First edition. – „Myths, Monsters and Legends In this unique art book and epic collaboration, long-term friends, photographer Rankin and artist Damien Hirst, leverage their respective creative mediums and shared dark wit. Inspired by their conversations around myths, monsters and legends, they decided to extend their exploration of the subject by creating something tangible. When Rankin met one of Hirst’s favourite subjects, the pair gained a third collaborator in model, Dani Smith. Originating from Damien’s fascination with the ancient world, and with Rankin keen to push himself creatively beyond the constraints of the expected fashion and beauty photography, the trio worked together to create menacing…“ (Verlagswerbung). – Der schottische Portrait- und Modefotograf J. Wadell Rankin (geb. 1966) gibt seit 2000 sein eigenes Modemagazin „Rank“ heraus. Er fotografierte unter anderen Kate Moss, Heidi Klum, Gisele Bündchen, Keira Knightley, Vivienne Westwood, Katy Perry, Madonna, Cate Blanchett, Nelly Furtado und David Bowie. – Rückendeckel mit leichten Kratzspuren, gutes Exemplar.
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