Nutrition from Genetic Engineering to Field Practice. Proceedings of..

22,00 €
Weir, Irene: The Greek Painters' Art.

Weir, Irene: The Greek Painters' Art.

25,00 €
O. W. Holmes - The autocrat of the breakfast-table - 1890

O. W. Holmes - The autocrat of the breakfast-table - 1890

90,00 €
Ansel Adams - De Cock - PHOTOGRAPHIE

Ansel Adams - De Cock - PHOTOGRAPHIE

40,00 €
Weegee – Barth, Weegee’s world. - Photojournalism

Weegee – Barth, Weegee’s world. - Photojournalism

45,00 €
Ogawa Kazumasa – Takashima, The Hanami (Flower-Picnic) - 1897 - JAPAN

Ogawa Kazumasa – Takashima, The Hanami (Flower-Picnic) - 1897 - JAPAN

1.400,00 €
Meyerowitz, George Balanchine’s the Nutcracker SIGNED FIRST EDITION CHRISTMAS

Meyerowitz, George Balanchine’s the Nutcracker SIGNED FIRST EDITION CHRISTMAS

160,00 €
Sternfeld, Stranger Passing ERSTE AUSGABE -

Sternfeld, Stranger Passing ERSTE AUSGABE -

90,00 €


70,00 €
Ritts, Africa.  Brown and Company 1994 - Sam Shahid Laurie Kratochvil

Ritts, Africa. Brown and Company 1994 - Sam Shahid Laurie Kratochvil

160,00 €
Cartier-Bresson, Tete a tete - 1998 ERSTE AMERIKANISCHE AUSGABE

Cartier-Bresson, Tete a tete - 1998 ERSTE AMERIKANISCHE AUSGABE

55,00 €
Blaser, Courtyard house in China 376431091X

Blaser, Courtyard house in China 376431091X

40,00 €
Notes on Cuba: Containing an Account of Its Discovery and Early History ; a Desc

Notes on Cuba: Containing an Account of Its Discovery and Early History ; a Desc

304,79 €
WHITTIER, The complete poetical works. 1892

WHITTIER, The complete poetical works. 1892

167,79 €


120,00 €
Stock, Dennis: Provence Memories. Introduction by Philip Conisbee.

Stock, Dennis: Provence Memories. Introduction by Philip Conisbee.

25,00 €
RECLAM 'Whist - Boston - L'hombre', 1900 ? ()

RECLAM 'Whist - Boston - L'hombre', 1900 ? ()

12,00 €
Harding, J. / Singh, F. / MOL, J.N.M. (Ed.): Genetics and Breeding of Ornamental Species. (=Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture; Volume 11).

Harding, J. / Singh, F. / MOL, J.N.M. (Ed.): Genetics and Breeding of Ornamental Species. (=Current..

47,00 €
Perez Sanchez, Alfonso E. und Eleanor A. Sayre: FRANCISCO DE GOYA *. GOYA AND THE SPIRIT OF ENLIGHTENMENT *. With Contributions.

Perez Sanchez, Alfonso E. und Eleanor A. Sayre: FRANCISCO DE GOYA *. GOYA AND THE SPIRIT OF..

7,50 €
The Pueblo

The Pueblo

9,00 €
Lebendige Literatur - Deutsches Lesebuch für Anfänger

Lebendige Literatur - Deutsches Lesebuch für Anfänger

20,00 €
Hunston Williams, George: That all the peoples of the earth may know my name (I Kings 8, 43) A,. Sermon on Jerusalem.

Hunston Williams, George: That all the peoples of the earth may know my name (I Kings 8, 43) A..

6,00 €
Bunge, Mario: Philosophy of physics.

Bunge, Mario: Philosophy of physics.

132,00 €
The Eye of Spirit - An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly Mad

The Eye of Spirit - An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly Mad

22,00 €
Casio: Casio Travel Guide & Digital Diary  quick reference guide.

Casio: Casio Travel Guide & Digital Diary quick reference guide.

4,00 €
Cardon, Leopold: Mon petit Trott., A modern french reader, D’apres la methode directe.

Cardon, Leopold: Mon petit Trott., A modern french reader, D’apres la methode directe.

16,00 €
Perrin, Daniel & Kleinberger, Ulla (Eds.): Doing Applied Linguistics. Enabling Transdisciplinary Communication.  Festschrift Urs Willi.

Perrin, Daniel & Kleinberger, Ulla (Eds.): Doing Applied Linguistics. Enabling Transdisciplinary..

53,00 €
Ulrich, Dave & Smallwood, Norm: Leadership Brand. [With autographs of both authors].

Ulrich, Dave & Smallwood, Norm: Leadership Brand. [With autographs of both authors].

42,00 €
Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies. Vol. 95 Nr. 1 January.

Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies. Vol. 95 Nr. 1 January.

20,00 €
Fishel, Edwin C: The Secret War for the Union: The Untold Story of Military Intelligence in the Civil War.

Fishel, Edwin C: The Secret War for the Union: The Untold Story of Military Intelligence in the..

18,00 €
Eluard, Paul: Capital of Pain.

Eluard, Paul: Capital of Pain.

15,00 €
Alcott, Louisa M: An Old-Fashioned Girl. [With an interesting dedication].

Alcott, Louisa M: An Old-Fashioned Girl. [With an interesting dedication].

10,00 €
Pincus, Andrew L: Scenes from Tanglewood.

Pincus, Andrew L: Scenes from Tanglewood.

8,50 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96