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28 Artikel gefunden




320,00 €
Theater und Philharmonie Essen, Otmar Herren, Heidrun Schwaarz, Wolfgang Binal, Bernward Kraft: Programmheft BALLETT IM AALTO BALLETTABEND R. North /H. van Manen / N. Christe Premiere 19. November 1993 Spielzeit 1993 / 94.

Theater und Philharmonie Essen, Otmar Herren, Heidrun Schwaarz, Wolfgang Binal, Bernward Kraft:..

16,90 €
Korniss, Peter. - Introduction by Professor Robert D. Miewald of the  University of Nebraska: The Land of Red Cloud, among North-America' s  Indians. - Contents: North-American Indians / The Present / The Future / The vanished Peoples / On the Northwest C

Korniss, Peter. Introduction by Professor Robert D. Miewald of the University of Nebraska: The..

42,00 €
The Geographical Journal.

The Geographical Journal.

764,79 €
Lewis-Jones, Huw und Kari Herbert: Kosmos grosser Entdecker - Leben, Skizzen und Notizen.

Lewis-Jones, Huw und Kari Herbert: Kosmos grosser Entdecker - Leben, Skizzen und Notizen.

15,90 €
Polytechnisches Journal. Hrsg. v. Johann Gottfried  Dingler, Emil Maximilian Dingler und Julius Hermann Schultes: Polytechnisches Journal. Band LXIX. Heft 4,  Zweites  August=Heft  1838. (= 19. Jahrgang, 16. Heft). Eine Zeitschrift zur Verbreitung gemeinn

Polytechnisches Journal. Hrsg. v. Johann Gottfried Dingler, Emil Maximilian Dingler und Julius..

27,00 €
North, Robert: Medicine in the Biblical Background, and Other Essays on the Origins of Hebrew. [= Analecta Biblica, 139].

North, Robert: Medicine in the Biblical Background, and Other Essays on the Origins of Hebrew. [=..

25,00 €
Hubbs, Carl L.; Miller, Robert R.; Hubbs, Laura C: Hydrographic history and relict fishes of the north-central Great Basin. Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences 7.

Hubbs, Carl L.; Miller, Robert R.; Hubbs, Laura C: Hydrographic history and relict fishes of the..

45,00 €
Rehn, James A G ; Robert L Randell: Boonacris, a New Generic Component of the North American Melanoplini (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Cyrtacanthacridinae). Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 88, 105-182.

Rehn, James A G ; Robert L Randell: Boonacris, a New Generic Component of the North American..

14,00 €
Grigarick, Albert A. ; Schuster, Robert O: Discrimination of genera of Euplectini of North and Central America (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). University of California Publications in entomology 87.

Grigarick, Albert A. ; Schuster, Robert O: Discrimination of genera of Euplectini of North and..

24,00 €
Wagner, Robert Herman: Upper westphalian and stephanian species of Alethopteris from Europe, Asia minor and North America, vol 1: text, col. 2: plates. Dissertation.

Wagner, Robert Herman: Upper westphalian and stephanian species of Alethopteris from Europe, Asia..

40,00 €
Kanazawa, Robert H: Variations in the wolf eel, Anarrhichthys ocellutus Ayres, a fish inhabiting the eastern North Pacific Ocean. Sonderdruck aus: California fish and game 38, 567-574.

Kanazawa, Robert H: Variations in the wolf eel, Anarrhichthys ocellutus Ayres, a fish inhabiting..

9,00 €
Miller, Robert Rush; Carl L Hubbs: Systematics of Gasterosteus aculeatus, with Particular Reference to Intergradation and Introgression along the Pacific Coast of North America: A Commentary on a Recent Contribution. Sonderdruck aus: Copeis 1969/1, 52-69.

Miller, Robert Rush; Carl L Hubbs: Systematics of Gasterosteus aculeatus, with Particular Reference..

9,00 €
Cushman, Robert Asa: The North American ichneumon-flies, new and described, with taxonomic and nomenclatorial notes. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 58,2334.

Cushman, Robert Asa: The North American ichneumon flies, new and described, with taxonomic and..

15,00 €
Cushman, Robert Asa: North American ichneumon-flies of the genera Clistopyga and Schizopyga. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 60,2399.

Cushman, Robert Asa: North American ichneumon flies of the genera Clistopyga and Schizopyga..

15,00 €
Cushman, Robert Asa: The North American ichneumon-flies of the tribe Ephialtini. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 58,2340.

Cushman, Robert Asa: The North American ichneumon flies of the tribe Ephialtini. Proceedings of the..

15,00 €
Anderson, Robert ; Pack, Robert W: Geology and oil resources of the west border of the San Joaquin Valley north of Coalinga, California. United States Geological Survey, Department of the Interior Bulletin 603.

Anderson, Robert ; Pack, Robert W: Geology and oil resources of the west border of the San Joaquin..

30,00 €
Cheney, Robert E: Comparison data for SEASAT altimetry in the western North Atlantic. NASA technical memorandum 82069.

Cheney, Robert E: Comparison data for SEASAT altimetry in the western North Atlantic. NASA..

15,00 €
Cushman, Robert Asa: A revision of the North American species of ichneumon-flies of the genus Odontomerus. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 77,2826.

Cushman, Robert Asa: A revision of the North American species of ichneumon flies of the genus..

12,00 €
Fouts, Robert M: Revision of the North American wasps of the subfamily Platygasterinae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 63,2484.

Fouts, Robert M: Revision of the North American wasps of the subfamily Platygasterinae. Proceedings..

16,00 €
Cushman, Robert Asa: A revision of the North American ichneumon-flies of the genus Mesostenus and related genera. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 74,2761.

Cushman, Robert Asa: A revision of the North American ichneumon flies of the genus Mesostenus and..

16,00 €
Cushman, Robert Asa: Ten new North American ichneumon-flies. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 67,2595.

Cushman, Robert Asa: Ten new North American ichneumon flies. Proceedings of the United States..

12,00 €
Marschalko, Robert: Sedimentologic investigation of marginal lithofacies in Flysch of central Carpathians (the North of Cierna Hora and the East of Branisko). Aus. Geol. Prace 60, 197-230.

Marschalko, Robert: Sedimentologic investigation of marginal lithofacies in Flysch of central..

9,00 €
Junod, Roger-Louis u. a: Le peintre Charles Robert.

Junod, Roger-Louis u. a: Le peintre Charles Robert.

70,00 €
Cushman, Robert Asa,; Rohwer, S. A: The North American ichneumon-flies of the tribe Acoenitini. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 57,2320.

Cushman, Robert Asa,; Rohwer, S. A: The North American ichneumon flies of the tribe Acoenitini..

15,00 €
Cushman, Robert Asa: Descriptions of new North American ichneumon-flies. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 55,2284.

Cushman, Robert Asa: Descriptions of new North American ichneumon flies. Proceedings of the United..

15,00 €
Cushman, Robert Asa: The North American ichneumon-flies of the tribes Lycorini, Polysphinctini, and the Theroniini. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 58,2326.

Cushman, Robert Asa: The North American ichneumon flies of the tribes Lycorini, Polysphinctini, and..

15,00 €
Pyle, Robert Michael: The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Butterflies.

Pyle, Robert Michael: The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Butterflies.

10,00 €
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