Graham, Beyond caring - 1986 REPORTAGE-PHOTOGRAPHIE SOZIALGESCHICHTE 0950870315

Ein Angebot in Bücher & Zeitschriften Varia - 182.920 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie


Graham, Paul. Beyond caring. London, Grey Editions (1986). Quer-4°. [64] Bl. mit 32 Farbtafeln. Farbig illustr. OKart.

Auer 669. Parr/Badger II, 300. – Erste Ausgabe. – „The … book is one of the key works defining the New Colour Documentary in the UK, and represents the most overtly documentary side of Graham’s practice. The work was shot all over Britain during 1984 and 1985, and shows a welfare and benefits system under immense stain towards the end of Magaret Thatcher’s premiership of the Conservative government. … Graham’s images show all the tedium and humiliation incumbent upon being unemployed and forced to wait long hours in drap, run-down government centres for a weekly handout from the state. It is a rite of passage that many young artists (including Graham) undergo and the bitter tone of his images reflects that personal experience, as well as his outrage at a system that humiliates both the recipients and its operators. … Graham shot these dole offices in colour, in a surreptitious manner that seemed to place him both as a spy and as a protagonist“ (Parr/Badger). – Umschlag minimal berieben, sehr gutes Exemplar.


Siehe Beschreibung
oldthing-Nummer: 44401243
| Lagernummer: 284719737547


100 % Positiv
37 Verkäufe
Gewerblicher Anbieter
Artikelstandort: DE-76133 Karlsruhe
Sprache: deutsch
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