Wirtschaft und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

12.010 Artikel gefunden


Vladykov, Vadim D: Distant recaptures of shad (Alosa sapidissima) tagged in Quebec. Sonderdruck aus: Contribution du Département des Pêcheries 54, 235-248.

Vladykov, Vadim D: Distant recaptures of shad (Alosa sapidissima) tagged in Quebec. Sonderdruck..

19,00 €
Vladykov, Vadim D. ; Follett, W. I: Lampetra richardsoni, a new nonparasitic species of lamprey (Petromyzonidae) from western North America. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 22, 139-158.

Vladykov, Vadim D. ; Follett, W. I: Lampetra richardsoni, a new nonparasitic species of lamprey..

15,00 €
Steinitz, H: Acanthobrama terrae-sanctae , sp. n., from Lake Tiberias, Israel. Sonderdruck aus: Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5, 293-298.

Steinitz, H: Acanthobrama terrae sanctae , sp. n., from Lake Tiberias, Israel. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Petit, G: Un Gobius nouveau de Madagascar. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle 8, 388-393.

Petit, G: Un Gobius nouveau de Madagascar. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin du Muséum National..

9,00 €
Perugia A.; Senna, Angelo: Viaggio di Lamberto Loria nella Papuasia orientale. XIII: Pesci d'acqua dolce; + XIV: Brentidi. Sonderdruck aus: Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Serie 2a) 14.

Perugia A.; Senna, Angelo: Viaggio di Lamberto Loria nella Papuasia orientale. XIII: Pesci d'acqua..

19,00 €
Fischer, Eberhard: Der Wandel ökonomischer Rollen bei den westlichen Dan in Liberia. Dissertation. Studien zur Kulturkunde 21.

Fischer, Eberhard: Der Wandel ökonomischer Rollen bei den westlichen Dan in Liberia. Dissertation..

14,00 €
Bean, Tarleton H: Descriptions of five new species of fishes sent by Prof. A. Duges from the province of Guanajuato, Mexico. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 10, 370-375.

Bean, Tarleton H: Descriptions of five new species of fishes sent by Prof. A. Duges from the..

15,00 €
Kamohara, Toshiji: On the fishes of the Family Chlorophthalmidae, Research reports of the Kochi University 5/15.

Kamohara, Toshiji: On the fishes of the Family Chlorophthalmidae, Research reports of the Kochi..

16,00 €
Rhasis Erazi, R A: Bogazici, Halic ve Marmara denizinin heterosomat türleri : the heterosomata of the Bosphorus, the Golden Hornand the sea of Marmara. Sonderdruck aus: Istanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Mecmuasi. Seri B, cilt VII, sayi 4, 235-262.

Rhasis Erazi, R A: Bogazici, Halic ve Marmara denizinin heterosomat türleri : the heterosomata of..

19,00 €
Starks, Edwin Chapin; Mann, William M: New and rare fishes from southern California. Sonderdruck aus: University of California Publications in Zoology 8, 9-19.

Starks, Edwin Chapin; Mann, William M: New and rare fishes from southern California. Sonderdruck..

14,00 €
Kamohara, Toshiji: On the fishes of the genus Chromis (family Amphiprionidae, Chromides, Pisces), found in the waters of Japan. Reports of the Usa Marine Biological Station 7/1.

Kamohara, Toshiji: On the fishes of the genus Chromis (family Amphiprionidae, Chromides, Pisces)..

14,00 €
Poisson, André: Du remembrement de la propriété foncière dans les pays germaniques. Dissertation.

Poisson, André: Du remembrement de la propriété foncière dans les pays germaniques..

35,00 €
Follett, W I ; Lillian J Dempster: Ichthyological and Herpetological Names and Works on Which the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature Has Ruled Since the Publication (In 1958) of the Several Official Lists and Indexes. Sonderdruck aus: Cop

Follett, W I ; Lillian J Dempster: Ichthyological and Herpetological Names and Works on Which the..

9,00 €
Robins, C Richard; John E Randall: Three New Western Atlantic Fishes of the Blennioid Genus Chaenopsis, with Notes on the Related Lucayablennius zingaro. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 117, 213-234.

Robins, C Richard; John E Randall: Three New Western Atlantic Fishes of the Blennioid Genus..

15,00 €
Kamohara, Toshiji: Marine fishes newly found in Prov. Tosa, Japan, with descriptions of a new genus and species. Research reports of the Kochi University 2/11.

Kamohara, Toshiji: Marine fishes newly found in Prov. Tosa, Japan, with descriptions of a new genus..

16,00 €
Kamohara, Toshiji: Nine noteworthy additions to the marine fish fauna of Prov. Tosa, including one new to science. Reports of the Usa Marine Biological Station 3/1.

Kamohara, Toshiji: Nine noteworthy additions to the marine fish fauna of Prov. Tosa, including one..

14,00 €
Bulletin New York zoological Society 38/4.

Bulletin New York zoological Society 38/4.

25,00 €
Katayama, Masao: On Some Rare Fishes from Izu-Oshima, Japan. Sonderdruck aus: Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 6, 147-152.

Katayama, Masao: On Some Rare Fishes from Izu Oshima, Japan. Sonderdruck aus: Japanese Journal of..

9,00 €
Miller, Robert Rush: A new genus and species of deep-sea fish of the family Myctophidae from the Philippine Islands. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 97,3211, 81-89.

Miller, Robert Rush: A new genus and species of deep sea fish of the family Myctophidae from the..

9,00 €
Kamohara, Toshiji: New records of fishes from Kochi Prefecture, Japan. Reports of the USA Marine Biological Station 6/2.

Kamohara, Toshiji: New records of fishes from Kochi Prefecture, Japan. Reports of the USA Marine..

14,00 €
Chabanaud, Paul: Revision du Genre Aseraggodes Kaup. Sonderdruck aus: Zoologische Mededelingen 13, 180-192.

Chabanaud, Paul: Revision du Genre Aseraggodes Kaup. Sonderdruck aus: Zoologische Mededelingen 13..

12,00 €
Chabanaud, Paul: Description d un nouveau Cubiceps (Pisces Stromateidae) de la mer Rouge. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin du Muséum, 2e série, 2, 519-523.

Chabanaud, Paul: Description d un nouveau Cubiceps (Pisces Stromateidae) de la mer Rouge..

8,00 €
Chabanaud, Paul: Contribution à l'étude de la faune ichthyologique de la baie du Lévrier (Mauritanie saharienne). Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin du Comité d'études historiques et scientifiques de l'Afrique occidentale francaise 13, 424-426.

Chabanaud, Paul: Contribution à l'étude de la faune ichthyologique de la baie du Lévrier..

11,00 €
Powell, Imogene: "Compleat Angler" Fishes for Fossils. Sonderdruck aus: National Geographic Magazine, 1934, 251-258.

Powell, Imogene: "Compleat Angler" Fishes for Fossils. Sonderdruck aus: National Geographic..

12,00 €
Chabanaud, Paul: Sur la nomenclature des Poissons de l'ordre des Heterosomata Cope, d'après les espèces du genre Linnéen Pleuronectes (1758). Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin du Muséum 2. ser., 2, 625-629.

Chabanaud, Paul: Sur la nomenclature des Poissons de l'ordre des Heterosomata Cope, d'après les..

9,00 €
Bane Jr., Gilbert W: Hydrography and the Yellowfin Tuna, Thunnus Albacares, in the Gulf of Guinea. University of California, Irvine, California, Ghana Journal of Science 6/3 & 4. 115-137.

Bane Jr., Gilbert W: Hydrography and the Yellowfin Tuna, Thunnus Albacares, in the Gulf of Guinea..

10,00 €
Panikkar, N. Kerava: Fish and fisheries. Sonderdruck aus: Progress of Science in India, Sec. VII, S. 1-60.

Panikkar, N. Kerava: Fish and fisheries. Sonderdruck aus: Progress of Science in India, Sec. VII..

9,00 €
Parr, Albert Eide: Notes on the species of myctophine fishes represented by type specimens in the United States National Museum. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 76, 1-47.

Parr, Albert Eide: Notes on the species of myctophine fishes represented by type specimens in the..

16,00 €
Pellegrin, Jacques: Les poissons d'eau douce d l'Indo-Chine. Sonderdruck aus: conférence faite au Museúm d'histoire naturelle.

Pellegrin, Jacques: Les poissons d'eau douce d l'Indo Chine. Sonderdruck aus: conférence faite au..

19,00 €
Bailey, Reeve M: A revised list of the fishes of Iowa with keys for identification. Sonderdruck aus: Iowa Fish and Fishing 3. edition, 327-377.

Bailey, Reeve M: A revised list of the fishes of Iowa with keys for identification. Sonderdruck..

16,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed; Barton A. Bean: Notes on fishes obtained in Sumatra, Java, and Tahiti. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 71, 1-15.

Fowler, Henry Weed; Barton A. Bean: Notes on fishes obtained in Sumatra, Java, and Tahiti..

9,00 €
Kailola, Patricia J: A new species of cardinalfish (Apogonidae) from northern Queensland and Papua New Guinea. Sonderdruck aus: Records of the Australian Museum 30, 130-136.

Kailola, Patricia J: A new species of cardinalfish (Apogonidae) from northern Queensland and Papua..

9,00 €
Smith, Hugh M: Notes on Siamese fishes + Contributions to the Ichthyology of Siam II.-XIX (4 Publikationen). Sonderdruck aus: Journal of the Siam Society nattural history supplement 8, 177-190; 9, 53-87; 9, 245-260; 9, 287-325.

Smith, Hugh M: Notes on Siamese fishes + Contributions to the Ichthyology of Siam II. XIX (4..

60,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: Some fishes collected by the Third Asiatic Expedition in China. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 50, 373-405.

Fowler, Henry Weed: Some fishes collected by the Third Asiatic Expedition in China. Sonderdruck..

14,00 €
Ben-Tuvia, A: Fisheries investigations of the Israel South Red Sea Expedition. Sonderdruck aus: Fishermen's Bull. 32-35, 1-26.

Ben Tuvia, A: Fisheries investigations of the Israel South Red Sea Expedition. Sonderdruck aus:..

14,00 €
Hora, Sunder Lal: Notes on Fishes in the Indian Museum XXX - XXXVI. Sonderdruck aus: Records of the Indian Museum 39, 321-350.

Hora, Sunder Lal: Notes on Fishes in the Indian Museum XXX XXXVI. Sonderdruck aus: Records of the..

19,00 €
Roberts, Tyson R: Ecology of fishes in the Amazon and Congo basins. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 143, 117-147.

Roberts, Tyson R: Ecology of fishes in the Amazon and Congo basins. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of..

16,00 €
Derscheid, J. M: Note sur certains Clupeidae de la côte W. de l’Afrique. Sonderdruck aus: Revue Zoologique Africaine 12, 278-282.

Derscheid, J. M: Note sur certains Clupeidae de la côte W. de l’Afrique. Sonderdruck aus: Revue..

9,00 €
Radcliffe, Lewis: Descriptions of fifteen new fishes of the family Cheilodipteridæ, from the Philippine Islands and contiguous waters. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 41,1868, 431-466.

Radcliffe, Lewis: Descriptions of fifteen new fishes of the family Cheilodipteridæ, from the..

20,00 €
Hora, Sunder Lal: Notes on Fishes in the Indian Museum XVIII -On Two Small Collections of Fishes from Burma. Sonderdruck aus: Records of the Indian Museum 33, 1-2.

Hora, Sunder Lal: Notes on Fishes in the Indian Museum XVIII On Two Small Collections of Fishes..

8,00 €
Beebe, William ; Tee-Van, John: New Bermuda fish : including six new species and forty-three species Hitherto unrecorded from Bermuda. Sonderdruck aus: Zoologica 13,5, 109 - 120.

Beebe, William ; Tee Van, John: New Bermuda fish : including six new species and forty three..

9,00 €
Porter, Carlos E: Ictiolojia - Adiciones y observaciones al Catálogo de los peces de Chile del Dr.Delfin. Sonderdruck aus: Anales de la Univrsidad de Chile 125, 5-15.

Porter, Carlos E: Ictiolojia Adiciones y observaciones al Catálogo de los peces de Chile del..

16,00 €
Penrith, M J; Mary-Louise Penrith: Redescription of Pandaka silvana (Barnard) (Pisces: Gobiidae). Sonderdruck aus: Annals of the South African Museum 60, 105-108.

Penrith, M J; Mary Louise Penrith: Redescription of Pandaka silvana (Barnard) (Pisces: Gobiidae)..

9,00 €
Cervigon, Fernando: Los peces marinos de Venezuela - Complemento 2. Contribuciones científicas 1.

Cervigon, Fernando: Los peces marinos de Venezuela - Complemento 2. Contribuciones científicas 1.

19,00 €
Bailey, Reeve M. ; Cross, Frank B: River Sturgeons of the American Genus Scaphirhynchus: Characters, Distribution, and Synonymy. Sonderdruck aus: Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters 39, 169-208.

Bailey, Reeve M. ; Cross, Frank B: River Sturgeons of the American Genus Scaphirhynchus:..

14,00 €
Zaneveld, Jacques S: Enige algemeen voorkomende zeevissen in de Nederlandse Antillen. Sonderdruck aus: Nieuwe West-Indische gids, 37, 5-17.

Zaneveld, Jacques S: Enige algemeen voorkomende zeevissen in de Nederlandse Antillen. Sonderdruck..

9,00 €
Devincenzi, Garibaldi J.; Raeil Vaz-Ferreira: Nota preliminar sobre un pygidido Hematofago del Rio Uruguay. Sonderdruck aus: Archivos de la Sociedad de Biologia de Montevideo 9, 1-16.

Devincenzi, Garibaldi J.; Raeil Vaz Ferreira: Nota preliminar sobre un pygidido Hematofago del Rio..

14,00 €
Vladykov, Vadim D. ; Follett, W. I: Redescription of Lampetra ayresii (Günther) of western North America, a species distinct from Lampetra fluviatilis (Linnaeus) of Europe. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 15, 47-77.

Vladykov, Vadim D. ; Follett, W. I: Redescription of Lampetra ayresii (Günther) of western North..

15,00 €