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42 Artikel gefunden


Steinert, Otto . Subjektive Fotografie.  2 BÄNDE - SCHÖNE EXEMPLARE !

Steinert, Otto . Subjektive Fotografie. 2 BÄNDE - SCHÖNE EXEMPLARE !

1.300,00 €
Oriens.   Rahmeti Arat / W. Eberhard / H. Güterbock / M. Fuad Köprülü / H. Ringgren / R. Sellheim / H. Ritter (Hrsg.)..

Oriens. Rahmeti Arat / W. Eberhard / H. Güterbock / M. Fuad Köprülü / H. Ringgren / R..

37,00 €
Steinert, Subjektive Fotografie - 1952 u. 1955 2 BÄNDE

Steinert, Subjektive Fotografie - 1952 u. 1955 2 BÄNDE

750,00 €
Haverschmidt The Black-Tailed Godwit 1963 Ornithologie Vogelkunde Zoologie xy

Haverschmidt The Black-Tailed Godwit 1963 Ornithologie Vogelkunde Zoologie xy

32,90 €
Brill: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. Fondscatalogus niet-oosterse uitgaven. Books and periodicals (excluding those on the orient) published by E.J. Brill, Leiden. Katalog: Religion, Philosophy and Psychologie, Law,  Economics, Sociology, Politics, Hi

Brill: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. Fondscatalogus niet oosterse uitgaven. Books and..

21,00 €
Ethnologica. - Stöhr, Waldemar: Das Totenritual der Dajak. - In: Ethnologica. Neue Folge, Band 1.

Ethnologica. - Stöhr, Waldemar: Das Totenritual der Dajak. - In: Ethnologica. Neue Folge, Band 1.

35,00 €
Handbuch der Orientalistik. - Spuler, B. / H. Franke / J. Gonda / H. Hammitzsch / H. Kees / J.E. van Lohuizen-De Leeuw  und F. Vos (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung - Der Nahe und der Mittlere Osten. Siebenter Band: Armenische und Kauka

Handbuch der Orientalistik. Spuler, B. / H. Franke / J. Gonda / H. Hammitzsch / H. Kees / J.E..

87,00 €
Jacoby, Felix: Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker (F Gr Hist). Dritter Teil: Geschichte von Staedten ( Städten ) und Voelkern ( Völkern ). Horographie und..

Jacoby, Felix: Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker (F Gr Hist). Dritter Teil: Geschichte von..

52,00 €
Wensinck, A. J. / Mensing, J. P. - et autres: Concordance et indices de la tradition musulmane. Vols. I - VIII cpl. en 4 livres. - Les six livres, le Musnad d' Al-Darimi, le Muwatta de Malik, Le Musnad de Ahmad Ibn Hanbal.

Wensinck, A. J. / Mensing, J. P. et autres: Concordance et indices de la tradition musulmane..

407,00 €
Goldziher, Ignac: Die Richtungen der islamischen Koranauslegung. - FAKSIMILE.

Goldziher, Ignac: Die Richtungen der islamischen Koranauslegung. - FAKSIMILE.

34,00 €
Nau, John F: The German people of New Orleans, 1850 - 1900.

Nau, John F: The German people of New Orleans, 1850 - 1900.

20,00 €
Hinte, Jan Engelbert van (Hg.): Proceedings of the second West African Micropaleontological Colloquium. Ibadan June 18th - July 1st
 Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1966.

Hinte, Jan Engelbert van (Hg.): Proceedings of the second West African Micropaleontological..

20,00 €
Schaxel, J: Kritische Uebersicht der Theorien der ontogenetischen Determination.

Schaxel, J: Kritische Uebersicht der Theorien der ontogenetischen Determination.

16,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. Slavica: Arts, Ethnography, History, Linguistics, Literature. Catalogue No 195 with 425 numbers.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. Slavica: Arts, Ethnography, History, Linguistics..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. Second part of a collection of books on Economic and social history including a number of items on commerce and law (continuation of catalogue 263). Catalogue No 281 with 818 Numbers.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. Second part of a collection of books on Economic and..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. Quae? Quanti? A catalogue of classical texts. No. 4, 1955.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. Quae? Quanti? A catalogue of classical texts. No. 4..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second-hand books on Eastern Europe:  History, Ethnography, Linguistics, Literature, Miscellanea. Catalogue No 243 with 1004 Numbers.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second hand books on Eastern..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of  new and second-hand books on Eastern Europe:  Ethnography, History, Miscellanea. Catalogue No 228 with 664 Numbers.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second hand books on Eastern..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of  new and second-hand books on Eastern Europe:  Ethnography, History, Linguistics and Literature. Catalogue No 283 with 815 Numbers.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second hand books on Eastern..

15,00 €
Brill, E. J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of  new and second-hand books on Eastern Europe:  Ethnography, History, Languages and Literature, Miscellanea. Catalogue No 10 with 364 Numbers.

Brill, E. J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second hand books on..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of  new and second-hand books on Eastern Europe:  Eastern European History. Catalogue No 218 with 482 Numbers.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second hand books on Eastern..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill. Catalogue No 263 with 1024 numbers. Leiden, Netherlands. A collection of books on economic and social history including a number of items on commerce and law.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill. Catalogue No 263 with 1024 numbers. Leiden, Netherlands. A collection of..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. Classical antiquity 4, 1969: Authors and Texts, Archaeology and Art, Papyrology, Epigraphy and Mycenaean, Philology and Literature, History, Sociology and Law, Religion, Philosophy and Science, Byzentium, Med

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. Classical antiquity 4, 1969: Authors and Texts..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. Brill´s news. Autumn 1957: Orientalia, Islam, Far east, Religion and Ancient Near East, Classical Antiquity, Science, History of Science, Biology, Agriculture, Linguistics, Literature.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. Brill´s news. Autumn 1957: Orientalia, Islam, Far..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second-hand books on South Asia. Catalogue No 246 with 646 Numbers.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second hand books on South..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second-hand books on South and southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania. Catalogue No 230 with 618 Numbers.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second hand books on South..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second-hand books on classical Antiquity: General and miscellaneous, Linguistics  and literature, Texts and translations, Religion, Philosophy, Arts, archaeology, History, Law, Geograph

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second hand books on..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of books from our stock in the field of classical antiquity. Catalogue No 234 with 763 Numbers.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of books from our stock in the field of..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second-hand books on South Asia. Catalogue No 246 with 646 Numbers.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second hand books on South..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second-hand books on Eastern Europe: Linguistics, Literature, History, Ethnography. Catalogue No 257 with 596 Numbers.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second hand books on Eastern..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second-hand books on Eastern Europe: Ethnography, History, Miscellanea. Catalogue No 267 with 607 Numbers.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second hand books on Eastern..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second-hand books on Eastern Europe: Ethnography, History, Linguistics, Literature. Catalogue No 277 with 671 Numbers.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second hand books on Eastern..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second-hand books on Eastern Europe: Ethnography, History, Linguistics, Literature. Catalogue No 273 with 1047 Numbers.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second hand books on Eastern..

15,00 €
Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of  new and second-hand books on Eastern Europe:  Linguistics, Literature, Miscellanea. Catalogue No 232 with 335 Numbers.

Brill, E.J: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. A selection of new and second hand books on Eastern..

15,00 €
Brill, E. J., Leiden, Netherlands: E. J. Brill. 2 catalogues: No. 251 with 509 Numbers - A selection of new and second-hand books on Eastern Europe, Ethnography - History / No. 496 with 1979 positions: Indonesia.

Brill, E. J., Leiden, Netherlands: E. J. Brill. 2 catalogues: No. 251 with 509 Numbers A..

18,00 €
Smyth, William R: Thesaurus criticus ad Sexti Propertii textum. Congessit et in ordinem redegit Gulielmus Robertus Smyth.

Smyth, William R: Thesaurus criticus ad Sexti Propertii textum. Congessit et in ordinem redegit..

65,00 €
Rooy, Charles A. van: Studies in classical satire and related literary theory. Photomech. REPRINT.

Rooy, Charles A. van: Studies in classical satire and related literary theory. Photomech. REPRINT.

45,00 €
Pohlsander, H. [Hans] A: Metrical studies in the lyrics of Sophocles.

Pohlsander, H. [Hans] A: Metrical studies in the lyrics of Sophocles.

35,00 €
Morgan, Kathleen: Ovid's art of imitation. Propertius in the Amores.

Morgan, Kathleen: Ovid's art of imitation. Propertius in the Amores.

35,00 €
Michelini, Ann N. [Norris]: Tradition and dramatic form in the Persians of Aeschylus.

Michelini, Ann N. [Norris]: Tradition and dramatic form in the Persians of Aeschylus.

40,00 €
Kamerbeek, J. C. [Jan Coenraad]: The plays of Sophocles. Commentaries. (English translation). VOL. 2: The Trachiniae. (REPRINT of the 1. edition 1959).

Kamerbeek, J. C. [Jan Coenraad]: The plays of Sophocles. Commentaries. (English translation). VOL..

45,00 €
Hubbard, Thomas K: The Pindaric mind. A study of logical structure in early Greek poetry.

Hubbard, Thomas K: The Pindaric mind. A study of logical structure in early Greek poetry.

85,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96