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286 Artikel gefunden


Nearing, Scott + Freemann. Joseph: Dollar-Diplomatie; Eine Studie über amerikanischen Imperialismus.

Nearing, Scott + Freemann. Joseph: Dollar Diplomatie; Eine Studie über amerikanischen..

30,00 €
Kissinger, Henry A: Memoiren. (Band 1:) 1968 - 1973.

Kissinger, Henry A: Memoiren. (Band 1:) 1968 - 1973.

20,00 €
Chorley, R. J.; Beckinsale, R. P.; Dunn, A. J: The history of the study of landforms or the development of geomorphology; Vol. 1: Geomorphology before Davis; vol. 2: The life and work of William Morris Davis (2 Bände, komplett).

Chorley, R. J.; Beckinsale, R. P.; Dunn, A. J: The history of the study of landforms or the..

30,00 €
Traveller from Tokyo

Traveller from Tokyo

5,00 €
Rasmussen, Knud: Grønland langs Polhavet : Udforskningen af Grønland fra Melvillebugten til Kap Morris Jesup : Skildring af den II. Thule-Ekspedition 1916-18.

Rasmussen, Knud: Grønland langs Polhavet : Udforskningen af Grønland fra Melvillebugten til Kap..

35,00 €
Thompson, Morris M: Maps for America : cartographic products of the U. S. Geological Survey and others; a centennial volume, 1879 - 1977.

Thompson, Morris M: Maps for America : cartographic products of the U. S. Geological Survey and..

19,00 €
Samson, Morris: Das sog. Selbstkontrahiren [Selbstkontrahieren] nach gemeinem Recht und bürgerlichem Gesetzbuch. Dissertation.

Samson, Morris: Das sog. Selbstkontrahiren [Selbstkontrahieren] nach gemeinem Recht und..

19,00 €
Morris-Jones, D. R.; J. J. Cook (Co-Chairman): Proceedings of the International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. Third Thematic Conference : "Remote Sensing for Exploration Geology". 16-19 April 1984. vol I + II (complete).

Morris Jones, D. R.; J. J. Cook (Co Chairman): Proceedings of the International Symposium on Remote..

90,00 €
Alden, William C.; Leighton, Morris M: The Iowan drift : a review of the evidences of the Iowan stage of glaciation; a co-pperative study for the U.S. Geological Survey and the Iowa Geological Survey. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Iowa Geological Survey

Alden, William C.; Leighton, Morris M: The Iowan drift : a review of the evidences of the Iowan..

14,00 €
Morris, Elizabeth Hunt: Personal traits and success in teaching. Dissertation.

Morris, Elizabeth Hunt: Personal traits and success in teaching. Dissertation.

9,00 €
Morris, John T: Considerations in establishing a junior college. Dissertation.

Morris, John T: Considerations in establishing a junior college. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Buchsbaum, Ralph Morris: Size of explant and volume of medium in tissue cultures. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The journal of experimental zoology 63, S. 483 - 508.

Buchsbaum, Ralph Morris: Size of explant and volume of medium in tissue cultures. Dissertation..

15,00 €
Gillette, John Morris: Culture agencies of a typical manufacturing group: South Chicago. Dissertation.

Gillette, John Morris: Culture agencies of a typical manufacturing group: South Chicago..

30,00 €
Morris, Lyle Leon: The single salary schedule : an analysis and evaluation. Dissertation.

Morris, Lyle Leon: The single salary schedule : an analysis and evaluation. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Morris, Richard Brandon: Studies in the history of American law with special reference to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Dissertation.

Morris, Richard Brandon: Studies in the history of American law with special reference to the..

35,00 €
McLees, Mary Hunter: A study of the elementary teaching personnel of Hunterdon, Morris, Sussex, and Warren counties, New Jersey : with particular reference to the state program of teacher training. Dissertation.

McLees, Mary Hunter: A study of the elementary teaching personnel of Hunterdon, Morris, Sussex, and..

30,00 €
Morris, Frederick K: Central Asia in cretaceous time. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the Geological society of America 47, 1477-1533.

Morris, Frederick K: Central Asia in cretaceous time. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of..

15,00 €
Speare, Morris Edmund: The Political Novel : Its Development in 19th Century England from Robert Plumer Ward to Mr. H. G. Wells. Dissertation.

Speare, Morris Edmund: The Political Novel : Its Development in 19th Century England from Robert..

14,00 €
Dobson, Ronald M.; Morris, Marjory G: Observations on emergence and life-span of wheat bulb fly, Leptohylemyia coarctata (Fall.), under field-cage conditions. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of Entomological Research 51, 803-821.

Dobson, Ronald M.; Morris, Marjory G: Observations on emergence and life span of wheat bulb fly..

9,00 €
Morris, Robert W: Clasping Mechanism of the Cottid Fish Oligocottus snyderi Greeley. Sonderdruck aus: Pacific Science 10, 314-317.

Morris, Robert W: Clasping Mechanism of the Cottid Fish Oligocottus snyderi Greeley. Sonderdruck..

8,00 €
Snow, Laetitia Morris: The Development of root hairs. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Botanical gazette 15, S. 12 - 48.

Snow, Laetitia Morris: The Development of root hairs. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Botanical..

15,00 €
Stockhammer, Morris: Kant-Essays.

Stockhammer, Morris: Kant-Essays.

30,00 €
Zirkel, Manfred: Mensch und Mythos : der mittlere Westen im Romanwerk von Wright Morris. Dissertation. Studien zur Germanistik, Anglistik und Komparatistik Bd. 60.

Zirkel, Manfred: Mensch und Mythos : der mittlere Westen im Romanwerk von Wright Morris..

16,00 €
Morris, R C ; R C Horwitz: The origin of the iron-formation-rich Hamersley Group of Western Australia - deposition on a platform. Sonderdruck aus: Precambrian Research 21, 273-297.

Morris, R C ; R C Horwitz: The origin of the iron formation rich Hamersley Group of Western..

9,00 €
Robert Morris. Works of the Eighties.

Robert Morris. Works of the Eighties.

35,00 €
Meyer, James (Hrsg.): Minimalismus.

Meyer, James (Hrsg.): Minimalismus.

200,00 €
Morris, William: Ein paar Winke über das Musterzeichnen.

Morris, William: Ein paar Winke über das Musterzeichnen.

50,00 €
Morris, William: The Story of Cupid and Psyche, with illustrations designed by Edward Burne-Jones, mostly engraved on the wood by William Morris. [ One of 270 copies (total 500) of the eighth publication of the Clover Hill Editions, printed on the Rampant

Morris, William: The Story of Cupid and Psyche, with illustrations designed by Edward Burne Jones..

1.200,00 €
Crane, Walter: The First of May. A Fairy Masque. Presented in a Series of 52 Designs. Eines von 300 nummerierten und vom Autor signierten Exemplaren.

Crane, Walter: The First of May. A Fairy Masque. Presented in a Series of 52 Designs. Eines von 300..

300,00 €
(Barten, Sigrid): William Morris 1834-1896. Persönlichkeit und Werk.

(Barten, Sigrid): William Morris 1834-1896. Persönlichkeit und Werk.

20,00 €
Fried, Michael: Morris Louis. Text by Michael Fried.

Fried, Michael: Morris Louis. Text by Michael Fried.

100,00 €
Eitelberg, Morris: Das Aggregationsverhalten der Thrombozyten im PAT-III bei einem Patientenkollektiv einer Kurklinik für Herzkreislauf- und rheumatische Erkrankungen. Dissertation.

Eitelberg, Morris: Das Aggregationsverhalten der Thrombozyten im PAT III bei einem..

14,00 €
Keefe, William J. ; Ogul, Morris S: The American legislative process : congress and the States. 7. Ed.

Keefe, William J. ; Ogul, Morris S: The American legislative process : congress and the States. 7..

20,00 €
Morris, J. H. C: The Conflict of Laws. 2nd Ed.

Morris, J. H. C: The Conflict of Laws. 2nd Ed.

15,00 €
League, Richard: Psycholinguistic Matrices. Investigation Into Osgood and Morris.

League, Richard: Psycholinguistic Matrices. Investigation Into Osgood and Morris.

25,00 €
West, Morris L: Das Meisterwerk.

West, Morris L: Das Meisterwerk.

4,00 €
Morris, Gerda: Um deines Geldes willen.

Morris, Gerda: Um deines Geldes willen.

4,00 €
HEAP, P. F., Jones, C. W., Morris, J., F., Pickering, B. T-: Movement of neurosecretory product through the anatomical compartments of the neural lobe of the pituitary gland. An electron microscopic autoradiographic study.

HEAP, P. F., Jones, C. W., Morris, J., F., Pickering, B. T : Movement of neurosecretory product..

4,00 €
Goscinny & Morris: Lucky Luke. Dalton City.

Goscinny & Morris: Lucky Luke. Dalton City.

6,00 €
West, Morris L: The Salamander.

West, Morris L: The Salamander.

4,00 €
Berman, Morris: Wieder Verzauberung der Welt., Am Ende des Newtonschen Zeitalters.

Berman, Morris: Wieder Verzauberung der Welt., Am Ende des Newtonschen Zeitalters.

16,00 €
West, Morris L: Der Botschafter.

West, Morris L: Der Botschafter.

4,00 €
West, Morris L: Des Teufels Advokat.

West, Morris L: Des Teufels Advokat.

4,00 €
West, Morris L: Tochter des Schweigens.

West, Morris L: Tochter des Schweigens.

4,00 €
Eagle, Morris N: Recent developments in Psychoanalysis., A critical evaluation.

Eagle, Morris N: Recent developments in Psychoanalysis., A critical evaluation.

9,00 €
Morris, Desmond: Dogwatching. Die Körpersprache des Hundes.

Morris, Desmond: Dogwatching. Die Körpersprache des Hundes.

4,00 €
Morris, Desmond: Der Menschen-Zoo.

Morris, Desmond: Der Menschen-Zoo.

4,00 €
Morris & Goscinny: Lucky Luke.. Jesse James.,.

Morris & Goscinny: Lucky Luke.. Jesse James.,.

4,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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