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183 Artikel gefunden


Disney, Mickey Mouse presents his Silly Symphonies - um 1935 POP-UP-BOOK

Disney, Mickey Mouse presents his Silly Symphonies - um 1935 POP-UP-BOOK

540,00 €
Redoute, Pierre Joseph und Hans Walter Lack: The book of flowers = Das Buch der Blumen = Le livre des Fleurs. Pierre-Joseph Redouté ; H. Walter Lack.

Redoute, Pierre Joseph und Hans Walter Lack: The book of flowers = Das Buch der Blumen = Le livre..

20,00 €
James, My aunt Pontypool. 3 PARTS IN 2 VOL. - 1836 FIRST AMARICAN EDITION

James, My aunt Pontypool. 3 PARTS IN 2 VOL. - 1836 FIRST AMARICAN EDITION

220,00 €
Oriens.   Rahmeti Arat / W. Eberhard / H. Güterbock / M. Fuad Köprülü / H. Ringgren / R. Sellheim / H. Ritter (Hrsg.)..

Oriens. Rahmeti Arat / W. Eberhard / H. Güterbock / M. Fuad Köprülü / H. Ringgren / R..

37,00 €
Dobke, Dirk; Walter, Bernadette; Vischer, Theodora (Hg.): Roth Time. A Dieter Roth Retrospective. [Exhibition Catalogue] March 12 - June 7, 2004
 New York - Baden, The Museum of Modern Art - Lars Müller Publishers, 2004.

Dobke, Dirk; Walter, Bernadette; Vischer, Theodora (Hg.): Roth Time. A Dieter Roth Retrospective..

20,00 €


80,00 €
Blossfeldt, Karl. Urformen der Kunst. ERSTE AUSGABE - SCHÖNES EXEMPLAR !

Blossfeldt, Karl. Urformen der Kunst. ERSTE AUSGABE - SCHÖNES EXEMPLAR !

3.900,00 €
Buch: Wolfgang Klähn und die Krise der Moderne. Gosebruch, M., 2007, Seemann

Buch: Wolfgang Klähn und die Krise der Moderne. Gosebruch, M., 2007, Seemann

10,60 €
Scott, Walter Sir Tales of a Grandfather  1877 Belletristik Literatur js

Scott, Walter Sir Tales of a Grandfather 1877 Belletristik Literatur js

28,50 €
Keystone Bridge Company in Pittsburgh / Philadelphia / St. Louis. - J.H. Linville / J.L. Piper / Andrew and Thos.M. Carnegie / A.D. Cherry / Walter Katte / Enoch Lewis / John A. Wilson (Company management): Descriptive catalogue of Wrought-Iron Bridges. F

Keystone Bridge Company in Pittsburgh / Philadelphia / St. Louis. J.H. Linville / J.L. Piper /..

107,00 €
Buch: The Poetical Works of Lord Byron, Byron, Walter Scott, Miscellaneous Poems

Buch: The Poetical Works of Lord Byron, Byron, Walter Scott, Miscellaneous Poems

13,50 €
Grand empire : virtue and vice in the Napoleonic era. Walter Markov ; presentati

Grand empire : virtue and vice in the Napoleonic era. Walter Markov ; presentati

14,90 €
Schmidt, Muhammad Wolfgang G. A: Einführung in die chinesische Schrift- und Zeichenkunde.

Schmidt, Muhammad Wolfgang G. A: Einführung in die chinesische Schrift- und Zeichenkunde.

12,00 €
Atget. Lichtbilder. Paris 1930 NUMMERIERT 1/1000 Exemplaren -  Berence Abbott

Atget. Lichtbilder. Paris 1930 NUMMERIERT 1/1000 Exemplaren - Berence Abbott

490,00 €
Buch: Black Man, Zieglgänsberger, Roman, 2016, Wienand, Walter Stöhrer

Buch: Black Man, Zieglgänsberger, Roman, 2016, Wienand, Walter Stöhrer

12,53 €
Inszenierte Kunstgeschichte. Mise-en-scène of Art History. Mit einem Essay von J

Inszenierte Kunstgeschichte. Mise-en-scène of Art History. Mit einem Essay von J

32,79 €
Scott, Walter. - with introductory essay and notes by Andrew Lang. - illustrated by E. Millais and others: The heart of Mid-Lothian ( = Waverly novels, vol. VI / Macmillans illustrated pocket ).

Scott, Walter. with introductory essay and notes by Andrew Lang. illustrated by E. Millais and..

23,00 €
Buch: Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2016, de Gruyter

Buch: Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies 2016, de Gruyter

23,18 €
Hofmann, Siegfried und Walter Gaudnek *: Gaudnek Breeder Pieces / Das mobile Bild. + AUTOGRAPH *. Ausstellung Ingolstadt Mai/Juni 1983 Ausstellungsräume im Stadttheater.

Hofmann, Siegfried und Walter Gaudnek *: Gaudnek Breeder Pieces / Das mobile Bild. + AUTOGRAPH *..

30,00 €
Allen, Walter C: Hendersonia. The Music of Fletcher Henderson and his musicians. A bio-discography. Jazz monographs, Number 4.

Allen, Walter C: Hendersonia. The Music of Fletcher Henderson and his musicians. A bio discography..

38,00 €
Weideli, Walter: The art of Bertolt Brecht.

Weideli, Walter: The art of Bertolt Brecht.

10,00 €
Karl Blossfeldt. Urformen der Kunst. Wasmuth 1929 NEUE SACHLICHKEIT Botanik

Karl Blossfeldt. Urformen der Kunst. Wasmuth 1929 NEUE SACHLICHKEIT Botanik

3.700,00 €
Scott, Walter   Dr. Flügel: 1.The Antiquary / 2. Rob Roy / 3. Old Mortality / 4. Black Dwarf AND 5.: Guy Mannering or..

Scott, Walter Dr. Flügel: 1.The Antiquary / 2. Rob Roy / 3. Old Mortality / 4. Black Dwarf AND..

67,00 €
Eleonora's Falcon. Adaptations to Prey and Habitat in a Social Raptor (Wildlife Behavior and Ecology Series).

Eleonora's Falcon. Adaptations to Prey and Habitat in a Social Raptor (Wildlife Behavior and..

23,00 €


30,50 €


2.000,00 €
Schles, The geometry of innocence SIGNED 1/50 Copies + ORIGINAL-PHOTOGRAPH

Schles, The geometry of innocence SIGNED 1/50 Copies + ORIGINAL-PHOTOGRAPH

750,00 €
Codax-Fotobücher. 10 Bände der Reihe 1998-2013

Codax-Fotobücher. 10 Bände der Reihe 1998-2013

220,00 €


250,00 €
Gurdjieff, Georges I. - Kathleen Riordan Speeth / Ira Friedlander: Gurdjieff  - Seeker of the Truth. (Journeys to Remarkable Places).  Bibliography compiled by Walter Driscoll.

Gurdjieff, Georges I. Kathleen Riordan Speeth / Ira Friedlander: Gurdjieff Seeker of the..

23,00 €
Buch: Representative Art of our Time - Part IV, Holmes, Charles. 1903

Buch: Representative Art of our Time - Part IV, Holmes, Charles. 1903

289,38 €


45,00 €
Einstein, Das neue Musiklexikon - 1926 ERSTE DEUTSCHE AUSGABE

Einstein, Das neue Musiklexikon - 1926 ERSTE DEUTSCHE AUSGABE

55,00 €
Havighurst, Walter / Benjamin Brewster, Louise Dickinson Rich, Richard B. Morris (Texts)   Ursula Koering et al. (Illustr.): The First Book of… 9 titles:..

Havighurst, Walter / Benjamin Brewster, Louise Dickinson Rich, Richard B. Morris (Texts) Ursula..

52,00 €
Pater, Walter: Gaston de Latour. An unifinished romance by Walter Pater. Late Fellow of Brasenose College. Prepared for the press by Charles L. Shadwell. Fellow of Oriel College.

Pater, Walter: Gaston de Latour. An unifinished romance by Walter Pater. Late Fellow of Brasenose..

24,00 €
Barrows, Walter B. / Schwarz, E. A: The common crow of the United States ( = Bulletin No. 6, U. S. Department of agriculture, division of ornithology and mammalogy ).

Barrows, Walter B. / Schwarz, E. A: The common crow of the United States ( = Bulletin No. 6, U. S..

23,00 €
Crelle, A. L. / O. Seeliger: Dr. A.L. Crelle's Rechentafeln welche alles Multiplizieren und Dividieren mit Zahlen unter Tausend ganz ersparen, bei größeren Zahlen aber die Rechnung erleichtern und sicherer machen. Neue Ausgabe besorgt von O. Seeliger.

Crelle, A. L. / O. Seeliger: Dr. A.L. Crelle's Rechentafeln welche alles Multiplizieren und..

25,00 €
Pache, Walter: James Hoggs. The private Memoirs and Confessions of a justified Sinner und die Darstellung des Bösen im Roman der englischen Romantik. .

Pache, Walter: James Hoggs. The private Memoirs and Confessions of a justified Sinner und die..

7,00 €
Scott, Walter: The Lay of the last minstrel : a poem. 9. Ed.

Scott, Walter: The Lay of the last minstrel : a poem. 9. Ed.

60,00 €
Loeb, Walter M: Catalog of Papier Money around the World. Edited by Lee Firester
 Port Washington, Universal Publishing, 1961.

Loeb, Walter M: Catalog of Papier Money around the World. Edited by Lee Firester Port Washington..

12,00 €
Fischer, Gerhard (Hg.): 'With the Sharpened Axe of Reason'. Approaches to Walter Benjamin
 Oxford - Washington D. C., (1996).

Fischer, Gerhard (Hg.): 'With the Sharpened Axe of Reason'. Approaches to Walter Benjamin Oxford..

9,00 €
Nägele, Rainer (Hg.): Benjamin's Ground. New Readings of Walter Benjamin. [= The Culture of Jewish Modernity]
 Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 1988.

Nägele, Rainer (Hg.): Benjamin's Ground. New Readings of Walter Benjamin. [= The Culture of Jewish..

12,00 €
Bienvenu; Grimaud; Laurent (Hg.): Marker Proteins in Inflammation Volume 3. Proceedings of the third symposium, Lyon, France, June 26-28, 1985
 Berlin - New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1986.

Bienvenu; Grimaud; Laurent (Hg.): Marker Proteins in Inflammation Volume 3. Proceedings of the..

14,00 €
Rostas, Francois (Hg.): Spectral Line Shapes. Volume 3. [= Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes. Aussois, France, June 11-15, 1984]
 Berlin - New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1985.

Rostas, Francois (Hg.): Spectral Line Shapes. Volume 3. [= Proceedings of the Seventh International..

44,00 €
Moudgil, Virinder K. (Hg.): Molecular Mechanism of Steroid Hormone Action. Recent Advances
 Berlin - New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1985.

Moudgil, Virinder K. (Hg.): Molecular Mechanism of Steroid Hormone Action. Recent Advances..

28,00 €
Kidney, Walter C: The ARCHITECTURE of CHOICE: ECLECTICISM in AMERICA 1880-1930 *.

Kidney, Walter C: The ARCHITECTURE of CHOICE: ECLECTICISM in AMERICA 1880-1930 *.

12,00 €
Walter Alicke: Bibliotheca Medica III
 A Catalogue of rare books & papers in the History of Medicine and Biology.

Walter Alicke: Bibliotheca Medica III A Catalogue of rare books & papers in the History of..

19,99 €
(M.H. de Young Memorial Museum): Illustrations of Selected Works.

(M.H. de Young Memorial Museum): Illustrations of Selected Works.

7,90 €
Eagleton, Mary and David Pierce: Attitudes to class in the English novel. - from Walter Scott to David Storey - aus der Reihe: The world of literature.

Eagleton, Mary and David Pierce: Attitudes to class in the English novel. from Walter Scott to..

7,90 €
Rilla, Walter: Seeds of Time.

Rilla, Walter: Seeds of Time.

23,00 €
Jussen, Bernhard / Targoff, Ramie (Eds.): Love after Death. Concepts of Posthumous Love in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. ( = Weltliteraturen   World..

Jussen, Bernhard / Targoff, Ramie (Eds.): Love after Death. Concepts of Posthumous Love in Medieval..

67,00 €
Romanistisches Jahrbuch.  Jacob, Daniel / Andreas Kablitz / Bernhard König u. a. (Hrsg.) / Yvonne Stork / Peter Werle (Red.): Romanistisches Jahrbuch. Band 64..

Romanistisches Jahrbuch. Jacob, Daniel / Andreas Kablitz / Bernhard König u. a. (Hrsg.) / Yvonne..

77,00 €
Küpper, Joachim / Klaus W. Hempfer / Erika Fischer-Lichte (Eds.): Religion and Society in the 21st Century.

Küpper, Joachim / Klaus W. Hempfer / Erika Fischer Lichte (Eds.): Religion and Society in the 21st..

42,00 €
Oriens.   Rahmeti Arat / W. Eberhard / H. Güterbock/ M. Fuad Köprülü / H. Ringgren / R. Sellheim / H. Ritter (Hrsg.)..

Oriens. Rahmeti Arat / W. Eberhard / H. Güterbock/ M. Fuad Köprülü / H. Ringgren / R..

47,00 €
Hough, Walter: The Development of Illumination. (From the Smithonian Report for 1901, p. 493-500).

Hough, Walter: The Development of Illumination. (From the Smithonian Report for 1901, p. 493-500).

15,00 €
Schnitzler, Arthur  (Autor). - Konstanze Fliedl (Herausgeber): Lieutenant Gustl, Historisch-kritische Ausgabe Band 3. (= Werke in historisch-kritischen Ausgaben herausgegeben von Konstanze Fliedl).

Schnitzler, Arthur (Autor). Konstanze Fliedl (Herausgeber): Lieutenant Gustl, Historisch..

257,00 €
Schnitzler, Arthur  (Autor). - Konstanze Fliedl, Gerhard Hubmann (Herausgeber): Sterben, Historisch-kritische Ausgabe Band 1. (= Werke in historisch-kritischen Ausgaben herausgegeben von Konstanze Fliedl).

Schnitzler, Arthur (Autor). Konstanze Fliedl, Gerhard Hubmann (Herausgeber): Sterben, Historisch..

97,00 €
Schnitzler, Arthur  (Autor). - Konstanze Fliedl, Peter Michael Braunwarth, Gerhard Hubmann, Isabella Schwentner (Herausgeber): Liebelei Band 1 und Band 2, Historisch-kritische Ausgabe Band 4. (= Werke in historisch-kritischen Ausgaben herausgegeben von Ko

Schnitzler, Arthur (Autor). Konstanze Fliedl, Peter Michael Braunwarth, Gerhard Hubmann..

307,00 €
Schnitzler, Arthur  (Autor). - Konstanze Fliedl, Evelyne Polt-Heinzl, Isabella Schwentner, Gerhard Hubmann (Herausgeber): Anatol Band 1 und Band 2, Historisch-kritische Ausgabe Band 2. (= Werke in historisch-kritischen Ausgaben herausgegeben von Konstanze

Schnitzler, Arthur (Autor). Konstanze Fliedl, Evelyne Polt Heinzl, Isabella Schwentner, Gerhard..

407,00 €
Gardiner, Walter: On the general occurrence of Tannins in the vegetable cell and a possible view of their physiological significance. Extracted from the Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society Vol. IV, Pt. Vi.

Gardiner, Walter: On the general occurrence of Tannins in the vegetable cell and a possible view of..

9,00 €
Gardiner, Walter: "On the Continuity of the Protoplasm through the Walls of Vegetable Cells". Communicated by W. T. Thiselton-Dyer. Received April 16, 1883. From the Proceedings of the Royal Society, No. 225, 1883.

Gardiner, Walter: "On the Continuity of the Protoplasm through the Walls of Vegetable Cells"..

9,00 €
Brätter, Peter and Peter Schramel

Brätter, Peter and Peter Schramel

24,95 €
Haacke, Walter: Organs of the World (Orgeln in aller Welt, Orgues du monde entier).

Haacke, Walter: Organs of the World (Orgeln in aller Welt, Orgues du monde entier).

4,00 €
Shakespeare, William: Shakespeare’s comedy of the Merry Wives of Windsor presented in eight pen designs by Walter Crane. Engraved & printed by Duncan C. Dallas. 1894.

Shakespeare, William: Shakespeare’s comedy of the Merry Wives of Windsor presented in eight pen..

550,00 €
Serner, Walter: Las Tortilleras und "The Mistery of Tottenham Court Road". Zwei Criminalgeschichten, illustriert von Dominik Burckhardt. ( 1. Aufl.).

Serner, Walter: Las Tortilleras und "The Mistery of Tottenham Court Road". Zwei..

20,00 €
Camfield, William A: Max Ernst - Dada and the dawn of surrealism. With an introductory essay by Werner Spies and a preface by Walter Hopps. [Ed. by Simon Haviland].

Camfield, William A: Max Ernst Dada and the dawn of surrealism. With an introductory essay by..

40,00 €
Neal, E. Virgil (Hrsg.) und Charles S. Clark (Hrsg.): Hypnotismus und hypnotische Suggestion   3. Teil. [BEILIEGEND: 3 S. Privat Lektion zum Dritten Teil]..

Neal, E. Virgil (Hrsg.) und Charles S. Clark (Hrsg.): Hypnotismus und hypnotische Suggestion 3..

13,00 €
Franklin, Walter

Franklin, Walter

12,95 €
Scott, Walter: Anhang zu Tales of a Grandfather. Anmerkungen..

Scott, Walter: Anhang zu Tales of a Grandfather. Anmerkungen..

4,00 €
Jülich, Walter ; Stalpers, Jacobus Antonius: The resupinate non-poroid aphyllophorales of the temperate northern hemisphere. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde. Reeks 2, Biologie, Geneeskunde 74.

Jülich, Walter ; Stalpers, Jacobus Antonius: The resupinate non poroid aphyllophorales of the..

65,00 €
Grete Stern. Fotografia en la Argentina 1937 - 1981. With text by Sara Facio.

Grete Stern. Fotografia en la Argentina 1937 - 1981. With text by Sara Facio.

75,00 €
Lack, Hans Walter: The Bauers - Joseph, Franz & Ferdinand - masters of botanical illustration - an illustrated biography.

Lack, Hans Walter: The Bauers Joseph, Franz & Ferdinand masters of botanical illustration an..

53,00 €
Heuer, Gerd F: Die deutschen Generalfeldmarschälle ud Großadmirale; Reihe: Landser Bibliothek, Band 1.

Heuer, Gerd F: Die deutschen Generalfeldmarschälle ud Großadmirale; Reihe: Landser Bibliothek..

20,00 €
Gombrich, Ernst Hans: Means and ends : reflections on the history of fresco painting. Walter Neurath memorial lectures 8.

Gombrich, Ernst Hans: Means and ends : reflections on the history of fresco painting. Walter..

19,00 €
Wurzburger, Walter S: The meaning and significance of Jewish survival.

Wurzburger, Walter S: The meaning and significance of Jewish survival.

6,00 €
Scott, Walter. - illustrated by Paul Hardy: Anne of Geierstein.

Scott, Walter. - illustrated by Paul Hardy: Anne of Geierstein.

23,00 €
Herdeg, Walter (Hg.): graphis annual '61/62. International Yearbook of Advertising Art // Internationales Jahrbuch der Werbekunst // Art publicitaire international. [= Publication No 103]
 Zürich, Amstutz & Herdeg, Graphis Press, (1961).

Herdeg, Walter (Hg.): graphis annual '61/62. International Yearbook of Advertising Art //..

24,00 €
Galenus / Galenos / Galen. - Paul W. Harkins (Transl.) / Walter Riese (Introd. and Interpr.): Galen on the passions and errors of the soul. Translated by Harkins. With an Introduction and Interpretation by Riese.

Galenus / Galenos / Galen. Paul W. Harkins (Transl.) / Walter Riese (Introd. and Interpr.): Galen..

307,00 €
Ars Orientalis. - texts by Wladyslaw B. Kubiak / Walter B. Denny / J. C. Harle / Thomas Lawton / Robert J. Maesa and others: Ars Orientalis. Volume VIII, 1970. The art of Islam and the East. - From the contents: Wladyslaw B. Kubiak - Medieval ceramic oil

Ars Orientalis. texts by Wladyslaw B. Kubiak / Walter B. Denny / J. C. Harle / Thomas Lawton /..

57,00 €
Ott, Walter; Rea-Frauchiger, Maria Anna: The varieties of legal positivism : the Hitler argument and other objections to legal positivism.

Ott, Walter; Rea Frauchiger, Maria Anna: The varieties of legal positivism : the Hitler argument..

79,00 €
Kaufmann, Walter: The curse of Maralinga and other stories.

Kaufmann, Walter: The curse of Maralinga and other stories.

29,00 €
Reed, Walter L: Romantic Literature in Light of Bakhtin. First published
 New York - London - New Delhi - Sydney, Bloomsbury, 2014.

Reed, Walter L: Romantic Literature in Light of Bakhtin. First published New York London New..

18,00 €
Brainerd, Walter S. ; Landweber, Lawrence H: Theory of computation.

Brainerd, Walter S. ; Landweber, Lawrence H: Theory of computation.

11,00 €
Hamilton, Hamish (Ed.): Majority. 1931 - 1952. An Anthology of 21 Years of Publishing. [Mit einer Widmung an Bruno und Lotte Walter].

Hamilton, Hamish (Ed.): Majority. 1931 1952. An Anthology of 21 Years of Publishing. [Mit einer..

10,00 €
Scott, Walter: The Fortunes of Nigel.

Scott, Walter: The Fortunes of Nigel.

19,00 €
Scott, Walter: The Heart of Mid-Lothian.

Scott, Walter: The Heart of Mid-Lothian.

19,00 €
Kasper, Walter: Sacrament of Unity. The Eucharist and the Church.

Kasper, Walter: Sacrament of Unity. The Eucharist and the Church.

20,00 €
Scott, Walter Sir: The Talisman. A Tale of the Crusaders and The Chronicles of the Canongate.

Scott, Walter Sir: The Talisman. A Tale of the Crusaders and The Chronicles of the Canongate.

10,00 €
Hippokrates. - Lonie, Iain M: The Hippocratic Treatises "On Generation", "On the Nature of the Child", "Diseases IV". A commentary. (= Ars Medica. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Quellenkunde der Alten Medizin. II. Abteilung Griechisch-lateinische Medizin. B

Hippokrates. Lonie, Iain M: The Hippocratic Treatises "On Generation", "On the Nature of the..

157,00 €
Duckworth, Walter Donald; Eichlin, Thomas D: A classification of the Sesiidae of America north of Mexico (Lepidoptera: Sesioidea). Occasional papers in entomology 26.

Duckworth, Walter Donald; Eichlin, Thomas D: A classification of the Sesiidae of America north of..

19,00 €
Ronte, Dieter; Walter Smerling (Hrsg.): German Art in Singapore. 30 Years of German Contemporary Art.

Ronte, Dieter; Walter Smerling (Hrsg.): German Art in Singapore. 30 Years of German Contemporary..

10,00 €
Line, Les; Hodge, Walter Henricks: The Audubon Society book of wildflowers.

Line, Les; Hodge, Walter Henricks: The Audubon Society book of wildflowers.

25,00 €
Barber, Bernard, Walter Hirsch: The sociology of science - The Role and Responsibilities of the Scientist - Discussed as Social Phenomena.

Barber, Bernard, Walter Hirsch: The sociology of science The Role and Responsibilities of the..

20,00 €
Albertina. - Introduction by Walter Ueberwasser: Drawings by european masters of the XVth to XVIIIth centuries from the Albertina. Nineteen facsimile-colourplates / Nine illustrations in the text. - From the contents: Of the art of drawing / The modern co

Albertina. Introduction by Walter Ueberwasser: Drawings by european masters of the XVth to..

33,00 €
Shawcross, Hartley (Sir): Arztschreiber in Buchenwald; Bericht des Häftlings 996 aus Block 39.

Shawcross, Hartley (Sir): Arztschreiber in Buchenwald; Bericht des Häftlings 996 aus Block 39.

60,00 €
Matsumoto, Walter M: Identification of larvae of four species of tuna from the Indo-Pacific region I. The Carlsberg Foundation's Oceanographic Expedition Round the World 1928-30, and previous "Dana"-expeditions, Dana-report 55.

Matsumoto, Walter M: Identification of larvae of four species of tuna from the Indo Pacific region..

19,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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