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54 Artikel gefunden


Krody, Colors of the oasis - 2010 TEXTILDESIGN TEXTILIEN DESIGN STOFFE

Krody, Colors of the oasis - 2010 TEXTILDESIGN TEXTILIEN DESIGN STOFFE

140,00 €
Buch: Echtzeitmusik Berlin, Beins, Burkhard, 2011, Wolke Verlag

Buch: Echtzeitmusik Berlin, Beins, Burkhard, 2011, Wolke Verlag

124,87 €
France, Anatole. Le Lys rouge - 1925 VORZUGSAUSGABE NUMMERIERT 1/153 EROTICA

France, Anatole. Le Lys rouge - 1925 VORZUGSAUSGABE NUMMERIERT 1/153 EROTICA

250,00 €
Warhol, Andy. Index (book). Random House 1967 POP-UP-ART

Warhol, Andy. Index (book). Random House 1967 POP-UP-ART

650,00 €
Koetzle, Michael Friedel. Photographs 1950 – 1990 SIGNIERT

Koetzle, Michael Friedel. Photographs 1950 – 1990 SIGNIERT

84,00 €
Buch: Industrial Japan, Kurahashi, Tojiro, u.a. 1929, Kokusai Shuppan Insatsusha

Buch: Industrial Japan, Kurahashi, Tojiro, u.a. 1929, Kokusai Shuppan Insatsusha

27,44 €
Wolff, My experiences in color photography 1952 - FARBFOTOGRAFIE

Wolff, My experiences in color photography 1952 - FARBFOTOGRAFIE

54,00 €
Tilloch, The philosophical magazine. Vol 1. June- September 1798 HUMBOLDT

Tilloch, The philosophical magazine. Vol 1. June- September 1798 HUMBOLDT

400,00 €
Darwin, Über die Entstehung der Arten im Thier- und Pflanzen-Reich 1862-1863

Darwin, Über die Entstehung der Arten im Thier- und Pflanzen-Reich 1862-1863

2.400,00 €
International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). - Ch. Verecque / M. Jones / C. Pemberton / P. Curran / J. Katayama / and others: Vol. 2, No. 3, September 1, 1901  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Journal of International Thoughts. Cont

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). Ch. Verecque / M. Jones / C. Pemberton / P..

47,00 €
Buch: Ritual, Caste, and Religion in Colonial South India, Bergunder, Michael

Buch: Ritual, Caste, and Religion in Colonial South India, Bergunder, Michael

18,64 €
Various designs collected by le Baron d’Offenberg 1919 EINES VON 312 NUM. EX

Various designs collected by le Baron d’Offenberg 1919 EINES VON 312 NUM. EX

240,00 €
Liddel (Co-Editor), Peter and John Bennett: THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. VOLUME NO. 117 - 2022 *.

Liddel (Co Editor), Peter and John Bennett: THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. VOLUME NO..

25,00 €
Liddel (Co-Editor), Peter and John Bennett: THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. VOLUME NO. 115 - 2020 *.

Liddel (Co Editor), Peter and John Bennett: THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. VOLUME NO..

24,00 €
Liddel (Co-Editor), Peter and John Bennett: THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. VOLUME NO. 114 - 2019 *.

Liddel (Co Editor), Peter and John Bennett: THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. VOLUME NO..

24,00 €
Kreuser, Ernst (Bearb.): A concise account of the Waterloo Campaign from various authors. Für den Schulgebrauch ausgewählt und bearbeitet. (Dyks Neusprachliche Schulkausgaben, 21. Band).

Kreuser, Ernst (Bearb.): A concise account of the Waterloo Campaign from various authors. Für den..

37,00 €
Wilde, Oscar - Stefano Evangelista (Ed.): The Reception of Oscar Wilde in Europe (= The Athlone Critical Traditions Series - Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe, Ed. Elinor Shaffer).

Wilde, Oscar Stefano Evangelista (Ed.): The Reception of Oscar Wilde in Europe (= The Athlone..

47,00 €
Wilde, Oscar   Uwe Böker, Richard Corballis, Julie A. Hibbard / Alberto Martino (Hrsg.): The Importance of Reinventing Oscar : Versions of Wilde during..

Wilde, Oscar Uwe Böker, Richard Corballis, Julie A. Hibbard / Alberto Martino (Hrsg.): The..

62,00 €
Travels in various parts of Peru, including a year`s residence in Potosi TEMPLE,

Travels in various parts of Peru, including a year`s residence in Potosi TEMPLE,

610,79 €
Loris et Parry – Fargue, Banalite - 1930 NUMMERIERT 1/300 Ex. SURREALISMUS

Loris et Parry – Fargue, Banalite - 1930 NUMMERIERT 1/300 Ex. SURREALISMUS

3.000,00 €
Wyatt, Notices of sculpture in ivory 1856 KUNSTGESCHICHTE MITTELALTER SKULPTUREN

Wyatt, Notices of sculpture in ivory 1856 KUNSTGESCHICHTE MITTELALTER SKULPTUREN

450,00 €
Henriksen, Carol - Even Hovdhaugen, Fred Karlsson, Bengt Sigurd (Ed.): Studies in the Development of Linguistics in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Papers from the conference on the history of linguistics in the nordic countries, Oslo, Novem

Henriksen, Carol Even Hovdhaugen, Fred Karlsson, Bengt Sigurd (Ed.): Studies in the Development..

87,00 €
Journal of Paleontology.- Society of Economic Paleontology and Mineralogists AND The Paleontological Society / Raymond L. Ethington et al. (Ed.): Journal of Paleontology. Volume 45, Number 2 March 1971.

Journal of Paleontology. Society of Economic Paleontology and Mineralogists AND The..

37,00 €
Sismis, Milan (Ed.): Heraldika na Slovensku. Slovenska Genealogicko-Heraldicka Spolocnost pri Matici Slovenskej 1997. ( Biblioteca Heraldica Slovaka).

Sismis, Milan (Ed.): Heraldika na Slovensku. Slovenska Genealogicko Heraldicka Spolocnost pri..

37,00 €
Dendrick, M. Slade // Ross, H. A. // Booth, J. F. // Perregaux, E. A. // Canon, Helen: Dendrick, M. Slade: An Index Number of Farm Taxes in New York, and Ist Relation to Various Other Economic Factors. (Bulletin 457: p. 1-47) // Ross, H. A.: The Demand Si

Dendrick, M. Slade // Ross, H. A. // Booth, J. F. // Perregaux, E. A. // Canon, Helen: Dendrick, M..

47,00 €
Nathan (Edited), Hans: The CONTINENTAL HARMONY, containing, A Number of ANTHEMS, FUGES, and CHORUSSES, in severals Parts. Composed by William Billings (1794), Author of various Music Books.

Nathan (Edited), Hans: The CONTINENTAL HARMONY, containing, A Number of ANTHEMS, FUGES, and..

17,50 €
International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). -J. B. Webster / A. M. Simons / International Bulletin / Raphael Buck  / and others: Vol. 2, No. 11, May 1, 1902  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Journal of International Thoughts. Conte

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). J. B. Webster / A. M. Simons / International..

45,00 €
International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). - Enrico Ferri / May Wood Simons / W. I. Brown / N. A. Richardson  / and others: Vol. 2, No. 10, April 1, 1902  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Journal of International Thoughts. Content

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). Enrico Ferri / May Wood Simons / W. I. Brown..

45,00 €
International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). - Eltweed Pomeroy / A.M. Simons / Emile Vandervelde / Peter E. Burrowes / J. Spargo  / and others: Vol. 2, No. 9, March 1, 1902  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Journal of International

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). Eltweed Pomeroy / A.M. Simons / Emile..

39,00 €
International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). - Kiyoshi Kawakami / Miss Ellen Starr / "Mother" Jones / Hrlof Wisby / and others: Vol. 2, No. 8, February 1, 1902  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Journal of International Thoughts. Con

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). Kiyoshi Kawakami / Miss Ellen Starr /..

42,00 €
International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). - Prof. Oscar L. Triggs / Peter Burrowes / Alessandro Schiavi / Helen Archibald Clarke / Louis Bertrand / and others: Vol. 2, No. 7, January 1, 1902  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Jour

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). Prof. Oscar L. Triggs / Peter Burrowes /..

42,00 €
International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). -W. H. Noyes / Bolton Hall / "Parvus" / Louis Bertrand / Robt. Rives La Monte / and others: Vol. 2, No. 6, December 1, 1901  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Journal of International Thou

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). W. H. Noyes / Bolton Hall / "Parvus" / Louis..

42,00 €
International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). - Clarence S. Darrow / Ella Wheeler Wilcox / Louis Bertrand / "Parvus" / and others: Vol. 2, No. 5, October 1, 1901  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Journal of International Thoughts. Co

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). Clarence S. Darrow / Ella Wheeler Wilcox /..

42,00 €
International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). - Louis Bertrand / Catholicus / Alesandro Schiavi / George Weulersse / and others: Vol. 2, No. 4, September 1, 1901  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Journal of International Thoughts. Co

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). Louis Bertrand / Catholicus / Alesandro..

45,00 €
Reinhardt, Christoph., A. Aeschlimann & H. Hecker: Distribution of Rickettsia-like microorganisms in various organs of an Ornithodours moubata laboratory strain (Txodoidea, Argasiade) as revealed by electron microscopy.

Reinhardt, Christoph., A. Aeschlimann & H. Hecker: Distribution of Rickettsia like microorganisms..

4,00 €
Nau, Alfred (Hrsg.): World Trade in Jeopardy? Hamburg Symposium of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 1979.

Nau, Alfred (Hrsg.): World Trade in Jeopardy? Hamburg Symposium of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung..

23,00 €
Nakarada, Radmila (Ed.): Europe and the disintegration of Yugoslavia.

Nakarada, Radmila (Ed.): Europe and the disintegration of Yugoslavia.

26,00 €
Raether, W. & H. Seidenath: Survival of Aegyptianella opullorum, Anaplasma marginale und Various Parasitic Protozioa Following prolonged storage in Liquid Nitrogen.

Raether, W. & H. Seidenath: Survival of Aegyptianella opullorum, Anaplasma marginale und Various..

4,00 €
Hoskins, E.R: The growth of the body and the organs of the albino rat as affected by feeding various ductless glands (Thyroid, Thymus, Hypophysis and Pineal).

Hoskins, E.R: The growth of the body and the organs of the albino rat as affected by feeding..

22,00 €
Coupin, H. & Joh Lea: The Romance of Animal Arts & Crafts. Beeing an interesting account of the spinning, weaving, sewing, manufacture of paper and pottery, aeronautics, raftbuilding, road-making, and various other industries of wild life.

Coupin, H. & Joh Lea: The Romance of Animal Arts & Crafts. Beeing an interesting account of the..

16,00 €
Rodriguez, E. M., R. Yulis, B. Perutto, G. Aliva & R. Andrade: Standardization of various applications of methacrylate embedding and silver methamine for light and electron microscopy immunocytochemistry.

Rodriguez, E. M., R. Yulis, B. Perutto, G. Aliva & R. Andrade: Standardization of various..

4,00 €
Sapra, Pushpinder: Certain correlation matrices between various longitudinal and transverse trends.

Sapra, Pushpinder: Certain correlation matrices between various longitudinal and transverse trends.

4,00 €
Important Collectors' Watches, Wristwatches and Clocks. The Alfred Jais Collection. Property of various owners including watches remaining following the termination of a company's retail activities, to be offered for sale by auction at the Hotel des Bergu

Important Collectors' Watches, Wristwatches and Clocks. The Alfred Jais Collection. Property of..

30,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: Letters from Yorick to Eliza, Eliza to Yorick. Sterne to his Friends on various occasions to which is added his history of a watch coat with explanatory notes.,  A new edition.

Sterne, Laurence: Letters from Yorick to Eliza, Eliza to Yorick. Sterne to his Friends on various..

162,00 €
SPRINGER, A. D: Springer, A. D. & A. S. Mednick, A quantitative study of the relative contribution of different retinal sectors to the innervation of various thalamic and pretectal nuclei in Goldfish., J. Comp, Neuriol. 242, 369-380 (1985). // Springer, A

SPRINGER, A. D: Springer, A. D. & A. S. Mednick, A quantitative study of the relative contribution..

5,00 €
Parizkova, Jana: Longitudinal study of developmental changes in length, breadth and circumferential measures in adolescent boys with various physical activity.

Parizkova, Jana: Longitudinal study of developmental changes in length, breadth and circumferential..

4,00 €
Greenaway, Kate: Kate Greenaway s painting book with outlines from her various works for boys & girls to paint.

Greenaway, Kate: Kate Greenaway s painting book with outlines from her various works for boys &..

36,00 €
KRISCH, B: KRISCH, B., Different populations of granules and their distribution in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial tract of the rat under various experimental conditions. I. Neurohypophysis, Nucleus supraopticus and Nucleus paraventricularis., Cell Tiss

KRISCH, B: KRISCH, B., Different populations of granules and their distribution in the hypothalamo..

5,00 €
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