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7.398 Artikel gefunden


Singerland, M. V: The Cigar-Case-Bearer In Western New York. (= Bulletin 93, May, 1895. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station.Entomological Division).

Singerland, M. V: The Cigar Case Bearer In Western New York. (= Bulletin 93, May, 1895. Cornell..

13,00 €
Slingerland, M. V: The Grape Root-Worm a New Grape Pest in New York. (= Bulletin 184, November, 1900. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N. Y. Entomological Division).

Slingerland, M. V: The Grape Root Worm a New Grape Pest in New York. (= Bulletin 184, November..

13,00 €
Slingerland, M.V: The Army-worm in New York. (= Bulletin 133, April, 1897. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Ithaca, N. Y. Entomological Division).

Slingerland, M.V: The Army worm in New York. (= Bulletin 133, April, 1897. Cornell University..

13,00 €
Slingerland, M. V: A Plum Scale in Western New York. (= Bulletin 83, December, 1894. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station. Entomological Division).

Slingerland, M. V: A Plum Scale in Western New York. (= Bulletin 83, December, 1894. Cornell..

13,00 €
Lyon, T. L. and Bizzell, J. A. // Lyon, T. Lyttleton; Bizzell, James A. and Conn, H. Joel // Lyon, T. Lyttleton and Bizzell, James A: Lyon, T. L. and Bizzell, J. A.: A Heretofore unnoted Benefit from the Growth of Legumes. (Bulletin No. 294: p. 363-374) /

Lyon, T. L. and Bizzell, J. A. // Lyon, T. Lyttleton; Bizzell, James A. and Conn, H. Joel // Lyon..

47,00 €
Dendrick, M. Slade // Ross, H. A. // Booth, J. F. // Perregaux, E. A. // Canon, Helen: Dendrick, M. Slade: An Index Number of Farm Taxes in New York, and Ist Relation to Various Other Economic Factors. (Bulletin 457: p. 1-47) // Ross, H. A.: The Demand Si

Dendrick, M. Slade // Ross, H. A. // Booth, J. F. // Perregaux, E. A. // Canon, Helen: Dendrick, M..

47,00 €
Roberts, I. P. // Roberts, I. P. // Roberts, I. P. and Wing, Henry H. //  Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H. // Slingerland, Mark Vernon // Bailey, L. H. // Wing, Henry H. // Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H: Roberts, I. P.: Bulletin of the Agricultural Experime

Roberts, I. P. // Roberts, I. P. // Roberts, I. P. and Wing, Henry H. // Bailey, L. H. // Bailey..

47,00 €
Felt, Ephraim Porter // Law, James // Bailey, L. H. // Lodeman, E. G. // Law, James // Bailey, L. H. // Wing, H. H. // Pettit, R. H. // Bailey, L. H. and Powell, G. H: Felt, Ephraim Porter: On Certain Grass-Eating Insects. (Bulletin 64: p.45-102 , Plate I

Felt, Ephraim Porter // Law, James // Bailey, L. H. // Lodeman, E. G. // Law, James // Bailey, L..

47,00 €
Allred, K. R.; Kennedy, W. K.; Wittwer, L. S.; Trimberger, G. W.; Reid, J. T.; Loosli, J. K. // Allred, K. R.; Kennedy, W. K.; Wittwer, L. S.; Trimberger, G. W.; Reid, J. T.; Loosli, J. K.; Turk, K. L. // Davis, R. F.; Trimberger, G. W.; Turk, K. L. and L

Allred, K. R.; Kennedy, W. K.; Wittwer, L. S.; Trimberger, G. W.; Reid, J. T.; Loosli, J. K. //..

47,00 €
Duggar, B. M. and Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H. and Miller, Wilhelm // Agricultural Extension Work // Bailey, L. H. // Moore, Veranus A. // Roberts, I. P. // Miller, Wilhelm // Law, James // Wing, H. H. // Wing, Henry H. and Anderson, Leroy: Duggar, B. M

Duggar, B. M. and Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H. and Miller, Wilhelm // Agricultural Extension Work..

47,00 €
Scoville, G. P. and LaMont, T. E. // Bucknam, R. F. // Lyon, T. L. // Williams, Faith M. and Lockwood, Julia E. // Gilbert, C. W: Scoville, G. P. and LaMont, T. E.: Apple Varieties: Prices, Yields, and Acreages (Bulletin 495: p. 1-104) // Bucknam, R. F.:

Scoville, G. P. and LaMont, T. E. // Bucknam, R. F. // Lyon, T. L. // Williams, Faith M. and..

47,00 €
Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H.; Miller, Wilhelm and Hunn, C. E. // Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H. // Slingerland, M. V. // Wyman, A. P. and Kains, M. G. // Roberts, I. P. and Clinton, L. A. // Willard, S. D. and Bailey, L. H: Bailey, L. H.: Evaporated Ras

Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H.; Miller, Wilhelm and Hunn, C. E. // Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H..

47,00 €
Misner, E. G. // Gabriel, Harry S. // Thompson, H. C. // Misner, E. G. // Corbett, Roger B: Misner, E. G.: The Marketing of Cabbage. (Bulletin 443: p. 1-137) // Gabriel, Harry S.: Index Numbers of Freight Rates and Their Relation to Agricultural Prices an

Misner, E. G. // Gabriel, Harry S. // Thompson, H. C. // Misner, E. G. // Corbett, Roger B: Misner..

47,00 €
Gilbert, C. W. // Muenscher, W. C. // Knott, J. E. // Price, Walter V. and Whitaker, Randall // Herrick, Glenn W. // Knott, J. E. // Canon, Helen: Gilbert, C. W.: Motor Trucks on New York Farms. (Bulletin 507: p. 1-55) // Muenscher, W. C.: Lead-Arsenate E

Gilbert, C. W. // Muenscher, W. C. // Knott, J. E. // Price, Walter V. and Whitaker, Randall //..

47,00 €
Walker, C. L. and others // Spencer, Leland // Noble, Clarence Vernon // Bartlett, R. W: Walker, C. L. and others: Studies on the Treatment and the Disposal of Dairy Wastes. (Bulletin 425: p. 1-170, Charts complete) // Spencer, Leland: Economic Study of R

Walker, C. L. and others // Spencer, Leland // Noble, Clarence Vernon // Bartlett, R. W: Walker, C..

47,00 €
Dennis, E.S. / D.J. Llewellyn (Eds.): Molecular Approaches to Crop  Improvement (Plant Gene Research - Basic Knowledge and  Application ed. by E.S.Dennis / B.Hohn / Th.Hohn / P.J.king / J. Schell / D.P.S. Verma).

Dennis, E.S. / D.J. Llewellyn (Eds.): Molecular Approaches to Crop Improvement (Plant Gene..

13,00 €
Bentzon, Th. (Therese) / Albert Lynch (Illustr.): Jacqueline. Translated by Mrs.Elizabeth Wormeley Latimer. With illustrations by Albert Lynch.

Bentzon, Th. (Therese) / Albert Lynch (Illustr.): Jacqueline. Translated by Mrs.Elizabeth Wormeley..

67,00 €
Duyckinck, E. A: Geschichte des Krieges für die Union, Politisch und militärisch nach offiziellen und andern authentischen Dokumenten beschrieben. Komplett in zwei Bänden. Deutsch bearbeitet von Friedrich Kapp.

Duyckinck, E. A: Geschichte des Krieges für die Union, Politisch und militärisch nach offiziellen..

487,00 €
Weaver, F. P. // Chester Tolle and L. A. Maynard // Lyon, T. L.  // Marble D.R., Hall, G.O.  // Stove, Howard J.  // Staker, E. V. and Wilson, B.D.  // Maynard, L. A. and McCay, C. M: Weaver, F. P.: A Survey of Some Public Produce Markets in Up-State New

Weaver, F. P. // Chester Tolle and L. A. Maynard // Lyon, T. L. // Marble D.R., Hall, G.O. //..

47,00 €
Alvim, Paulo de T. ; Kozlowski, T.T: Ecophysiology of Tropical Crops.

Alvim, Paulo de T. ; Kozlowski, T.T: Ecophysiology of Tropical Crops.

24,00 €
Benton, Alva H: An introduction of the marketing of farm products.

Benton, Alva H: An introduction of the marketing of farm products.

13,00 €
Edinburgh: Edinburgh and its neighbourhood. Nelsons´ pictorial guide-books.

Edinburgh: Edinburgh and its neighbourhood. Nelsons´ pictorial guide-books.

47,00 €
Regitz, Hartmut ; Tylor, Paul ; Ailey, Alvin u.a. -Hrsg: Jahrbuch Ballett 1986 / Ballett international 1988 / Paul Taylor Dance Company New York 1987 ;  Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater 1987 ; Tanz aktuell Mai 1988 3. Jahrg. No. V ; Nederlands Dans Thea

Regitz, Hartmut ; Tylor, Paul ; Ailey, Alvin u.a. Hrsg: Jahrbuch Ballett 1986 / Ballett..

27,00 €
Rasmussen, M. P: Some Facts Concerning the Distribution of Fruits an Vegetables by Wholesalers and Jobbers in Large Terminal Markets. Published by the Cornell University Agricultural Experiments Station,  Ithaka, New York. Bulletin 494, October 1929.

Rasmussen, M. P: Some Facts Concerning the Distribution of Fruits an Vegetables by Wholesalers and..

15,00 €
Wiggans, R. G: Varietal Experiments with Soybeans in New York. Published by the Cornell University Agricultural Experiments Station,  Ithaka,  New York. Bulletin 491, July 1929.

Wiggans, R. G: Varietal Experiments with Soybeans in New York. Published by the Cornell University..

13,00 €
Russell, Charles Edward (1860-1941): The greatest trust in the world.

Russell, Charles Edward (1860-1941): The greatest trust in the world.

23,00 €
Strümpel, Hans: Homoptera (Pflanzensauger). (=Handbuch der Zoologie / Handbook of Zoology ; Band/Volume IV: Anthropoda: Insecta. Hrsg./Edit. Maximilian Fischer. Handbuch der Zoologie. Eine Naturgeschichte der..

Strümpel, Hans: Homoptera (Pflanzensauger). (=Handbuch der Zoologie / Handbook of Zoology ;..

52,00 €
Schlagintweit, Robert von: Die Santa Fe- und Südpacificbahn in Nordamerika.

Schlagintweit, Robert von: Die Santa Fe- und Südpacificbahn in Nordamerika.

257,00 €
Schultz, Reinhard (Hrsg.): Weegee New York 1935-1960.  Ausstellungskatalog Berlin-Wien-Stockholm.

Schultz, Reinhard (Hrsg.): Weegee New York 1935-1960. Ausstellungskatalog Berlin-Wien-Stockholm.

15,00 €
Hoepfner, Wolfgang: Zu griechischen Bibliotheken und Bücherschränken. Gekürzte und leicht veränderte Fassung des Beitrages in 'Archäologischer Anzeiger' 1996. Den Autoren und Freunden unseres Hauses zum Jahreswechsel 1996/1997.

Hoepfner, Wolfgang: Zu griechischen Bibliotheken und Bücherschränken. Gekürzte und leicht..

14,00 €
Schmidt, Manfred G: Spiegelbilder römischer Lebenswelt. 150 Jahre Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. Den Autoren und Freunden unseres Hauses zum Jahreswechsel 2003/2004.

Schmidt, Manfred G: Spiegelbilder römischer Lebenswelt. 150 Jahre Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum..

12,00 €
Evangelien - Wünsch, Dietrich: Evangelienharmonien im Reformationszeitalter. - Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Leben - Jesu - Darstellungen.

Evangelien Wünsch, Dietrich: Evangelienharmonien im Reformationszeitalter. Ein Beitrag zur..

16,00 €
Aufbau.   Schaber, Will und Gert Niers (Ausstellung und Katalog): Katalog der Ausstellung ' Aufbau   50 years   1934..

Aufbau. Schaber, Will und Gert Niers (Ausstellung und Katalog): Katalog der Ausstellung '..

23,00 €
Berlin Schillertheater. - Schiller, Friedrich / Zuckmayer, Carl: Don Carlos / The captain of Koepenick. New York State Theater. Lincoln Center for the performing arts. Schiller Theater. December 1964 - Ballet without glamour. My fair Garden. Synopsis. The

Berlin Schillertheater. Schiller, Friedrich / Zuckmayer, Carl: Don Carlos / The captain of..

15,00 €
Winkler, Kevin (edited): Performing arts resources. Volume twenty - two. Their championship seasons: Acquiring, processing, and using performing arts archives. Articles by: Robert Marx. Linda B. Fairtile, Mary Ellen Rogan, Jeremy Megraw, Michala Biondi, M

Winkler, Kevin (edited): Performing arts resources. Volume twenty two. Their championship..

10,00 €
Winau, Rolf und Ekkehard Vaubel: Chirurgen in Berlin. 100 Porträts.

Winau, Rolf und Ekkehard Vaubel: Chirurgen in Berlin. 100 Porträts.

15,00 €
Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine - MacArthur (Ed.) / Tennessee Williams: Theatre Arts. Vol. XXXVLIII, No.8, August 1954. Contents the complete play by T. Williams: Camino Royal.. Special Theatre USA Issue. Articles by John Gassner / Maurice Zolot

Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine MacArthur (Ed.) / Tennessee Williams: Theatre Arts..

14,00 €
Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine - MacArthur (Ed.). - Sylvia Reagan: Theatre Arts. Vol. XXXVLIII, No.7, July 1954. Contents the complete play by Sylvia Reagan: The Fifth Season.

Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine MacArthur (Ed.). Sylvia Reagan: Theatre Arts. Vol..

14,00 €
Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine - MacArthur (Ed.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XXXVLIII, No.10, October 1954. Contents the complete play by Andre Roussin: The little hut.

Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine MacArthur (Ed.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XXXVLIII, No.10..

11,00 €
Theatre Arts - Ryan Peter J. (Pub.): Theatre Arts.  Vol. XLV, No.7, July 1961. Contents the complete play by Jay Thompson: Double Entry.

Theatre Arts Ryan Peter J. (Pub.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLV, No.7, July 1961. Contents the..

9,00 €
Theatre Arts - Ryan Peter J. (Pub.), Robert Anderson: Theatre Arts.  Vol. XLV, No.12, December 1961. Contents the complete play by Robert Anderson: Silent Night, Lonely Night.

Theatre Arts Ryan Peter J. (Pub.), Robert Anderson: Theatre Arts. Vol. XLV, No.12, December..

13,00 €
Theatre Arts - Ryan Peter J. (Pub.), Jerome Weidman, George Abbott: Theatre Arts.  Vol. XLV, No.11, November 1961. Contents the complete play by Jerome Weidman and George Abbott: Fiorello!.

Theatre Arts Ryan Peter J. (Pub.), Jerome Weidman, George Abbott: Theatre Arts. Vol. XLV, No.11..

13,00 €
Theatre Arts - Ryan Peter J. (Pub.): Theatre Arts.  Vol. XLV, No. 5, May 1961. Contents the complete play by Saul Levitt: The Andersonville Trial.

Theatre Arts Ryan Peter J. (Pub.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLV, No. 5, May 1961. Contents the..

9,00 €
Theatre Arts - Ryan Peter J. (Pub.): Theatre Arts.  Vol. XLV, No. 4, April 1961. Contents the complete play by Luigi Pirandello, adapted by William Murray: The Rules of the Game.

Theatre Arts Ryan Peter J. (Pub.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLV, No. 4, April 1961. Contents the..

9,00 €
Theatre Arts - Ryan  Peter J. / Edith Bel Geddes (Pub.) / William Inge: Theatre Arts. Vol. XLIII, No.9, September 1959. The Nostalgia Issue. Contents the complete play by William Inge: The Dark at the Top of the Stairs.

Theatre Arts Ryan Peter J. / Edith Bel Geddes (Pub.) / William Inge: Theatre Arts. Vol. XLIII..

14,00 €
Theatre Arts - Ryan  Peter J. / Edith Bel Geddes (Pub.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLIII, No.4, April 1959. Contents the complete play by Betty Comden and Adolph Green: Bells Are Ringing.

Theatre Arts Ryan Peter J. / Edith Bel Geddes (Pub.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLIII, No.4, April..

9,00 €
Theatre Arts - Ryan  Peter J. / Edith Bel Geddes (Pub.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLIII, No.2, February 1959. Contents the complete play by Jean Anouilh, english version Patricia Moyes: Time Remembered.

Theatre Arts Ryan Peter J. / Edith Bel Geddes (Pub.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLIII, No.2, February..

9,00 €
Theatre Arts   Ryan  Peter J. / Edith Bel Geddes (Pub.): / Duerrenmatt, Friedrich ( Dürrenmatt): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLIII, No.12, December 1959..

Theatre Arts Ryan Peter J. / Edith Bel Geddes (Pub.): / Duerrenmatt, Friedrich ( Dürrenmatt):..

14,00 €

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