Araki, Nobuyoshi. A Nikki. (Ein Tagebuch, A diary). Tokyo, Lithofort 1995. Quer-8°. [104] Bl. mit farb. Abb., [4] Bl. (Text). OLn. mit farbig illustr. OU. u. Orig.-Bauchbinde (″Obi“).
Erste Ausgabe. – „Nobuyoshi Araki – the best known and most controversal Japanese photographer, who produced around three hundred books is a unique phenomenon in nude photography. … His insistence on photographing the public area was in defiance of censorship; on several occasions his exhibitions were shut down by the police, who confiscated his works and arrested Araki and his assistants on the spot“ (A. Bertolotti zu Otoko to onna no aida niwa kamera ga aru, Tokio 1978). – Tadellos.
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