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115 Artikel gefunden


Coupin, H. & Joh Lea: The Romance of Animal Arts & Crafts. Beeing an interesting account of the spinning, weaving, sewing, manufacture of paper and pottery, aeronautics, raftbuilding, road-making, and various other industries of wild life.

Coupin, H. & Joh Lea: The Romance of Animal Arts & Crafts. Beeing an interesting account of the..

16,00 €
Rodriguez, E. M., R. Yulis, B. Perutto, G. Aliva & R. Andrade: Standardization of various applications of methacrylate embedding and silver methamine for light and electron microscopy immunocytochemistry.

Rodriguez, E. M., R. Yulis, B. Perutto, G. Aliva & R. Andrade: Standardization of various..

4,00 €
Sapra, Pushpinder: Certain correlation matrices between various longitudinal and transverse trends.

Sapra, Pushpinder: Certain correlation matrices between various longitudinal and transverse trends.

4,00 €
Stewart, Alexander: A compendium of modern geography: with remarks on the physical peculiarities, productions, commerce, and government of the various countries; questions for examination at..

Stewart, Alexander: A compendium of modern geography: with remarks on the physical peculiarities..

18,00 €
Various authors: Bunnies, Crocodiles and Me - Stories of Baby Beginnings.

Various authors: Bunnies, Crocodiles and Me - Stories of Baby Beginnings.

8,90 €
Various: Inside Cars.

Various: Inside Cars.

14,90 €
King, Ronald: Turn over darling. (Designed and drawn in wire by Ronald King, and printed on various papers by Jessica and Jonah).

King, Ronald: Turn over darling. (Designed and drawn in wire by Ronald King, and printed on various..

95,00 €
Important Collectors' Watches, Wristwatches and Clocks. The Alfred Jais Collection. Property of various owners including watches remaining following the termination of a company's retail activities, to be offered for sale by auction at the Hotel des Bergu

Important Collectors' Watches, Wristwatches and Clocks. The Alfred Jais Collection. Property of..

30,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: Letters from Yorick to Eliza, Eliza to Yorick. Sterne to his Friends on various occasions to which is added his history of a watch coat with explanatory notes.,  A new edition.

Sterne, Laurence: Letters from Yorick to Eliza, Eliza to Yorick. Sterne to his Friends on various..

162,00 €
SPRINGER, A. D: Springer, A. D. & A. S. Mednick, A quantitative study of the relative contribution of different retinal sectors to the innervation of various thalamic and pretectal nuclei in Goldfish., J. Comp, Neuriol. 242, 369-380 (1985). // Springer, A

SPRINGER, A. D: Springer, A. D. & A. S. Mednick, A quantitative study of the relative contribution..

5,00 €
Parizkova, Jana: Longitudinal study of developmental changes in length, breadth and circumferential measures in adolescent boys with various physical activity.

Parizkova, Jana: Longitudinal study of developmental changes in length, breadth and circumferential..

4,00 €
Greenaway, Kate: Kate Greenaway s painting book with outlines from her various works for boys & girls to paint.

Greenaway, Kate: Kate Greenaway s painting book with outlines from her various works for boys &..

36,00 €
KRISCH, B: KRISCH, B., Different populations of granules and their distribution in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial tract of the rat under various experimental conditions. I. Neurohypophysis, Nucleus supraopticus and Nucleus paraventricularis., Cell Tiss

KRISCH, B: KRISCH, B., Different populations of granules and their distribution in the hypothalamo..

5,00 €
KORF, H. W: KORF, H. W-., White, B. H., Schaad, N. C., Klein, D. C., Recoverin in pineal organs and retinae of various vertebrate species including man. Brain Res. 595, 57-66 (1992)., Obr.,  [WES70]..,// MOLLER, M., Korf, H. W., Central innervation of the

KORF, H. W: KORF, H. W ., White, B. H., Schaad, N. C., Klein, D. C., Recoverin in pineal organs and..

6,00 €
Jackson, John Hughlings: Selected Writings. I, On epilepsy and epilepticform convulsions., II. Evolution and dissolution oif the nervous system. Spech., Various papers. Addresses and lectures.

Jackson, John Hughlings: Selected Writings. I, On epilepsy and epilepticform convulsions., II..

22,00 €
JABBUR, S. J., Saade, N. E: Interactions between dorsal column and ventral spinal inputs in somatosensory thalamocortical areas and in various brainstem nuclei in the cat- In Development, organization and processing in somatosensory pathways.

JABBUR, S. J., Saade, N. E: Interactions between dorsal column and ventral spinal inputs in..

4,00 €
Chatterjee, B. K. & G.D Kumar: How far the prehistoric skletal remains excavated from various sites help to determine the basic common origin of the indo-european races.,.

Chatterjee, B. K. & G.D Kumar: How far the prehistoric skletal remains excavated from various sites..

4,00 €
Beijers, J.L: Books on various subjects from the libraries of P.C. Boutens, P.N.,. Van Exck, M. Nijhoff-. Auction sale 29th September 1972.

Beijers, J.L: Books on various subjects from the libraries of P.C. Boutens, P.N.,. Van Exck, M..

6,00 €
JONES, D. G: Some factors affecting the PTA staining of synaptic junctions. A preliminary comparison of PTA stained junctions in various regions of the CNS.

JONES, D. G: Some factors affecting the PTA staining of synaptic junctions. A preliminary..

4,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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