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250 Artikel gefunden


Wolfrum, Rüdiger; Philipp, Christiane (eds.): United Nations : law, policies and practice, vol. 1 + 2 (complete).

Wolfrum, Rüdiger; Philipp, Christiane (eds.): United Nations : law, policies and practice, vol. 1..

450,00 €
Vöneky, Silja et al. (eds.): Ethik und Recht - Die Ethisierung des Rechts/Ethics and Law - The Ethicalization of Law. Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht 240.

Vöneky, Silja et al. (eds.): Ethik und Recht Die Ethisierung des Rechts/Ethics and Law The..

65,00 €
Emery, Clyde: Energy Methods : Keeping fresh under the Pressure of Law Practice.

Emery, Clyde: Energy Methods : Keeping fresh under the Pressure of Law Practice.

23,00 €
Parkinson, C. Northcote: Parkinson's Law or The Pursuit of Progress.

Parkinson, C. Northcote: Parkinson's Law or The Pursuit of Progress.

11,00 €
Montgomery of Alamein, Bernard Law: A Concise History of Warefare.

Montgomery of Alamein, Bernard Law: A Concise History of Warefare.

10,00 €
Fiedler, Herbert; Haft, Fritjof; Traunmüller, Roland (Editors): Expert Systems in Law - Impacts on Legal Theory and Computer Law.

Fiedler, Herbert; Haft, Fritjof; Traunmüller, Roland (Editors): Expert Systems in Law Impacts on..

20,00 €
Morse, Wayne L: A survey of the Grand Jury System. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Oregon Law Review S., 119-275.

Morse, Wayne L: A survey of the Grand Jury System. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Oregon Law Review..

30,00 €
Ball, R. J.; Doyle, Peter (eds.): Inflation : selected readings Penguin education. X, Law and society 32.

Ball, R. J.; Doyle, Peter (eds.): Inflation : selected readings Penguin education. X, Law and..

9,00 €
de Winter, Solomonica: Das Gesetz der Natur - Roman - Originaltitel: Natural Law.

de Winter, Solomonica: Das Gesetz der Natur - Roman - Originaltitel: Natural Law.

20,00 €
Berty Skuber. Under Penalty of Law. Introduction Henry Martin. On the occasion of the exhibitions at Emily Harvey Gallery, New York ; Archivio Emily Harvey..

Berty Skuber. Under Penalty of Law. Introduction Henry Martin. On the occasion of the exhibitions..

27,00 €
Samhaber, Ernst: Der Magier des Kredits; Glück und Unglück des John Law of Lauriston.

Samhaber, Ernst: Der Magier des Kredits; Glück und Unglück des John Law of Lauriston.

19,00 €
Abraham, David: Individual Autonomy and Collective Empowerment in Labor Law: Union Membership Resignations and Strikebreaking in the New Economy (New York University Review Volume 63 Number 6 December 1988).

Abraham, David: Individual Autonomy and Collective Empowerment in Labor Law: Union Membership..

7,00 €
Martindale-Hubbell: Law Directory, Volume 1 - 4 (vollständig); A Biographical Directory; Herausgeber: American Council of Lerned Societies (ACLS).

Martindale Hubbell: Law Directory, Volume 1 4 (vollständig); A Biographical Directory;..

140,00 €
Green Lantern - The Third Law - Prologue / NOV 92

Green Lantern - The Third Law - Prologue / NOV 92

8,00 €
Vellard, Henri: Etude sur le patent law anglais. Dissertation.

Vellard, Henri: Etude sur le patent law anglais. Dissertation.

45,00 €
Bryan, James Wallace: The development of the English law of conspiracy. Dissertation.

Bryan, James Wallace: The development of the English law of conspiracy. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Ramadan, Said: Islamic law : its scope and equity.

Ramadan, Said: Islamic law : its scope and equity.

70,00 €
Prosser, William L: Handbook of the law of torts. The Hornbook Series.

Prosser, William L: Handbook of the law of torts. The Hornbook Series.

20,00 €
Riasanovsky, Valentin Aleksandrovich: Customary law of the nomadic tribes of Siberia. Indiana University Publications: Uralic and Altaic Series 48.

Riasanovsky, Valentin Aleksandrovich: Customary law of the nomadic tribes of Siberia. Indiana..

24,00 €
Guernsey, Martha: A Study of liminal sound intensities and the application of Weber's law to tones of different pitch. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The American Journal of Psychology.33, S. 554-569.

Guernsey, Martha: A Study of liminal sound intensities and the application of Weber's law to tones..

11,00 €
Taylor, Hasseltine Byrd: Law of guardian and ward. Dissertation.

Taylor, Hasseltine Byrd: Law of guardian and ward. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Linfield, Harry Sebee: The relation of Jewish to Babylonian law Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures 36, S. 40-66.

Linfield, Harry Sebee: The relation of Jewish to Babylonian law Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The..

14,00 €
Creech, Margaret: Three centuries of poor law administration : a study of legislation in Rhode Island. Dissertation.

Creech, Margaret: Three centuries of poor law administration : a study of legislation in Rhode..

25,00 €
Weyand, Lorenzo Dow: A study of wage-payment to prisoners as a penal method. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of criminal law and criminology 10.

Weyand, Lorenzo Dow: A study of wage payment to prisoners as a penal method. Dissertation..

25,00 €
Murchison, Carl Allanmore: American white criminal intelligence. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of criminal law and criminology 15, S. 239-316 u. 435-494.

Murchison, Carl Allanmore: American white criminal intelligence. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

30,00 €
Huang, Ting-young: The doctrine of rebus sic stantibus in international law. Dissertation.

Huang, Ting-young: The doctrine of rebus sic stantibus in international law. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Greenfield, Kent Roberts: Sumptuary law in Nürnberg : a study in paternal government. Dissertation.

Greenfield, Kent Roberts: Sumptuary law in Nürnberg : a study in paternal government..

45,00 €
Morris, Richard Brandon: Studies in the history of American law with special reference to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Dissertation.

Morris, Richard Brandon: Studies in the history of American law with special reference to the..

35,00 €
Mullett, Charles Frederic: Fundamental Law and the American Revolution 1760 - 1776. Dissertation.

Mullett, Charles Frederic: Fundamental Law and the American Revolution 1760 - 1776. Dissertation.

40,00 €
Waits, John Virgil: The law of effect in the retained situation. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 208.

Waits, John Virgil: The law of effect in the retained situation. Dissertation. Archives of..

20,00 €
Stephens, J. M: The influence of different stimuli upon preceding bonds : an examination of the law of effect. Dissertation.

Stephens, J. M: The influence of different stimuli upon preceding bonds : an examination of the law..

30,00 €
Wood, Francis, Asbury: I. Verner's law in gothic ; II. The reduplicating verbs in germanic. Dissertation.

Wood, Francis, Asbury: I. Verner's law in gothic ; II. The reduplicating verbs in germanic..

20,00 €
Wilsey, Elwyn Donald: Roman world philosophy : the unity of empire, religion, and law in the conception of a system of the world. Dissertation.

Wilsey, Elwyn Donald: Roman world philosophy : the unity of empire, religion, and law in the..

40,00 €
Thomas, Cromwell Holmes: Problems of contempt of court : a study in law and public policy. Dissertation.

Thomas, Cromwell Holmes: Problems of contempt of court : a study in law and public policy..

25,00 €
Wilson, James R: Lease security deposits. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Columbia law review 34, S. 427 - 472, App. 1 - 27 S.

Wilson, James R: Lease security deposits. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Columbia law review 34, S..

15,00 €
Carter, James Treat: The nature of the corporation as a legal entity : with especial reference to the law of Maryland. Dissertation.

Carter, James Treat: The nature of the corporation as a legal entity : with especial reference to..

25,00 €
Lauchheimer, Malcolm Horace: The labor law of Maryland. Dissertation.

Lauchheimer, Malcolm Horace: The labor law of Maryland. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Conant, Carlos Everett: The pepet law in Philippine languages. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Sonderdruck aus: Anthropos 7, S. 920-947.

Conant, Carlos Everett: The pepet law in Philippine languages. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

14,00 €
Air Ministry: Manual of air force law. 2. Ed.

Air Ministry: Manual of air force law. 2. Ed.

20,00 €
Vold, Lawrence: Handbook of the law of sales. Hornbook series.

Vold, Lawrence: Handbook of the law of sales. Hornbook series.

30,00 €
Singh, Nagendra: Nuclear weapons and international law.

Singh, Nagendra: Nuclear weapons and international law.

21,00 €
Bulajic, Milan: Principles of international development law : progressive development of the principles of international law relating to the new international economic order.

Bulajic, Milan: Principles of international development law : progressive development of the..

40,00 €
Laitos, Jan G: Natural Resources Law. Cases and materials. American Casebook Series.

Laitos, Jan G: Natural Resources Law. Cases and materials. American Casebook Series.

50,00 €
Roger W. Findley; Daniel A. Farber: Cases and materials on environmental law. 3. Ed. American casebook series.

Roger W. Findley; Daniel A. Farber: Cases and materials on environmental law. 3. Ed. American..

45,00 €
Bonine, John E. ; MacGarity, Thomas O: The law of environmental protection : cases, legislation, policies. 2. Ed. American casebook series.

Bonine, John E. ; MacGarity, Thomas O: The law of environmental protection : cases, legislation..

50,00 €
Plater, Z. J. B.; Abrams, R. H.; Goldfarb, W: Environmental law and policy : nature, law, and society. 2. Printing. American casebook series.

Plater, Z. J. B.; Abrams, R. H.; Goldfarb, W: Environmental law and policy : nature, law, and..

60,00 €
Dowling, Noel T: 1961 Supplement - Cases on Constitutional Law. Supplementary material to sixth edition.

Dowling, Noel T: 1961 Supplement Cases on Constitutional Law. Supplementary material to sixth..

20,00 €
Logue, Dennis E.; Sweeney, Richard James: Economics and the Law of the Sea Negociations. Original Paper 6.

Logue, Dennis E.; Sweeney, Richard James: Economics and the Law of the Sea Negociations. Original..

19,00 €
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