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250 Artikel gefunden


Basedow, Jürgen et al. (eds.): Private law in the international arena : from national conflict rules towards harmonization and unification ; liber amicorum Kurt Siehr.

Basedow, Jürgen et al. (eds.): Private law in the international arena : from national conflict..

50,00 €
Boele-Woelki, Katharina et al. (eds.): Convergence and divergence in private International law : liber amicorum Kurt Siehr.

Boele Woelki, Katharina et al. (eds.): Convergence and divergence in private International law :..

125,00 €
Wilcke, Claus: Early Ancient Near Eastern law : a history of its beginnings ; the early dynastic and Sargonic periods. Sitzungsberichte Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse ; 2003,2.

Wilcke, Claus: Early Ancient Near Eastern law : a history of its beginnings ; the early dynastic..

19,00 €
Keown, John; George, Robert P. (eds.): Reason, morality, and law : the philosophy of John Finnis.

Keown, John; George, Robert P. (eds.): Reason, morality, and law : the philosophy of John Finnis.

60,00 €
Müller, Christoph: Swiss case law in international arbitration. 2., rev. ed.

Müller, Christoph: Swiss case law in international arbitration. 2., rev. ed.

75,00 €
Bianchi, Andrea; Peat, Daniel; Windsor, M. (eds.): Interpretation in international law.

Bianchi, Andrea; Peat, Daniel; Windsor, M. (eds.): Interpretation in international law.

26,00 €
Benda-Beckmann, Franz von (Ed.): The Power of Law in a Transnational World. Anthropological Enquiries.

Benda Beckmann, Franz von (Ed.): The Power of Law in a Transnational World. Anthropological..

21,00 €
Benda-Beckmann, Franz von (Ed.): The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. No. 54-54/2006. Special Double Issue: Dynamics of Plural Legal Orders.

Benda Beckmann, Franz von (Ed.): The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. No. 54 54/2006..

24,00 €
Jano, Jack: Law of Superposition - Venice 2017. (Exhibition 12th may - 11th august 2017).

Jano, Jack: Law of Superposition - Venice 2017. (Exhibition 12th may - 11th august 2017).

28,00 €
Zweigert, Konrad; Kötz, Hein: Introduction to comparative law. 3rd revised edition.

Zweigert, Konrad; Kötz, Hein: Introduction to comparative law. 3rd revised edition.

39,00 €
Oliver, James Henry: The Athenian expounders of the sacred and ancestral law.

Oliver, James Henry: The Athenian expounders of the sacred and ancestral law.

70,00 €
Translation of the Law of civil procedure for Cuba and Porto Rico : with annotations, explanatory notes, and amendments made since the American occupation.

Translation of the Law of civil procedure for Cuba and Porto Rico : with annotations, explanatory..

95,00 €
Brierly, James L: The outlook for international law, Repr.

Brierly, James L: The outlook for international law, Repr.

14,00 €
Lesaffer, Randall (ed.): Peace treaties and international law in European history : from the late Middle Ages to World War One.

Lesaffer, Randall (ed.): Peace treaties and international law in European history : from the late..

15,00 €
Harding, Alan: Medieval law and the foundations of the state.

Harding, Alan: Medieval law and the foundations of the state.

75,00 €
Chechi, Alessandro; Renold, Marc-André (eds.): Cultural heritage law and ethics: mapping recent developments. Études en droit de l'art 26.

Chechi, Alessandro; Renold, Marc André (eds.): Cultural heritage law and ethics: mapping recent..

65,00 €
Drolshammer, Jens I. ; Pfeifer, Michael (eds.): The internationalization of the practice of law.

Drolshammer, Jens I. ; Pfeifer, Michael (eds.): The internationalization of the practice of law.

140,00 €
Mathis, Klaus (ed.): Efficiency, sustainability, and justice to future generations. Law and philosophy library 98.

Mathis, Klaus (ed.): Efficiency, sustainability, and justice to future generations. Law and..

75,00 €
Affaki, Georges et al: The draft UNCITRAL model law on secured transactions : why and how? = Le projet de loi type de la CNUDCI sur les opérations garanties : pourquoi et comment?.

Affaki, Georges et al: The draft UNCITRAL model law on secured transactions : why and how? = Le..

50,00 €
Forstmoser, P.; Sprecher, T.; Töndury, G. A: Persönliche Haftung nach Schweizer Aktienrecht : Risiken und ihre Minimierung = Personal liability under Swiss corporate law : Associated risks and their avoidance.

Forstmoser, P.; Sprecher, T.; Töndury, G. A: Persönliche Haftung nach Schweizer Aktienrecht :..

45,00 €
Christófolo, Joao Ernesto: Solving antinomies between peremptory norms in public international law. Dissertation. Thèse de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Genève 885.

Christófolo, Joao Ernesto: Solving antinomies between peremptory norms in public international..

65,00 €
Mann, Frederick Alexander: Further studies in international law.

Mann, Frederick Alexander: Further studies in international law.

125,00 €
Goldberg, Victor Paul (ed.): Readings in the economics of contract law.

Goldberg, Victor Paul (ed.): Readings in the economics of contract law.

24,00 €
The Vietnamese Land Reform Law.

The Vietnamese Land Reform Law.

46,40 €
The New Vietnam Press Law.

The New Vietnam Press Law.

76,40 €
Rapports suisses présentés au XIIème Congrès International de Droit Comparé : Sydney/Melbourne, 18   27 août 1986 = Swiss reports presented at the XIIth..

Rapports suisses présentés au XIIème Congrès International de Droit Comparé :..

45,00 €
Basu, Durga Das; Bhansali, Sanwat Raj: Human rights in constitutional law. 3. ed.

Basu, Durga Das; Bhansali, Sanwat Raj: Human rights in constitutional law. 3. ed.

250,00 €
Fawcett, James J.  (ed.): Declining jurisdiction in private international law : reports to the 14th Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Athens, August 1994.

Fawcett, James J. (ed.): Declining jurisdiction in private international law : reports to the 14th..

140,00 €
Klein, Frédéric Edouard (ed.): Colloque de Bâle sur le Rôle du Droit Public en Droit International Privé : (20 et 21 mars 1986), Rapports et..

Klein, Frédéric Edouard (ed.): Colloque de Bâle sur le Rôle du Droit Public en Droit..

24,00 €
Gilles, Peter: Prozeßrechtsvergleichung : Zustand, Bedeutung und Eigenheiten einer Rechtsdisziplin im Aufschwung ; Generalbericht zum Thema "Special features of comparative procedural law. Prozessrechtliche Abhandlungen 97.

Gilles, Peter: Prozeßrechtsvergleichung : Zustand, Bedeutung und Eigenheiten einer Rechtsdisziplin..

34,00 €
Bar, Christian von; Zimmermann, Reinhard: Grundregeln des Europäischen Vertragsrechts, Teile 1-3 in 2.

Bar, Christian von; Zimmermann, Reinhard: Grundregeln des Europäischen Vertragsrechts, Teile 1 3..

85,00 €
Tamm, Ditlev: Roman law and European legal history.

Tamm, Ditlev: Roman law and European legal history.

40,00 €
Zweigert, Konrad; Kötz, Hein: Introduction to comparative law, vol. 1 + 2 (complete). 2. rev. ed.

Zweigert, Konrad; Kötz, Hein: Introduction to comparative law, vol. 1 + 2 (complete). 2. rev. ed.

50,00 €
Markesinis, B.S.; Lorenz, W.;Dannemann, G: The law of contracts and restitution : a comparative introduction. The German law of obligations 1.

Markesinis, B.S.; Lorenz, W.;Dannemann, G: The law of contracts and restitution : a comparative..

90,00 €
Vogt, Nedim Peter (ed.): The international practice of law : liber amicorum for Thomas Bär and Robert Karrer.

Vogt, Nedim Peter (ed.): The international practice of law : liber amicorum for Thomas Bär and..

50,00 €
Stevens: Stevens' Elements of mercantile law. Ninth edition. By Herbert Jacobs.

Stevens: Stevens' Elements of mercantile law. Ninth edition. By Herbert Jacobs.

12,00 €
Law, Phillip Garth ; Béchervaise, John Mayston: ANARE : Australia's Antarctic outposts.

Law, Phillip Garth ; Béchervaise, John Mayston: ANARE : Australia's Antarctic outposts.

14,00 €
Sutton, K. C. T: Insurance Law in Australia and New Zealand.

Sutton, K. C. T: Insurance Law in Australia and New Zealand.

27,00 €
Bauen, Marc et al: Merger law - Loi sur la fusion - Fusionsgesetz - Legge sulla fusione.

Bauen, Marc et al: Merger law - Loi sur la fusion - Fusionsgesetz - Legge sulla fusione.

75,00 €
Atiyah, P. S: Pragmatism and theory in English law. The Hamlyn lectures 39.

Atiyah, P. S: Pragmatism and theory in English law. The Hamlyn lectures 39.

75,00 €
Atiyah, P. S: Promises, morals, and law.

Atiyah, P. S: Promises, morals, and law.

29,00 €
Girsberger, Daniel: Das internationale Privatrecht der nachrichtenlosen Vermögen in der Schweiz = Private international law and unclaimed assets in Switzerland. Bibliothek zur Zeitschrift für schweizerisches Recht 23.

Girsberger, Daniel: Das internationale Privatrecht der nachrichtenlosen Vermögen in der Schweiz =..

16,00 €
Nolte, Georg (ed.): Peace through International Law : The Role of the International Law Commission. Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht, Veröffentlichungen des Max..

Nolte, Georg (ed.): Peace through International Law : The Role of the International Law Commission..

65,00 €
König, Doris et al. (eds.): International law today : new challenges and the need for reform? Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht 193.

König, Doris et al. (eds.): International law today : new challenges and the need for reform?..

46,00 €
Wolfrum, Rüdiger; Röben, Volker (eds.): Developments of international law in treaty making. Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht 177.

Wolfrum, Rüdiger; Röben, Volker (eds.): Developments of international law in treaty making..

80,00 €
Khort, Iuliia: The proportionality of the European Benchmark Regulation. Dissertation. International perspectives on commercial and financial law 02.

Khort, Iuliia: The proportionality of the European Benchmark Regulation. Dissertation..

85,00 €
Brugger, Winfried; Karayanni, Michael (eds.): Religion in the public sphere: a comparative analysis of German, Israeli, American and international law. Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht 190.

Brugger, Winfried; Karayanni, Michael (eds.): Religion in the public sphere: a comparative analysis..

75,00 €
Bodnar, Adam et al. (eds.): The emerging constitutional law of the European Union : German and Polish perspectives. Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht 163.

Bodnar, Adam et al. (eds.): The emerging constitutional law of the European Union : German and..

30,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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